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  1. #1151
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    Yesterday @ 11:58 PM
    Mountbatten wanted to seize the Pattani states in reparations but the U.S. refused to accept that and instead the British took rice etc in settlement.

    Quite how Pattani is a Brit" fok up " remains unclear.

    Chinese colonised from within through nearly a century and a half of migration and the Americans provided military and civil aid in the immediate aftermath of the war for nigh on three decades which to a considerable degree determined the Thai political landscape which, as we have seen, remains largely unchanged.

    Shades of grey Mr Knowlton.

  2. #1152
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile
    Interbreeding with westerners and chinese is their only hope.
    You're presumably using the term 'interbreeding' there in the Tata Young sense of..err...'going inter'.

    ie not interbreeding at all.

  3. #1153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yasojack View Post
    Is that photoshopped, just about sums it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by YOrlov View Post
    This pic says it all..

    From the mirror website. Truly an award winning photograph. The confused accused, the police sternly issuing direction- " No, you did it this way, stupid [ insert Thai slang term for Burmese...]"

    Thailand beach murders: Suspects reenact rape and murder of British backpackers - Mirror Online

  4. #1154
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    should of kept my mouth shut can't find it now, after WW2 didn't the Brits take oveR the Admin of Thailand and introduce laws or was that way back in the 1800s when they came and traded.

    Sorry long time since i read it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Yasojack View Post
    You may find the Brits got nearest to it after WW2
    Strange statement. Thailand declared war on both the US and UK while they were bowing to the Japs during WW2.

    On what do you base this claim of significant British influence in Thailand post-WW2?

  5. #1155
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaitongBoy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    The influence and power of the great UK tabloid press seems to be held out as some kind of kindly light here, but the BIB and the Thai judicial system is totally unimpressed by any of it. Social media is so overwhelmed by people commenting and speculating on everything, that even big stories die out pretty quickly.
    Well then, hit them where it hurts...If they are "unimpressed" by the demands for an independent review, then start a petition which suggests people stay away from Thailand (particularly Turtle Turd Island) because it is the only way to get the message through to the uncaring hypocrites...

    If worded correctly and emotionally on behalf of the two young attractive victims and the scores of other injustices over the years, combined with thousands of signatures increasing daily, it could be a force...

    It would be great if they could be hit where it hurts, but unfortunately the hoards keep coming regardless of what outrages are reported. A massive reduction in tourist arrivals would definitely get attention and maybe even a bit of action....especially if the reason for the reduction was made very clear.

    Part of the problem is that there is always so many things to be outraged about, that one more is not that likely to change things much.....but we can hope I suppose. There are aspects of this particular case that cause more than the normal amount of angst for many people.

    We'll have to wait and see if any of these petitions and social media campaigns take on a big enough head of steam to wake up the media, foreign office and others in a position to actually try and do something.

    They could start by recalling the Ambassador and reassigning him to Chad or some other suitable shithole of the world. He has already sold out and compromised any future demands for independent review, by slapping the BIB on the back and publicly commending them for doing such a great job. Makes it that much harder to justify any real investigations or interventions later on.

    Calling in the Thai Ambassador in London and reading him the riot act might help as well. Mr Ambassador, your national police force is a fucking disgrace etc etc.

    The days of just sending gun boats up the river to shell the Mandarins palace are long past, unfortunately. Gunboat diplomacy was quite effective at times....

  6. #1156
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    So why did 'thegent' get a new account as 'seekingasylum'?

  7. #1157
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    Quote Originally Posted by YOrlov
    From the mirror website.
    just a shame that their reporting makes it seem as if this is a shut case. I guess there is some deal between a big UK company and the Thais in discussion and the media have been told to shut up.

  8. #1158
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobR View Post
    Ironically the only thing about these 2 that make me think they might actually be factually guilty is that they don't look the part.

    Seems if the Thai Police were going to pin this on any convenient Burmese workers to save their precious tourism, they would have chosen a pair that looked bigger, darker, meaner and stronger.

    Going to Google News and running "Thailand murders" it appears the majority of the British press is not being as critical of these arrests as one might hope.
    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Cops are claiming the phone they found was the male victim's. Has anyone seen any photos of the unit the police claim is a key piece of evidence? Damage control or the real deal?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabaitoo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Cops are claiming the phone they found was the male victim's. Has anyone seen any photos of the unit the police claim is a key piece of evidence? Damage control or the real deal?
    Not sure but seem like there is another phone in this video, at 3.00, but at the time Mr. Ware was still on the Island...maybe they used this one instead of the one that was given to them ???

    Please do not quote that PW claim," police say....." without a caveat. PW site has put out some off the wall stuff namely that Miller was raped too, and they seemed to have mistaken Witheridge's impressive tan lines for a white bikini top, which was then regurgitated throughout the international media sphere leading to Prayut's infamous bikini gaffe.

    As that is Ware in the video, this is from the first week, now if that phone is the one allegedly planted - that really will be interesting. Ware appears to be shaking his head no but cannot ascertain to what..." no,... that is not Miller's phone"? "No Miller did not have a phone"? Or just, " I don't know..."?

    Bangkok Post reported it was Hannah's phone found near accused. Until they issue a correction....

    Confessed Koh Tao killers re-enact British backpackers' final minutes | Bangkok Post: news

    Pol Gen Somyot said Friday that investigators Thursday night found Witheridge's mobile phone near Wyn's living quarters....

    BobR I agree Wyn simply looks like a patsy, a very apprehensive, reluctant patsy. The other guy looks like he's thinking about all the dough he's been promised after a few years in jail.

    Neither one look defiant, or remorseful, or as if they are enjoying the attention They also are so small physically- police were looking for someone 170 cm and size 40 shoe, weren't they?
    Just about hole number 15 in this case.
    Last edited by YOrlov; 05-10-2014 at 04:28 PM.

  9. #1159
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    Ok Tax, you win.

    Again, I agree with what you said (except for your last sentence) I hear ya...

    But mate, for the love of God - don't you think there is a proportion of Thais that are logical, have a strong moral code, have empathy for others, can admit their faults, etc?

    Surely, an entire race of people can't all be like that, what say ye?

    *As to the video (posted by Yorlov) apparently the ninja midgets seemed like humble, mellow dudes, kept to themselves, their acquaintance was surprised when he found out they allegedly committed the murders.. 'Even' the Thais are voicing concerns over the incongruity of aspects of this case (mobile phone, condom, etc)..
    Last edited by NZdick1983; 05-10-2014 at 04:15 PM.

  10. #1160
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    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    It would be great if they could be hit where it hurts, but unfortunately the hoards keep coming regardless of what outrages are reported.
    Agreed, koman...Just stating that maybe it would be a better petition to start than one clamoring for an independent review...It would get their attention quicker because their priority is getting the tourists to come...

  11. #1161
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    Quote Originally Posted by NZdick1983
    don't you think there is a proportion of Thais that are logical, have a strong moral code, have empathy for others, can admit their faults,
    Sure - Luk Kreungs who hold a passport but have had nothing to do with their thai family.

  12. #1162
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    ^ I will concede that you have given an accurate description for "most" Thais, bro
    no argument from me..

    But hand on heart, straight up, I've met Thais, who are really decent people, would run to help you in an emergency,
    like to read books, speak well of Foreigners, are not arrogant nor superior, think in a logical manner, open minded, kind, etc..

    Granted, not that many though. I lived half my life (of 30 odd years) there and half in
    New Zealand. Ask me which people are better? I'd say it's 50/50 split decision, Thais
    have their glaring faults, as do us Kiwis (including my stupid self) lol.

  13. #1163
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    Thais have their glaring faults, as do us Kiwis (including my stupid self) lol.
    Thais cant wont or dont see their faults, and rarely have them pointed out to them by other Thais.

    More sensible cultures tend to analyse their own behaviour and are more likely to be criticized by their peers for poor performance resulting in most cases by improvements and advancements.

    Thais are a primitive and superficial people, whereas some peoples will look in a mirror to examine the deeper recesses of their psyche, all the Thai is willing to see is the pimple on the skin or the alignment of the dentition.

  14. #1164
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    Thai's can be a funny lot, particularly with death and justice, their outlook is totally alien to westerners.
    I knw a wealthy connected thai family who had it all, prodigal son was US educated, Masters in something from a good university. Married to the beauty queen who was a perfect family match.
    But he still he fit the mold and was a playboy type.
    Living at home with the parents his wife bashed his head in with a baseball bat (opinion of the attending Dr) and claimed he slipped in the bath, despite him being well cold before calling for help.
    The family brushed it under the carpet rather than endure the fight for justice.

  15. #1165
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    The military and the police will launch a crackdown on illegal foreign migrant workers on Koh Tao after it was discovered that business operators on the island deliberately refused to give the accurate information about the number of foreign migrant workers they have employed.
    The imminent crackdown follows the arrest of two Myanmar migrant workers suspected of involvement in the murder of two British backpackers on Koh Tao in mid-September.

    Maj-Gen Thinachat Chinda-ngern, commander of Surat Thani provincial military command, said today that the military had conducted an investigation about the number of foreign migrant workers on Koh Tao and found out that there were about 7,000 of them but business operators reported only about 4,000.

    “What about the other 3,000 and where have they gone?” he asked.

    The officer also blamed business operators of being incooperative with the authorities about disclosing the real figure of foreign migrant workers they have hired. For that matter, he said that legal actions would be taken against the business operators for allegedly providing shelter to illegal workers in case they did not tell the truths about the illegal workers.

    As for the illegal foreign migrant workers mostly Burmese, the officer said that a crackdown would be launched against them.

    Crackdown to be launched against illegal migrant workers on Koh Tao - Thai PBS English News

  16. #1166
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    ^ Hey, cheeky cheeks

    That's the way! round 'em up, every last evil devil dog! torture them all till they all confess to being sub-human creatures! purge the Island from the virus - let it be
    pure and idyllic as it once was, before the horde of ninja mutant turtles invaded!

    Barricade your doors, I suggest full-auto weapons min 45 caliber *aim for the head, cuz they are hard fuckers to kill - like zomies

  17. #1167
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    The people being interviewed in the Vid,could get into trouble for what there saying, surely the Thai media knows that.

    Quote Originally Posted by YOrlov View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BobR View Post
    Ironically the only thing about these 2 that make me think they might actually be factually guilty is that they don't look the part.

    Seems if the Thai Police were going to pin this on any convenient Burmese workers to save their precious tourism, they would have chosen a pair that looked bigger, darker, meaner and stronger.

    Going to Google News and running "Thailand murders" it appears the majority of the British press is not being as critical of these arrests as one might hope.
    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Cops are claiming the phone they found was the male victim's. Has anyone seen any photos of the unit the police claim is a key piece of evidence? Damage control or the real deal?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabaitoo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Cops are claiming the phone they found was the male victim's. Has anyone seen any photos of the unit the police claim is a key piece of evidence? Damage control or the real deal?
    Not sure but seem like there is another phone in this video, at 3.00, but at the time Mr. Ware was still on the Island...maybe they used this one instead of the one that was given to them ???

    Please do not quote that PW claim," police say....." without a caveat. PW site has put out some off the wall stuff namely that Miller was raped too, and they seemed to have mistaken Witheridge's impressive tan lines for a white bikini top, which was then regurgitated throughout the international media sphere leading to Prayut's infamous bikini gaffe.

    As that is Ware in the video, this is from the first week, now if that phone is the one allegedly planted - that really will be interesting. Ware appears to be shaking his head no but cannot ascertain to what..." no,... that is not Miller's phone"? "No Miller did not have a phone"? Or just, " I don't know..."?

    Bangkok Post reported it was Hannah's phone found near accused. Until they issue a correction....

    Confessed Koh Tao killers re-enact British backpackers' final minutes | Bangkok Post: news

    Pol Gen Somyot said Friday that investigators Thursday night found Witheridge's mobile phone near Wyn's living quarters....

    BobR I agree Wyn simply looks like a patsy, a very apprehensive, reluctant patsy. The other guy looks like he's thinking about all the dough he's been promised after a few years in jail.

    Neither one look defiant, or remorseful, or as if they are enjoying the attention They also are so small physically- police were looking for someone 170 cm and size 40 shoe, weren't they?
    Just about hole number 15 in this case.

  18. #1168
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    Interesting that the BIB has no idea how many legal and illegal Burmese are on KT, as earlier a pretty good article detailed just how much each Burmese paid the BIB monthly for the privilege of living there - with different monthly kickback fees for legals and illegals.

  19. #1169
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    Less Records kept the better, bigger backhanders for illegals.

  20. #1170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Interesting that the BIB has no idea how many legal and illegal Burmese are on KT, as earlier a pretty good article detailed just how much each Burmese paid the BIB monthly for the privilege of living there - with different monthly kickback fees for legals and illegals.
    It's just a bit of good optics. They need a small crackdown to show the world that they are serious about all this.

    All this criticism of the BIB is just farang envy caused by their superior entrepreneurship, business and diplomatic skill....

  21. #1171
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    1100 posts and TD CSI hasen't solved it yet.
    I'm a little bit taken aback.

  22. #1172
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobo746 View Post
    1100 posts and TD CSI hasen't solved it yet.
    I'm a little bit taken aback.
    balls - it was cracked in the first 3 days. Someone closely linked to the filth did it and they will fit up some illegals to swing for it. Sure there are a few thaier than thai wai merchants clinging onto the hope that these poor suckers actually did it, but they are in denial.

  23. #1173
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    Just taking the piss mate the first time i read the story i new the result
    Same as always(shrugs shoulders) what can i say.

  24. #1174
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bobo746 View Post
    1100 posts and TD CSI hasen't solved it yet.
    I'm a little bit taken aback.
    balls - it was cracked in the first 3 days. Someone closely linked to the filth did it and they will fit up some illegals to swing for it. Sure there are a few thaier than thai wai merchants clinging onto the hope that these poor suckers actually did it, but they are in denial.
    they will do it again

  25. #1175
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    So why did 'thegent' get a new account as 'seekingasylum'?
    So he could drop the obvious fake persona, stop trolling and hope others might take him seriously, or maybe he thought it would shake taxexile off sniffing around his butt all the time, or he finally went through with the gender reassignment, most likely all three...

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