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  1. #576
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    It's a long article and can't do it at one time.

    Might be messy too

  2. #577
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    DR's Matilde Kimer is no longer allowed to work in Ukraine: Accused of making Russian propagandaDenmark's foreign minister is surprised, and the Danish Association of Journalists calls it "a setback for press freedom".DR correspondent Matilde Kimer in front of a damaged building in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Archive photo. (Photo: © Lau Svensson, DR)OFCecilie Kallestrup19 DEC 2022's Russia and Ukraine correspondent, Matilde Kimer, has been stripped of her press accreditation and may no longer work as a journalist in Ukraine.She was briefed back in August when she received an email from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, which issues the accreditations. It said that the accreditation was canceled and that it was done by order of the Ukrainian Security Service, SBU.The accreditation gives access to journalistic work in active war zones where the armed forces operate. And now that the country is at war, the same applies almost everywhere in the country.It was not until Thursday 8 December that it was possible for Matilde Kimer to have a meeting with SBU. It was set up with the help of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it took place at the security service's office in Kyiv.Here she was told that some of her "posts" look like she sympathizes with Russia, she says. She suspects that the security service is referring to posts on her professional Facebook profile.But she herself cannot recognize that image. She does not believe that they could show her anything at the meeting to substantiate their accusations.- I can't see what they see at all. I don't understand it, says Matilde Kimer.The bands on the tanks are old Soviet symbols. The pictures here are from Matilde Kimer's Facebook profile, and it is possibly a post like that that has led the Ukrainian security service to get the impression that Matilde Kimer is carrying out Russian propaganda.- I don't think my journalism has a punch line. It is one of the things that I have put the most effort into in my entire journalistic career. Not to put on feel-feel glasses, but to report what is going on.The canceled accreditation does not mean that Matilde Kimer is supposed to be admitted to Ukraine. But she believes that it deprives her of all the opportunity to function as a journalist in the country.- I cannot make a single report that shows the consequences of this war or the suffering of the Ukrainian people or the acts of war themselves, she says.
    DR's Matilde Kimer is no longer allowed to work in Ukraine: Accused of making Russian propagandaDenmark's foreign minister is surprised, and the Danish Association of Journalists calls it "a setback for press freedom".DR correspondent Matilde Kimer in front of a damaged building in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Archive photo. (Photo: © Lau Svensson, DR)OFCecilie Kallestrup19 DEC 2022's Russia and Ukraine correspondent, Matilde Kimer, has been stripped of her press accreditation and may no longer work as a journalist in Ukraine.She was briefed back in August when she received an email from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, which issues the accreditations. It said that the accreditation was canceled and that it was done by order of the Ukrainian Security Service, SBU.The accreditation gives access to journalistic work in active war zones where the armed forces operate. And now that the country is at war, the same applies almost everywhere in the country.It was not until Thursday 8 December that it was possible for Matilde Kimer to have a meeting with SBU. It was set up with the help of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it took place at the security service's office in Kyiv.Here she was told that some of her "posts" look like she sympathizes with Russia, she says. She suspects that the security service is referring to posts on her professional Facebook profile.But she herself cannot recognize that image. She does not believe that they could show her anything at the meeting to substantiate their accusations.- I can't see what they see at all. I don't understand it, says Matilde Kimer.The bands on the tanks are old Soviet symbols. The pictures here are from Matilde Kimer's Facebook profile, and it is possibly a post like that that has led the Ukrainian security service to get the impression that Matilde Kimer is carrying out Russian propaganda.- I don't think my journalism has a punch line. It is one of the things that I have put the most effort into in my entire journalistic career. Not to put on feel-feel glasses, but to report what is going on.The canceled accreditation does not mean that Matilde Kimer is supposed to be admitted to Ukraine. But she believes that it deprives her of all the opportunity to function as a journalist in the country.- I cannot make a single report that shows the consequences of this war or the suffering of the Ukrainian people or the acts of war themselves, she says.

  3. #578
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    I found an article in English. Not really clear why she was kicked out of Ukraine (or Russia.)

    Why Matilde Kimer, the Famous Danish Journalist, was Kicked out of Ukraine - Заборона

  4. #579
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Deeply problematic'
    DR's news director Sandy French believes that the accusation against Matilde Kimer is unfounded and unfair.

    - We are actually quite shaken by that, she says.

    - One of the most important and invariable principles for DR is our editorial and independent freedom to conduct fair and credible journalism for the Danes. Therefore, it is also deeply problematic when someone – regardless of who it is – tries to restrict that freedom.

    She emphasizes that DR still has full faith in Matilde Kimer's independence.

    - No one has done a more fair and sober coverage of the war in Ukraine than her, which has been recognized and awarded on several occasions.

    Matilde Kimer has just now been nominated for the biggest journalistic prize, the Cavling prize.

    Matilde Kimer was expelled from Russia this summer.

    Foreign Minister Lars Løkke is surprised
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark has been informed about the case since August. And since the end of September, they have tried to help DR to get through to the authorities in Ukraine.

    At DR, News Director Sandy French hopes that the ministry will continue to help solve the problem.

    - My expectation is that they take it as seriously as I do, and therefore I also expect them to take responsibility for a solution being found as soon as possible, so that Matilde can once again practice journalism in Ukraine.

    And at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, newly appointed minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen assures that his predecessor has done everything he could. He also promises that he will look into the matter himself.

    - What is our task is to emphasize to the Ukrainian authorities that we emphasize freedom of the press highly. And the fact that we also have a state radio station, which we ourselves have an impression of, conducts sober journalism.

    Lars Løkke Rasmussen explains that he understands that Ukraine is in a special situation right now. Still, it is important that the free press works so that the Danes can get an impression of what is going on in the war, he says.

    - Here we have a journalist whose journalistic integrity, as far as I know, has not been questioned. Then we have to hope and believe that it can be enough to convince the Ukrainian authorities.

    Ukraine has seen examples of Russian agents among journalists
    At the Ukrainian embassy in Copenhagen, ambassador Mykhailo Vydoinyk is generally happy with DR's coverage of the war.

    - We are grateful for DR's coverage of the war, especially via the office in Kyiv, and we encourage you to continue the work, he says.

  5. #580
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    "Crimean spring", reads the banner behind the dancing women. It was taken around the anniversary of Russia's invasion of the Crimean peninsula in 2014. The post is from Matilde Kimer's Facebook page, and possibly one of those that the Ukrainian security service has perceived as propaganda for Russia. According to the Ukrainian authorities, there was a ban on traveling to Crimea at this time, but according to Matilde Kimer, that ban was only adopted a few months later.
    As ambassador, he will not comment on Matildes Kimer's specific case. But he believes that the security service SBU has valid reasons to review – and sanction – journalists working at the front in Ukraine.

    - Unfortunately, we have seen examples of Russian agents among the journalists who shared the positions of the Ukrainian army. Therefore, we will have to dig deeper and check everything. We're at war, guys, this is real, he says.

    They do not share that view with the Danish Journalists' Association, which organizes journalists in Denmark. Here, chairman Tine Johansen is strongly critical of the sanctioning of Matilde Kimer.

    - This is outrageous. As a world community, we need to have eyes and ears on the ground. We need proper journalistic coverage of what is going on in these historic events. And therefore it is really a setback for freedom of the press and our own ability to inform ourselves that a skilled journalist is rejected in this way.

    Matilde Kimer is still in the process of convincing the Ukrainian security service that she is not carrying out propaganda for the Russians.

    She has collected 10 of her stories, translated them, and sent them to the security service. Her hope is that they see the type of journalism she does on a daily basis.

    So far, she has been offered one solution. She says that the security service will reassess her case if she agrees to write what they call "good stories" about Ukraine. At the same time, she must use the material that the security service makes available to her.

    Matilde Kimer has refused to do that.

    - As an independent journalist, I will not present stories with material produced by anyone other than myself. After all, I can't sit at a desk in the DR city and post propaganda for any intelligence service. Nor the Ukrainian one.

  6. #581
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    I found an article in English. Not really clear why she was kicked out of Ukraine (or Russia.)
    The excuse is in my translation

    (big work, that was )

  7. #582
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Why Matilde Kimer, the Famous Danish Journalist, was Kicked out of Ukraine - Заборона

    Skimmed it and has most.

    But atleast one misunderstanding:

    Defense Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (he represents the leftist party)
    His party are called "left", but they are rightwing

  8. #583
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    I found an article in English. Not really clear why she was kicked out of Ukraine (or Russia.)

    Why Matilde Kimer, the Famous Danish Journalist, was Kicked out of Ukraine - Заборона
    She'd done numerous interviews with Russians, and entered Crimea through Russia to interview someone.

    While it seems, prime facie, that she was just doing her job, obviously Ukraine is a little touchy about it.

  9. #584
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    Does she appear on the notorious Ukrainian 'Kill list' yet?

  10. #585
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    “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”
    ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

  11. #586
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Brave New World.
    BRICS and it's continued growth and influence.

  12. #587
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^^^ Tell us why the wonderful Russians deported her.

    After the business trip to Mykolaiv, Matilde Kimer went to Moscow. From there, on August 1, immediately upon arrival, she was deported “for security and defense reasons”. The journalist was also banned from entering Russia for 10 years.

  13. #588
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    Wow, cancelled by both the Russians and Ukrainians. Sounds like a decent investigative journalist.

  14. #589
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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  15. #590
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Well what do you know:

    Matilde Kimer, who is DR's correspondent in Russia and Ukraine, can now work as a journalist in Ukraine again.

    After a long tug-of-war, she got her press accreditation back after it was canceled last summer by order of the Ukrainian security service, SBU.

    - Matilde Kimer's accreditation to work as a journalist in Ukraine is active again, and she can therefore work freely in Ukraine, just as she could until August 22, "

    Ukraine is a country at war, but it is also a country that wants Europe, and of course that also includes wanting the freedom of the press, so I am happy that this has been resolved." says MINISTER OF FOREIGN LARS LØKKE RASMUSSEN

    The message from Ukraine has been sent to DR via email, but it does not include an explanation of why Matilde Kimer is now again allowed to wear her work clothes on Ukrainian soil.

    - I hope and believe, however, that this is because the matter has been investigated and one on Matildes and our journalism and saw that there is no way to put a finger on Matildes Kimer's integrity, independence and credibility as a journalist.

    DR has worked hard to get the decision from the Ukrainian security service overturned.

    Early in the process, Matilde Kimer contacted the Ukrainian authorities herself, and DR has, among other things, been in dialogue with the Ukrainian embassy in Denmark and had close contact with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, is aware of the matter regarding Matilde Kimer's accreditation.
    Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has discussed it with him several times.

    Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmusen therefore takes a positive view of the Ukrainian turn of events. He talks about several telephone meetings with the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, where the matter of Matilde Kimer's accreditation has been on the agenda.

    - There I emphasized that there is great public support for Ukraine in Denmark - which you must be careful not to gamble with. The support rests, among other things, on the fact that Danmarks Radio and Matilde Kimer have been able to report from the war in a nuanced and proper way.- Ukraine is a country at war, but it is also a country that wants Europe, and of course that also includes , that you want freedom of the press, so I am happy that it has gone well, says Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

    Was told 'post' sympathized with Russia
    Already back in August, Matilde Kimer was informed that her accreditation was canceled and that it was done by order of the Ukrainian security service.

    On Thursday 8 December, it was possible for Matilde Kimer to have a meeting with the security service. The meeting, which took place at the SBU's office in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, was set up with the help of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Here, Matilde Kimer was told that some of her "posts" looked as if she sympathized with Russia. She suspects that the security service was referring to posts on her professional Facebook profile. A picture that Matilde Kimer herself could not recognize in any way.

    The bands on the tanks are old Soviet symbols. The pictures here are from Matilde Kimer's Facebook profile, and it is possibly a post like that that has led the Ukrainian security service to get the impression that Matilde Kimer is carrying out Russian propaganda.
    However, back in August, Matilde Kimer was expelled by Russia, where the Russians' justification at the time was that it happened "for security and defense reasons".

    In addition, Kimer said that she was told at the meeting that the Ukrainian Security Service would reconsider her case if she said 'yes' to writing what they call "good stories" about Ukraine. At the same time, she had to use the material that the security service would make available to her.

    Matilde Kimer refused to do that

    Last edited by helge; 04-01-2023 at 10:35 PM.

  16. #591
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Wow, cancelled by both the Russians and Ukrainians. Sounds like a decent investigative journalist.
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Yup, well done.

  17. #592
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    German Journalist Criminally Charged, Bank Account Seized, for Deviating From the Official Narrative on Ukraine

    By Victor Westerkamp
    Victor resides in the Netherlands and writes about freedom and governmental and social changes to the democratic form of nations.

    Published: June 26, 2022

    German reporter Alina Lipp faces criminal charges and three years imprisonment because she reported on the situation in the Donbas region, where she sympathized with Russia. Currently living in Donetsk, Lipp saw her bank account frozen and raided for €1.600 without further explanation. German authorities say that she may not defend herself in court as that may thwart the investigation. (Image: YouTube Screenshot)

    A German independent journalist living in eastern Ukraine’s renegade Donbas area has been labeled a Russian terrorist, harassed, and criminally charged by German authorities for her pro-Russian reporting.

    Independent reporter, 28-year-old Alina Lipp, born to a German mother and a Russian father, has set her objective to report the Russian-Ukrainian conflict objectively.
    To this goal, she has undertaken several trips to the Crimea peninsula and the Donbas; the region where it all started; the Russian-speaking separatists have challenged Ukraine, a nation they deem a Nazi state.

    Lipp raised eyebrows in March this year, shortly after the Russian invasion, which both she and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin calls a de-Nazification operation, over comments she made in a video that there were no atrocities committed by the Russians and that the Ukrainian hostilities against its own (Russian speaking) citizens over the past eight years should be highlighted.


    Lipp further alleged that the Donbas locals supported the Russian troops and celebrated the de-Nazification operation as a liberation.

    In her infamous video she uploaded to her Telegram channel, Lipp alleged that the Donbas citizens had been “thankful that Russia finally did something,” she said.

    “Finally, the people here have been liberated from the terror that they’ve been experiencing for the last eight years,” under continuous shellings by Ukrainian national army, Lipp added.

    The German empire strikes back

    However, German authorities would not stand how Lipp, “the mouthpiece of Russian propaganda,” as she’s been referred to by the German “fact checker” KORREKTIV, just kept on disseminating “misinformation.”

    Since then, the agency took no half-measures to make life or work impossible for the Hamburg resident.

    Soon after the video went viral, Lipp’s YouTube channel was closed, forcing her to move to Telegram. Her PayPal account was also blocked. Then, they came not only for her bank account, but that of her father, a Russian who lives on the Crimean peninsula.

    On top of that, the German prosecutor allegedly seized €1,600 from her bank account without further ado or any notice or explanation.

    However, apparently inspired by the anti-Russian position of the German government, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has forged a criminal case against Lipp on the justification that she “encourages or tolerates crimes regulated by the Criminal Code,” the Prosecutor stated in a document that Lipp showed in another, recent video.

    A special case

    The case against Lipp is a peculiar one, nonetheless. Not only is she charged, but she will also not be heard, the letter said.

    “At the end of the letter, he says that they are not going to invite me to a hearing because this would ‘disturb the investigations,’ and that is very interesting, so they are chasing me, but they do not want to listen to me,” she said in the video.

    Apparently, Lipp is already considered guilty by decree as she is denied her human right to defend her case in court—a novelty in German legal history—at least since the Third Reich succumbed almost eighty years ago.

    Another curious feature about the document, Lipp points out, is that one of the pages bears a big capital Z on top. This is remarkable as many Russian tanks and armored vehicles since the incursion have been emblazoned with an elusive capital Z on them.

    Since then, the capital Z has become a symbol of support for the Russian operation, and showing the symbol is therefore considered a crime in Germany.

    At the end of the video, Lipp asserted, “What is happening to me can happen to all independent journalists and bloggers, and that is why I would like to propose to you, dear colleagues, that we start working together to support each other against the censorship of the West.”

    This sound more like the Deutschland of yore
    rather than modern Germany. No right of due process- not even allowed to testify, assets arbitrarily seized. Astonishing. Clearly, "They" do not want you to hear what She has to say, or witnesses- so I will make a point of subscribing to her Telegram channel.


    And why not-

  18. #593
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    Good. There should be a penalty for pushing Russian state propaganda. She is not a "reporter" much less a journalist. She is a useful idiot of the Russian government just like you are Sab you fucking clown.

  19. #594
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    There should be a penalty for pushing Russian state propaganda.
    Bring back ze Third Reich!! But they already have, in 'Ukraine'.

  20. #595
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Fahrenheit 451 could be a place to start for him

    It's about the "dangers" of knowledge

  21. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Bring back ze Third Reich!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    But they already have, in 'Ukraine'.
    No retard. The fascists are in Moscow and you grovel at their feet. You could give two shits about freedom of speech, you disingenuous clown.

    Brave New World-seevktj-jpg

    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Fahrenheit 451 could be a place to start for him
    Don't attempt to lecture me, you propagandist clown. The last time you did, I had to educate you on the salinity of the waters around the Kerch Bridge. Remember? The very bridge you claimed was inside the Sea of Azov.

  22. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    I had to educate you on the salinity of the waters around the Kerch Bridge. Remember? The very bridge you claimed was inside the Sea of Azov.
    That has never happened

  23. #598
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    That has never happened

    Now the useful idiot lies. So you and sabang are both confirmed liars now.

  24. #599
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    My dear friend.

    I tried to explain you about the inflow of freshwater into Asov from the rivers.

    It's brakish water which have less salt, meaning less rust.

    There will be an inflow of saltwater from the Black Sea.

    Saltwater is heavier than freshwater, why it tends to go.....where ?....correct, to the lower layers.


    I won't tell you again

  25. #600
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    That is not what you said. I guess I am going to have to go back to the "mega thread" to dig out your comments. You specifically said the bridge was inside the Sea of Azov. Now you are back peddling and shifting gears.

    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    I won't tell you again
    Good, I am tiring of your shit anyway.

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