^ Thanks again ootai. Thankfully this morning's post caught me pre-Ya Dong and I was able to apply myself to your detailed solution, although I have to admit I'm still not altogether happy about it.
These past papers usually have around 20 questions, 2 of which seem to be incredibly difficult and are apparently designed to pick out the exceptional Maths students. My daughter seems to be much more language/arts oriented and Maths doesn't come naturally, so as we discussed, I'm concentrating on exam tactics. She's perfectly capable of passing these exams by focusing on the easier questions and getting them correct without making the silly mistakes. So long as she can identify the really difficult couple of questions she can leave them alone unless she has a bit of time spare at the end, and then have a bash.
OK, fair enough, so I was exaggerating.
I'm not sure she would want me to sit the exam... but if I could get ootai into the daughter's school uniform, then we could be talking.
Sorry ootai, but before you start shaving your beard off, in actual fact this is a proper school and the teachers aren't even allowed to accept a Christmas/end of year present etc worth more than 200 Baht. It is possible to get good International School education in Thailand but the schools certainly aren't all the same.