1. #9001
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    06-02-2020 @ 07:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by redhaze
    It consumed his entire second term in office.
    i'm talking about the public's perception.

    as you probably recall, bill's poll numbers went up during the impeachment process.

    my point was that the economy was good, so the public didn't care too much about other things.

  2. #9002
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farangrakthai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by redhaze
    It consumed his entire second term in office.
    i'm talking about the public's perception.

    as you probably recall, bill's poll numbers went up during the impeachment process.

    my point was that the economy was good, so the public didn't care too much about other things.
    There was also the fact that most people knew it was a shitty and spiteful GOP smear campaign and nothing else.

    However the GOP have now made smearing so common people just consider it part of their political process.

  3. #9003
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    06-02-2020 @ 07:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    There was also the fact that most people knew it was a shitty and spiteful GOP smear campaign and nothing else.
    and the "russians are coming, the russians are coming" will come down to that, too, IMO.

    it's all about wikileaks spreading the info that the dnc was prejudiced against bernie.

    and after trump won, the hillary side went into overdrive saying the russians gave that dnc info to wikileaks.

  4. #9004
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farangrakthai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    There was also the fact that most people knew it was a shitty and spiteful GOP smear campaign and nothing else.
    and the "russians are coming, the russians are coming" will come down to that, too, IMO.

    it's all about wikileaks spreading the info that the dnc was prejudiced against bernie.

    and after trump won, the hillary side went into overdrive saying the russians gave that dnc info to wikileaks.

    No it won't though. Like I said, it's become acceptable now.

    How much sympathy did Hillary get for the never ending Benghazi kangaroo courts?

    They can run with this Russia stuff as long as they like.

    Especially if the orange cunto clan keeping giving them material to work with.

  5. #9005
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    06-02-2020 @ 07:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    How much sympathy did Hillary get for the never ending Benghazi kangaroo courts?
    fair enough.

    i never knew what the fck the republicans were on about with that.

    some cia hq that was near the embassy?

  6. #9006
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    G7: Trump was fantastic and so was Macron

    they almost were ready to fuck each other silly, the love and the lust is there

  7. #9007
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Farangrakthai
    face it humbert, you can't think rationally when talking about trump. everyday on this thread, you're like a preacher standing on a street corner, shouting about satan.
    fucking nail on the head

    snowflakes and their Kleenex

  8. #9008
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer
    The White House reports they are setting up a "crisis center" to deal with the president's declining image
    Yes, the number of the world leaders openly becoming concerned with the flip flopping of the current ameristani administration is growing daily.

    That surely is the current administration's main problem and has to be stopped.

  9. #9009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farangrakthai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by redhaze
    It consumed his entire second term in office.
    i'm talking about the public's perception.

    as you probably recall, bill's poll numbers went up during the impeachment process.

    my point was that the economy was good, so the public didn't care too much about other things.
    Generally speaking, I liked Bill Clinton.

    At that time.

    Now, I realize he was "the last popular Republican President" implement his policy of triangulation (which he probably needed to do after the hurtful 1994 mid-terms).

    As some politician said this week (Boehner?):

    "Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process."

    Clinton committed perjury in a civil trial about Lewinsky. Did I care? No.

    It was a partisan vote on Impeachment.

    Many "haters" of a potus call for Impeachment. Not a good thing.

  10. #9010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farangrakthai View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    How much sympathy did Hillary get for the never ending Benghazi kangaroo courts?
    fair enough.

    i never knew what the fck the republicans were on about with that.

    some cia hq that was near the embassy?
    Imaginary stand down orders and other shit they made up. When they'd cut the budget for embassy security (and are probably going to do it again).

  11. #9011
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    The CIA says the Russians have Trump hooker video.


  12. #9012
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    The CIA says the Russians have Trump hooker video.

    Sounds like a dodgy source, AND why would the CIA make such comments?

  13. #9013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    The CIA says the Russians have Trump hooker video.

    Sounds like a dodgy source, AND why would the CIA make such comments?
    On January the 11th.

  14. #9014
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    U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

    "Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

    The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.

    The State Department’s decision was conveyed in an email on Thursday to the private agencies in countries around the world that help refugees manage the nearly two-year application process needed to enter the United States.

    In her email, Jennifer L. Smith, a department official, wrote that the refugee groups could begin bringing people to the United States “unconstrained by the weekly quotas that were in place.”

    Although it came the same day as an appeals court ruling that rejected government efforts to limit travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim nations, the move by the State Department had nothing to do with the court ruling.

    The department’s quotas on refugee resettlement were largely the result of budget constraints imposed by Congress in a temporary spending measure passed last fall. But when Congress passed a spending bill this month that funded the government for the rest of the fiscal year, the law did not include any restrictions on refugee admissions.

    A State Department spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, said the department had consulted the Department of Justice about its refugee quotas and had decided to adjust them".

    Open link to read the entire article.

  15. #9015
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    If You Still Support Trump, I Instantly Know 7 Things About You | Bluedot Daily

    1. You want to be ruled, not governed:

    The single trait that predicts the Trump supporter isn’t related to race, income, or education. A University of Massachusetts researches found that the top predictor of whether a voter supports Trump is a tendency to lean toward authoritarianism:

    Authoritarians obey. They rally to and follow strong leaders. And they respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened. From pledging to “make America great again” by building a wall on the border to promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, Trump is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations.

    2. You have no class:

    Donald Trump and his supporters will try to tell you that he didn’t mock a disabled person, even though we all saw him do it.

    Also, remember the time he mocked Senator McCain for being a POW, saying “I like people who weren’t captured”?

    Remember the time he made a mockery of our military by insulting/disrespecting the parents of a fallen soldier?

    Remember when Donald Trump body-shamed a beauty pageant winner?

    Remember when Donald Trump was accused (not charged, yet) of statutory rape, not mention the creepy and disgusting things he said about his own daughter?

    There are literally thousands of statements and actions that we could mention here. Keep defending them, please, and prove my point about your lack of class.

    3. You are not someone I would trust to do business with:

    With Trump’s long history of shady business deals, his refusal to release his tax returns, his constant stream of blatant lies and his habit of not paying people who did work for him, I am assuming by your giving him a pass on this, that you also would behave this way in your business dealings.

    4. You’re either a racist or an enabler of racists:

    Trump’s campaign has been built almost entirely on racist rhetoric and hypothetical policy. Trump led the charge on the ridiculous birther movement, he wants to keep Mexicans out by forcing them to pay for a massive border wall, he believes all Muslims are either terrorists or have ties to terrorists, he ridicules “black lives matter,” he encourages voter intimidation and already-proven-ineffective laws like “stop and frisk” that unfairly and overwhelmingly target African Americans and Latinos. There is literally NO WAY you can support Donald Trump and at least not be ok with someone else’ racism, though, it’s far more likely you have some of these racist tendencies on your own.

    5. You have issues with women:

    Trump regularly says vulgar and sexist things about women. He strangely believes that Bill Clinton’s affairs somehow disqualify Hillary Clinton from the presidency, and yet, has been three times and had numerous (and proudly admitted) affairs himself. As we already mentioned, Trump recently body-shamed a pageant winner. He has routinely called women, including his campaign opponent, dogs and pigs. He once claimed Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina were both “too ugly” to be president. D0nald Trump has consistently said strange and creepy things about his daughter’s appearance, giving off the vibe that he is attracted to her.

    Donald Trump has major issues with women. Again, either you do too, or you have no problem giving Trump a free pass on being a disgusting, sexist creep.

    6. You aren’t quite as “Christian” as you claim to be:

    Christian author Philip Yancey recently said:

    I am staggered that so many conservative or evangelical Christians would see a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, that they would somehow paint him as a hero, as someone that we could stand behind.

    From Trump making a mockery of forgiveness and the Christian practice of Holy Communion (“I receive forgiveness when I get my little cracker and the juice”), to his ridiculous claim of his favorite bible verse being from “Two Corinthians,” Donald Trump’s anti-Christian personal behavior, proposed political policies and unethical business practices prove his claims of having a deep personal Christian faith is nothing more than a pandering for votes.

    7. You are anti-constitution:

    For someone who consistently claims Barack Obama has assaulted our constitutional rights, Donald Trump seems to be set to launch an assault on the constitution the likes of which we have never seen. He has already indicated any journalists that oppose him will be silenced and oppressed. He has urged congress to consider shutting down mosques. He wants to end birthright citizenship. The list goes on.

    If you don’t want to be considered a racist, sexist, whatever, then maybe you should consider no longer supporting a man who absolutely, without question, is all of these things. You’re better than this, America".

  16. #9016
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^ I watched a segment on New Day yesterday. Allyson Camerota asked a group of staunch Trump supporters to rate his performance to date. A number of Bs, B-s, a C- and a few A-s. He got an A+ from a chap in his mid 70's who basically excused all his missteps, gaffes and lies by saying that Trump is just a regular guy like he is and that he is learning the ropes as he goes along. Trump supporters see themselves in him. They forgive their own flaws and forgive Trump's. Essentially they are affirming themselves by supporting him. To be critical of him would call in to question their own self worth.
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  17. #9017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Trump supporters see themselves in him. They forgive their own flaws and forgive Trump's. Essentially they are affirming themselves by supporting him. To be critical of him would call in to question their own self worth.
    Insightful, and yet so glaringly obvious.

    Or put it another way; Stating the obvious that had not yet been stated.

  18. #9018
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Dr Spiegel nails it.

    “Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

    “He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.”

    “Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and posts tweets that contradict what they have said. He doesn’t care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security adviser had just denied that the president had handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleaned from Israel (of all countries). Trump tweeted: Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I’m president after all.”

    “In “Game of Thrones,” the Mad King was murdered (and the child that later took his place was no better). In real life, an immature boy sits on the throne of the most important country in the world. He could, at any time, issue a catastrophic order that would immediately be carried out. That is why the parents cannot afford to take their eyes off him even for a second. They cannot succumb to exhaustion because he is so taxing. They ultimately have to send him to his room – and return power to the grownups.”
    Leave It To German Paper To Say What Every Sane American Thinks Of Trump; It?s F**king Brutal ? New Century Times

  19. #9019
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Dr Spiegel nails it.

    “Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

    “He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.”

    “Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and posts tweets that contradict what they have said. He doesn’t care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security adviser had just denied that the president had handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleaned from Israel (of all countries). Trump tweeted: Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I’m president after all.”

    “In “Game of Thrones,” the Mad King was murdered (and the child that later took his place was no better). In real life, an immature boy sits on the throne of the most important country in the world. He could, at any time, issue a catastrophic order that would immediately be carried out. That is why the parents cannot afford to take their eyes off him even for a second. They cannot succumb to exhaustion because he is so taxing. They ultimately have to send him to his room – and return power to the grownups.”
    Leave It To German Paper To Say What Every Sane American Thinks Of Trump; It?s F**king Brutal ? New Century Times
    blah blah blah Trump is bad blah blah blah , YAWN

    Keep repeating the same crap over and over again and it won't change a thing

    he is the POTUS and you have to bow to his wisdom

    if you can bow to arabs in a desert, you can too to an American living in a nice penhouse

  20. #9020
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    6. You aren’t quite as “Christian” as you claim to be: Christian author Philip Yancey recently said: I am staggered that so many conservative or evangelical Christians would see a man who is a bully, who made his money by casinos, who has had several wives and several affairs, that they would somehow paint him as a hero, as someone that we could stand behind.
    Here's why the 'Christians' stand behind him...

    Trump started off his campaign signaling he would be “neutral” on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, but he has shifted considerably in recent weeks toward the views of the staunchest Zionists. This has included tapping a man considered to be to the right of conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as U.S. ambassador to Israel, choosing another pro-settlement Republican as his international business adviser, welcoming the heretofore marginalized Israeli ambassador into the bosom of his inner circle in Washington, and, just recently, appointing his son-in-law, who is reportedly behind bringing all these players into the fold, as a senior adviser. ~ The American Conservative

  21. #9021
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin
    Here's why the 'Christians' stand behind him...
    How about pointing out the connection between your Zionist (shriek!) photos and Christians as to spare us putting on our tinfoil hats to figure it out.

  22. #9022
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    blah blah blah Trump is bad blah blah blah , YAWN

    Keep repeating the same crap over and over again and it won't change a thing

    he is the POTUS and you have to bow to his wisdom

    if you can bow to arabs in a desert, you can too to an American living in a nice penhouse
    A penhouse?

    You can't even troll properly you fat queer.

  23. #9023
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    How about pointing out the connection between your Zionist (shriek!) photos and Christians as to spare us putting on our tinfoil hats to figure it out.
    Oh now you've done it...

  24. #9024
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    nice penhouse
    Fountain or Bic?

  25. #9025
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    ^^ He can start his own thread for that!

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