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  1. #1


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    Pattaya to Penang By Motorbike

    Well after reading some of the latest girlie threads on journeys by motorbike to different countries I thought I would tell you about a real proper motorbike journey, a motorbike journey where you learn what it feels like to be anally raped by a donkey on viagra.

    Anyway, I have done this journey on a 125cc honda fighter, now that was a nice bike, unrestricted but a real old piece of crap, and I have done it on a 400cc yamaha with a pillion, although some of the time I was the pillion and that bike was also a real old piece of crap, I think 120km was it's top speed where as the 125cc honda fighter roared as things fell off it.

    Now remember both these times were more than 17 years ago, the first time I done it on the 125cc bike was because I was young and stupid and everybody said you couldn't do it, so my only justification that time was I done it because people said I couldn't, why I done it on the clapped out yamaha 400cc I have no idea, probably some drunk idea whilst we were out or something in Pattaya.

    So the journey, both were the same apart from I done the first one by myself, going there we stayed at Hua Hin, Chumphon, Surat Thani and Nakhon Sri Thammarat but stopped off at loads of other places, here's the map.

    Now I can't find a picture of the Honda Fighter, think I paid 10k baht for it but had to do a lot of work on it to get it going real good, and boy did it go, but remember at this time I hadn't come to live in Thailand, UK was suffering real bad money wise and I only intended staying in Asia for 3 years till the money got good again, the idea was for Pattaya to be the place where I stored my shite and every month travel round Asia a bit, the best laid plans of mice and men etc etc.

    So here's the yamaha.

    Note the nice comfortable back seat, when we got into Malaysia we went to a furniture shop and bought some 4 inch foam sponge stuff and taped that over the whole seat.

    Now I have never liked mornings and both times the aim was to get to Hua Hin for the first night, by rights with competent people that is a 5 hour journey from Pattaya, both times I left at 10am and it has taken me 9 hours, both times I got stopped in Chonburi and had the police try to extort money from me, that was the days when I actually stopped for police, learnt my lesson and now don't bother stopping, but why is it when you are in Bangkok and can see the bridge to get across the river you can never get to the bridge, both times many hours were wasted trying to get to any poxy bridge to cross the river.

    So we get to Hua Hin around 7pm, damn it's a long way to Hua Hin from the main road, in those days all hotels and guesthouses were cheap, so we find a real cheapy, hit the piers for some seafood and then get pissed out of our brains, yep, Hua Hin is ok.

    Although on the 400cc my mate was driving towards the Hua Hin area, it was Songkran so we had those problems of revellers throwing buckets of water over you whilst they are on pick ups and your doing 120km overtaking them, this was when we nearly got wiped out by a bus, he was used to English driving and was overtaking the bus on the outside but tight against him, that was when the bus decided to overtake something on the inside lane SCARY

    Next stop Chumphon.

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    Getting past Bangkok the roads completely change, the roads are or were nice and the drivers were considerate, Pattaya to Bangkok is shite, probably the most dangerous in Thailand, so onwards with the journey, both times I was trying 100kms before a cigarette break and the 200km for petrol stations, at that time there was no food suitable for farangs on the main roads, best you could do was order Thai food and take the skin,fat, bones and gungy bits out of it which mainly left you with rice and some juice and of course a coke a cola, hell some of the stuff I was served I wouldn't even give to my dogs, but this journey wasn't for the faint hearted

  3. #3


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    The second day you notice that your arse is hurting, the 125cc wasn't so bad as I had the whole seat to myself, the 400cc we were in agony, the back seat of that bike was like 6 inches by 6 inches, we still had a long way to go and it was only to get worse.

    Our next planned stay was at Chumphon, the idea was to get a load of the mileage done, we changed who drived a lot because of the pain, the front seat was a lot more comfy, the road was good and clear most of the way and we stopped at loads of the beach resorts including Prachaup Khiri Khan so it took us all day.

    When I done this on the 125cc this was when the front suspension on the forks gave up the ghost, I pulled into a motorbike repair shop in Cha Am they didn't have a clue, I resigned myself to the fact that I had to continue the journey without front suspension

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    Without front suspension on the 125 the journey was becoming painfull, plus I was getting sunburn on my arms, that was something I hadn't thought of, but I had to wait till I got to Hat Yai before I could buy a full length shirt that fit me, sadly that was white when I bought it and had to be thrown away when I got back to Pattaya due to the dirt.

    On the 400cc we was doing great, our arses hurt like buggery but we were seeing the world, Chumphon had a couple of Thai bars and that was it, at this stage I think we were both getting hungry for some proper food, fried rice with skin and bones just didn't do it, so time to get pissed again and worry about food the next day.

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    Hungry drunk and hungover we set out on day 3, your arse is hurting now at this stage, we visited most of the beach resorts between Chumphon and Surat Thani, the 400cc the engine took a turn for the worse and 100km was the tops it would do, no idea what happened to that, Surat Thani was quite good as it has some restaurants serving food that farangs could eat although Thai style, fok did we get pissed there.

  6. #6
    Cacoethes scribendi
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    Given that you had sore bums, crappy bikes and sunburn, it sounds like fun and certainly a trip to remember. Seventeen years ago, Thailand was a different place. I can't wait for the next instalment.

  7. #7


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    Surat Thani saved our lives, for the previous days we had been living on rice with juice and stale crisps from petrol stations, no 7/11s in those days, the Thai food at the petrol stations and even the beach resorts in Southern Thailand could well ask you, "would you like meat with that gristle fat and rice", it was pretty fuking awfull and we were hungry.

    So we found this restaurant in Surat Thani catering to backpackers going to Koh Samui and that, it wern't good believe me, but when your hungry any sort of food that sounds like normal food will do, spaghetti bolognaise sounded fine, and it sounded fine again, and it sounded fine for breakfast aswell, it was a quite nice place done out American style, ie loud colors and air con so was probably popular with the back packers, although both journeys through Thailand I don't believe I saw any other farangs, the beaches were deserted including what are now big beach resorts like Chumphon and Cha am, weren't no farang food there in them days

  8. #8


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    Surat Thani to Hat Yai was again a full day journey as we explored everything, on the 125cc I was flagged down by a Thai monk for a lift, he was a tad suprised that under the full face helmet was a farang and looked like he was going to run away, but he jumped on the back and I gave him a lift to the next village,I did have thoughts about what would happen if we had a motorbike accident and I was responsible for his death, God probably wouldn't like that.

    The 400cc and our arses were hurting real bad, loads of stop offs for crisps, petrol and smoking, this really was becoming unbearable, the pile of shite bike wouldn't go above 100km and then we started having chain problems, fixing or shortening the chain in Thailands mid day sun is not a fun thing to do and we were getting a bit pissed off, we decided to have a sleep at some bus stop in the middle of nowhere between Surat Thani and Hat Yai to help get rid of the hangover.

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    Hat yai - Sadao - Penang

    Now this was where things got interesting, only one of the times was a visa run for me but both times we had to hit the Thai consulate in Penang so wanted to be there in the morning to get the passports in, so drunk and hungover we caned it from Hat Yai to Sadao, now remember i aint the sort of person to worry about all the paper work shit, hell that aint my problem, I got an English paper driving license, neither bikes were in my name though, so I lied a little bit, I did see the insurance booths at the border crossing, but they are for bad drivers anyway so I didn't take any notice of them, so I lied my balls off at the border crossing and we were into Malaysia little did I know of the police and army check point as you go past Alor Setar

  10. #10
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    Bloody wimps

    In the late 50's I set off to see the world on an ex WW II despatch riders bike ( Triumph TRW sidevalve thing - girder forks and rigid back end ) with 250 pounds in my pocket and an old US army bivvie tent !!
    Worked my way across Europe pickin grapes and herding goats and ended up 10 months later - flat broke - in Samsun on the Black Sea coast in Turkey !!
    Sold the bike to a local - got a train back to UK ( 6 days!) and started an apprenticeship repairing fabric covered aeorplanes !!

    However as exciting as it sounds it took a year or more for the callouses on my bum to heal up completely ! The adverts for the 'Brookes Comfort' fully sprung saddles were total bull shit

    Planning a trip to KL on my airblade at the moment

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    In Alor Setar the police and army pulled me both times, they saw the 125cc wouldn't even be road legal in Thailand let alone Malaysia, the 400cc being road legal was still a piece of shite, so both times the first thing was to show them my lovely English driving license, I got to think they expected to see a nice clean international driving license, then came the awkward questions like log book and insurance, I was pretty fuked on both of them so explained to the lovely gentlemen that both were at my home in Pattaya and I didn't think of bringing them with me, we all knew I lied and they waved me on, and onto Penang I went

  12. #12


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    The New China Hotel, touted in lonely planet as the best value place in Penang, with signs like "Please do not shit in the shower" made you realise that lonelyplanet backpackers had beat you to it and make you wonder do you really want to shit in the communal shower, to say it is the lowest of the lows would be a compliment to that dive, at around 200baht per night for a room with free insects it wasn't really good value, it's only saving feature was that it had a car park, so thats where we stayed, as you go to sleep at night you wonder to yourself if someone has had a pony in the shower you will be using in the morning, real class....

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    But Penang is good, the food is so cheap and the choices unbelievable, even in those days the beer choices were better than Thailand, a little more expensive but hell, your on holiday, the 125cc was only used in Penang to get some petrol, the 400cc was used to get some petrol and hit a furniture shop for some 4 inch foam to stick over the seats, it was nice not to spend the day on a bike and let our arses heal a bit.

    I met a nice German bird who was interested in some nice English sausage but then found out neither of our hotels/slum dwellings allowed that sort of thing so pissed off to bed by myself

  14. #14


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    Passport time is 2pm I think at the Thai Penang Consulate, of course when your arse feels like it has been anally raped by a bunch of wild pigs you really aint that worried what time you turn up, then the border closed at 6pm so if you cane it a bit your gonna make it.

    The thai consulate is in the middle of nowhere in Penang, and if you want out of Penang from the Thai consulate just go through the woods at the dead end of the street, yes you do have to ride your bike up on the pavement and drive through woodland, but it gets you on the main road and your journey back into Thaland.

  15. #15


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    Penang to Thailand

    So I done this 2 different ways, on the 400cc we headed off to Krabi and then Phuket, the 125cc I just wanted to get back to Pattaya, so new visa in hand off I zoomed, the motorways in Malaysia are good and fast, Sadao didn't take long and i was back in Thailand, 6pm I was in Hat Yai eating and drinking thinking of putting the bike on the the train that goes from Butterworth to Bangkok, it was leaving at 6.15pm, I got to admit I was real tempted, my arse hurt so bad and the thought of a few beers and a bed was good, but fuk, I could never live that down, I'm well 'ard.

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    6.30pm I started the main journey, this was like 1.200km from Hat Yai to Pattaya, it was night time in January so was damn cold, I didn't think of that at the time, by 8.30pm I am wearing every piece of clothing I had with me, I am the michelin man and still cold, this wern't looking good.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    I am the michelin man
    sorry DD, but after reading the above I couldn't get this image out of my mind, so I thought I would share it

  18. #18
    Banned Muadib's Avatar
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    My ass hurts just reading about it, much less doing it...

  19. #19
    Slipstream's Avatar
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    I have to say even my touring distance doesn't quite match DDs adventure there.

    I think my record is Chiang Mai to Bangkok or maybe Hua Hin to Nakhon Phanom and back....

    Pattaya to Penang is serious mileage, especially back inthe heyday and wild 1990s!

    I went touring with a crazy cool German dude up to the Mekong River. He didn't want to tour anymore and just kept drinking! LOL. Sounds you and your buddy hit that shit hardcore and kept on ridin'!

    I might make another tour someday and it'll probably be the deep south.

    Great trip report DD!

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