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  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by socal
    Bush and Blair went against the biggest peace protests in history.
    So when leaders go against the the wishes of the people they represent, this is something to be admired?
    So how many weapons of mass destruction did Bush and Blair find?
    So all those dead was for what? Peace in where?
    Last edited by Sailing into trouble; 23-07-2011 at 05:01 PM.

  2. #152
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    While Social tries to rewrite the History of the World. The BBC is reporting that the lone Norwegian gun man with extreme right wing links has killed at least 83 young kids plus 7 in the bombing.

    BBC News - Profile: Norway attacks suspect Anders Behring Breivik
    Scores killed in Norway attack
    As it happened
    In pictures
    Suspect's profile
    Utoeya eyewitness

    Both Mr Breivik's Facebook and Twitter entries are only a few days old
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    Norway Attacks

    Attacks as they happened
    Utoeya eyewitnesses
    World reaction
    Oslo eyewitnesses
    Anders Behring Breivik, the 32-year-old suspect in Friday's attacks in Norway, held right-wing views, say police.

    Police chief Sveinung Sponheim said his internet postings "suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views".

    "But whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen," he told Norwegian broadcaster NRK.

    Little is currently known about him apart from what has appeared on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter - and these entries appear to have been set up just days ago.

    On the Facebook page attributed to him, he describes himself as a Christian and a conservative. The Facebook page is no longer available but it also listed interests such as body-building and freemasonry.

    The gunman was described by witnesses who saw him on Utoeya island as tall and blond - and dressed in a police uniform. The image of him posted on Facebook depict a blond, blue-eyed man.

    The Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang quoted a friend as saying that the suspect turned to right-wing extremism when in his late 20s. The paper also said that he participated in online forums expressing strong nationalistic views.

    Bomb ingredient
    Mr Breivik is thought to have studied at the Oslo Commerce School and his work is listed as Breivik Geofarm, a company Norwegian media is describing as a farming sole proprietorship.

    The company was set up to cultivate vegetables, melons, roots and tubers, Norway's TV2 says, and speculation in local media is rife that through such a link he may have had access to fertiliser, an ingredient used in bomb-making.

    A Twitter account attributed to the suspect has also emerged but it only has one post, which is a quote from philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests."

    As with his Facebook page, the tweet was posted on 17 July.

    It reveals very little about the man except an interest in libertarianism and a clear belief in the power of the individual.

    Another report from the BBC

    BBC News - Norway police say 84 killed in island youth camp attack

    Scores killed in Norway attack
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    Adrian Pracon says he played dead to try and avoid the gunman on Utoeya
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    Norway Attacks

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    Utoeya eyewitnesses
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    World reaction
    At least 84 people died when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in Norway, hours after a deadly bombing in the capital, Oslo, police say.

    Police have charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man over both attacks.

    The man dressed as a police officer was arrested on tiny Utoeya island after an hour-long shooting spree. The search for other possible victims continues.

    The Oslo bombing killed at least seven. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said the attacks were "like a nightmare".

    Mr Stoltenberg, whose offices were among those badly hit by the blast, described the attacks as a national tragedy and said civil servants were among the dead in Oslo.

    "Never since the Second World War has our country been hit by a crime on this scale," he told a news conference in Oslo.

    He added that he was due to have been on Utoeya - "a youth paradise turned into a hell" - a few hours after the attacks began. Many others were injured there as well as those who died.

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    Start Quote

    He asked people to gather round and then he started shooting, so these young people fled into the bushes and woods ”

    Ole Torp
    NRK journalist
    In pictures: Attacks shock Norway
    Mr Stoltenberg said he knew some of the dead in the Oslo attack. "Beyond that I cannot give further details while the police carry out their investigation."

    He said it was too early too comment on a possible motive for the attacks. No group has said it carried them out.

    The suspect is reported by local media to have had links with right-wing extremists. Police named him as Anders Behring Breivik. His Oslo apartment was searched overnight.

    The BBC's Richard Galpin, near the island, says that Norway has had problems with neo-Nazi groups in the past but the assumption was that such groups had been largely eliminated and did not pose a significant threat.

    Police say they are investigating whether the attacks were the work of one man or whether he had help.

    "At Utoeya, the water is still being searched for more victims," deputy police chief Roger Andresen told reporters.

    "We have no more information than... what has been found on [his] own websites, which is that it goes towards the right and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist."

    'Posed as policeman'

    PM: "This is a national tragedy"
    Earlier, the number of dead from the island shooting spree, which is among the world's most deadly, was put at 10. Hundreds of young people were attending the summer camp organised by the ruling Labour Party on Utoeya island.

    Eyewitnesses described how a tall, blond man dressed as a policeman opened fire indiscriminately, prompting camp attendees to jump into the water to try and escape the hail of bullets. Some of the teenagers were shot at as they tried to swim to safety.

    Armed police were deployed to the island but details of the operation to capture the suspect remain unclear.

    Police say they discovered many more victims after searching the area around the island.

    "It goes without saying that this gives dimensions to this incident that are exceptional," police director Oystein Maeland is quoted as saying by the Associated Press (AP) news agency.

    Police warned the death toll may rise further as rescue teams continued to scour the waters around the island.

    The gunman is reported to have been armed with a handgun, an automatic weapon and a shotgun.

    "He travelled on the ferry boat from the mainland over to that little inland island posing as a police officer, saying he was there to do research in connection with the bomb blasts," NRK journalist Ole Torp told the BBC.

    "He asked people to gather round and then he started shooting, so these young people fled into the bushes and woods and some even swam off the island to get to safety."

    One 15-year-old eyewitness described how she saw what she thought was a police officer open fire.

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    Island shooting suspect

    Profile: Anders Behring Breivik
    "He first shot people on the island. Afterward he started shooting people in the water," youth camp delegate Elise told AP.

    Mr Stoltenberg had been due to visit the camp on Saturday. Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who visited the camp on Thursday, praised those who were attending.

    "The country has no finer youth than young people who go for a summer camp doing politics, doing discussions, doing training, doing football, and then they experience this absolutely horrendous act of violence," he said.

    'Despicable violence'
    In Oslo, government officials urged people to stay at home and avoid central areas of the city.

    Shards of twisted metal, rubble and glass littered the streets of central Oslo left devastated by Friday's enormous explosion.

    Continue reading the main story
    Deadly shootings worldwide

    July 2011: At least 80 killed at a summer camp on the Norwegian island of Utoeya, hours after bomb blast in capital Oslo
    April 2007: Seung-Hui Cho, 23, kills 32 people and himself on Virginia Tech campus in the US
    April 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, kills 16 people before killing himself in Erfurt, Germany
    April 1999: Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, open fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado killing 13 people before taking their own lives
    April 1996: Martin Bryant, 29, kills 35 people in the seaside resort of Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia
    March 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 children and their teacher in a school in Dunblane, Scotland - before killing himself
    Windows in the buildings of the government quarter were shattered and witnesses described how smoke filled the atmosphere around the blast site.

    There are also concerns that more victims may still be inside buildings hit by the initial massive explosion.

    Emergency services have had difficulty accessing these buildings amid concerns about further possible explosions as well as fears the blast may have left buildings unstable.

  3. #153
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    Lets not forget about these kids who were hunted for perhaps over an hour by this lunatic.There are hundreds of families in serious shock this morning.
    My heart goes out to them.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by socal View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    So given that 9/11 claimed less than 3,000 lives, you're saying Muslims are responsible for the deaths of around 100 people in more than a quarter of a century.

    And you don't see the flaw in your argument?
    Oh so 9/11 doesn't count now or what ? And I was talking just in the US AND I was talking about innocent civilians. Not like that BS pie chart where drug turf wars used to be chalked up as terrorism.

    SO then you quote the global figure that includes Sunni vs Shia and other sectarian (and in many cases, tribal) incidents.

    Fucking hell, it's like nailing jelly to a wall.

    Do you always keep moving the goalposts so that you never lose one of your ridiculous arguments?

  5. #155
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    one loony can ruin it for hundreds of people, shame, the ones who are left behind suffer the most though !

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bower
    Lets not forget about these kids who were hunted for perhaps over an hour by this lunatic.There are hundreds of families in serious shock this morning.
    My heart goes out to them.
    You said it mate. This deranged bastard has scared thousand's. How long will it take for parents to feel safe again to allow their children to be free. After funerals are long over the legacy of fear and uncertainty will remain.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Never mind Lom, found what you were referring to: Norwegian TV2 reports that Breivik belongs to "ring-wing circles" in Oslo. Swedish news site Expressen adds that he has been known to write to right-wing forums in Norway, is a self-described nationalist and has also written a number of posts critical of Islam. Sounds like another deranged Timothy McVeigh...
    Sounds like a lot of people on TD.

  8. #158

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    Norwegian news reports that police suspect that there might have been a second shooter. Many of the witnesses at Utøya have explained that another guy dressed as a civilian took part in the shooting.

  9. #159
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I would absolutely love to get my hands on the utter lowlife that do this:

    Scammers have already started exploiting people's interest into yesterday's deadly attacks in Norway's capital, Oslo, and the island of Utøya.

    Events that get international coverage, whether natural disasters, tragic accidents, terrorist attacks, etc., are favorite topics for scammers as they provide a large pool of potential victims.

    An explosion that killed seven people and injured 15 others in downtime Oslo yesterday, and the subsequent shooting of tens of youths at a Utøya camp, have shocked Norway and the world.

    Reports about the changing death toll and the suspect arrested following the attacks are still coming in and are quickly propagated via social media websites like Twitter or Facebook.

    Unfortunately, this offers a good opportunity for scammers to take advantage of the tragedy. Security researchers from Sophos warn that at least one viral scam is currently spreading on Facebook by advertising a video of the Oslo blast.

    "The message spreading across thousands of people's walls on Facebook reads: [URL] [Video] OSLO Security Camera Captures Blast! [Video] OSLO Security Camera Captures Blast!" warns Sophos Senior Security Advisor Chester Wisniewski.

    Opening the link takes users to a page asking them to click on "Jaa" in order to see the video. "Jaa" means "share" in Finnish and people who click on the button will post the same message on their own wall.

    The end goal is to trick users to participate in "surveys" in exchange for the promised content. Each victim who agrees to do this earns money for the scammers.

    While this particular scam is spreading on Facebook, users should also watch out for other types of attacks, like search engine black hat SEO, particularly on Google images. These schemes usually direct users to scareware websites that push fake antivirus programs.

  10. #160
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    An unbelievable piece of shit. Classic (neo-nazi?) psychopath.

    It is a sad irony of this incident that he was caught, as he will never experience remorse or regret over this incident (except if it is convenient...). He'll go to prison and be unbothered, honestly believing that what he did was justified. To him it was the correct thing to do. I imagine he has a whole series of reasons for this, which to him make sense.

    Untreatable. Vile.

    There's plenty more of his type about too.
    "Slavery is the daughter of darkness; an ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction; ambition and intrigue take advantage of the credulity and inexperience of men who have no political, economic or civil knowledge. They mistake pure illusion for reality, license for freedom, treason for patriotism, vengeance for justice."-Simón Bolívar

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by spark
    Norwegian news reports that police suspect that there might have been a second shooter. Many of the witnesses at Utøya have explained that another guy dressed as a civilian took part in the shooting.
    So does that mean the second shooter escaped?

  12. #162
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    32-year-old shooting, bombing suspect had 'purchased large quantities of fertilizer' in southeast Norway - NRK #news

  13. #163
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    Norway survivors describe fleeing 'calm and controlled' gunman; death toll hits 91 -

    Norway survivors describe fleeing 'calm and controlled' gunman; death toll hits 91

    Police begin searching two apartments owned by Anders Behring Breivik, 32, who is accused of setting off the Oslo bomb and shooting dozens at a youth camp. Survivors recall a gunman with both a handgun and machine gun who shot campers trying to flee.

    Rescue personnel in Storoya, Norway, tend to an injured youth who was brought ashore from the island camp after the shooting rampage. (Morten Edvardsen, Reuters / July 23, 2011)

    By Edmund Sanders and Janet Stobart Los Angeles Times July 23, 2011, 3:23 a.m.

    Norwegian police said Saturday that the death toll from Friday's attacks has risen to 91 and confirmed that they have arrested a suspect whom they described as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist.

    In a news conference Saturday morning in Oslo, police confirmed that they had arrested Anders Behring Breivik, 32, on suspicion of orchestrating both the Oslo bombing and the youth-camp shooting rampage and had begun searching two apartments that he owns.

    Breivik reportedly owns four properties including a farm on the outskirts of Oslo, allegedly to enable him to store legally a large amount of fertilizer.

    Police would not comment on whether he acted alone but said no other arrests have been made. They said Breivik had no criminal record.

    They would not speculate on his motives, but said, based own his own Twitter and Facebook accounts, he appeared to be a right-wing Christian fundamentalist.

    Police say he was arrested by security forces at the Labor Party youth camp on the island of Utoya after the shootings. They said 84 people were killed on the island. At least seven were killed in the Oslo bombing.

    Police Chief Oystein Maeland told reporters that they could not confirm the number of victims would stop at 91, adding that the attack had reached "catastrophic dimensions."

    He said officers were still "looking in the water around the island for more victims."

    Media reports say the gunman apparently used a handgun and a machine gun, and that police arrived at the island possibly 90 minutes after the shooting started. At midmorning Saturday, police were still searching the island for more bodies.

    <snipped, the rest of from the BBC report, which seems to have some of the best coverage>

  14. #164
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    BBC News - Norway attack: Eyewitness accounts

    23 July 2011 Last updated at 09:44 GMT

    Scores killed in Norway attacks

    More than 80 people have been killed when a gunman opened fire at an island youth camp in Norway, hours after a bomb attack killed seven people in the capital, Oslo.

    Police are questioning a 32-year-old Norwegian man in connection with Friday's attacks.

    The man was arrested on tiny Utoeya island outside Oslo, where police say he opened fire on teenagers.

    Adrian Pracon

    I was working in the information booth on the island.

    We were informed by radio of a bombing in Oslo, so we gathered all 700 people on the island together to tell them.

    A couple of minutes later we got a phone call to say one policeman was coming on to the shore to see us.

    I went to the coffee shop to get supplies for everyone. I then heard gun shots and could see people running. As they were running, they were shot in the back.

    People were falling dead right in front of me.

    I ran through the campus to the tent area. I saw the gunman - two people started to talk to him and two seconds later they were both shot.

    He was wearing a black uniform, with red edges. He looked liked a Nazi, with his police-like uniform and hair.

    The gunman was very sure, calm and controlled. He looked like he knew what he was doing. He screamed at us that we would all die.

    We all started to run down to the water, people had already undressed and started swimming. I thought I didn't have enough time to take off my clothes, so I started swimming in the rain, in my clothes and big boots.

    I went for about 150 metres but the lake is about 800 metres long. I realised I wouldn't make it so I turned back.

    I saw him standing 10 metres from me, shooting at the people who were swimming. He aimed his machine gun at me and I screamed at him, 'No please no, don't do it'. I don't know if he listened to me but he spared me.

    He came back an hour later. I was with other survivors and we were lying down and hiding behind the trees and rocks. We were freezing in our wet clothes.

    The shooting started again and people were falling on top of me, on my legs and falling into the water - that's when many people died. I just had to shield myself behind them, praying he wouldn't see me.

    Then he came closer, I could feel his breath, I could feel his boots, I could feel the warmth of the barrel.

    But I didn't move and that's what saved my life.

    Stine Renate Haheim

    I am a member of the Norwegian Parliament, I was taking part in the youth camp.

    He was calm and just kept shooting people”

    We gathered in small groups talking about the bombings in Oslo. We then heard someone shout 'The police are here, we are now safe.'

    I then saw a policeman coming down the hill and suddenly he started shooting people, one by one.

    We ran and jumped out into the sea when we saw boats coming.

    We shut everything out, we just wanted to stay safe and help each other.

    The gunman had a police uniform, that was probably most frightening.

    He was calm, he never ran, he just kept shooting people, I never heard him speak.

  15. #165
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    ^ The more I read, the more disturbing this entire incident becomes. That one person can create so much misery and loss. It is overwhelming. He was machine like. All planned. All intended.

    RIP to all those lost.

    My heartfelt condolences to all the heart-broken relatives of the dead.

    So much suffering and grief.

  16. #166
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    The people shit slinging in this thread or using it as a platform for their hatred should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailing into trouble
    So when leaders go against the the wishes of the people they represent, this is something to be admired?
    At the outbreak of WW2 polls showed that 69% of the British public did not want any part of war with Germany. They of course had no idea what was really going on; Churchill and some others did and they acted accordingly. The people generally have no idea what they want...then or now. That's why they need leaders to make tough decisions and live with the consequenses. The population, if left to their own devises would decide nothing and probably starve to death half the time.

    Power to the people is just a quaint notion held by idealists. The best they can do is elect leaders; let them make the decisions and hope for the best....or of course have non-elected leaders who will make decisions without ever being held accountable by anyone, and where the people don't even bother to to hope for the best.

    A Norwegian farmer has just given a dramatic demonstration of what happens when the power of the individual is exercised against the power of the people...and the people collectively can do nothing to stop it.

    The question that will probably go un-answered fully is, why...what made this individual commit such an atrocity.....I think maybe the Norwegian government and many others are afraid of the real answer, so he will be written off as just another "right wing nutter" and locked up for life....and the things that motivated him will continue to grow and fester until the next nutter decides to give up the farm and exercise the power of one. He must have known that he would be caught. He must have believed that the power of one man with a belief does indeed equal the power of a hundred thousand who just have interests.

    A great many innocents have died for this man's beliefs...whatever they were. Unfortunately, if western governments continue to surrender their nations traditions, culture and belief systems and force their citizens to capitulate to the belief systems of cultures that are completely alien to them, we may see much more of the same. It will be interesting to see what comes out in the trial...if he ever even goes to trial.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrontiumDog View Post
    ^ The more I read, the more disturbing this entire incident becomes. That one person can create so much misery and loss. It is overwhelming. He was machine like. All planned. All intended.

    RIP to all those lost.

    My heartfelt condolences to all the heart-broken relatives of the dead.

    So much suffering and grief.
    And so say all of us.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    The people shit slinging in this thread or using it as a platform for their hatred should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
    Sorry, when did you become TD's moral arbiter?

  20. #170
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    A great many innocents have died for this man's beliefs...whatever they were. Unfortunately, if western governments continue to surrender their nations traditions, culture and belief systems and force their citizens to capitulate to the belief systems of cultures that are completely alien to them, we may see much more of the same. It will be interesting to see what comes out in the trial...if he ever even goes to trial.

    I think Norway is a fairly balanced, and has always been a socially responsible country.

    It might well simply be that the killer is a Christian madman, which makes him no better in my book than people indoctrinated in any other fashion.

    There is no reasoning with people like this, they simply need to be put down in the manner of a rabid dog to put them out of their misery.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Sorry, when did you become TD's moral arbiter?
    I didn't. But the people shit slinging in this thread or using it as a platform for their hatred should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Sorry, when did you become TD's moral arbiter?
    I didn't. But the people shit slinging in this thread or using it as a platform for their hatred should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
    Oh come on, we're grown ups. It's not difficult to refute the arguments of a fucking idiot, is it? This isn't TV.

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    It's not difficult to refute the arguments of a fucking idiot, is it?
    No it's not, but trolling a thread like this is a disgrace, unless you are unaware that you are even being trolled.

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    It's not difficult to refute the arguments of a fucking idiot, is it?
    No it's not, but trolling a thread like this is a disgrace, unless you are unaware that you are even being trolled.
    Not me, I can tell the difference between a Sun reader and a troll.

  25. #175
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    25-09-2014 @ 02:50 PM
    Mountain view

    A Swat team aim their weapons while people take cover during a shootout at Utøya island

    Norway's prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, stands next to an unidentified doctor as they give a press briefing at the Ulleval University hospital in Oslo

    A woman lays flowers at the entrance of Norway's embassy in Moscow to pay tribute to the victims of the twin attacks

    A survivor of the Utøya island shooting is reunited with her parents at Sundvolden, some 24 miles south-west of Oslo

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