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  1. #51
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flash
    Quote Originally Posted by Milkman
    Quote Originally Posted by flash
    If you are dumb enough to even think about doing this then go for it, if you would even think about it then you will do it eventually.
    Sad to see a young girl who is going to become a crack whore not too far down the line.

    Everyone else has said it nicely, but at the end of the day you will be another statistic.

    Every thoughtful word and bit of advise you have said/offered up to now don't mean shit!you are being really dumb right now, if you want to be that stupid you can earn money with webcams and be safe.

    This has to be a troll.
    You are making a lot of assumptions.

    Crack whore? What do you mean? Did she say she used crack?

    Statistic? How?

    It seems that you are applying Western steorotypes to a person in LOS who is considered this job.

    Also, we shouldn't be too quick to judge negative or make negative comments.

    Funny how I see some folks getting "judgemental" over someone taking a job. They live in LOS, then put on some kind of rightous face.

    Would you be happy if it was your kid taking the job?
    Avoiding the issue.

    Under the conditions she described, no. Why? Because the owners/managers and situation seems dodgy and that employees may not be given lattitude. Pluse, Many owners of these establishments, and Russians are bad backgrounds in their home-countries and in LOS.

  2. #52
    Fag an bealac!
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    So you have made some assumptions yourself with the same info i have read, why argue about it then, if you think it is the right thing for her to do tell me why?

    If not don't try to look for holes in what i said ok?

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat
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    Wise words from Random Chances, which as usual everyone has overlooked.

    IM. Why not come back to Hong Kong and be our Subscriptions and Circulation Manager. I'll get you a telephone interview.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    Maybe you can start a new thread, written like a diary.

    "My Life - How a person with great potential managed to throw it all away"

    For someone who comes across as very smart, you sure are a dumbarse at times.
    Ice if this is what you living in Pattaya has come to then you need to go back and live with your family.
    Trust me you'll be either-
    1, Beaten up by the ruskies
    2, Banged up by the old bill
    3, Grassed up by the ruskies then banged up.

    Personally I don't believe that Galaxy would hire you as one you are not Russian, They are thai/ russian run and have the means to protect that, they would not be able to have you in there and two the girls they look for a tall and have a certain appearance and no disrespect but you are'nt suited for it.
    Answer me this also.. Would you go with the customers for money? The customers BTW would be Japs or Thai's or Koreans.
    Anyway i thought you were hanging around in Hootys?
    Is this really what you want for yourself?
    Last edited by davethailand; 21-07-2006 at 10:02 AM.
    You know my name and it was you ***** who gave me a ******* number

  5. #55
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flash
    So you have made some assumptions yourself with the same info i have read, why argue about it then, if you think it is the right thing for her to do tell me why?
    It didn't say it was/is "the right thing to do." Re-read my posts.

    I responding to you post below. My two statements in response to your post below is what YOU did NOT answer:

    If not don't try to look for holes in what i said ok?
    Poke holes? How?

    Originally Posted by flash
    If you are dumb enough to even think about doing this then go for it,

    How do you know? Dumb? You don't.

    if you would even think about it then you will do it eventually.
    Sad to see a young girl who is going to become a crack whore not too far down the line.

    if you think about something you will eventually do it? How do you know?

    Did you know for a fact, that she is a 1. Crack user and 2. a whore?

    F*ck off, azzhole.

    Everyone else has said it nicely, but at the end of the day you will be another statistic.

    I addressed this but YOU didn't even ANSWER. Statistic for what?

    Every thoughtful word and bit of advise you have said/offered up to now don't mean shit!you are being really dumb right now,

    Calling someone dumb? what do you know? She hasn't even posted for a while. You sound like a condescending bag of hot-wind.

    if you want to be that stupid you can earn money with webcams and be safe.

    Now she is "stupid."

  6. #56
    Thailand Expat
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    Is the go going there in the nuddy?

    Tits oot ! Fathlads.
    Last edited by The Ghost Of The Moog; 21-07-2006 at 03:03 PM.

  7. #57
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    Why not go to Japan and earn some serious money as an escort? You don't have to take your clothes off and make much more money.
    Also these places eem more safe than Russian mafia run ones...

  8. #58
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    The original post can only be a wind up. Surely nobody can live in Pattaya as long as Ice Maiden and not be fully aware of what such a job entails? For someone with so many other options in life, to take on such an ignominious role is sheer folly.

    If she has friends in Pattaya, and this is for real, then i hope they can talk her out of such madness.

  9. #59
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    OK, since everyone else has pitched in, here's my .75baht's worth:

    These prospective employers sound very controlling. Holding your passport? Special diet? Not being able to leave your room freely? The alarm bells are practically deafening!

    As for any 'extra duties', I have always thought that prostitution between two (or more) consenting adults was their own business and shouldn't be illegal in any country, BUT!!!, I really don't think a woman is emotionally tough enough to get into that business until she is 25 or so. At age 18 you are simply not ready for the kind of mental abuse that protitutes have to endure.

    The money that you could earn there might be tempting, but I would be very wary about getting into that job if I were you.

  10. #60
    I am in Jail
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    Ice, get yourself back to the UK and into a university (or college if necessary) as soon as possible. Most Thais would give their right arm for the opportunity to study in the UK, and I doubt any would choose to work in a gogobar over that opportunity.

    Thailand has a funny effect on many westerners, and causes them to end up living in an unreal world, i.e. as yet another illegal immigrant westerner in illegal, unprofessional, casual employment, and with a lifestyle of third world red light districts and alcohol. Some even seem to be proud of having ended up like this, and see it as clever.

    This would be pretty much your lifestyle too from your OP.

    You have youth and opportunity on your side. Most of them don't (but they'd never admit it). Best wishes.
    Last edited by Smeg; 22-07-2006 at 03:38 PM.

  11. #61
    I am in Jail
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    Maybe you can start a new thread, written like a diary.

    "My Life - How a person with great potential managed to throw it all away"

    For someone who comes across as very smart, you sure are a dumbarse at times.
    How about advice rather than insults.
    You are in a great position to offer it, painful as it might be for you.
    Last edited by Smeg; 22-07-2006 at 03:46 PM.

  12. #62
    davethailand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeg
    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    Maybe you can start a new thread, written like a diary.

    "My Life - How a person with great potential managed to throw it all away"

    For someone who comes across as very smart, you sure are a dumbarse at times.
    How about advice rather than insults.
    You are in a great position to offer it, painful as it might be for you.
    Do you really think advice would be listened to????

  13. #63
    I am in Jail
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    out of range
    There's 7 pages of 'advice' now, but we don't even know whether she is still reading this.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroller
    There's 7 pages of 'advice' now, but we don't even know whether she is still reading this.
    Methinks it was start for attention purposes.

  15. #65
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    I get the feeling that IM likes attention.

    The constant reference to BF's and meeting them and not likeing them etc.

    The webcam photos from the CS days.

    Maybe she just needs someone to giver her a hug.

  16. #66
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Bla Bla Bla After all our private chats on MSN Ice Maiden, and now you come up with this.

    Has this anything to do with you know who? He's managed to brainwash you into thinking it's a normal thing to do hence you telling all of us over here?

    Go on, do it, after all my advice, good fucking riddance!

  17. #67
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    Do you want a hug too Pat?

  18. #68
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    kids these days.

  19. #69
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    The silence, as they say, speaks volumes.

  20. #70
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsquirrel
    Do you want a hug too Pat?
    no thanks I'd rather watch a fat Russian woman crap on an arab guys chest as he .....

    Yeah why not. I need a hug.

  21. #71
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    Everybody needs a hug.

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skulldigger
    The silence, as they say, speaks volumes.
    She's on holiday for a couple of weeks. I'm sure she'll be back posting before too long.

  23. #73
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeg
    Thailand has a funny effect on many westerners, and causes them to end up living in an unreal world, i.e. as yet another illegal immigrant westerner in illegal, unprofessional, casual employment, and with a lifestyle of third world red light districts and alcohol. Some even seem to be proud of having ended up like this, and see it as clever.
    I think this is in some peoples' genes.

    If people come to LOS or SEA in their early 20s they may end up liking it, and sticking around for a very long time. Down the road life may be about just surviving in the West and in LOS.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Maiden
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    I haven't been in there for over a year now, it was ok last time I visited but I just don't like the idea of leaving my camera outside with some Thai guy.

    Next up we have another movie taken at the farang gals agogo, she is quite a sexy mover aint she
    The farang gogo bar, Galaxy.

    Last night I had an interview there because they'd seen me dance outside their bar for several weeks. Personally I was scared when I went inside because I had heard allsorts of mafia stories and what not.

    But the man in there was really wanting me to work. I had to go in a private room in the back and speak to the hair and makeup dude for an hour and then the dude that decides what we wear.

    The second manager told me he wants me to work as a waitress first but one wearing the same clothes as the girls before I dance to see what customers I get in the bar and to see if I give the bar profit.

    This job is no way easy! You have a special diet to go on and you basically do exactly what your manager tells you. No prostitution is allowed there and when you are caught you get thrown out. You also have a room to stay in but you have to stay in your room at certain hours a day, if you leave the room then you are sacked! There are cameras inside the building of which you live.

    I've got my second interview tomorrow at some location I'm not allowed to speak of! And I get my clothes made for me tomorrow. So if I pull off the job like the man said then once I'm in, I'm "In" apparently....

    So ladies and gentleman if you happen to be heading in there give me some tips please!!!!

    What happened to going home to England and getting a life, Icey? You sure don't listen to your big sista do you?

    Do I have to come up to Pattaya & kick your ass? WTF are you doing in a go-go bar with Russian prostitutes?

    I didn't get any further than page 1 of this post... can page 5 be any brighter?

    Our lives are filled with "making our own mistakes" but don't make this one kiddo!!!!

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsquirrel
    Everybody needs a hug.
    You mean there should be group hugs on the next teakdoor meeting?

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