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  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Bring back ze Third Reich!! But they already have, in 'Ukraine'.
    Nope. That would be Russia.

    Eighteen media workers, including eight from Ukraine, are currently imprisoned in Russia, where all independent media have virtually been banned, it said.
    And China.

    China has the most media workers in jail, according to the RSF. Including Hong Kong, 110 media workers are in detention there.
    Number of journalists imprisoned worldwide hits new record: RSF | Freedom of the Press News | Al Jazeera

    Get your head out of the sand, hypocrite.

  2. #602
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    Go Catty!

    Western Journalists Are Cowardly, Approval-Seeking Losers

    Research conducted by New York University’s Center for Social Media and Politics into Russian trolling behavior on Twitter in the lead-up to the 2016 US presidential election has found “no evidence of a meaningful relationship between exposure to the Russian foreign influence campaign and changes in attitudes, polarization, or voting behavior.”

    Which is to say that all the years of hysterical shrieking about Russian trolls interfering in US democracy and corrupting the fragile little minds of Americans — a narrative that has been used to drum up support for internet censorship and ever-increasing US government involvement in the regulation of online speech — was false.

    And to be clear, this isn’t actually news. It was established years ago that the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency could not possibly have had any meaningful impact on the 2016 election, because the scope of its operations was quite small, its posts were mostly unrelated to the election and many were posted after the election occurred, and its funding was dwarfed by orders of magnitude by domestic campaigns to influence the election outcome.

    What’s different this time around, six years after Trump’s inauguration, is that this time the mass media are reporting on these findings.

    The Washington Post has an article out with the brazenly misleading headline “Russian trolls on Twitter had little influence on 2016 voters“. Anyone who reads the article itself will find its author Tim Starks acknowledges that “Russian accounts had no measurable impact in changing minds or influencing voter behavior,” but the insertion of the word “little” means anyone who just reads the headline (the overwhelming majority of people encountering the article) will come away with the impression that Russian trolls still had some influence on 2016 voters.

    “Little influence” could mean anything shy of tremendous influence. But the study did not find that Russian trolls had “little influence” over the election; it failed to find any measurable influence at all.

    Starks does some spin work of his own in a bid to salvage the reputation of the ever-crumbling Russiagate narrative, eagerly pointing out that the report does not explicitly say Russia definitely had zero influence on the election’s outcome, that it doesn’t examine Russian trolling behavior on Facebook, that it doesn’t address “Russian hack-and-leak operations,” and that it doesn’t say “doesn’t suggest that foreign influence operations aren’t a threat at all.”

    None of these are valid arguments. Claiming Russia definitely had no influence on the election at all would have been beyond the scope of the study, the report’s authors do in fact argue that the effects of Russian trolling on Facebook were likely the same as on Twitter, the (still completely unproven) “Russian hack-and-leak operations” were outside the scope of the study, as is the question of whether foreign influence operations can be a threat in general.

    What Starks does not do is make any attempt to address the fact that mainstream news and punditry was dominated for years by claims that Russian internet trolls won the election for Donald Trump. He does not, for example, make any mention of his own 2019 Politico article telling readers that the Russian Twitter troll operation ahead of the 2016 election “was larger, more coordinated and more effective than previously known.”

    Starks also does not take the time to inform The Washington Post’s readership about the false reporting this story has received over the years from his fellow mainstream news media employees, like The Washington Post’s David Ignatius and his melodramatic description of the St Petersburg troll farm as “a sophisticated, multilevel Russian effort to use every available tool of our open society to create resentment, mistrust and social disorder” in an article hysterically titled “How Russia used the Internet to perfect its dark arts“. Or The New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg in her article “Yes, Russian Trolls Helped Elect Trump“, in which she argues that it looks increasingly as though the Internet Research Agency “changed the direction of American history.” Or NBC’s Ken Dilanian (a known CIA asset), who described Russian trolling on Twitter in the lead-up to the election as “a vast, coordinated campaign that was incredibly successful at pushing out and amplifying its messages,” a claim that was then repeated by The Washington Post. To pick just a few out of basically limitless possible examples.

    Starks and his editors could easily have included this sort of information in the article. It would have greatly helped improve clarity and understanding among The Washington Post’s audience if they had. It would have been entirely possible to clearly spell out the fact that all those other reports appear to have been incorrect in light of this new information, or at least to acknowledge the fact that there is a glaring difference between this new report and previous reporting. It would do a lot of good for awareness to grow, especially among Washington Post readers, that there’s been a lot of inaccurate information circulating about Russia and the 2016 election these past several years.
    But they didn’t. And nobody else in the mass media has done so either. Even The Intercept’s report on the same story, despite having the far more honest headline “Those Russian Twitter bots didn’t do $#!% in 2016, says new study,” doesn’t name any names or criticize any outlets for their inaccurate reporting on Russian trolls stealing the election for Donald Trump.

    Indeed, it’s very rare in the west to see mainstream journalists hold other mainstream journalists accountable for their false reporting, facilitation of propaganda, or journalistic malpractice, unless it’s journalists whose approval they don’t care about like members of the opposite political faction or independant media reporters. This is because western journalists are worthless, obsequious cowards whose entire lives revolve around seeking the approval of their peers.

    The most important reporting a journalist can do in the western world today is help expose the lies, propaganda and malpractice of other western journalists and news outlets. But that is also the last thing a western journalist is ever likely to do, because western journalists seek praise and approval not from the public, but from other western journalists.

    You can see this in the way they post on Twitter, with their little in-jokes and insider references, how they’re always cliquing up and beckoning and signaling to each other. Twitter is a great window through which to observe western journalists, because they really lay it all out there. Watch their bootlicking facilitation of status quo power, their ingratiating tail-wagging with each other, the way they gang up on dissenters like zealots burning a heretic. To see what I’m talking about you have to pay attention not to their viral tweets that go off but to all the rest that receive little attention, because the ones that take off are the ones the public are interested in. If you watch them carefully it becomes clear that for most of them the intended audience of the majority of their posts is not the rank-and-file public, but their fellow members of the media class.

    Look at this Twitter conversation between Australian journalists right after the Ecuadorian embassy cut off Julian Assange’s internet access in 2018 for a good illustration of this. Former ABC reporter Andrew Fowler (now a vocal supporter of Assange) questions ABC’s Michael Rowland for applauding Ecuador’s move, and ABC’s Lisa Millar rushes in to help Rowland argue that Assange is not a journalist and doesn’t deserve the solidarity of journalists, and that Fowler is putting himself on the outside of the groupthink consensus by claiming otherwise. Millar and Rowland are part of the clique, Fowler is being ostracised from it, and Assange is the heretic whose lynching they’re braying for:

    Western journalists have a freakish herd-like mindset that makes the derision and rejection of their class the most nightmarish scenario possible and the approval of their class the most powerful opiate imaginable. They’re terrified of other journalists turning against them, of being rejected by the people whose approval they crave like a drug, of being kicked out of the group chat. And that’s exactly what would happen if they began leveling valid criticisms at mass media propaganda in public. And that’s exactly why that doesn’t happen.

    The western media class is a cloistered, incestuous circle jerk that only cares about impressing other members of the cloistered, incestuous circle jerk. It doesn’t care about creating an informed populace or holding the powerful to account, it cares about approval, inclusion and acclaim from its own ranks, regardless of what propagandistic reporting is required to obtain it. The Pulitzers are mostly just a bunch of empire propagandists giving each other trophies for being good at empire propaganda.

    A journalist with real integrity would spurn the approval of the media class. It would nauseate and repel them, because it would mean you’ve been aligning yourself with the most powerful empire in history and the propaganda machine which greases its wheels. They would actively make an enemy of the mainstream western press.
    Journalists without integrity — which is to say the overwhelming majority of journalists — do the opposite.

    None of this will be news to any of my regular readers, who will likely understand that the role of the mass media is not to inform but to manufacture consent for the agendas and interests of our rulers. But we shouldn’t get used to it, or lose sight of how odious it is.

    It’s important to be clear about how gross these people are. You can never be sufficiently disdainful of these freaks.

    You tell 'em girl!!

  3. #603
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    You tell 'em girl!!

    Brave New World-dd0-jpg

  4. #604
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    ^^ I suspect that this broad brush accusation and criticism applies to establishment-fused journalists?

  5. #605
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    Promoting Falsehoods and Marginalizing Truth-Tellers

    By Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff / Project Censored

    January 20, 2023

    The Washington Post’s coverage of a January 2023 study arguing that the post-2016 coverage of Russia election meddling may have been overblown, reveals a corrosive trend in legacy news media where the personalities and outlets that perpetuate inaccurate or false news are rewarded, and the truth-tellers who expose legacy media lies are marginalized and ostracized.

    The Washington Post cited a newly published academic study from the New York University Center for Social Media and Politics that concluded there was no evidence that the content suspected of being generated from Russia meaningfully impacted voters in the 2016 election. The authors wrote “we can’t find any relationship between being exposed to these tweets and people’s change in attitudes.” However, the Postwas quick to point out that the study focused on Twitter and there was still the possibility that Russian content on other platforms such as Facebook (now Meta) could have tilted the election. However, there is no solid evidence to confirm such a claim and other previous studies by media scholars Emil Marmol and Lee Major, as well as Nolan Higdon of Project Censored, found Facebook’s reach was also minimal. They were not alone.

    The study the Post referenced was hardly revelatory as even more researchers had drawn the same conclusion as early as 2016. Harvard University’s Yochai Benkler and his colleagues pointed out there was no empirical evidence that online content shifted electoral votes in 2016 and noted that cable news proved to be arguably far more influential. All of these studies found that the content from Russia was minimal in scope and influence when compared to the digital content disseminated by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s multi-million dollar presidential campaigns, which were further boosted by billions of dollars in free coverage from legacy media. Meanwhile, seasoned journalists such as Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Aaron Maté noted the flimsy sources and baseless claims so-called “mainstream” media were relying on to convince audiences that Russia tilted the election. Rather than analyze these arguments, corporate media outlets just shot at the messengers.

    Still, other researchers ignored these aforementioned studies and sources and relied on unsubstantiated evidence to make irrational claims that Russia was responsible for Trump’s electoral victory, often straining credulity. A study from Columbia University argued that data from betting markets “confirms” Russian trolls tilted the 2016 election.

    The authors argued that changes in betting markets around the holidays, when trolls presumably took a break from propagandizing to gamble, demonstrated that it was Russia who tilted the election. Equally absurd, historian Katherine Jamieson Hall argued that Russia influenced the news media cycle by releasing emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign, which distracted from an Access Hollywood tape exposing Trump’s sexism and misogyny. Hall’s analysis seems to imply that Russian trolls dictate news media focus, not the seasoned editors and staff at these much-vaunted institutions.

    When confronted with conflicting research, however, the legacy news media overwhelmingly chose to perpetuate the story that Trump’s Electoral College victory was due to Russian interference. For example, over a six week period in 2017, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow covered Russia more than all other stories combined, turning it into a cottage industry as we noted in our book, United States of Distraction. The pervasive coverage by Maddow and others in legacy media laid the groundwork to justify numerous other false and baseless stories that claimed Russia had put a bounty on U.S. soldiers, infiltrated Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign, hacked a Vermont power plant, fabricated evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and utilized a video recording of Trump being urinated on a by a sex worker as blackmail. All this from the same media outlets warning the public about the spread of “fake news.”

    Legacy media’s Russia nonsense not only misinformed audiences, it distracted from substantive investigations into the failures of Clinton’s campaign, the successes of Trump’s, and the ways in which the Democratic Party and FBI were actually some of the most powerful forces meddling in the 2016 election. Yes, Russia meddled, too, but to nowhere near the extent or effect according to the evidence.

    While journalists who pointed out the vapid reporting on Russia were erased from legacy media when not being attacked (Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Abby Martin, and Aaron Maté), Russia fear-mongering luminaries such as Maddow secured a $30 million annual deal with MSNBC. Having truth-tellers removed to make more room for propagandists is not new; it is the norm for legacy media. For example, in the 1990s, when Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News exposed the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking, a story legacy media was reticent to report, they attacked Webb (who was “let go” by the newspaper) leading to the destruction of his career and end of his life. Similarly, those who perpetuated the lies connecting Iraq to 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction in 2002 and 2003 were rewarded with continued lucrative legacy media careers (Judith Miller, Thomas Friedman, and almost any news anchor on national network or cable news for that matter), while those who challenged them were ostracized as conspiracy theorists (Phil Donahue, Jessie Ventura, Michael Moore), even though the latter were correct. Further, the entire decade-long attack on Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, including CIA plans to assassinate him, is further evidence that those who dare to expose the corruption and lies of the U.S. Empire, including the failures of the Fourth Estate itself, will pay a heavy price.

    Another consequence of all this is that it further makes audiences so ignorant about the existence of journalists outside legacy media that they either do not know about their reporting or disregard them altogether. For example, the revelations from the late 2022 and 2023 Twitter Files was largely dismissed by legacy news media and its audiences because it came from independent reporters outside the establishment press, like Matt Taibbi, who offered well-sourced evidence that disproved legacy media’s claims about topics around government collusion and censorship, Russiagate, and the COVID-19 pandemic response.

    The result is that audiences are uninformed or ill-informed. That was made abundantly clear last year, when George Santos won a seat in the House of Representatives while lying about nearly everything–where he attended high school and college, his finances, being Jewish (saying he was Jew-ish), having employees shot at the Pulse night club, founding charities, and his relatives’ dying in the 9/11 attacks and the Holocaust. Although Santos ran in New York, a state known as the media capital of the world, the legacy media did not expose these lies until after the election and Santos was already taking office. This journalistic malpractice is especially concerning given that it was a small local newspaper, The North Shore Leader, that exposed Santos’s lies before the election, when it really mattered, but no one bothered to notice. Apparently, the legacy media, whose outlets refer to themselves as “the place of politics” and “the best political team on television,” never considered that politicians might lie to get into office. This is curious given that they were acutely aware of Trump’s thousands of falsehoods, but it’s easier to blame Santos, not themselves, for audiences’ ignorance about the waning veracity of newly elected congressman’s claims. This was a major failure of the establishment press, and another example of why we desperately need local, independent journalism dedicated to telling the truth.

    What is clear is that even through the legacy news media may eventually get a story right, it takes too long and the damage they inflict by perpetuating falsehoods results in an uninformed and misinformed public. Rather than wait for the legacy media to utilize its massive resources, power, and access to get a story right, audiences would be wiser to turn to the journalists (Brihana Joy Grey, Lee Fang, Ken Klippenstein, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Abby Martin, Alan MacLeod, and Aaron Maté), and media organizations (like those highlighted by Project Censored) with a track record of getting things right. You can usually tell who they are because they do not appear in legacy media unless they are being attacked.

  6. #606
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    This reminds me of Dave Spart.

  7. #607
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    Promoting Falsehoods and Marginalizing Truth-Tellers

    By Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff / Project Censored

    Is that headline directed at you, or the much maligned ‘media’.

  8. #608
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Promoting Falsehoods and Marginalizing Truth-Tellers
    Russia and China to. 't', thank you for highlighting that . . . but instead of 'Marginalising' it would be mote appropriate to say 'jailing' or 'murdering'.

  9. #609
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    There is so much in that article of sabang's.

    So much that it hardly needs highlighting.

    Just pick a sentence, really.

  10. #610
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    You can usually tell who they are because they do not appear in legacy media
    That's because all they write is juvenile, inane shit. No self-respecting publication would touch them with a shitty stick.

  11. #611
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    There is so much in that article of sabang's.

    So much that it hardly needs highlighting.

    Just pick a sentence, really.
    Fairly well every time he posts will have the same result -

  12. #612
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    Some real mature age stuff here- I guess the forum dweebs must have their panties in a twist now it has been exposed that the "Russian trolls winning the election for Trump" narrative was bullshit from the beginning.

    Just pick a sentence, really.
    What a fantastic idea syb- pick a sentence, and tell us why it is

  13. #613
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Some real mature age stuff here- I guess the forum dweebs must have their panties in a twist now it has been exposed that the "Russian trolls winning the election for Trump" narrative was bullshit from the beginning.

    What a fantastic idea syb- pick a sentence, and tell us why it is
    I already did you illiterate cockwomble.

  14. #614
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    Are your panties always in a twist, Bitter 'arry?

  15. #615
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    Yesterday @ 10:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Promoting Falsehoods and Marginalizing Truth-Tellers

    By Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff / Project Censored

    Is that headline directed at you, or the much maligned ‘media’.

    Sabangs response …… crickets

  16. #616
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    While journalists who pointed out the vapid reporting on Russia were erased from legacy media when not being attacked (Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Abby Martin, and Aaron Maté), Russia fear-mongering luminaries such as Maddow secured a $30 million annual deal with MSNBC.

  17. #617
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Are your panties always in a twist, Bitter 'arry?
    Some find it necessary to browse through life in this manner.
    Disconnected and deluded.

  18. #618
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    The concocted multipolar paradigm shift is about to usurp the cart.

  19. #619
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    If it’s a fight they want, it’s a fight they’ll get Meduza responds to the Russian authorities’ decision to outlaw our journalism

    Meduza has been declared an “undesirable” organization in Russia. In other words, our newsroom’s work is now completely banned in the country our founders call home.

    If Meduza doesn’t now dissolve itself, Russian criminal prosecution threatens not only our senior staff and team of journalists but also anyone who simply distributes our materials (including acts as innocuous as sharing a link on Facebook to one of our articles), anyone who tries to donate money to support our journalism, and even anyone who grants our reporters an interview or so much as a comment.

    Back in 2021, Russia’s Justice Ministry designated Meduza as a “foreign agent.” After Moscow launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Russian authorities started blocking Meduza’s website. Despite the Kremlin’s efforts, we have continued our work, maintaining an audience of several million people inside Russia, and becoming the largest uncensored Russian-language news outlet in the world.

    We’d like to tell you that our new “undesirable” status doesn’t worry us — that it means nothing. But that would be untrue. We are afraid. We fear for our readers and for those who have collaborated with Meduza for many years. We fear for our loved ones and our friends.

    But we believe in what we do. We believe in free speech. And we believe in a democratic Russia. The greater the pressure against us and our values, the harder we will resist.

    We also believe in solidarity, and we’re inspired by the journalists at other “undesirable” publications who never stopped their work. We find strength in the support we’ve received from colleagues in the media and at NGOs committed to resisting the Russian authorities. Working alongside such determined, brave, and principled people is a joy and the privilege of a lifetime. In these difficult moments, we’ve also received invaluable help and advice from our colleagues around the world. This support and this community are what keep us going; they’re how we know we haven’t the right to give up and go silent.

    We will find ways to operate in these new conditions. We will continue to report events to our readers, millions of whom are still in Russia. We will not submit to Russia’s Internet censorship.

    Meduza in English will continue its work too. Our international edition is stronger now than ever before. Every day, our journalists cover what is happening in and around Russia, delivering the news through our flagship website, podcast, social media, and daily and weekly newsletters.

    Our need for support from people across the globe has never been more urgent. In 2022, our contributors living inside Russia lost the technical means to send donations to Meduza. Now, any Russian national who pledges so much as a kopeck to our newsroom risks felony prosecution. We cannot put our readers at risk.

    We believe that free speech and access to information are not gifts but hard-won achievements that must be protected. Much else, from free elections and free expression to an active civil society, simply cannot function without this basic foundation. And we are ready to fight for it.

    If it’s a fight they want, it’s a fight they’ll get Meduza responds to the Russian authorities’ decision to outlaw our journalism — Meduza

  20. #620
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuangLao View Post
    Some find it necessary to browse through life in this manner.
    Disconnected and deluded.
    Quoth the master of vapid inanities.

  21. #621
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    The founder of Russia's Wagner private military group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, called for Meduza to be placed on the list last July.
    He said articles that claimed sources inside the Kremlin wanted to remove Putin from power, and that a second attack on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv was being planned, violated Russia's strict censorship laws.
    I notice he didn't say they were lying though.

  22. #622
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    Notice it hasn't happened yet either, not even an attempt.

  23. #623
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Notice it hasn't happened yet either, not even an attempt.
    Yeah, because I'm sure you'd read about it in the Russian press.

  24. #624
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    I am certainly sure I would read about it in the Western press- even if fictitious. Goodness, if his dementia/ Parkinsons/ cancer, and any number of other things were not enough to knock him over, he was even alleged to have soiled himself after a fall! At least Joe Biden has the grace to stumble when he is going up the stairs.

  25. #625
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    I am certainly sure I would read about it in the Western press- even if fictitious. Goodness, if his dementia/ Parkinsons/ cancer, and any number of other things were not enough to knock him over, he was even alleged to have soiled himself after a fall! At least Joe Biden has the grace to stumble when he is going up the stairs.

    At least Biden doesn't wear high heels and surround himself with midgets to appease his Napoleon complex.

    Brave New World-sabangisasnivellingputinarselicker-jpg

    Brave New World-sabanghassexwithgoats-jpg

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