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    Jimmy Savile and British Establishments Paedophile ring

    Savile study - Weird, interesting and creepy…

    In August 1988, shortly before the publication of a highly critical report into its operating procedures, the entire management board of Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital was suspended by the Department of Health, which at the time had joint responsibility for its direct management.

    The running of Broadmoor, the highest-profile facility of its kind in the country and the home to many of Britain's most notorious criminals, was placed in the temporary control of a "taskforce" to be headed up by a somewhat unexpected figure, Jimmy Savile.

    West London Mental Health NHS Trust, which now runs the hospital, believes Saviles involvement as a volunteer began in the late 1960s or early 70s. He had his own office in the grounds of the hospital, a bedroom and his own personal set of keys to the hospital wards. (Obviously, why not?)

    Savile also has some ties with Peter Sutcliffe aka the Yorkshire Ripper. Jimmy Savile, became very good friends with the mass murderer while doing voluntary work at broadmoor.

    In a police interview of Sutcliffe he stated -

    I hit her on the head at least two or three times. I lifted up her clothes
 and slashed her abdomen and throat.” Mr. Sutcliffe
    also told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn’t tell where they came from. He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house. Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived, or did he already know that because he had visited there before the attacks?

    Appointed by Kenneth Clarke to lead the restructuring ‘task force’ at Broadmoor, Savile, without psychiatric qualifications, arranged the transfer of dangerous patients to less secure units, claiming they were cured. The Department of Health said, "It is fair to say Jimmy Savile can take a lot of credit for this."

    In 2009, Savile’s friend, the Yorkshire Ripper, “a nice guy with a good nature” who confessed to murdering thirteen women and assaulting seven more, was also declared low risk and his lawyers are seeking to have him released. The first of Peter Sutcliffe’s victims to die was Wilma McCann, murdered on October 30th 1975 on Prince Phillip Playing Fields in Leeds, Savile’s home town, others were attacked in Roundhay Park, overlooked by Savile’s residence. Vera Millward was killed in the car park of Manchester Royal Infirmary, (where Savile once lived) and Josephine Whitaker was murdered at Saville Park Moor in Halifax. Coincidences?

    While Broadmoor may have been the institution where Savile was given the most senior position, allegations of abuse have been linked to at least five other establishments – the BBC, Stoke Mandeville hospital, Leeds general infirmary, the Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey and Duncroft approved girls' school in Staines, Surrey. Reports suggest that he would stay in the headmistress's quarters at Duncroft.

    He joined the specialist hospital Stoke Mandeville as a volunteer porter in 1969 and began fundraising in 1972. He remained a frequent visitor to the hospital and had a room on site.

    Savile had a long-association with the Leeds General Infirmary, which included him volunteering during the 1960s and 70s and carrying out charity work until his death in October 2011. With private access and his own keys it would be here that Savile would have had the opportunity to explore his obsession for sexual contact with dead bodies.

    Savile denied ever visiting the Haut de la Garenne children’s home where human remains have been discovered and children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused. Although the following photograph suggests he has been there.

    Savile sued the Sun in 2008 over a series of articles linking him to the Jersey children’s home. As a result of the articles Savile took out an injunction on The Sun who had to withdraw the picture. Further articles followed claiming Savile was unwilling to cooperate with the police investigation and another claiming he had admitted that he had visited the home. Savile was also criticised for being unprepared to ‘fix-it’ for the victims.

    However, the Crown Prosecution Service advised that there was insufficient evidence to take any further action, and no charges were ever brought.

    New details about the police investigation came to light ahead of the broadcast of an ITV documentary that accuses Savile of molesting young girls and raping a teenager at the height of his fame.

    In 2007, Surrey Police received a complaint from a woman who said she was indecently assaulted by Savile at Duncroft in the 1970s the matter was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service for a charging decision, who advised there was insufficient evidence to take any further action.

    In part of my research for this article I went to my Louis Theroux DVD collection, in particular, when Louis met Jimmy Savile. Louis Theroux is a journalist who spent some time with Jimmy Savile making a film designed to give us some insight into the life of the Jim’ll fix it star. When I visited Louis Theroux’s website I read an article posted by Louis after Savile passed away reminiscing about the time he had spent with Savile making his production for the BBC. The first excerpt from Louis’ article needs to be read while keeping in mind the accusations of his alleged obsession with necrophilia.

    “I actually started making my Jimmy Savile film out of a fascination with the macabre rumors that used to swirl around the man, many of them started by Jimmy himself. One was that he didn’t actually like children, despite hosting one of Britain’s most famous children’s’ TV shows.
 Another, written in his autobiography, that the few days he spent alone with his deceased mother’s body during her laying out was the time of his life. That he was in charge of “entertainment” at Broadmoor where he would have tea with Peter Sutcliffe.
 That he spent his spare time volunteering as a hospital porter at Leeds General Infirmary where he was known for wheeling bodies into the morgue.”

    Paedophilia is bad enough, necrophilia is something else, defined as ‘an obsessive fascination with death and corpses and an attraction to, or sexual contact with corpses’. What was Jimmy Savile doing that gave him the time of his life with his mothers dead body? And can anyone find me another reason why Jimmy Savile would happily volunteer to porter dead bodies to the morgue in a hospital where he was a resident and a key holder?

    Louis later states “I was struck by his network of friends and helpers he had in each place and their loyalty to him”. An interesting statement, indeed, Savile did have a long list of friends and ‘helpers’ who would go to great lengths for him, no doubt his Royal, religious and political connections would be of great service to him in covering up his crimes against children.

    During the program, while travelling to Liverpool with Savile, Louis asking him about his past says “you used to be a wrestler didn’t you?” Savile’s reply is “Still am, still am, feared by every girls school in the country”. Asked what is that supposed to mean Savile momentarily pauses and then says “Those are just pleasantries”.

    Jimmy Saviles’ Paedophile Ring

    The vast majority of the victims currently coming forward allege that Jimmy Savile abused them. But detectives announced mid October 2012 that they were mounting a full criminal investigation after some of the hundreds of people who have come forward in response to the unfolding scandal made allegations that they were abused by other individuals who are still alive. It is understood that most of these claims of sexual abuse relate to people who were associated with Savile in some way.

    What Jimmy Savile said about Gary Glitter in a TV interview in 2009

    “Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.”

    “They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then ‘Oh we’ve got a famous person … Oh my goodness, yeah we’ll have them’.

    “But Gary has not sold ‘em, has not tried to sell ‘em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification.

    Whether it was right or wrong is up to him as a person. But they didn’t do anything wrong but they are demonised.”

    Glitter was jailed for indecent images of children in 1999, in 2002 was permanently deported from Cambodia due to suspected child sexual abuse, and in 2005 he was jailed in Vietnam for sexually assaulting two girls aged 10 and 11 and was deported back to the UK in 2008.

    Karin Ward claims she saw paedophile Glitter having sex with a 13-year-old while Sir Jimmy abused another girl. She said the Top Of The Pops presenter fondled the terrified youngster under her skirt as she sat quivering on his lap. Karin, who also alleged Sir Jimmy molested her in his car, said she felt “disgusted” and “ashamed”.

And she claimed she was also abused by a third celebrity in the same dressing room when she was just 14.

She now plans to make a complaint to the Metropolitan Police about the unnamed TV star. Karin was a pupil at Duncroft special needs school in Surrey.

    In the 1960′s ,The former Radio 1 DJ Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman owned a large corner shop on the Lea Bridge Rd in London. In March 1994 Freeman revealed on breakfast television that he had become celibate in 1981, but had been bisexual.

    This shop has recently been reported as a place where ‘Fluff’ held kinky parties ,attended by the likes of confirmed bachelor Sir Jimmy Saville , convicted child molester Jonathen King (pic below) the once jailed paedophile broadcaster & former pop star and Brian Epstein, who was at the time the Homosexual manager of the Beatles.

    At these parties , young boys , specially brought over from several childrens homes would be plied with drugs and alcohol. However these parties were forced to come to an end when Police chiefs got wind that the MP & Ex Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was attending them along with several other prominent MP’s…

    According to a source: ‘Jimmy Savile was predatory in that he used his hit shows as a vehicle to get to those young girls.

    ‘All of those who have been interviewed for the documentary were under the age of consent at the time of the abuse. The youngest one was just 13 years old.’

    Two say Savile gave them sexually-transmitted diseases.

    Two BBC producers even agreed to speak on camera to Mr Williams-Thomas, with one admitting he thought Savile was abusing young girls. He confesses he didn’t speak out at the time as he feared he’d lose his job because of Savile’s immense influence.

    Savile and Ted Heath

    Edward Heath, the former prime minister from 1970-74, was known to visit the Jersey care home Haute de la Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called ‘Morning Cloud’, or as his bodyguards referred to it, ‘Morning Sickness’.

    The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Savile. He was seen by the witness/victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the morning cloud when they were at a party conference. Allegedly Savile is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse.

    Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London’s lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys. Nonetheless, he quickly fell prone to blackmailers who insisted he dress up in a ridiculous Gestapo uniform in which he was photographed.

    Heath was also sensationally linked to a children’s home in N Ireland. The Kincora Boys’ Home was a home for working boys in Belfast that was the scene of a notorious child sex abuse scandal. The scandal first came to public attention on 3rd April 1980, when three members of staff at the home, William McGrath a notorious homosexual , Raymond Semple and Joseph Mains, were charged with a number of offences relating to the systematic abuse of children in their care over a number of years. Mains, the former warden, received a term of six years, Semple, a former assistant warden, five years and McGrath four years.

    Former Army Press officer Colin Wallace, who was based in Belfast, has long insisted that the authorities knew boys were being systematically sodomised at the home six years before they decided to act.

    Former Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, the senior police officer in the Haut de la Garenne abuse inquiry said, "We know from court cases and statements made to my team [during the 2008 inquiry] that children in Jersey care homes were 'loaned out’ to members of the yachting fraternity and other prominent citizens on the pretence of recreational trips but during which they were savagely abused and often raped.

    There are possible links emerging between the abuse in Jersey children’s homes and the earlier notorious Islington children’s homes paedophile ring.

    Islington’s deputy children’s homes superintendent Nicholas Rabet had worked in Jersey in childcare and he regularly took children from the Islington's council homes on camping trips to the island where Savile was photographed at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home. After being exposed by the press Rabet fled Britain to Thailand but was charged there in 2006 with abusing 30 boys. He committed suicide before he could be tried. His accomplice, Neil Hocquart, killed himself in custody in Ely, Cambridgeshire, in 1991, after being found with hundreds of paedophile videos.


    When allegations were first made that there was an active paedophile ring within Islington's council homes Margaret Hodge council leader refused to allocate resources for an investigation to take place.

    A senior social worker, Liz Davies, and her manager, David Cofie, first told Margaret Hodge, then leader of Islington council, in 1990 of their suspicions that there was widespread sexual abuse of children in Islington care homes.

    Ms Hodge instead believed senior officials who assured her that nothing was the matter. In 1992, the London Evening Standard published extensive evidence of the abuse, which Ms Hodge denounced as "a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism". In 1995, an independent report found that the council had indeed failed to investigate the allegations properly.

    In 2003, Tony Blair appointed Ms Hodge the first ever Minister for Children. Some questioned her suitability, including a courageous and articulate man called Demetrious Panton who had been sexually abused in an Islington care home in the late 1970s and whose attempts to expose what was happening had been repeatedly ignored.

    Ms Hodge wrote privately to the BBC describing Mr. Panton as "extremely disturbed", a remark for which she was later compelled to apologise in the High Court. The first person to categorise Panton as "disturbed" was the paedophile boss of his children's home, Bernie Bain, a man later described by police as "a brutal sexual abuser": Panton was 10 at the time.

    Interestingly while Hodge was children's minister in Blair's Government she supported sex education for 5 year olds.

    Evidently there are people in positions of power who see nothing wrong with paedophilia.

    Her late husband was Sir Henry Hodge a high court judge. Margaret Hodge (nee) Oppenheimer is a very powerful woman, more so than you would think.

    Extract from Wikipedia:

    Margaret Eve Oppenheimer was born in Egypt in 1944 to Hans and Lisbeth Oppenheimer, a refugee multi-millionaire German Jewish steel trader and his Austrian Jewish wife. The family's company Stemcor is the world's largest privately owned steel-trading corporation, with an annual turnover of £6.28 billion in 2008

    Ernest Oppenheimer was an early member of the Bavarian Illuminati, which had been founded using money from the Rothschild family. The Rothschild’s family banking group sponsored them in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ernest Oppenheimer's children and grandchildren are said to have been inducted into Freemasonry.

    The Savile case is just the tip of the iceberg because paedophilia is widespread amongst the ruling class of the world but it's easily covered up by the likes of Hodge.

    If the police investigation gets to close to people at the top there will be another cover up. A few more celebrity names will be charged and that will satisfy the public's demand for prosecutions but those at the top will once again escape justice.

    Ritualistic satanic child sex abuse is real. It's widespread especially within the ruling elite and it's up to all of us to expose it and put an end to it.

    If Savile had been exposed while he was alive he would have taken many famous people down with him including those within the British Establishment.

    Savile once told television presenter Louis Theroux: "I can get anything. There’s nothing I can’t get, and there’s nothing I can’t do".

    Child procurement for elite paedophiles ensures you protection from the law because if you go down so do your clients.

    Saviles unusual and powerful connections

    In 1977, Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin had a meeting with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat that led to 'peace' between the two countries.

    Jimmy Savile received a medal from Israel in 1979, for services rendered. Reportedly, Savile visited Israel in 1975 to advise Israel's President Ephraim Katzir on a matter of security.

    Reportedly, Savile visited Israel a number of times to offer his advice.

    A Manchester businessman, Benny Sternberg, revealed that "Savile had been approached to explore the possibility of a meeting between Sadat and Begin because of his friendship with the family of the Egyptian president's wife Jehan.

    Savile described himself as "the only yok with a Yiddishe kop.

    Savile claimed during an interview with The Guardian newspaper that he told Professor Katzir: "I’m very disappointed because you’ve all forgotten how to be Jewish and that’s why everyone is taking you to the cleaners … You won the Six Day War, you took all that land, you gave it all back, including the only oil well in the area, and now you’re paying the Egyptians for the oil you already had."

    Savile also maintained that the president invited him to repeat his words at a Cabinet meeting. "They asked my opinion about a couple of things, to which I said, ‘Nothing’s impossible’. They did exactly what I suggested and it worked out 100 per cent successful."

    The occasion was confirmed partly by Roger Ordish, producer of Jim'll Fix It, who said: "I know he met the President when we were in Israel in 1975."

    Savile's ten-day visit to Israel in 1975, when he met President Ephraim Katzir and Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, was organised by John Levy of the Friends of Israel Educational Trust...

    Savile became friendly with Prince Charles in the mid 1980s and got to know Princess Diana at the same time. Diana once described savile as ‘a mentor to Charles’. He was used as an intermediary between Diana and Charles during their split and Savile was among the guests at Diana's funeral in 1997.

    Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, often played host to him at Chequers (11 consecutive Christmasses according to Savile) and her successors, Major, Blair and Brown were all “fans” deaf to the ‘open secret’ which everybody knew. Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, friend of the billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sent Christmas cards to Savile right up until he died and Charles led the tributes after his death in 2011 saying, how “saddened” he was.

    On one Christmas card that Prince Charles sent to Savile that was recently sold at auction he wrote: “Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.”

    The Monarchy, who have a long tradition of entertaining mass murderers and deviants of all persuasions, recently invited charity worker and convicted sex offender, Harbinder Singh aboard the Royal barge during the Diamond Jubilee pageant. Either the Security Services are extremely lax in protecting the Windsor’s from potential criminals, or these associates are recruited by Royal Approval.

  2. #502
    Thailand Expat
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    The heart of British Establishment – A Paedophilic Obsession by Liam-Michael:Roberts

    Child abuse and paedophilia is absolutely rife, not just in Britain but all over the world and most people have no idea the kind of scale we are looking at here. Perhaps equally as shocking, the ‘people’ being exposed as ‘ring-leaders’ in the abuse cases are often high profile celebrities and well known public figures.

    In the light of the recent Jimmy Savile ‘revelations’ the BBC has been warned it could face a multi-million pound legal bill if the hundreds of women thought to be involved in the scandal come forward with compensation claims. These claims could be devastating for the BBC, not just for its finance and legal departments and its future reputation but also for exposing the BBC’s secret and dark past.

    The story is not about Savile. The real story is how was he able to get away with abusing children for so many years?

    In October 2012 The BBC said it has found NO evidence that its management ignored any allegations of wrongdoing by Savile.

    LIES! This is the absolute shaming of the BBC, caught red handed and guilty as sin. The BBC has been covering up not just the sick actions of Jimmy Savile but as others are now reporting, many celebrity names and influential figures that have been intimately involved in child sex abuse. This scandal will rock not only the BBC but also many well known people and institutions who have been involved in this shocking cover up.

    I cannot emphasis enough that we are dealing with child abuse on an unprecedented scale.

    The information that becomes public over the coming weeks and months could shatter not just the BBC, but the whole country from top to toe, as entertainers, public figures and even former Prime ministers and current politicians are being exposed as the child abusing paedophiles they are. This isn’t just a cover up, it is one of the sickest and most grotesque scandals of all time orchestrated by apparently respectable members of the British establishment.

    We need to digest the stories that the mainstream media feed us with extreme caution, as always, we will be fed a great deal of misinformation and outright lies to cover up the extent of this scandal. We will undoubtedly have more celebrity names highlighted and investigated in the coming days and weeks and we may well even see some prosecutions as a result, but we must not believe the press who will make it all so cut and dry. Right now is the greatest opportunity we have ever had to totally wipe the slate clean, we must face the hard truth of what has been happening in our country (and throughout the world) and we must eradicate Paedophilia from all levels of society. 'Operation Yewtree’ is producing a report in November with the NSPCC, (patronised by Rantzen and Mandelson) but unless the MET investigate themselves and MI6, they will not even scratch the surface of this International paedophile ring.

    Jimmy Savile was at the centre of this Paedophile ring that procured children for well-known figures in the British Establishment, including former British Prime Minister, paedophile and murderer Edward Heath.

    The perverted life of Jimmy Savile was exposed as a Paedophile and necrophiliac by researchers such as David Icke as far back as the 1990s, but, people just ridiculed the accusations and the police, media, politicians and of course the BBC have all covered it up. Once again, David Icke was right and exposed this vile monster along with a host of other household names and yet most of those who bothered to listen chose to laugh at him and condemn him for what he was exposing. Why? Because BBC have a clever way of influencing its viewers - by telling them what to believe on the telly, and clearly the BBC want people to believe that these claims are laughable. Well they were once laughed at but now they’re undeniable. It reminds me of a quote I like, “all truths go through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as self evident”.

    Please note that these scandals of establishment paedophilia are not new, I have previously written myself about the Hollie Greig case, this is the case where a girl with downs syndrome was forced into a paedophile ring at the age of 6, the current list of people involved in this particular paedophile ring include the following;

    1. DENIS CHARLES MACKIE (Father of Hollie)

    2. GREG MACKIE (Brother of Hollie. Both Mackies are hiding in Portugal)


    4. SUSIE BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s wife)

    5. EVELYN BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s sister, Bieldside?)

    6. JACK BUCHANAN (Sheriff`s brother-in-law)

    7. TERRY MAJOR (Ex-Grampian police officer, now deceased)


    9. ANN ROYAL



    12.GRAEME MACKIE (Bieldside?)

    13.GILLIAN MACKIE (Nurse)

    14.EILEEN SIM (Social worker)

    15.ROBERT LYND (Partner of Eileen Sim)

    16.HELEN MACDONALD (Social worker)

    17.IAN MACDONALD (Husband of Helen Macdonald)

    18.CAROL LOW (Nurse)

    19.ANDREW YOUNG (Headmaster)

    20.IAN MACDOUGALL (Solicitor)

    21.ATHOLL SCOTT (Accountant)

    The extent of this cover up is equally as staggering as the latest one involving shamed Savile, I urge you to simply type in ‘Hollie Greig’ on a Google search and you can read the extent of this cover up and understand how the police, the courts, social services and the entire justice system conspire to cover up the sick and perverted behind the scenes picture of establishments most respected people.

    Savile study - Weird, interesting and creepy…

    In August 1988, shortly before the publication of a highly critical report into its operating procedures, the entire management board of Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital was suspended by the Department of Health, which at the time had joint responsibility for its direct management.

    The running of Broadmoor, the highest-profile facility of its kind in the country and the home to many of Britain's most notorious criminals, was placed in the temporary control of a "taskforce" to be headed up by a somewhat unexpected figure, Jimmy Savile.

    West London Mental Health NHS Trust, which now runs the hospital, believes Saviles involvement as a volunteer began in the late 1960s or early 70s. He had his own office in the grounds of the hospital, a bedroom and his own personal set of keys to the hospital wards. (Obviously, why not?)

    Savile also has some ties with Peter Sutcliffe aka the Yorkshire Ripper. Jimmy Savile, became very good friends with the mass murderer while doing voluntary work at broadmoor.

    In a police interview of Sutcliffe he stated -

    I hit her on the head at least two or three times. I lifted up her clothes
 and slashed her abdomen and throat.” Mr. Sutcliffe
    also told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn’t tell where they came from. He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house. Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived, or did he already know that because he had visited there before the attacks?

    Appointed by Kenneth Clarke to lead the restructuring ‘task force’ at Broadmoor, Savile, without psychiatric qualifications, arranged the transfer of dangerous patients to less secure units, claiming they were cured. The Department of Health said, "It is fair to say Jimmy Savile can take a lot of credit for this."

    In 2009, Savile’s friend, the Yorkshire Ripper, “a nice guy with a good nature” who confessed to murdering thirteen women and assaulting seven more, was also declared low risk and his lawyers are seeking to have him released. The first of Peter Sutcliffe’s victims to die was Wilma McCann, murdered on October 30th 1975 on Prince Phillip Playing Fields in Leeds, Savile’s home town, others were attacked in Roundhay Park, overlooked by Savile’s residence. Vera Millward was killed in the car park of Manchester Royal Infirmary, (where Savile once lived) and Josephine Whitaker was murdered at Saville Park Moor in Halifax. Coincidences?

    While Broadmoor may have been the institution where Savile was given the most senior position, allegations of abuse have been linked to at least five other establishments – the BBC, Stoke Mandeville hospital, Leeds general infirmary, the Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey and Duncroft approved girls' school in Staines, Surrey. Reports suggest that he would stay in the headmistress's quarters at Duncroft.

    He joined the specialist hospital Stoke Mandeville as a volunteer porter in 1969 and began fundraising in 1972. He remained a frequent visitor to the hospital and had a room on site.

    Savile had a long-association with the Leeds General Infirmary, which included him volunteering during the 1960s and 70s and carrying out charity work until his death in October 2011. With private access and his own keys it would be here that Savile would have had the opportunity to explore his obsession for sexual contact with dead bodies.

    Savile denied ever visiting the Haut de la Garenne children’s home where human remains have been discovered and children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused. Although the following photograph suggests he has been there.

    Savile sued the Sun in 2008 over a series of articles linking him to the Jersey children’s home. As a result of the articles Savile took out an injunction on The Sun who had to withdraw the picture. Further articles followed claiming Savile was unwilling to cooperate with the police investigation and another claiming he had admitted that he had visited the home. Savile was also criticised for being unprepared to ‘fix-it’ for the victims.

    However, the Crown Prosecution Service advised that there was insufficient evidence to take any further action, and no charges were ever brought.

    New details about the police investigation came to light ahead of the broadcast of an ITV documentary that accuses Savile of molesting young girls and raping a teenager at the height of his fame.

    In 2007, Surrey Police received a complaint from a woman who said she was indecently assaulted by Savile at Duncroft in the 1970s the matter was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service for a charging decision, who advised there was insufficient evidence to take any further action.

    In part of my research for this article I went to my Louis Theroux DVD collection, in particular, when Louis met Jimmy Savile. Louis Theroux is a journalist who spent some time with Jimmy Savile making a film designed to give us some insight into the life of the Jim’ll fix it star. When I visited Louis Theroux’s website I read an article posted by Louis after Savile passed away reminiscing about the time he had spent with Savile making his production for the BBC. The first excerpt from Louis’ article needs to be read while keeping in mind the accusations of his alleged obsession with necrophilia.

    “I actually started making my Jimmy Savile film out of a fascination with the macabre rumors that used to swirl around the man, many of them started by Jimmy himself. One was that he didn’t actually like children, despite hosting one of Britain’s most famous children’s’ TV shows.
 Another, written in his autobiography, that the few days he spent alone with his deceased mother’s body during her laying out was the time of his life. That he was in charge of “entertainment” at Broadmoor where he would have tea with Peter Sutcliffe.
 That he spent his spare time volunteering as a hospital porter at Leeds General Infirmary where he was known for wheeling bodies into the morgue.”

    Paedophilia is bad enough, necrophilia is something else, defined as ‘an obsessive fascination with death and corpses and an attraction to, or sexual contact with corpses’. What was Jimmy Savile doing that gave him the time of his life with his mothers dead body? And can anyone find me another reason why Jimmy Savile would happily volunteer to porter dead bodies to the morgue in a hospital where he was a resident and a key holder?

    Louis later states “I was struck by his network of friends and helpers he had in each place and their loyalty to him”. An interesting statement, indeed, Savile did have a long list of friends and ‘helpers’ who would go to great lengths for him, no doubt his Royal, religious and political connections would be of great service to him in covering up his crimes against children.

    During the program, while travelling to Liverpool with Savile, Louis asking him about his past says “you used to be a wrestler didn’t you?” Savile’s reply is “Still am, still am, feared by every girls school in the country”. Asked what is that supposed to mean Savile momentarily pauses and then says “Those are just pleasantries”.

    Jimmy Saviles’ Paedophile Ring

    The vast majority of the victims currently coming forward allege that Jimmy Savile abused them. But detectives announced mid October 2012 that they were mounting a full criminal investigation after some of the hundreds of people who have come forward in response to the unfolding scandal made allegations that they were abused by other individuals who are still alive. It is understood that most of these claims of sexual abuse relate to people who were associated with Savile in some way.

    What Jimmy Savile said about Gary Glitter in a TV interview in 2009

    “Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.”

    “They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then ‘Oh we’ve got a famous person … Oh my goodness, yeah we’ll have them’.

    “But Gary has not sold ‘em, has not tried to sell ‘em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that. It were for his own gratification.

    Whether it was right or wrong is up to him as a person. But they didn’t do anything wrong but they are demonised.”

    Glitter was jailed for indecent images of children in 1999, in 2002 was permanently deported from Cambodia due to suspected child sexual abuse, and in 2005 he was jailed in Vietnam for sexually assaulting two girls aged 10 and 11 and was deported back to the UK in 2008.

    Karin Ward claims she saw paedophile Glitter having sex with a 13-year-old while Sir Jimmy abused another girl. She said the Top Of The Pops presenter fondled the terrified youngster under her skirt as she sat quivering on his lap. Karin, who also alleged Sir Jimmy molested her in his car, said she felt “disgusted” and “ashamed”.

And she claimed she was also abused by a third celebrity in the same dressing room when she was just 14.

She now plans to make a complaint to the Metropolitan Police about the unnamed TV star. Karin was a pupil at Duncroft special needs school in Surrey.

    In the 1960′s ,The former Radio 1 DJ Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman owned a large corner shop on the Lea Bridge Rd in London. In March 1994 Freeman revealed on breakfast television that he had become celibate in 1981, but had been bisexual.

    This shop has recently been reported as a place where ‘Fluff’ held kinky parties ,attended by the likes of confirmed bachelor Sir Jimmy Saville , convicted child molester Jonathen King (pic below) the once jailed paedophile broadcaster & former pop star and Brian Epstein, who was at the time the Homosexual manager of the Beatles.

    At these parties , young boys , specially brought over from several childrens homes would be plied with drugs and alcohol. However these parties were forced to come to an end when Police chiefs got wind that the MP & Ex Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe was attending them along with several other prominent MP’s…

    According to a source: ‘Jimmy Savile was predatory in that he used his hit shows as a vehicle to get to those young girls.

    ‘All of those who have been interviewed for the documentary were under the age of consent at the time of the abuse. The youngest one was just 13 years old.’

    Two say Savile gave them sexually-transmitted diseases.

    Two BBC producers even agreed to speak on camera to Mr Williams-Thomas, with one admitting he thought Savile was abusing young girls. He confesses he didn’t speak out at the time as he feared he’d lose his job because of Savile’s immense influence.

    Savile and Ted Heath

    Edward Heath, the former prime minister from 1970-74, was known to visit the Jersey care home Haute de la Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called ‘Morning Cloud’, or as his bodyguards referred to it, ‘Morning Sickness’.

    The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Savile. He was seen by the witness/victim, taking young boys onboard Heaths yacht the morning cloud when they were at a party conference. Allegedly Savile is known for supplying a number of high profile MP’s with children for them to sexually abuse.

    Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London’s lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys. Nonetheless, he quickly fell prone to blackmailers who insisted he dress up in a ridiculous Gestapo uniform in which he was photographed.

    Heath was also sensationally linked to a children’s home in N Ireland. The Kincora Boys’ Home was a home for working boys in Belfast that was the scene of a notorious child sex abuse scandal. The scandal first came to public attention on 3rd April 1980, when three members of staff at the home, William McGrath a notorious homosexual , Raymond Semple and Joseph Mains, were charged with a number of offences relating to the systematic abuse of children in their care over a number of years. Mains, the former warden, received a term of six years, Semple, a former assistant warden, five years and McGrath four years.

    Former Army Press officer Colin Wallace, who was based in Belfast, has long insisted that the authorities knew boys were being systematically sodomised at the home six years before they decided to act.

    Former Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, the senior police officer in the Haut de la Garenne abuse inquiry said, "We know from court cases and statements made to my team [during the 2008 inquiry] that children in Jersey care homes were 'loaned out’ to members of the yachting fraternity and other prominent citizens on the pretence of recreational trips but during which they were savagely abused and often raped.

    There are possible links emerging between the abuse in Jersey children’s homes and the earlier notorious Islington children’s homes paedophile ring.

    Islington’s deputy children’s homes superintendent Nicholas Rabet had worked in Jersey in childcare and he regularly took children from the Islington's council homes on camping trips to the island where Savile was photographed at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home. After being exposed by the press Rabet fled Britain to Thailand but was charged there in 2006 with abusing 30 boys. He committed suicide before he could be tried. His accomplice, Neil Hocquart, killed himself in custody in Ely, Cambridgeshire, in 1991, after being found with hundreds of paedophile videos.


    When allegations were first made that there was an active paedophile ring within Islington's council homes Margaret Hodge council leader refused to allocate resources for an investigation to take place.

    A senior social worker, Liz Davies, and her manager, David Cofie, first told Margaret Hodge, then leader of Islington council, in 1990 of their suspicions that there was widespread sexual abuse of children in Islington care homes.

    Ms Hodge instead believed senior officials who assured her that nothing was the matter. In 1992, the London Evening Standard published extensive evidence of the abuse, which Ms Hodge denounced as "a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism". In 1995, an independent report found that the council had indeed failed to investigate the allegations properly.

    In 2003, Tony Blair appointed Ms Hodge the first ever Minister for Children. Some questioned her suitability, including a courageous and articulate man called Demetrious Panton who had been sexually abused in an Islington care home in the late 1970s and whose attempts to expose what was happening had been repeatedly ignored.

    Ms Hodge wrote privately to the BBC describing Mr. Panton as "extremely disturbed", a remark for which she was later compelled to apologise in the High Court. The first person to categorise Panton as "disturbed" was the paedophile boss of his children's home, Bernie Bain, a man later described by police as "a brutal sexual abuser": Panton was 10 at the time.

    Interestingly while Hodge was children's minister in Blair's Government she supported sex education for 5 year olds.

    Evidently there are people in positions of power who see nothing wrong with paedophilia.

    Her late husband was Sir Henry Hodge a high court judge. Margaret Hodge (nee) Oppenheimer is a very powerful woman, more so than you would think.

    Extract from Wikipedia:

    Margaret Eve Oppenheimer was born in Egypt in 1944 to Hans and Lisbeth Oppenheimer, a refugee multi-millionaire German Jewish steel trader and his Austrian Jewish wife. The family's company Stemcor is the world's largest privately owned steel-trading corporation, with an annual turnover of £6.28 billion in 2008

    Ernest Oppenheimer was an early member of the Bavarian Illuminati, which had been founded using money from the Rothschild family. The Rothschild’s family banking group sponsored them in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ernest Oppenheimer's children and grandchildren are said to have been inducted into Freemasonry.

    The Savile case is just the tip of the iceberg because paedophilia is widespread amongst the ruling class of the world but it's easily covered up by the likes of Hodge.

    If the police investigation gets to close to people at the top there will be another cover up. A few more celebrity names will be charged and that will satisfy the public's demand for prosecutions but those at the top will once again escape justice.

    Ritualistic satanic child sex abuse is real. It's widespread especially within the ruling elite and it's up to all of us to expose it and put an end to it.

    If Savile had been exposed while he was alive he would have taken many famous people down with him including those within the British Establishment.

    Savile once told television presenter Louis Theroux: "I can get anything. There’s nothing I can’t get, and there’s nothing I can’t do".

    Child procurement for elite paedophiles ensures you protection from the law because if you go down so do your clients.

    Saviles unusual and powerful connections

    In 1977, Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin had a meeting with Egyptian president Anwar Sadat that led to 'peace' between the two countries.

    Jimmy Savile received a medal from Israel in 1979, for services rendered. Reportedly, Savile visited Israel in 1975 to advise Israel's President Ephraim Katzir on a matter of security.

    Reportedly, Savile visited Israel a number of times to offer his advice.

    A Manchester businessman, Benny Sternberg, revealed that "Savile had been approached to explore the possibility of a meeting between Sadat and Begin because of his friendship with the family of the Egyptian president's wife Jehan.

    Savile described himself as "the only yok with a Yiddishe kop.

    Savile claimed during an interview with The Guardian newspaper that he told Professor Katzir: "I’m very disappointed because you’ve all forgotten how to be Jewish and that’s why everyone is taking you to the cleaners … You won the Six Day War, you took all that land, you gave it all back, including the only oil well in the area, and now you’re paying the Egyptians for the oil you already had."

    Savile also maintained that the president invited him to repeat his words at a Cabinet meeting. "They asked my opinion about a couple of things, to which I said, ‘Nothing’s impossible’. They did exactly what I suggested and it worked out 100 per cent successful."

    The occasion was confirmed partly by Roger Ordish, producer of Jim'll Fix It, who said: "I know he met the President when we were in Israel in 1975."

    Savile's ten-day visit to Israel in 1975, when he met President Ephraim Katzir and Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, was organised by John Levy of the Friends of Israel Educational Trust...

    Savile became friendly with Prince Charles in the mid 1980s and got to know Princess Diana at the same time. Diana once described savile as ‘a mentor to Charles’. He was used as an intermediary between Diana and Charles during their split and Savile was among the guests at Diana's funeral in 1997.

    Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, often played host to him at Chequers (11 consecutive Christmasses according to Savile) and her successors, Major, Blair and Brown were all “fans” deaf to the ‘open secret’ which everybody knew. Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, friend of the billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sent Christmas cards to Savile right up until he died and Charles led the tributes after his death in 2011 saying, how “saddened” he was.

    On one Christmas card that Prince Charles sent to Savile that was recently sold at auction he wrote: “Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.”

    The Monarchy, who have a long tradition of entertaining mass murderers and deviants of all persuasions, recently invited charity worker and convicted sex offender, Harbinder Singh aboard the Royal barge during the Diamond Jubilee pageant. Either the Security Services are extremely lax in protecting the Windsor’s from potential criminals, or these associates are recruited by Royal Approval.

    During Louis Theroux’s program with Savile, when boasting about his friendly connections with the Royals he shows Louis an invitation to a private Royal dinner, when Louis asks ”What do you discuss with them”, Saviles response is suddenly very defensive and he says “that is a no go area, I’m not a grass”. No accusation was made Jimmy, and what is this no go area? Paedophilia?

    Savile was awarded the OBE in the New Years Honors list of 1972

    He was awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honors list of 1990 for services to charity.

    Also in 1990, Pope John Paul II made Savile - a lifelong Roman Catholic - a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great . The honor is also known as a papal knighthood.

    Savile was given another Catholic honor: the Cross of Merit in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. It is awarded to those who have carried out charitable works or upheld Christian values.

    Claims of this nature have previously been made against the Catholic Church, which has been found vicariously liable for the actions of its priests and although hushed, it is common knowledge that out of court settlements for accusations of child abuse have cost the Catholic Church £millions.

    As human beings who have the desire to live in a civilized society we have to demand that the BBC is crushed as a result of the scandals being exposed and the victims need to be compensated for damages. Full and thorough investigations need to be launched and all aspects of the scandals need to be examined with a fine toothcomb. The BBC has condoned this behaviour as acceptable by deliberately protecting Savile, and it suggests protecting Savile was less about protecting the reputation of the BBC and more about protecting their own reputations.

    Ask yourself the question - what kind of person allows this sort of behaviour to go on without further investigation?

    1. Someone involved

    2. Someone silenced (threats made if they speak out)

    3. Someone that doesnt care

    Most people involved with this cover up I believe fall into number 1, involvement, many others including victims certainly had threats made against them and their families which helped to keep this covered up for so long. few will fall into the third catagory but no matter what way you look at it, the BBC held ultimate responsibility here, even if that organisation and its bosses were under pressure from higher up, they are big enough and powerful enough to stand up for what is right and not be manipulated into manipulating us (the audience). The BBC has a responsibility to provide us with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, after all, who funds the very existnce of the BBC? Yes, the British public.

    The BBC is not alone in its shame, so too should the political system be cleaned of its child abusing MPs who are voting on how our country is run and how our children grow up, look at this list of MPs convicted of sex offenses which, by the way, is not even nearly a complete list.

    Oh and did I mention anything about the Catholic Church...?

    UPDATE!!!! 23rd October 2012

    Several newspapers report today about Jimmy Saviles necrophilic tendancies as previously reported by many alternative researches. Well done mainstream media! I'm so surprised the TRUTH is starting to come out, now lets out the government and the Royal family for the filthy necrophilic paedophiles that they are too...

    Full article below:

    "The claims were made by former Radio 1 DJ Paul Gambaccini, who demanded to know why allegations Savile sexually abused corpses were not investigated.

    MORE: Jimmy Savile: Lord Patten warns Maria Miller over BBC interference

    He told BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Nicky Campbell that he was aware of necrophilia accusations surrounding Savile in the 1980s.

    ‘That particularly lurid accusation that you have just brought to people’s attention is one that has not been in the public domain,’ said Campbell.

    Mr Gambaccini, 63, replied: ‘Why not?’

    Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where Savile worked as a volunteer, has launched an investigation into his unaccompanied mortuary visits.

    Mr Gambaccini claimed it was known among BBC staff that the late presenter targeted vulnerable young people.

    ‘The expression I came to associate with Savile’s sexual partners was either one used by production assistants or one I made up to summarise their reports... “under-age subnormals”,’ he added.

    ‘He targeted the institutionalised, the hospitalised – and this was known. Why did Jimmy go to hospitals? That’s where the patients were.’

    In a 1990 interview with Q magazine, Savile, who died last year, admitted he enjoyed being alone with dead people.

    He said: ‘You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I’m just saying goodbye and looking after him. That is a privilege and an honour.

    ‘Some people get hold of the fact that Jim likes looking after cadavers and say, “Aha, Jim’s a necrophiliac”. I’m not a necrophiliac.’"

  3. #503
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    19-11-2016 @ 07:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    been brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is ok
    i really don't know about homosexuality but i've seen some with their make-up on and dressed up all pretty and not knowing if it's a guy or a lady until i check the feet or adam's apple. fact is i ain't sure what is normal and what isn't.
    there are apparently over 400 species on the planet that partake in same sex.,,
    when i saw the channel 4 documentary i was as surprised as many were, that heterosexuals were responsible for the majority of sexual abuse cases.
    i think they're all barmy wanting to get married and have their relationship blessed by God. which is what they want. To be accepted by society.
    A piece of paper makes it all ok
    A heterosexual will get married and after a certain period will not have the same intensity and maybe folks couldn't stand the sight of each other but stay together
    because children are there or because neither wants to live alone and so they make a deal. He brings home the bacon she provides for his needs when required thus making the wife into something that one dare not mention.
    But it is encouraged in the moral scheme of things.
    These are all man-made rules and it doesn't matter if you suffer,,,, didn't Jesus suffer for you,,,, what right have you to complain.
    All this was a reality for many not so long ago.
    Society is changing where sexuality has gone from one extreme to an opposite extreme. All brought about by man and his rules.
    Ladies never had much or say in the matter.
    Only difference now for gays is that the threat of ending up in hell and burning forever has been lifted.
    I don't want to kill anybody and refuse to have ouwt to do with carrying guns
    but for many many it's a reality and even natural and they go out and slaughter scores everyday,,women , children , appalling suffering on the screens every night.
    Gays don't bother me in the slightest.
    And they ain't gonna go away any time soon.
    Is there a cure for wanting to join the army ?

  4. #504
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    08-11-2017 @ 09:54 PM
    Shit, didn't know about the necrophilia. This just gets sicker and sicker...

  5. #505
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    In a Madhouse
    And will get sicker, if were allowed to hear the whole story and who else was connected, presently were only getting the celebs being arrested, not sure if it will go much higher up.

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    Watchdog request over Sussex Police Savile officers
    7 November 2013 Last updated at 13:02 GMT

    The police watchdog has asked for more information over how two Sussex detectives handled a sex assault allegation against Jimmy Savile.

    The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said it had directed Sussex Police to record and refer the officers' conduct to the watchdog.

    The officers investigated an alleged sexual offence by Savile after a woman contacted the force in March 2008.

    It is part of an IPCC review of material from a number of forces.

    It said it had requested further information from West Yorkshire, Surrey and the Metropolitan Police forces.

    "On receipt of the further information from these four police forces we will take decisions as soon as we can whether IPCC investigations are required," it said.

    'Careful assessment'
    The IPCC is already conducting an independent investigation into allegations a West Yorkshire Police inspector "acted on behalf" of Savile by inappropriately contacting Surrey Police ahead of a police interview in 2009.

    It said it had now advised other five police forces from which it received Savile-related information that it did not intend to take further steps in regard to any of their officers at this time.

    These forces were Thames Valley, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, North Yorkshire and Lancashire.

    "After careful assessment of all the information so far available we have determined there is insufficient evidence of any recordable conduct matters specific to individual police officers which would merit a referral to the IPCC," it said.

    "The forces have provided rationale to the IPCC, as requested, for their decision-making in not recording or referring any conduct matters."
    BBC News - Watchdog request over Sussex Police Savile officers

  7. #507
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    Freddie Starr held by Operation Yewtree over new claim

    Freddie Starr was first arrested in November 2012

    Entertainer Freddie Starr has been re-arrested by police probing historical allegations of sexual abuse.

    Scotland Yard said the latest arrest relates to a further allegation made to detectives from Operation Yewtree.

    Mr Starr, 70, from Warwickshire, who was first questioned in November 2012, has denied any wrongdoing.

    Police said "Yewtree 2" was further arrested after attending a police station in Warwickshire by prior appointment, before being bailed.

    They did not identify the entertainer by name.

    Following his initial arrest, Starr was re-arrested in April last year over different allegations.

    He is next due to return to police in February in relation to all the claims against him.

    'Complex inquiry'

    Operation Yewtree is an inquiry into allegations of historical sexual abuse linked to the entertainment industry.

    It was launched in 2012 after it emerged the late BBC Radio One DJ and television presenter Jimmy Savile had subjected hundreds of young people and children to sexual abuse over more than five decades.

    The operation has three strands. One concerns Savile's crimes exclusively, while a second relates to allegations against Savile and others.

    The third strand termed "others" concentrates on accusations which emerged as a result of the publicity surrounding Savile but which are unconnected to him.

    The Metropolitan Police said the new allegation against Mr Starr falls under the "others" strand.

    The claims that led to his April arrest were also unconnected to Savile.

    The allegations made when he was first arrested fall under the "Savile and others" strand.

    Last June, Mr Starr's lawyer said the entertainer hoped to soon be able to clear his name and, in October, questioned the length of the investigation.

    At the time, police said the delay was the result of the "complex nature" of the inquiry

    BBC News - Freddie Starr held by Operation Yewtree over new claim

  8. #508
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    Jimmy Savile: Inquiry into links with home for sick children

    Jimmy Savile targeted vulnerable patients

    Jimmy Savile scandal

    The NHS is to investigate Jimmy Savile's connections with a former home for children recovering from illness.

    Woodhouse Eaves Children's Convalescent Home in Leicester is the 33rd NHS organisation to come under review for links with the serial sex attacker.

    Savile is believed to have abused hundreds of victims - many of them children.

    Health Minister Norman Lamb said reports on Savile's links to NHS institutions should be ready by June.

    Mr Lamb said the inquiry into Woodhouse Eaves - now closed - would be carried out by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

    The Trust said it believed "an incident may have occurred more than 40 years ago", and it would "thoroughly investigate the evidence".

    The former Top Of The Pops and Jim'll Fix It presenter died in October 2011 - a year before allegations that he had sexually abused children were broadcast in an ITV documentary.

    A report by the Metropolitan Police and NSPCC said Savile had "used his celebrity status and fund-raising activity to gain uncontrolled access to vulnerable people across six decades".

    Broadmoor, Stoke Mandeville and Leeds General Infirmary are among the NHS hospitals where investigations are already under way.

    An independent inquiry into what the BBC knew about Savile is being led by Dame Janet Smith

    BBC News - Jimmy Savile: Inquiry into links with home for sick children

  9. #509
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Okay, they spend millions investigating a man that can't be brought to trial. Who stands to gain?

  10. #510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic
    Who stands to gain?
    The media. Folks love to read about this sordid stuff.

  11. #511
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    TV weatherman Fred Talbot on child sex charges

    Fred Talbot worked on the ITV programme This Morning

    TV weather presenter Fred Talbot has been charged with the sexual abuse of schoolchildren between 1968 and 1983.

    The former teacher is accused of nine offences of indecent assault and one serious sexual assault against a total of five complainants, Greater Manchester Police said.

    Four of the alleged victims attended Altrincham Grammar School for Boys and one was at a Newcastle school.

    Mr Talbot, 64, is due to appear before Manchester magistrates next month.

    Six counts of indecent assault relate to one alleged victim at a school where Mr Talbot previously taught in Newcastle, police said.

    'Public interest'

    The other offences relate to four alleged victims from Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, where Mr Talbot also taught.

    Nazir Afzal, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "We have carefully considered all the evidence gathered by Greater Manchester Police in relation to allegations from five complainants that Fred Talbot sexually assaulted them between the 1960s and 1980s.

    "Having completed our review, we have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest for Mr Talbot to be charged with 10 sexual offences relating to five complainants, three of whom were under 16 years of age at the time."

    Mr Talbot, of Bowdon, is best known for his work on the ITV programme This Morning in the late 80s and 90s when it was hosted by Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan.

    He was also the weatherman on ITV's Granada Reports but has not appeared on the show since the claims emerged last year

  12. #512
    Molecular Mixup
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    Four of the alleged victims attended Altrincham Grammar School for Boys
    another paedo
    again it's a fag
    same as always - 2% of the population doing more than half the crime.
    When is the sensible decision going to be taken to ban all gays from teaching jobs and travel to poor countries ?

  13. #513
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    09-12-2022 @ 12:25 PM
    There's a mention on the radio that another international pop star is about to be named in child sex allegations.

    Been in the charts for decades apparently.

  14. #514
    Molecular Mixup
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    i'll guess Elton john , failing that george micheal

  15. #515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smug Farang Bore View Post
    There's a mention on the radio that another international pop star is about to be named in child sex allegations.

    Been in the charts for decades apparently.
    Maybe a shadow of a doubt he had a penchant for the young ones but it won't be congratulations if he's found guilty and he'll be away for longer than a summer holiday.

  16. #516
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    That was my guess.

  17. #517
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    Mine too, but "international star"?

    What about Englebert Humpatwink?

  18. #518
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    Tom Jones?

  19. #519
    The Pikey Hunter
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    ^ it's not unusual....

  20. #520
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    Yewtree falls over a cliff
    COMMENT - the tap: Operation Fairbank - Cliff Richard visited Elm Lodge

    Who's the pop star in the Mail accused by abused '10 year old' boy?

    Beloved pop star 'abused 10-year-old boy': Alleged victim and witness have spoken to Savile police officers
    Accuser claims he was abused when he was just 10, it has been reported
    A witness to the alleged attack has also spoken to police officers
    The famous singer has not been identified for legal reasons
    By SAM WEBB (no relation)
    PUBLISHED: 17:14, 2 February 2014 | UPDATED: 17:19, 2 February 2014

    A famous singer is under investigation by Operation Yewtree police after allegedly abusing a boy of just 10, it has been reported.

    The alleged victim gave a statement to officers last year about the historic sexual abuse claims.

    A third party who claims to have witnessed the alleged attack has also talked to officers investigating sexual abuse claims in the wake of former DJ Jimmy Savile's exposure as a serial paedophile.

    Read more: Beloved pop star 'abused 10-year-old boy': Alleged victim and witness have spoken to Savile police officers | Mail Online
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    Who do you think it is?

  21. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Who do you think it is?
    could be anybody

    allegations are rife

    plenty of false ones too

  22. #522
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    Cliff Richard.

    Whoever, this is turning into a really horrible situation. All these men, who some of us idolized, turn out to be raving kiddy fiddlers.

    And if it's true, any of it. Let's hope their victims get justice - even if it did happen 40 or 50 years ago. No kid forgets that sort of thing.

  23. #523
    punk douche bag
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    are we playing spot the paed now?

    this forum has sunk to unimaginable depths..fair play like

  24. #524
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    Come on, this whole story has absolutely disgusted millions of people over the past few months. And it just gets sicker. I don't think it is spot the paed, it is just to bring it out in the open so it doesn't ever happen again.

  25. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsycat View Post
    Come on, this whole story has absolutely disgusted millions of people over the past few months. And it just gets sicker. I don't think it is spot the paed, it is just to bring it out in the open so it doesn't ever happen again.

    Speak for yourself, I'm definitely playing spot the paedo.

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