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    Russians Think Trump Might Be a Russian Asset

    Russians Think Trump Might Be a Russian Asset, and They Might Be Right

    Over the last several days, the Russia scandal has taken a darker turn. Friday night, the Washington Post reported that Jared Kushner tried during the presidential transition period to set up a secret communications channel with Moscow. Tuesday morning, CNN reported that, during the 2016 campaign, Russian officials discussed having leverage of a financial nature over Trump, which could be used to manipulate the Republican nominee. The exact nature of this relationship remains as yet unknown, but its parameters have shifted. The most innocent explanations of Donald Trump’s shadowy relationship with Russia have grown increasingly fanciful, while the most paranoid interpretations have grown increasingly more plausible.

    Indeed, in another one of dramatic juxtapositions that would have seemed ham-handed in a spy thriller, the latest scandalous revelations came out just as Trump could be seen carrying out what looks for all the world like his end of a pact with Moscow. If the president did have an objective on his trip to Europe — a premise that, it goes without saying, cannot be assumed — it was to crack up the American alliance with Western Europe. That happens to have been Russia’s primary diplomatic objective since the end of World War II. In Brussels, Trump refused to publicly affirm the Article 5 guarantee of the NATO charter — the foundation of the anti-Russian alliance, and the basis for Europe’s defense against Russian aggression. He directed his trademark wild diatribes against Germany, accusing it repeatedly of abusive trade relations, despite the fact that the United States does not have bilateral trade relations with that country. Amazingly, he kept up the abuse on Twitter after returning Stateside, while simultaneously defending Russia over its intervention in the American election.

    The White House’s account of Kushner’s back-channel talks with Russia, as Will Saletan shrewdly points out, does not square with what the administration has said in the past, or what Russia says now. The administration claims now, via a source speaking to Fox News, that Kushner’s outreach to Russia was a “only a one-off for a call about Syria.” But when The New Yorker poked at the relationship in February, it had a different explanation: “[T]he aim, according to the White House, was to establish ‘a more open line of communication in the future.’” So, not a “one-off” at all, but an attempt to open an ongoing dialogue.

    Meanwhile, the Russian account of this discussion, from March, treats it as a simple business chat related to Kushner’s role as a real-estate baron, unrelated to Syria or any aspect of Kushner’s political duties at all. “In March, Mr. Gorkov said in a statement that his December meeting with Mr. Kushner was part of the bank’s strategy to discuss promising trends and sectors with influential financial institutions in Europe, Asia and the United States,” notes the New York Times. “That statement said he met with representatives of ‘business circles of the U.S., including with the head of Kushner Companies, Jared Kushner.’ At the time, Mr. Kushner was still running the company, which is his family’s real estate business.”

    Needless to say, Kushner’s curious failure to disclose these contacts when he obtained his security clearance looks more than a bit suspicious in this light. Kushner’s lawyer told Reuters Friday, “Mr Kushner participated in thousands of calls in this time period. He has no recollection of the calls as described.” If establishing a secret back channel to Vladimir Putin using Russian diplomatic facilities is such a quotidian part of Kushner’s workaday routine that he simply forgot he had done it, then he is probably much guiltier than anybody suspects.

    However laughable Kushner’s defense of his undisclosed outreach to Russia, it is more believable than the administration’s response to CNN’s explosive report that Moscow believed it had leverage over Trump himself. “The reality is, a review of the president’s income from the last ten years showed he had virtually no financial ties at all,” explains a White House spokesman, by way of assuring America that the Russians have no financial leverage over their president. This “review” is a “certified letter” sent by Trump’s own lawyers. It consists entirely of their own assertion. It does not include the disclosure of Trump’s tax returns, which every other presidential candidate for decades has released, and which would prove their claim.

    And, most amazingly, the defense does not even deny the Russians have leverage over Trump. Trump’s lawyers had insisted he did not owe money to Russian lenders “with a few exceptions.” The administration’s defense rewords that claim to “virtually no financial ties at all.” How big a loophole is that “virtually”? That’s for him to know and you not to find out.

    To be sure, more mundane accounts for all these facts can still be sustained. Evidence for those accounts could also be seen on Trump’s overseas trip. Trump is easily manipulated by flattery, and instinctively drawn toward autocrats. His obvious warmth and comfort with the Saudis, who feted him in their palaces in a pleasantly dissent-free atmosphere, dissent being a crime punishable by death, presented an obvious contrast to his discomfort with the democratic leadership of America’s allies. Perhaps his fondness for Putin, while at odds with what was once a consensus bipartisan opposition to Russian aggression, simply reflects Trump’s natural moral instincts rather than a secret deal.

    Yet the sinister explanations remain plausible, too. And increasingly so. Here is one sentence from the Post’s Friday-night bombshell that is worth thinking over: “The Post was first alerted in mid-December to the meeting by an anonymous letter, which said, among other things, that Kushner had talked to Kislyak about setting up the communications channel.”

    The Post got this tip, from a source purporting to be inside the Trump transition, in December. It took until Memorial Day weekend for the newspaper to authenticate it. The small aside — “among other things” — casually tells readers that this explosive story was just one allegation in the letter. There is more to come.
    Last edited by Storekeeper; 31-05-2017 at 10:53 AM.

  2. #9052
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    Read it and weep Cold Pizza ...


    Black Voters Aren't Turning Out For the Post-Obama Democratic Party

    "The post-Obama Democratic Party may have to become more reliant on whites with a college degree, Hispanics and Asians".

    Open link to read the article.
    Last edited by Storekeeper; 31-05-2017 at 10:56 AM.

  3. #9053
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    Sources: Russians discussed 'derogatory' information about Trump and associates during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

    Open link to read the article.

    "It's called blackmailing. Watch the Russians' next move. It will be hard to counter all of the leaks coming out of the U.S. intelligence community, but I think they'll try to throw one or more the Trump inner circle toadies under the bus. Meanwhile, Congressional Republications do their best ostrich imitations and pretend that nothing is happening. They want the spotlight on Trump as long as possible while they dismember health care, social insurance, investor/consumer protections, environmental policy and just about every progressive reform over the last 100 years. That's their plan and the more attention paid to the the useful idiots in the White House, the more they will exploit these epic distractions". (John Wasik)

  4. #9054
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    Germany Can't Stop Marveling at How Dumb Donald Trump Is | GQ

    "After nine days of high-profile marital discord, embarrassing Islamophobic gaffes, and the single most contemptuous papal glare in recorded history, Donald Trump's first trip abroad as President of the United States is finally complete. But even though this expedition featured its fair share of cringe-inducing moments, those observers who worried that Trump would need little more than a week to single-handedly hasten the destruction of the post-Cold War international order can finally, mercifully breathe easier today.

    Just kidding! The whole trip was a goddamn disaster. Here is what German chancellor Angela Merkel, whose first meeting with Trump back in March went spectacularly poorly, had to say after returning from the latest G-7 meeting in Sicily:

    "The times when we could completely rely on others are, to an extent, over," Merkel said at a campaign event in Munich.
    "I experienced that in the last a few days, and therefore I can only say that we Europeans must really take our fate into our own hands, of course in friendship with the United States and in friendship with Great Britain and as good neighbors wherever it is possible, also with Russia and also with all the other countries," Merkel said.
    "But we need to know that we have to fight for our own future and destiny as Europeans."
    We have to fight for our own future and destiny as Europeans. Merkel is clearly alluding to Trump's recent attacks on Germany, which reportedly included threatening to halt the import of German cars to the United States. But note the language she uses here, which sounds like it was borrowed from a particularly grim bit of dialogue from The Man in the High Castle. It is genuinely unsettling how quickly European leaders, upon actually meeting Donald Trump and surviving his jiu-jitsu handshake, have collectively realized that they're on their own for the next four (?) years.

    In what is perhaps the single most German event imaginable, Merkel concluded her remarks by raising a glass and downing a giant swig of German beer that, presumably, will no longer be available in the United States soon, because Donald Trump is a simpleton who is starting a trade war with an important strategic ally that already buys more U.S.-made goods than any European country other than the United Kingdom"

  5. #9055
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    The Death Rattle Of The Trump Presidency Has Begun | HuffPost

    "Somewhere out there, the surviving families of past Presidents like Millard Fillmore, Warren Harding, Franklin Pierce, or James Buchanan can breathe easily because their legacy will no longer loiter among the dregs of presidential history—Donald J. Trump will have it all to himself".

  6. #9056
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    Last week, the Belgian government played host to the US president and his wife, Melania, ahead of a meeting with EU and Nato leaders. Discussions between Trump and Belgian prime minister Michel were said to have gone reasonably well, although sources noted that the president was not afraid to interrupt and had appeared only vaguely interested in Belgium’s economy.

    Instead, Trump was said to have spent time with Michel complaining about the difficulties of setting up golf clubs in EU states, while eating Belgian chocolates. “These are the best,” Trump reportedly told his host.

    One source told the Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir: “Every time we talk about a country, he remembered the things he had done. Scotland? He said he had opened a club. Ireland? He said it took him two and a half years to get a licence and that did not give him a very good image of the European Union.”

  7. #9057
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    Trump ?Knows Republicans Are Stupid,? Jared Kushner Allegedly Said to Former Editor

    "During a discussion on how to cover Trump, the former New York Observer editor, Elizabeth Spiers, claimed she told Kushner that she had serious problems with Trump’s repeated claims that Obama was not born in the U.S., to which Kushner allegedly told her: "He doesn't really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they'll buy it."

    Open link to read entire article ...

  8. #9058
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    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

  9. #9059
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post
    Trump ?Knows Republicans Are Stupid,? Jared Kushner Allegedly Said to Former Editor

    "During a discussion on how to cover Trump, the former New York Observer editor, Elizabeth Spiers, claimed she told Kushner that she had serious problems with Trump’s repeated claims that Obama was not born in the U.S., to which Kushner allegedly told her: "He doesn't really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they'll buy it."

    Open link to read entire article ...
    Tell us something we don't know.

  10. #9060
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief’s communications. Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico to reach him on his cellphone, according to former and current U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the practice. Of the two, only Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken advantage of the offer so far, the officials said.
    and why not ? maybe he doesn't trust the WH communication service, full ot spies and listening device, and possibly blocking attempts to reach recipients of calls

    the POTUS is not a free man, he is a jail bird in a golden cage, as that was demonstrated with Obama

  11. #9061
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    and why not ? maybe he doesn't trust the WH communication service, full ot spies and listening device, and possibly blocking attempts to reach recipients of calls
    Surely you jest. Don't you think an unsecured phone would have every Tom, Dick, and Dmitry spy listening in? Hell, his cell service provider could collect valuable info.

  12. #9062
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    and why not ? maybe he doesn't trust the WH communication service, full ot spies and listening device, and possibly blocking attempts to reach recipients of calls
    Surely you jest. Don't you think an unsecured phone would have every Tom, Dick, and Dmitry spy listening in? Hell, his cell service provider could collect valuable info.
    the NSA listen to everyone, so no change for him

    but he could receive direct calls, instead of having someone "filtering" them, or taking a message on his behalf, a message he might never received if he is always on the gold course or taking a nap somewhere

  13. #9063
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    I think giving direct phone number is a great approach actually, more personal and more effective

    I hope Putin got his,

    well done President Trump, don't listen to those scared little souls who are easily disturbed from their little routine

  14. #9064
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    I think giving direct phone number is a great approach actually, more personal and more effective

    I hope Putin got his,

    well done President Trump, don't listen to those scared little souls who are easily disturbed from their little routine
    By law, the Whitehouse is required to keep a record of any official communications.

    So fucknuts is breaking the law again.

    He really does want to be impeached, doesn't he?

  15. #9065
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    I think giving direct phone number is a great approach actually, more personal and more effective

    I hope Putin got his,

    well done President Trump, don't listen to those scared little souls who are easily disturbed from their little routine
    By law, the Whitehouse is required to keep a record of any official communications.

    So fucknuts is breaking the law again.

    He really does want to be impeached, doesn't he?

    I am sure the WH and the DOJ will contact you shortly for your expertise on legal affairs

  16. #9066
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    Here's a question that's been bothering me ....

    trump and his team of yes men seem to think the Russia investigation is all about payback from the democrats for Hillary losing.

    trump just whined about it on twitter last night.....again.

    So here's the question....can anyone point out a senior member of either the house or senate that is staunchly following the "president's" reasoning?

    At what point does someone grow the balls to say to the president, "Look, when you've got basically your entire staff communicating with the Russians and then conveniently forgetting to document those conversations, it might be more than the election Congress is concerned about?"
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  17. #9067
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    and why not ? maybe he doesn't trust the WH communication service, full ot spies and listening device, and possibly blocking attempts to reach recipients of calls
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    Don't you think an unsecured phone would have every Tom, Dick, and Dmitry spy listening in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    don't listen to those scared little souls
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    By law, the Whitehouse is required to keep a record of any official communications.
    Orange SCROTUS probably has a government issued phone.

    Of course if he doesn't bother with his annual OPSEC, CYBER AWARENESS, RECORDS MANAGEMENT, or ANTI-TERRORISM training he probably doesn't know what precautions he should take.

  18. #9068
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post

    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots
    Apparently this went over all your heads...

  19. #9069
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Of course if he doesn't bother with his annual OPSEC, CYBER AWARENESS, RECORDS MANAGEMENT, or ANTI-TERRORISM training he probably doesn't know what precautions he should take.
    The fuckwit couldn't pass a 7th grade civics class....

  20. #9070
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post

    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots

    Nearly Half of Donald Trump's Twitter Followers Are Fake Accounts and Bots
    Apparently this went over all your heads...
    Not surprised. Thought it was you or misskit or somebody posted an article about the nefarious bots in the last couple months. Something attributed to fake right wing news.

  21. #9071
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    I think giving direct phone number is a great approach actually, more personal and more effective

    I hope Putin got his,

    well done President Trump, don't listen to those scared little souls who are easily disturbed from their little routine
    Just getting kind of sad at this point.

  22. #9072
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    On top of everything else, this last page is quite remarkable. The pressure is mounting, the absolute evidence of impeachable scandal looks like it might burst the banks of the river of leaks.

    Time for a poll, I think.
    Will Trump be imprisoned, impeached, or resign, and when. I think he will resign before the end of this year to escape impeachment.

  23. #9073
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam
    I think he will resign before the end of this year to escape impeachment.
    He'll never walk away. He still doesn't understand why all of this is happening and he doesn't have anyone explaining it to him.

  24. #9074
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam
    An American President? LMAO....no

    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam
    No. Not with this congress.....and truthfully probably not with any other. At least not until something much bigger happens then what is currently out there

    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam
    Ha, no. Only if impeachment was inevitable (see my thoughts above on that)

  25. #9075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    I think giving direct phone number is a great approach actually, more personal and more effective

    I hope Putin got his,

    well done President Trump, don't listen to those scared little souls who are easily disturbed from their little routine
    By law, the Whitehouse is required to keep a record of any official communications.

    So fucknuts is breaking the law again.

    He really does want to be impeached, doesn't he?

    I am sure the WH and the DOJ will contact you shortly for your expertise on legal affairs
    I'm pretty sure the DOJ will be cutting out the middle man and contacting the WH directly.

    It's called the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act, you ignoramus.

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