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  1. #676
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    Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth View Post
    Damage control. These January 6th hearings have hurt his support (recent NYT poll)/image and it needs to draw some attention away from those hearings. And maybe that donate button on the truth social website hasn’t been clicked on enough.

    Trump's fundraising falls in first half of 2022

    Former President Donald Trump raised about $36 million in the first half of 2022, the lowest amount since he left the White House, the Washington Post reports, citing federal filings.

    The big picture: This places Trump behind another potential contender in the 2024 presidential race, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who raised about $45 million in the same six-month period, the Post reported.

    Driving the news: The former president's fundraising committee brought in $17 million this quarter, bringing the half-year total to $36 million, per the Post.

    Why it matters: This is the first time since Trump left office that his six-month fundraising numbers have dropped below $50 million, according to the Post.

    Between January and June 2021, Trump brought in about $56 million. He raised another $51 million between July and December 2021.

    The Post noted that these numbers do not include donations made to Trump's Save America PAC.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  2. #677
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    Donald Trump : Former POTUS-fcbilqcx0aqk103-jpg

  3. #678
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    Pulitzers rejects Trump demand to revoke WaPo, NYT awards

    The Pulitzer Prize board on Monday rejected requests from former President Trump to revoke national reporting awards given to The Washington Post and The New York Times.

    Trump had repeatedly asked the board to rescind the 2018 Pulitzer Prizes in National Reporting, which were awarded to the staffs of the two outlets for their reporting examining Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

    The Pulitzer board commissioned a review of the winning works, but found no reason to pull back the awards.

    “The separate reviews converged in their conclusions: that no passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes,” the board said in a statement.

    “The 2018 Pulitzer Prizes in National Reporting stand,” the statement continued.

    The board said the review followed an established, formal process to review complaints against winning entries.

    Trump has pressed for the Pulitzers to be revoked since October, labeling the winning stories “totally incorrect reporting” that “have become worthless and meaningless.”

    The board said the requests from Trump and others, who they did not name, prompted the reviews, which were conducted by individuals with no connection to the two papers or each other.

    The former president has repeatedly lambasted reporting of Russian interference in the 2016 election as a hoax, writing to the board in May that the outlets’ winning work was “a distortion of fact and a personal defamation.”

    Trump also said at the time he would file litigation if the board did not “do the right thing on its own.”

  4. #679
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    Trump also said at the time he would file litigation if the board did not “do the right thing on its own.”
    He seem to really like losing lawsuits, the stupid fat wanker.

  5. #680
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    I see Trump is calling for better standards of law and order in DC.

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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth View Post
    Trump also said at the time he would file litigation if the board did not “do the right thing on its own.”
    Fark . . . what an utter cretin

  7. #682
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    DOJ has Trump under Criminal investigation.

  8. #683
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    Former President Trump on Wednesday said he planned to file a lawsuit against CNN, alleging the network has repeatedly defamed him dating back to his 2016 campaign for the presidency.

    “I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me,” Trump said in a statement. “I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election. I will never stop fighting for the truth and for the future of our Country!”

    The 282-page letter from Trump’s attorneys to CNN executives, dated July 21, calls for the network to retract or correct numerous on-air statements and published articles about Trump that the lawyers allege are false and defamatory.

    The letter goes on to cite dozens of examples, many of which relate to the network’s coverage of Trump’s repeated claims that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. CNN coverage frequently referred to those claims as “lies,” “false narratives” and “baseless theories,” among other terms.

    The lawsuit alleges those descriptions are “false and defamatory,” in part because Trump genuinely believes his claims that the election was stolen.

    “Without regard for President Trump’s genuine belief in his statements, CNN has published numerous articles characterizing him as a ‘liar’ and the purveyor of the ‘Big Lie,'” the letter to CNN states.

    But perhaps in a preview of how Trump’s lawsuit is likely to be received, dozens of lawsuits filed after the 2020 alleging there was widespread fraud that tipped the scales in favor of Joe Biden were summarily dismissed because of a lack of evidence, in some cases by judges appointed by Trump.

    Trump has spent the 18 months since leaving office continuing to claim the 2020 election was stolen or rigged against him, including as recently as Tuesday during a speech in Washington, D.C. Multiple audits and recounts have validated Biden’s victory, and many former Trump administration officials have said there was not enough fraud to change the outcome.

    Many of the articles cited in the lawsuit are opinion or analysis pieces about Trump’s rhetoric after the 2020 election, in some cases tying that rhetoric to the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Others are news articles documenting the frequency of his inaccurate statements about election fraud.

    The lawsuit also references commentary on CNN after the 2016 election by various Democrats who asserted Russian interference played a role in getting Trump elected. The intelligence community has established Russia interfered in that election.

    Trump has a habit of threatening to sue those who speak critically of him, though he has rarely followed through in recent years.

    He previously threatened to sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct ahead of the 2016 election; he threatened to sue The New York Times over critical coverage; and he suggested he may sue Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) over comments before he was first impeached.

    Trump has also previously argued the United States should change its libel laws to make it easier to sue the media and authors over their work.

    Many other news outlets have routinely referred to Trump’s claims about the 2020 election as “baseless” or “lies,” but the former president has long feuded with CNN and its employees.

    The network recently hired Chris Licht to replace Jeff Zucker as CEO. Licht reportedly told network anchors in a meeting last month that they should rein in the use of the phrase “the big lie” when referring to Trump’s election claims, worrying it was too partisan.

    CNN declined to comment.

  9. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth View Post
    Former President Trump on Wednesday said he planned to file a lawsuit against CNN
    Go on then you stupid fat orange c u n t.

  10. #685
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    What the fall of WWE’s Vince McMahon reveals about post-Trump politics

    Last Friday, after four decades at the helm of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vince McMahon announced his retirement. Given the avalanche of sexual misconduct allegations against him, the news looked like a victory for decency. But nothing is ever quite what it seems in professional wrestling.

    McMahon is no longer chairman and chief executive of the multimedia firm, nor will he play his character in WWE programming. But he remains the largest single stockholder in the publicly traded company and reportedly controls 80 percent of shareholder votes.

    This confusion is appropriate. After all, McMahon made his billions by sledgehammering down the wall between fantasy and reality, leaving everyone else to wander in the dust. But this latest twist in McMahon’s long, bizarre story is a useful lesson in the difference between a real political win and a tantalizing illusion of victory.

    “Professional” wrestling has never been a legitimate sporting competition; the outcomes of wrestlers’ bouts are preplanned to inflame the audience’s passions. But that fact used to be concealed by an informal code known as “kayfabe,” intended to uphold the illusion that pro wrestling was as real as baseball or tennis. Kayfabe had to be maintained both inside and outside the ring. That meant never breaking character in public. Wrestlers who performed as “babyfaces,” or good guys, could be fired on the spot if they were caught sinning. “Heels,” or bad guys, couldn’t be seen doing random acts of kindness.

    McMahon broke the code in the latter half of the 1980s when he formally admitted that all matches and storylines were preplanned. By putting himself in the same legal category as the circus or the Harlem Globetrotters, he was able to escape the purview of state athletic commissions, which had levied taxes and enforced safety regulations in pro wrestling for decades.

    But his greatest political innovation didn’t come in a lobbying campaign. It emerged in the wrestling ring.

    In the late 1990s, McMahon chose to make himself the primary character in his own programming. He became a supreme heel known as “Mr. McMahon”: a sadistic, greedy, womanizing billionaire who antagonized the fans’ favorite wrestlers. The character represented the worst impulses in the human spirit. It also bore an uncanny resemblance to the real-life Vince McMahon, but always with a protective layer of irony.

    If old kayfabe meant committing to a lie and calling it the truth, McMahon’s new type mixed truth and lies liberally until the two were indistinguishable. If you were a fan, you either let the spectacular confusion wash over and titillate you, or you became obsessed with picking apart what was real and what wasn’t. Either way, you were consuming the product. Either way, McMahon won.

    Even if you don’t follow wrestling, these themes may sound familiar.

    Donald Trump grew up on the wrestling programs run by Vince’s father, and the former president remains an avid fan of the art form — and of McMahon.

    They’ve known each other since the 1980s, when Trump enthusiastically “hosted” two installments of McMahon’s annual WrestleMania extravaganza near his Atlantic City casino. Trump, playing himself, even engaged in a months-long rivalry with Mr. McMahon in 2007, culminating in a WrestleMania performance where he shaved McMahon bald.

    Trump’s WWE journey wasn’t just an education in how to be a wrestling heel. He was learning how to hold an audience’s attention and how to let his enemies’ accusations make him more powerful, skills that would allow him to win the 2016 election.

    Trump’s ascent to the Oval Office brought McMahon’s revolutionary anti-ethics to the highest echelons of power. Now, it has become common to describe politics as kayfabe, whether the illusion is playing out in staged debates between dueling paid commentators on cable news, or in the careers of a generation of conspiracy-theory-spouting Republican politicians.

    But there is a way out of the hall of mirrors that kayfabe represents. Rather than trying to adjudicate the drama, look for who really benefits from a given system. Once you find out where power lies and uncover the agenda behind the spectacle, you will know what you’re up against — and how to fight back effectively.

    McMahon’s resignation is proof. While he may be publicly disgraced, the new WWE co-chief executives are a McMahon loyalist and McMahon’s own daughter. The new director of creative is McMahon’s son-in-law. If the company gets sold, as some have speculated, McMahon stands to make a fortune.

    It’s worth approaching the latest twists in Trump’s story with a gimlet eye. The spectacle of his prosecution, whether at the federal level or in Georgia, would be tantalizing. But the real victory would be the hard work of protecting the country’s election infrastructure state by state and county by county.

    The heels are winning at every turn. The babyfaces are shameful embarrassments. No one knows what to believe. We might be living in Mr. McMahon’s world. But we don’t have to accept his rules.

  11. #686
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    "art form"?

  12. #687
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    Until Trump loses in 2024, or is in jail, I will never consider it to be post-Trump politics. In fact, that won't even stop it. Yer fucked, and Merrick Garland is taking too long.

  13. #688
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    Could be an interesting read:

    They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency Hardcover – July 12, 2022

    by Malcolm Nance (Author)

    To varying degrees, as many as 74 million Americans have expressed hostility towards American democracy. Their radicalization is increasingly visible in our day to day life: in neighbor’s or family member’s open discussion of bizarre conspiracy theories, reveling in the fantasy of mass murdering the liberals they believe are drinking the blood of children. These are the results of the deranged series of lies stoked by former President Donald Trump, made worse by the global pandemic.

    The first steps of an American fracture were predicted by Malcolm Nance months before the January 6, 2021 insurrection, heralding the start of a generational terror threat greater than either al-Qaeda or the Islamic State. Nance calls this growing unrest the Trump Insurgency in the United States or TITUS.

    The post-2020 election urge to return to a place of “normalcy”―to forget―is the worst response we can have. American militiamen, terrorists, and radicalized political activists are already armed in mass numbers and regularly missed in the media; principally because Trump’s most loyal and violent foot soldiers benefit from the ultimate privilege―being white.

    They Want to Kill Americans is the first detailed look into the heart of the active Trump-led insurgency, setting the stage for a second nation-wide rebellion on American soil. This is a chilling and deeply researched early warning to the nation from a counterterrorism intelligence professional: America is primed for a possible explosive wave of terrorist attacks and armed confrontations that aim to bring about a Donald Trump led dictatorship.
    In this torrent:

    Download The New York Times Best Sellers: Fiction & Non-Fiction - August 7, 2022 Torrent | 1337x

  14. #689
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    Brooke Harrington - As a tax researcher, I was skeptical of rumors Trump buried his ex-wife in that sad little plot of dirt on his Bedminster, NJ golf course just for tax breaks.

    So I checked the NJ tax code &'s a trifecta of tax avoidance. Property, income & sales tax, all eliminated.

  15. #690
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    LIV Golf Tournament at Trump Club Sees Thin Crowds, $1 Tickets: Reports

    Thin crowds were reported at the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament taking place at former President Donald Trump's New Jersey club this weekend—with tickets reportedly being sold for as little as $1 online.

    LIV Golf, which aims to rival the near century-old PGA Tour, has drawn substantial controversy due to it being financed by Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund. The kingdom has faced strong criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike for its documented human rights abuses, and particularly for the grisly murder of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.

    While LIV Golf managed to attract some high-profile professional golfers, the PGA Tour barred its members from participating in the competition. Trump, however, embraced the new tournament after the PGA Tour ended its plan to host its championship at his Bedminster club following the events of January 6, 2021.

    The New York Times reported Friday that the crowds at the event were "thin and scant at many holes," although it also noted the "easy camaraderie" among the players. Similarly, The Wall Street Journal reported that many holes "had just a smattering of fans as the day progressed" on Friday. The conservative newspaper additionally reported that tickets for the event were being sold for as little as $1 on

    A search by Newsweek on Saturday afternoon showed tickets for the Sunday event at Trump's Bedminster club being sold for as little as $7 and $8 on the ticketing website. Some event tickets were going for as much as $150 as well.

    "The golf itself, meanwhile, wasn't exactly supercharged—light crowds were spread across much of the vast grounds here on the first day of the tournament," the Journal reported.

    Golfweek, meanwhile, described the crowd as "lively." Some attendees reportedly chanted "Four more years!" and "Let's go Brandon!" when Trump made his first appearance to tee-off at the event. "Let's go Brandon" has become a popular slogan by right-wing critics of President Joe Biden, as it stands in for "F*** Joe Biden."

    Trump shrugged off criticism of the Saudi financing behind the event, saying the funders were his friends

    "I've known these people for a long time in Saudi Arabia and they have been friends of mine for a long time," Trump said Thursday, according to The Times.

    "They've invested in many American companies. They own big percentages of many, many American companies and frankly, what they are doing for golf is so great, what they are doing for the players is so great. The salaries are going to go way up," the former president said.


    "Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9/11 unfortunately, and they should have," Trump said.

    “We simply cannot understand how you could agree to accept money from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s golf league to host their tournament at your golf course, and to do so in the shadows of Ground Zero in New Jersey, which lost over 700 residents during the attacks.”

  16. #691
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    Good news...........

    Former President Trump won a comfortable majority of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference’s (CPAC) straw poll, maintaining his position as the favorite for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

    Organizers announced at CPAC’s convention in Texas that Trump won 69 percent of the vote, followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) with 24 percent. Trump expanded his lead from the last CPAC straw poll in February, when he received the support of 59 percent of voting attendees to DeSantis’ 28 percent.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) came in third place with 2 percent, while other choices received 1 percent support or less.

    In a hypothetical poll without Trump in the race, DeSantis held the lead with 65 percent. Donald Trump Jr. came in second place with 8 percent, Cruz came in third with 6 percent and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came in fourth with 5 percent.

    Despite DeSantis gaining attention as a possible alternative to Trump as the 2024 GOP nominee, Trump has consistently dominated CPAC’s informal straw polls since he left office last year.

    Trump won the straw poll taken at CPAC in February 2021, about a month after his term ended, with 55 percent of the vote, followed by DeSantis with 21 percent. He received 70 percent support in the straw poll taken at a second CPAC convention last July.

    DeSantis has meanwhile remained the consistent second-place finisher but has been unable to top 30 percent support.

    DeSantis led among potential choices to be the vice-presidential nominee with 43 percent, followed by South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) with 9 percent and Pompeo at 7 percent.

    Trump’s approval rating among CPAC attendees ticked up to 99 percent, up two points from February. Nine out of 10 said they strongly approve of Trump’s performance as president.

    More than 60 percent of voters listed election integrity as the most important issue, a sign of Trump’s influence on the party as he continues to claim without evidence that voter fraud cost him reelection in the 2020 presidential election.

    More than half of voters listed building a border wall and immigration as one of the most important issues, while about 30 percent listed energy independence and constitutional rights, respectively.

    The results also showed that CPAC attendees largely do not expect President Biden or Vice President Harris to be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

    A 37 percent plurality believe California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will be the Democratic nominee, while 16 percent expect former first lady Michelle Obama. Biden was chosen by 8 percent, along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Harris was chosen by 4 percent.


    • CPAC Has A Special Exhibit: A Sobbing Jan. 6 Rioter In Jail

    Waiting for a pardon

  17. #692
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    Trump says his Mar-a-Lago home was 'raided' by 'large group of FBI agents'

    MIAMI — Former President Donald Trump said in a statement Monday that his home at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, was “raided” by “a large group of FBI agents.”

    Trump also claimed the presence of law enforcement was unannounced and the reason was politically motivated, though he did not provide specifics.

    “These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Trump said in a lengthy email statement issued by his Save America political committee.

    “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate," Trump said before bemoaning: "They even broke into my safe!"

    A person familiar with the matter said the FBI is not disputing that it carried out the search.

    At Justice Department headquarters, a spokesperson declined to comment to NBC News. An official at the FBI Washington Field Office declined to comment, and officials at the FBI field office in Miami did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The White House said it was not given a heads up.

    “We did not have notice of the reported action and would refer you to the Justice Department for any additional information,” a White House official said.

    The FBI raid came days after Attorney General Merrick Garland told NBC News that the "most wide-ranging investigation" in Justice Department history was examining not only the rioters who invaded the Capitol and physically attacked officers, but was also examining whether anyone was “criminally responsible for interfering with the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another."

    In February, the National Archives and Records Administration asked the Justice Department to examine whether Trump’s handling of White House records violated federal law, a story first reported by The Washington Post and subsequently confirmed by NBC News sources.

    The status of that request is unclear.

    In mid-January, the National Archives “arranged for the transport from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives of 15 boxes that contained Presidential records, following discussions with President Trump’s representatives in 2021,” the agency said in a statement.

    Trump’s involvement in the Jan. 6 riot, which resulted in his second impeachment, is also the subject of a House committee examining the insurrection.

    Of how the law enforcement action might affect Trump’s political aspirations, a person close to Trump said: “If he wasn’t running before, he is now.”

    The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly, appeared to be suggesting that Trump might benefit from being an active candidate for the presidency if he faces legal jeopardy.

    Trump is not at Mar-a-Lago, his winter residence. He often spends his summers at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey.

  18. #693
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    Remember when Nixon said "I am not a crook"?

  19. #694
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    Trump is too stupid to realize that he should get out of politics. Why raids and all this BS ? Just take him out

  20. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Trump says his Mar-a-Lago home was 'raided' by 'large group of FBI agents'
    This is a big thing. It is unprecedented, as no former president has ever had his home raided. This is all regarding January 6th I would imagine. I hope they file charges on him before the next election.


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    “The real target of this investigation, isn’t Donald Trump, it’s you, the American people.“: Laura Ingraham Faux Noise

  22. #697
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbound View Post
    “The real target of this investigation, isn’t Donald Trump, it’s you, the American people.“: Laura Ingraham Faux Noise
    Absolutely irresponsible nonsense, and sadly a bunch of dimwits are going to believe that crap.

  23. #698
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbound View Post
    “The real target of this investigation, isn’t Donald Trump, it’s you, the American people.“: Laura Ingraham Faux Noise
    Fortunately very few of the American people actually watch her fucking nonsense.

  24. #699
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    Shit is going down

    Rep. Anthony Sabatini


    It’s time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies. Sever all ties with DOJ immediately. Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight.

  25. #700
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    Shit is going down
    No, it's not you moron. That guy is a total trumpanzee wack job. More crap from you as usual.

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