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  1. #201
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    ^^ Head to yer local Chinatown, and give it a go noble warrior.

  2. #202
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    “who wishes to fight must first count the cost”
    Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    'Why keep silent?': China to target Australia's human rights record

    China's foreign ministry plans to target Australia's human rights record on Indigenous affairs and aged care as it ramps up its dispute with the Morrison government.
    © Thomson Reuters

    The escalation follows a sharp rejection of China's threats by Prime Minister Scott Morrison who on Thursday said Australia would not compromise on national security or freedom of speech after the Chinese embassy released a list of 14 grievances with Australia that threaten up to $20 billion in trade.

    Mr Morrison said Australia would never compromise its national interests or hand over its laws to any other country.

    "We make our laws and our rules and pursue our relationships in our interests and we stand up with other countries, whether it be on human rights issues or things that are occurring around the world, including in China," he said.

    The embassy's list blamed the deteriorating relationship between the two countries on the Morrison government's decision to ban Huawei, fund "anti-China" research at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, block 10 Chinese foreign investment deals, and lead the call for an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19, among other disputes.

    China accounts for up to 40 per cent of Australia's exports and one in 13 Australian jobs.

    After handing over the list to Nine News, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age on Tuesday and warning China was "angry", a Chinese embassy official said China would use "international bodies to talk up about Indigenous Australians and treatment in aged care".
    "Why keep silent?," the official said.

    China has detained up to 1 million Uighur Muslims in re-education camps. It has been condemned by dozens of countries for its human rights record in Xinjiang and its crackdown in Hong Kong. Human Rights Watch has accused China of systemic human rights abuse and labelled it "an exporter of human rights violations".

    Australia has faced criticism for its record on Indigenous human rights. The Australian government's Closing the Gap report found Indigenous Australians face shorter life expectancy, higher rates of infant mortality, poorer health outcomes and lower levels of education and employment.

    Indigenous people represent 2 per cent of the total population but 27 per cent of the nation's total full-time adult prisoner population.

    The Aged Care Royal Commission found Australia's aged care system failed to meet the needs of its older citizens after reports of abuse and neglect across the system.

    "The Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety has provided evidence of human rights abuses within residential aged care in Australia," Sarah Russell, the director of advocacy group Aged Care Matters, said.

    A Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman said as a liberal democracy, Australia is open and transparent and expects our human rights record to be scrutinised accordingly.

    "Australia raises its human rights concerns about other countries respectfully and constructively," he said.

    "The Australian Government has serious concerns about a range of human rights issues in China. We have consistently raised our concerns, including at ministerial level, both directly with China and in multilateral forums, and will continue to do so."

    The Chinese embassy official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorised to speak publicly, also said China may withdraw Confucius Institutes from Australian universities if proposed laws pass this year which would give the federal government power to tear up international agreements.

    'Why keep silent?': China to target Australia's human rights record

    Last edited by sabang; 20-11-2020 at 04:25 AM.

  3. #203
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    So, go for it . . . and withdrawing Confucious Institutes would be a good thing, fewer propagandists and Mainland thugs targeting Hongkies and others who criticise China

  4. #204
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    As a kiwi (of first affiliation), I am sure you would not mind if our living standards come to more closely resemble yours. But I do care about the Australian national self interest.

  5. #205
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    I'm not a Kiwi in any affiliation.

    One thing I don't want, under any affiliation, is to be dependent on a totalitarian state. I've seen first hand what a socialist (a real one) state is like.
    I've worked in China as well ..

  6. #206
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    'Why keep silent?': China to target Australia's human rights record
    That is the funniest shit they have come out with all year.

  7. #207
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    Well, don't really wanna shoot my own country in the foot. So maybe do not compare the average life expectancy of Australian abos, to Chinese Uyghurs. And that small Afghan brouhaha is really quite current in the News cycle. Yeh, if they wanna get the knives out they can rub it in. Sounds like they are in the mood.

  8. #208
    last farang standing
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    Some rhetoric from the Australian government (or for that matter any western govt) is a few years too late. They knew what the Chinese were like for the past 60 years. Certainly Tiananmen square should have been a wake up call, but they still chose to sell everything including the kitchen sink to them and become economically dependent on a very unsavoury totalitarian govt. Blind Freddy could've predicted they would turn the screws once they had enough power. Isolating and emasculating the USA is their ultimate goal. In this they knew they would have an ally in Russia. The "enemy of my enemy" The EU was never and wont be a threat. They are too weak and will avoid confrontation at all costs.
    Complaining about China not playing by the rules is a bit like seeing your latest love go into the men's toilets and then being surprised when you're in bed that your darling is a lady boy.

  9. #209
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    Complaining about China not playing by the rules is a bit like seeing your latest love go into the men's toilets and then being surprised when you're in bed that your darling is a lady boy., you think China is like a ladyboy giving himself away by using the men's toilet and Australia, blinded by love, only discovered the ruse when impaled by the Chinese dick? Sounds...operatic...

  10. #210
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    Panama Hat....

    Ok, what imports do you want to limit? 20%? Per annum even . . . and force China to change because 20% of fuck all is still 20% of . . . well, fuck all.
    Luckily China will just stand idly by and think to themselves what a reasonable action that is and not retaliate.

    To illustrate the point. Last time i was in China I asked one of China's largest airconditioning manufacturers about how they viewed the size of the Australian airconditioning market in world terms. He explained it to me this way... " If we manufactured every airconditioner brand that was sold in Australia in one whole year it would occupy our manufacturing plant for 6 hours". As I have tried to explain to a couple of cretins on another thread. When you buy shitloads more than you sell, you have the whip hand.
    Last edited by Hugh Cow; 21-11-2020 at 09:05 PM.

  11. #211
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    18-09-2021 @ 09:07 AM
    So you have a better strategy? Doing nothing is not an option. You have to stand up to a bully or you think the Australian people want to submit to a bunch of kunts in Beijing??? There are products from South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and Japan to fill the gap and there are more expensive products from Europe so don't paint a picture of doom and gloom.

  12. #212
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    Australia's trade clash with China is a lesson in what Beijing's power really means

    Imagine for a moment the view from Beijing. It looks something like this.

    The Chinese Communist Party has overseen an economic miracle. In three decades it has taken a country that once could not feed itself and turned it into an economic powerhouse.
    More than half a billion people have been lifted out of the poverty. The world has never seen anything like it.

    And the Party says China has been good for the world.
    It is now the biggest engine of global economic growth. By the end of the decade it most likely will eclipse the United States as the world's largest economy.
    China's rise has been peaceful. It has joined in a global rules based order: a member of the World Trade Organisation, the World Health Organisation, a permanent five member of the United Nation's Security Council.
    It is a signatory to global compacts like the Paris Climate Accords and engages in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.
    China is by any measure a global power. It now rivals the United States. The Communist Party asks, why should it be lectured to by the likes of Australia, a country whose prosperity is tied to China?
    It is Australia's biggest trading partner. China's economic might, hungry for our resources, underwrote Australia's 30 years of uninterrupted economic growth.

    Why wouldn't Beijing be annoyed?

    When Australia calls for an inquiry into the origins of coronavirus without first liaising with China, why wouldn't Beijing be annoyed? Of course it would retaliate. Australia's exporters were always going to be in the firing line.
    When Australia announces it has signed a new military pact with Japan, Beijing is insulted. We should have expected that.
    Beijing wonders: are we utterly ignorant of the deep enmity between China and Japan? The Japanese invasion and occupation of China during the 1930s and '40s is a scar on the soul of Chinese people. Millions were killed. China still demands a full apology from Japan.

    Chinese schoolchildren are raised on the history of humiliation: how China was exploited by foreign powers from the mid-18th century. They are told it was the Communist Party that restored the nation's honour when Mao Zedong declared the Communist revolution.
    Xi Jinping — the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao — vows to complete the great rejuvenation of China, to restore it to the apex of global power.
    The Chinese have a saying: "If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words."

    In 2013, not long after taking power, Xi warned the Party leadership that "hostile forces at home and abroad constantly try to undermine our Party".
    He said that without socialism, there would be chaos, and generations of communists had been willing to sacrifice and even shed blood for the country.
    China, he told the Party, should prepare for long periods of conflict.
    Right now, Australia is in Xi's crosshairs. When the Federal Government criticises China's detention of Uighur Muslims or the crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, it hears the echo of the "hundred years of national humiliation".

    There is no 'next' China

    It was one year this week since the likely outbreak of Coronavirus in the city of Wuhan. Xi Jinping now claims victory over the virus in what he calls a "people's war".
    China's economy is recovering with some forecasts of nine per cent growth in 2021.
    Global management company McKinsey says clients often ask "where is the next China?" There is no next China. It says: "China's economy is unique and is set to retain its pre-eminent role as the engine of global consumption growth post-pandemic".
    And Australia is looking again to ride Beijing's coat tails. In this year's Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg based some of his growth projections on China's rapid post-COVID recovery.
    The Chinese Communist Party looks at America — ravaged by the virus and deeply politically divided — and claims China's model of authoritarian capitalism is superior.
    The view from Beijing is that China is a big power and demands respect.

    Australia is in China's sphere of influence and it is always going to feel the heat, perhaps more than other countries. We are the canary in the coal mine. Other nations are looking to us to see how we navigate these dangerous diplomatic straits.
    The view from Beijing is that we are a white Western country, clinging to a world of Western dominance that China does not believe in.
    China's foreign ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, says Australia created the problems with China and "those who have caused problems should be the ones to solve problems".
    This is the world we live in. China sees itself as the "Middle Kingdom" — the centre of the world — and it expects other nations to pay tribute.

    This is not just about diplomacy

    Beijing sees this moment as deeply ideological and historical. It is not simply about diplomacy and the stakes are only going to get higher. Surely no one still believes the old shibboleth that we don't have to choose between our American alliance and our China trade dependence?
    Beijing has shown it will make those choices for us.
    Scott Morrison is right to say that Australia will "act in our interests and in accordance with our values".
    But we will pay a price. Morrison says China is singling us out for "Australia being Australia".
    Beijing replies: Precisely.

    Australia's trade clash with China is a lesson in what Beijing's power really means - ABC News

    The author of this article, Stan Grant, is one of the ABC's top reporters, and is Professor at an Australian university. He is a proud indigenous Australian. I think you can say, he loves this country.

    Time for a wake up call Australia. Or do you really not care about your children?

  13. #213
    last farang standing
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    From Sabangs piece

    The view from Beijing is that we are a white Western country, clinging to a world of Western dominance that China does not believe in.

    China's foreign ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, says Australia created the problems with China and "those who have caused problems should be the ones to solve problems".
    This is the world we live in. China sees itself as the "Middle Kingdom" — the centre of the world — and it expects other nations to pay tribute.

    We have 2 choices we either submit or we dont. We should probably at least tone down the rhetoric. The Japan defence plan is a bad idea at least until the Japanese take more responsibility about their appalling record in WW2 especially in regard to China.
    IMHO we should realise we are alone in this. The EU will not help and the U.S. is unlikely to do much. Both will be governed by how it effects their trade and little else apart from a few moral platitudes. Greed is a great motivator that countries including Australia have not let their morals get in the way of. We are now reaping what successive govts and industries have sown. As Neville Chamberlain found, appeasement never works,it only emboldens.

  14. #214
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    We should probably at least tone down the rhetoric.
    There is no massive rhetoric, though, as even the slightest mention will elicit the same response from a totalitarian dictatorship that brooks no dissent - internal nor external, the former it has controlled for decades and the latter it now has the economic power to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    the Japanese take more responsibility about their appalling record in WW2 especially in regard to China.
    This is a misconception, just like the constant Korean whining about Japan not apologising the 'right' way or sing the 'correct' words or not being 'sincere'.

    Japan has apologised many, many times for many, many things - China and Korea use Japan as a perfect scapegoat to inflame crass nationalism and jingoism when internal problems arise.

    China and Korea aggressively provoke Japan with these ridiculous claims of not being contrite and not apologising - fuck 'em.

    Biggest difference between German and Japan after the war? Germany's neighbours accepted German apologies and got on with building their lives. Japan's neighbours have no inclination nor do they see any benefit in letting Japan off the hook.

  15. #215
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Japan has apologised many, many times for many, many things - China and Korea use Japan as a perfect scapegoat to inflame crass nationalism and jingoism when internal problems arise.

    China and Korea aggressively provoke Japan with these ridiculous claims of not being contrite and not apologising - fuck 'em.

    Biggest difference between German and Japan after the war? Germany's neighbours accepted German apologies and got on with building their lives. Japan's neighbours have no inclination nor do they see any benefit in letting Japan off the hook.
    The Germans and Japanese, they had not done much wrong to the world as the Chinese and Koreans, had they?

    And they apologized so many times to their neighbours, didn't they? So, what...

  16. #216
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    China has known from the beginning, that we are a close ally of the US. It has known from the beginning that we house three of the most sensitive, and essential, bases in the US global security (spy) network. They have given us absolutely no problems about that. They are also our largest source of tourists, and foreign students. They used to perceive us as a friendly country you see, and aussies as friendly people. Oh boy, did we benefit.

    But now, under the insane trump administration and it's ugly bullyboy, pompousarse- we are the Dep'ty Sheriff? Real smart. Explain that to your children.

  17. #217
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    The Germans and Japanese, they had not done much wrong to the world as the Chinese and Koreans, had they?
    Wtf are you going in about again tovarish fuckwit? Are you really so incredibly fucked in the head that you can't follow a thread or discussion?

    That was a rhetorical question - you are a fuckwit

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    They used to perceive us as a friendly country you see, and aussies as friendly people. Oh boy, did we benefit.

    But now, under the insane trump administration and it's ugly bullyboy, pompousarse, pushed around by the Chinese and the US...and the Queen is still Head of State? Poor Australia just doesn't have a will of its own...apparently...

  19. #219
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    To illustrate the point.
    Excellent series of posts. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    do you think the Australian people want to submit to a bunch of kunts in Beijing
    They appear to have no qualms submitting to London or Washington. They do of course reap benefits for kneeling to their current masters literally or nowadays via secure video links:

    Australia V China-target-jpg

    Prime areas of itself physically, financially and morally.

    Australia V China-military-bases-us-aus-png

    Australia V China-oz-exports-per-country-jpg

    Australia V China-oz-exports-per-continent-jpg

    Australia V China-oz-mil-jpg

  20. #220
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    criticising the west or anything and everything
    They certainly have a whole bus load of, I'll politely suggest, errors that need fixing.

    Looks like a few facts were unpalatable to you, once again.

    Any positive news, military, financial or moral from your, in this case OZ, but I'll widen the question to all your western saviors if you like, to share with us?

    Aww what a shame. Nothing to brag about it seems.

    Maybe firing some more *'sin my direction will get you up. Pathetic.
    Last edited by OhOh; 22-11-2020 at 06:01 PM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  21. #221
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    How Heroic. Tying oneself to the mast of a sinking ship. Future generations will surely praise your noble sacrifice.

  22. #222
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Looks like a few facts
    You wouldn't know what facts are if they spat on you, care t make more pedophile jokes, fuckwit?

    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    How Heroic. Tying oneself to the mast of a sinking ship. Future generations will surely praise your noble sacrifice.
    Massively more than what you do, I'd guess.

  23. #223
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    and listens to Celine Dion too.
    How could you say that about a fellow human being?

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post, pushed around by the Chinese and the US...and the Queen is still Head of State? Poor Australia just doesn't have a will of its own...apparently...
    The Queen is infinitely preferable to the US system of electoral colleges to Elect a fuckwit as head of state. Unlike your system, the Queen has a fag and a cup of tea and leaves us to it and doesn't fuck everything up like your Don and costs us relatively fuck all to boot. I'd take HRM over that any day. Certainly better than countries that need to compensate by naming their children Baron or Lord or Elmo Zumwalt the 3rd ffs.
    Be honest half of you septics would fall over yourself to get a knighthood from the Queen rather than a medal from the red retard.
    Let's face it, Tomcat PMOF or Sir Thomas Cat K.C.M.G.... No comparison.... The former, who? The latter, you'd be getting more sausage than a smallgoods factory.

  25. #225
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    At least 50 giant bulk carriers loaded with Australian coal, worth $500 million, are anchored off several Chinese ports, as the latest diplomatic spat between Canberra and Beijing intensifies.
    Bloomberg, citing shipping data from Kpler, said 66 vessels are loaded with Australian coal had been moored off China's coast for more than a month. The ships collectively have 5.7 million tons of coal and about 1,000 seafarers onboard. Vessel sizes range from Capesize to Panamax.
    The ban on Australian coal is occurring as both countries are locked in a one-sided trade war, with Beijing slapping tariffs and blacklisting commodities from the country this year

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