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  1. #576
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    Dave Lee Travis to face retrial on sex offence charges

    Dave Lee Travis: "This whole thing started when I was 67 and I just hope it's going to end by the time I'm 80"

    Former Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis is to face a retrial on charges of indecent and sexual assault, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

    The 68-year-old, from Mentmore, Buckinghamshire, was found not guilty earlier this month of 12 counts of indecent assault.

    However, the jury at Southwark Crown Court was unable to reach a verdict on the two outstanding charges.

    Speaking outside court, Mr Travis said the "nightmare is now going to go on".

    Appearing before Judge Anthony Leonard, prosecutor Miranda Moore QC told the court: "The prosecution is seeking a retrial for two outstanding counts."

    The BBC's home affairs correspondent, Danny Shaw, who was in court, said the prosecution and defence agreed there would be a two-week trial, for which a date was to be set.

    Mr Travis was given bail and is due back in court on 28 March.

    Reading a short statement outside court, Mr Travis said: "All I can say is that this whole thing started when I was 67 and I just hope it's going to end by the time I am 80."

    The former BBC presenter was accused of indecently assaulting 10 women and sexually assaulting another in alleged incidents dating back to 1976 when he was at the height of his fame.

    The outstanding charges relate to an allegation of indecent assault against a woman in the early 1990s along with an alleged sexual assault on a journalist in 2008

  2. #577
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    a story doing the rounds at the moment, with articles in the telegraph, guardian and mail.

    The 'right’ to sleep with children was one 'civil liberty’ that NCCL supported

    The Seventies was an era of sudden sexual emancipation. To some on the Left, sex with children was just another boundary to be swept away

    Harriet Harman with her husband Jack Dromey after her victory in Peckham
    Image 1 of 2

    In 1978, Harriet Harman, right, was among those who argued that child pornography should not be banned.

    By Andrew Gilligan8:40PM GMT 21 Feb 2014

    The first chapter of Tom O’Carroll’s book reads a little like a romantic novel, as the author describes his “special friendship” with a “raven-haired little charmer”, spoiled only by the “stupid, blind, socially programmed” parents who “come between” them.

    In other places, it’s like soft porn, with fairly graphic descriptions of nudity and sex. (“I knew my little naked body didn’t look like anything… but Uncle Herman looked at me as if I were Sophia Loren,” gushes a female contributor.)

    There are, however, several important differences. The book, a manifesto for the legalisation of sex with children, is called Paedophilia: The Radical Case. O’Carroll was a teacher, and the “raven-haired little charmer” was one of his pupils, an 11-year-old schoolboy called Chris. Uncle Herman was in his fifties, and the girl he had sex with was 12.

    But most unusually of all, O’Carroll’s foreword, with its passionate plea not to “deny children their sexual life, including the possibility of sexual contact with adults”, expresses his “heartfelt thanks” to those who helped him write his rallying-call, “especially… Ms Nettie Pollard of the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) [who] read the whole text in draft and made many helpful suggestions”.

    O’Carroll had been a “sexually predatory” paedophile, “determined to find a boy, or boys, for what I assured myself would be mutually pleasurable and affectionate sex… All I had to do was pop out to the nearest canal bank, or swimming baths, or park.” After this didn’t work, he “rained letters” on Chris, then turned up on the child’s doorstep “emboldened by drink, and aggressive with it”. O’Carroll was any parent’s darkest nightmare.

    Yet at the time this book was published, in 1980, O’Carroll and the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) – a body founded to openly lobby for child sex – were part of NCCL, now Liberty, Britain’s foremost mainstream civil rights organisation.

    In 1975, NCCL had granted PIE official “affiliate” status. It put O’Carroll on one of its working groups, it made him a platform speaker at an NCCL conference in spring 1977, and it strongly defended paedophiles against “hysterical and inaccurate” newspaper attacks.

    There was, to be fair, internal opposition to this. According to the winter 1978 edition of Gay Left magazine, NCCL’s executive voted not to distribute the transcript of O’Carroll’s 1977 conference speech, a passionate attack on the punishment of sex offenders.

    NCCL’s union affiliates were reluctant to accept PIE as a fraternal brother, and NCCL’s secretary, Patricia Hewitt, said “public hostility to paedophilia was such that it damaged the cause of gay rights for the gay movement to be associated with it”.

    But such voices were a minority; for most of the Seventies and early Eighties, the “right” to sleep with children was one of the “civil liberties” that NCCL supported and the policy differences with PIE were ones only of degree.

    PIE favoured lowering the age of sexual consent broadly to four (as they generously allowed, a baby below that would “lack the verbal skill to communicate its consent”). The comparative moderates of NCCL backed a reduction merely to 10, so long as it could be demonstrated that consent “was genuinely given”.

    NCCL vigorously opposed new cornerstone child abuse legislation. In a letter to the Home Office in April 1978, it argued fiercely that child pornography should not be banned as “indecent” unless it could be shown that the child depicted had been harmed.

    The NCCL official who wrote this letter was its legal officer, Harriet Harman.
    Ms Harman is now, of course, deputy leader of the Labour Party. She presumably no longer believes what she said in the Seventies – though she has never apologised for it. But it is her role then, and that of the Left, that journalists are starting to explore as they try to understand the climate that led to an apparent child abuse epidemic in the Seventies and Eighties, manifest in dozens of major scandals – Jimmy Savile’s only the latest to come to light.

    For NCCL was far from alone in its views. In 1977, the social workers’ trade paper, Community Care, published a sympathetic spread, headlined “Should we pity the paedophiles”, talking of the “liberation of children to enjoy their natural sexuality” and reassuring readers that most paedophiles preferred only over-10s, making them “less frightening than [PIE’s] campaign implies”. In 1979, the National Council for One-Parent Families called for abolishing the age of consent.

    With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. To some on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary that had to be swept away.

    As Andrew Lumsden, an editor of Gay News at the time, said: “We were fighting against a lot of outmoded laws, and perhaps the ones against paedophilia were as outmoded as those against homosexuality or cannabis.”

    Britain’s half-hearted liberalisation of homosexuality – until very recently, the gay age of consent was 21, five years above heterosexuals – also allowed the likes of O’Carroll and PIE to cleverly conflate their perverted agenda with the legitimate demands of young gay adults.

    PIE tried to present any attack on paedophiles as an attack on homosexuals generally; as Gay Left put it, “realistically, the moral Right wing cannot get much support out of campaigning against homosexuality as such… but they can hope to build up a new moral consensus [against gays] around the issue of protecting childhood”.

    PIE’s members, mostly educated and middle-class, were good at finding “progressive” academics – some useful idiots, others rather more sinister – to fight their cause. As O’Carroll said: “We thought we could manipulate the Establishment and find allies within it.”

    In 1981, a respectable publisher, Batsford, published Perspectives on Paedophilia, edited by Brian Taylor, a sociology lecturer at Sussex University. The book’s introduction said it aimed to “inhibit… antipathy towards [paedophilia’s] discussion [and] its indulgence”.

    One man, Peter Righton, contributed a strong defence of paedophilia; Righton, later convicted of child sex offences, was a member of PIE and director of education at the National Institute of Social Work.

    The presence in PIE of people like Righton has led to claims that child abuse in the era involved an Establishment conspiracy, with “rings” of powerful abusers, including Cabinet ministers, protecting each other. Though there are some justified suspicions about this, hard evidence so far has been lacking.

    Indeed, in the political sphere, PIE’s activism clearly backfired, sparking a massive public backlash and being completely ignored by ministers – who consistently tightened, not loosened, the law.

    Most people, of course, never fell for the paedophile agenda. The obvious problem with any argument that children could “consent to” or “demand” sex is that any relationship between an adult and a child involves massive disparities of power, to the child’s disadvantage. By the early Eighties, the devastating harm that abuse did was quite clear. PIE’s activists, including O’Carroll, mostly went to jail and the group was disbanded in 1984.

    Yet in some organisations infected with the ideology of the Seventies and early Eighties, a climate was created where the abuse of children became acceptable. Unforgivably, those organisations included a hard-Left London council, Islington, with thousands of vulnerable children directly in its care.

    In the Eighties, an official inquiry found, Islington’s children’s homes were riddled with abuse, sex and paedophile rings. Dozens of sexual predators worked for the council and were, found the inquiry, protected by misplaced “equal opportunities” policies which enabled them to cry “discrimination” if anyone tried to rein in their activities. (One key member of the NCCL executive in the paedophile period, the lawyer Henry Hodge, was married to the then Islington council leader, Margaret Hodge, now reinvented as the chairman of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.)
    Despite the backlash, what the madness in parts of the Left did create was still dangerous.

    The 'right’ to sleep with children was one 'civil liberty’ that NCCL supported - Telegraph

    'We on the Left lacked the courage to be branded 'homophobic’, so we just ignored it. I wish I hadn’t'

    Eileen Fairweather was among those who failed to condemn the Paedophile Information Exchange in the Seventies

    By Eileen Fairweather8:50PM GMT 21 Feb 2014

    In the late Seventies, when the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was at its height, I was a young radical, daft as a brush, and worked for a feminist publication, Spare Rib, which it targeted.

    PIE asked the magazine to “show solidarity”, after police began arresting members. Chief propagandist Tom O’Carroll — later imprisoned — sent the monthly glossy excerpts of his book, Paedophilia: the Radical Case, and invited us to a PIE public meeting.

    The National Front had picketed the first PIE meeting at Conway Hall, in London’s Red Lion Square and spat and punched at the paedophiles as they went in, while members of the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) attempted to protect them.

    To younger people now, it seems incredible that Leftists once defended paedophiles. But, to their shame, and the continuing long-term harm of British children, many did. I know that better than most, remembering our anguished, earnest conversations.

    PIE fooled so many on the Left, within academia and in social work, because they adroitly hijacked the language of liberation. Little was known then or discussed about the extent or horror of child abuse. PIE members also portrayed themselves as “child lovers”, benign uncle figures who offered tenderness, not rape.

    They claimed that paedophiles, like women, gay men and children, were “oppressed by the patriarchy”. Therefore we should all make common cause. Spare Rib, to its credit, refused to fall for this self-serving guff. But nor did we condemn it.

    I was the staffer delegated to read O’Carroll’s book, and I lacked the courage to be branded “homophobic” — as opponents of PIE were. So we just ignored it.

    I wish I hadn’t. But, extraordinarily, to the detriment of both vulnerable children and ordinary, decent gay men, men campaigning for sex with small boys had cynically positioned themselves under the sheltering banner of gay rights.

    Recent reports have exposed how future Labour Party MPs held key roles in the Seventies at NCCL, which effectively supported PIE’s aims.

    These MPs have refused to explain or apologise. They should — because the evil legacy of that era, our lack of intelligent thinking and moral courage, still reverberates.

    I recovered from my failure of nerve and went on in the Nineties to expose how paedophiles had infiltrated all 12 children’s homes in Islington, north London.

    They did so thanks to the then far-Left council’s fatally naïve “positive discrimination’ recruitment policy. If a man wanted work with children and claimed to be gay he did not even need experience or references.

    Numerous independent inquiries later vindicated us.

    Politicians of all hues allowed PIE to thrive. But it still angers me most when those who claim to champion the weakest in society stay silent.
    Why is saving face more important than saving vulnerable children?

    Eileen Fairweather won two British Press Awards for her work in exposing the Islington scandal
    'We on the Left lacked the courage to be branded 'homophobic’, so we just ignored it. I wish I hadn’t' - Telegraph

  3. #578
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    I read the article on a young Harriet Harman over the weekend. Disturbing stuff

  4. #579
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    26-08-2017 @ 09:53 PM
    I had coffee with a HK barrister a couple of days ago and asked some of the legal questions we were conjecturing on.

    1) Can an accuser be sued if a plaintiff is found not guilty?
    -Yes, but the not guilty verdict alone is not sufficient to win an action against the accuser. The not guilty verdict only means that there aren't sufficient grounds to convict.

    2) If there was some rock solid evidence - like a reliable proven alibi, would the exonerated person have a stronger case?
    -Yes. Its unlikely though that the case would even have come to trial if that alibi had been revealed to the investigation.

    3) What would the offence be for a false accusation?
    -If made in court, perjury. If made outside court, defamation.
    An accuser can't libel/defame someone in court, as there is absolute privilege given for whatever allegations are made in the witness box.

  5. #580
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    25-09-2014 @ 02:50 PM
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    Jimmy Savile: Schools and children's homes face investigation

    Claims Jimmy Savile abused children at 21 children's homes and schools in England must be investigated by local authorities, the government has said.

    The allegations concern institutions in Yorkshire, London, Manchester, Nottinghamshire, Kent, Surrey and Devon, and relate to the 1960s, 70s and 80s, the Department for Education said.

    The information was uncovered as part of a review by the Met Police.

    Police have said Savile abused more than 200 people over 60 years.

    The former BBC DJ and presenter died in October 2011, aged 84, before the sex abuse allegations came to light.

    'Further investigation'

    The organisations include a school for the blind in Harrogate, three institutions in Savile's birthplace of Leeds, and a Barnardo's children's home in Redbridge, north-east London.
    It is right that steps are taken to explore these allegations, to find out what happened and why” - Henshaws Society for Blind People

    In a written statement, Education Secretary Michael Gove said: "This information was uncovered as part of the document review process undertaken by the Metropolitan Police Service on behalf of the Department of Health.

    "Having reviewed the information, I have decided that the Department for Education should pass the information to the appropriate organisations for further investigation.

    "In most cases the work will be conducted by the relevant local authority; in others the relevant institution or a legacy organisation will take the lead."

    The NHS is already investigating 33 hospitals' links with Savile after police passed information to the Department of Health.

    Mr Gove said the new inquiries, which will be overseen by human rights lawyer Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, would follow the same arrangements.

    Henshaws Society for Blind People, in Harrogate, said in a statement: "It is right that steps are taken to explore these allegations, to find out what happened and why, and we will be providing what evidence we can to the enquiry and will be putting as much effort as it takes into providing the enquiry with the information they need."

    In his statement, the education secretary named the following institutions:
    • Children's home - name unknown - Bournemouth
    • Colletton Lodge, Devon
    • The Ride Children's Home, Hounslow, west London
    • Parklands Children's Home, Gloucestershire
    • Sevenoaks School, Kent
    • Northways Residential School, Leeds
    • Beechcroft Children's Home, Leeds
    • Henshaw School for the Blind, Harrogate
    • Notre Dame Grammar School, Leeds
    • Care home - name unknown - Islington, north London
    • Hollies Care Home, Southwark, south-east London
    • St Leonard's Children's Home, Tower Hamlets, east London
    • Sarah Laski Home, Manchester
    • Broome House Children's Home, Manchester
    • Children's home - name unknown - Manchester
    • Aspley Wood School, Nottingham
    • Bassetlaw School, Nottinghamshire
    • National Children's Home, Penhurst, Oxfordshire
    • Beach Holme Children's Home, Surrey
    • Broomfield Children's Home, Surrey
    • Barnardo's children's home - name unknown - Redbridge, north-east London
    Source: Department for Education

    BBC News - Jimmy Savile: Schools and children's homes face investigation

  6. #581
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    Dave Lee Travis to be charged with indecent assault

    Dave Lee Travis: "The nightmare is continuing"

    Former Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis is to be charged with a further offence of indecent assault, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

    Mr Travis already faces a retrial on charges of indecent and sexual assault after a jury was unable to agree verdicts on the two counts last month.

    The CPS said it had authorised police to charge Mr Travis with the extra offence.

    The 68-year-old said of the new charge: "The nightmare is continuing."

    Last month, Mr Travis was cleared of 12 counts of indecent assault but the jury could not reach a decision on the two outstanding charges.

    They relate to an allegation of indecent assault against a woman in the early 1990s along with an alleged sexual assault on a journalist in 2008.

    Details of the fresh indecent assault charge have not been released.

    Speaking outside London's Southwark Crown Court, where he was appearing for a legal hearing, Mr Travis said: "It's been a bit of a nightmare. And the only thing I want to say is this: The nightmare is continuing''

    BBC News - Dave Lee Travis to be charged with indecent assault

  7. #582
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    poor ole DLT, he's aving a nightmare.

    But fact is, most victims of sexual abuse have a life time of nightmares and distrust.

    Victims just never forget. Unlike the abusers.

    fuk im.

  8. #583
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    First Yewtree suspect David Smith 'took own life'

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    The first person to be charged as part of Operation Yewtree took his own life, a coroner has ruled.

    David Smith, 67, from Lewisham, south-east London, was found dead in his flat last October.

    The coroner said Mr Smith, who has previously been described in court as a BBC driver, took a "fatal combination" of drugs and left a note by his bed.

    Operation Yewtree was set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal to investigate historical cases of abuse

    BBC News - First Yewtree suspect David Smith 'took own life'

  9. #584
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    1 down, loads to go.

  10. #585
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    David Smith, 67, from Lewisham, south-east London, was charged as part of Operation Yewtree with allegedly abusing a 12-year-old boy in 1984.
    another paedo and again it's a homo ...

  11. #586
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    Serious interest.

    You must have all been big fans of Jimmy.

  12. #587
    The Pikey Hunter
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    ^ Only Moog who bought his trousers at auction.

  13. #588
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbil View Post
    ^ Only Moog who bought his trousers at auction.
    His cum stained pantaloons you mean?

  14. #589
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    Jim might have "fixed it" for any other TD members.?

  15. #590
    The Pikey Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koojo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbil View Post
    ^ Only Moog who bought his trousers at auction.
    His cum stained pantaloons you mean?
    That would be them yes. I believe Moog was sentimentally attached to them in some way.

  16. #591
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    That's weird.

  17. #592
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    Is anyone interested in buying his gold satin embroidered shirt? I'm selling it as it doesn't fit me. We can have a silent auction.

    His waist measurement is the same as mine, but his chest and shoulders were a lot smaller than my Tarzan-like delts and beefy pecs - too much marathon running I guess.

  18. #593
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    In a Madhouse
    Harriet harman also had something to do with the Cyril smith case, now theres a real fucked up story that was completely and utterly covered up for over fifty years.

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    Cyril Smith

    abuse school claims: Seven allege abuse

    Sir Cyril Smith died in 2010 aged 82

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    Seven former pupils at a residential school linked to the late Sir Cyril Smith have alleged they were sexually and physically abused by "at least 11" people, police have confirmed.

    The allegations, which date from the 1970s onwards, relate to Knowl View School in Rochdale where the Liberal Democrat MP was chairman of governors.

    Police said four more people had come forward but could not confirm if any complaints related to the politician.

    The school closed down in 1992.

    Independent review

    Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said it could not give the exact number of suspects, as not all victims knew the full names of their abusers, but it was investigating "at least 11".

    The force said it was working to establish if any of the potential suspects are now deceased.

    Allegations emerged in 2012 that the MP abused boys at the council-run Knowl View school for vulnerable boys.

    Det Insp Caroline Ward said: "Following publicity surrounding Sir Cyril Smith, seven people came forward to report physical and sexual abuse which occurred at Knowl View from the 1970s onwards.

    "Those allegations relate to physical and sexual abuse that took place between pupils and adults at the school."

    She said GMP was working closely with Rochdale Council to "build up a picture of the regime" at Knowl View.

    An independent review into the way it was run is due to report to Rochdale Council next month.

    Sir Cyril, who died in 2010 aged 82, has also been accused of abusing eight youngsters at Cambridge Hostel, also in Rochdale.

    In 2012, GMP said the MP was a sex abuser of boys in the late 1960s.

    The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) also said he should have been charged with sex crimes 40 years ago.

    It said although he faced no action following police inquiries in 1970 and the 1990s, procedural changes meant a prosecution would have been pursued today

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    I imagine Cyril Smith knew where the bodies were hidden, perhaps literally, involving politicians and possibly royals far higher up the good chain than he. He certainly had licence from someone who could pull strings at Special Branch.

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    Ex-Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning charged with 41 sex offences

    Mr Denning also worked as a music producer

    Former BBC Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning is to be charged with 41 sexual offences, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

    The alleged offences, dating from 1967 to 1985, are related to 22 boys aged nine to 16.

    Mr Denning was one of the original Radio 1 team when the station was launched in 1967.

    He was initially arrested under Operation Yewtree in June 2013 and will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Friday.

    Mr Denning, who is in his early 70s, was also the first announcer heard on BBC Radio 2 when the channel took to the air in 1964.

    He worked as a music producer for The Beatles and helped launch the Bay City Rollers. He also ran his own music and video production business.

    Baljit Ubhey, London chief crown prosecutor, said: "The decision to prosecute has been taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and Crown Prosecution Service legal guidance on rape and child sexual abuse.

    Chris Denning was a member of the team which launched Radio 1

    "We have determined that there is sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and that a prosecution is in the public interest."

    Prosecutors found that there was not enough evidence to prosecute in connection with three further alleged victims.

    Mr Denning is the fifth person to be prosecuted as part of Operation Yewtree

  22. #597
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    09-06-2019 @ 01:29 AM
    another paedo and again it's a homosexual ...

  23. #598
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    Jimmy Savile abuse reports 'reach 500'

    The former Top Of The Pops and Jim'll Fix It presenter died in October 2011

    Jimmy Savile scandal

    There have been at least 500 reports of abuse by ex-BBC presenter Jimmy Savile, NSPCC research for Panorama has found.

    Most of the alleged victims were between the ages of 13 and 15, but the youngest was two.

    Meanwhile, leaked memos reveal the extent of Savile's influence at Broadmoor psychiatric hospital, where he was appointed to lead a task force to reform the hospital.

    Panorama has been told about 16 reports of abuse at the hospital.
    The Department of Health and BBC are due to publish reports into Savile later this year.

    Children's charity the NSPCC said its helpline had received 50 more reports of abuse by Savile since its joint report with the Metropolitan Police was published in January 2013.

    These included reports from victims themselves, people who knew victims of abuse and people reporting information which was considered useful to the ongoing investigations.

    The earliest incident dated back to the mid-1940s, with the most recent in 2007.
    The report says most of the abuse took place on BBC premises, in hospitals and at children's homes.

    Peter Watt, director of child protection at the NSPCC, said: "There's no doubt that Savile is one of the most, if not the most, prolific sex offender that we have ever come across."

    Broadmoor allegations

    Meanwhile, a joint investigation by Panorama and Radio 4's the World at One has seen confidential memos which reveal how Jimmy Savile took control at Broadmoor in 1988. He was recommended by a senior civil servant to lead a task force to reform the hospital.

    His appointment was approved by Edwina Currie, when she briefly had responsibility for Broadmoor as Health Minister in 1988.

    Confidential government documents obtained by the BBC reveal that civil servants referred to Jimmy Savile as "Dr Savile" and said that he was going through Broadmoor "like a dose of salts".

    Mrs Currie told the BBC: "Our efforts to try to improve matters at Broadmoor came up against a very severe brick wall. And it was the senior civil servant in charge of Broadmoor who thought he might be able to do something. Bear in mind Savile had been in and out for donkey's years. So why not ask if he could help to improve matters?"

    Panorama: Find out more

    At the time Savile was appointed, the Prison Officers' Association at Broadmoor had just voted to take industrial action, but the documents show Savile thought he could deal with the dispute.

    He told Mrs Currie he had discovered some staff were sub-letting hospital housing and fiddling their overtime claims.

    "He made it quite clear, he told me, that he would use that against the staff if they misbehaved and didn't call off the overtime ban," she said. "I made a note of it at the time because I was so surprised."

    Mrs Currie said there were no complaints about Jimmy Savile at the time. The BBC has learned that there have now been at least 16 reports to the police of abuse by him at the hospital.

    Dr Chandra Ghosh, who was a senior psychiatrist at Broadmoor, said she understood why more people had not made official complaints.

    "These were people that nobody believed. So if they had in fact turned round and said he had abused them or raped them, nobody would have believed them. You know, this was Mr Savile, you know, Jim'll Fix It," she said.

    The BBC has spoken to a woman who was invited to Broadmoor by Savile to sing for patients as a 14-year-old. She says Savile indecently assaulted her at the hospital.

    The woman, who does not want to be identified, said: "He gave me a cuddle and so he was touching my breasts, and he kissed me and he tried to put his tongue in my mouth. It was the most scariest experience I think of my life. It was a very scary, horrible place."

    "West London Mental Health NHS Trust - which now runs Broadmoor - expressed sympathy for any victims but said it can't comment while its joint investigation with the Department of Health is ongoing. It says any complaints involving Savile are part of that investigation."

    The Department of Health is investigating 33 hospitals' links with Savile. Reports are expected to be published shortly. The BBC's inquiry is due to be published in September

    BBC News - Jimmy Savile abuse reports 'reach 500'

  24. #599
    I am in Jail

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    In a Madhouse
    when you look at the name of his show,(Jim'll Fix It)

    i wonder if it had a more sinister meaning.

  25. #600
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    Gary Glitter charged with sex offences

    Glitter first became famous in the UK for his pop songs in the 1970s

    Gary Glitter has been charged with eight counts of sexual offences against girls.

    The charges relate to two women who were aged between 12 and 14 at the time of the alleged offences between 1977 and 1980.

    The former pop star - real name Paul Gadd - is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 19 June.

    The Crown Prosecution Service said no further action would be taken over five allegations made by two other people.

    Baljit Ubhey, chief crown prosecutor for CPS London, said: "We have carefully considered the evidence gathered by the Metropolitan Police Service."

    Mr Gadd, 70, was arrested on 28 October 2012 at his London home following an investigation by detectives from Operation Yewtree, which was set up after the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal.

    Police material

    Ms Ubhey said police had been "providing material to the CPS since July 2013, with the most recent material submitted in March 2014".

    The charges relating to the first complainant, who was aged 12 or 13 at the time of the alleged offences, are:
    • Two counts of indecent assault between 31 January and 31 May 1977
    • One count of administering a drug or other thing in order to facilitate sexual intercourse between 31 January and 31 May 1977
    • One count of sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13 between 31 January and 31 May 1977
    • Two counts of indecent assault between 31 May and 31 December 1977
    Charges relating to the second complainant, who was aged 13 or 14 at the time of the alleged offences, are two counts of indecent assault between 1 October 1979 and 31 December 1980.

    Glitter rose to fame in the UK in the 1970s with a flamboyant stage persona and hits such as Rock and Roll (Part 2) and Leader of the Gang, the latter reaching No 1 in the UK music charts in 1973.

    BBC News - Gary Glitter charged with sex offences

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