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  1. #126
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    I'm guessing though the dems won't be allowed to forget what trump has done.
    The first thing any new administration must do is........... drain the fucking swamp, because if it wasn't real before it certainly is now.

    And then put proper people in charge of education, housing, the EPA and the CDC.

    And establish a proper pandemic response infrastructure with partners around the globe.

    You know, the things this pathetic orange fraudster should have been doing for the last four years.

  2. #127
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    They never do. Same as Trump never did anything about the Clintons, despite getting elected on the basis he would jail the rancid bitch.
    There are a couple of things a demented whackjob like yourself needs to realise:

    Firstly, the reason the Clintons haven't been prosecuted is that they haven't committed any crimes.

    Secondly, it's up to the DoJ to investigate and prosecute, and baldy orange cunto has been trying to get his little puppy Barr to dig up dirt on Clinton and Obama for four years and - in case you are too fucking illiterate to notice - has failed dismally.

    Should a new, independent Attorney General be appointed, a different result might be expected, given the amount of money baldy orange cunto has had to spend trying to hide evidence, and the number of key DoJ staff he has sacked to stop them doing their jobs.

    Biden has already said he will stay out of the DoJ regarding prosecuting baldy orange cunto's crimes.

    That's good enough for most people.

  3. #128
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    They're both liars. That's enough. Just because they've never been prosecuted doesn't mean they're innocent. Hang on. She was fined, with others, $450,000 so in fact she has been prosecuted

    1. Benghazi: “Clinton lied, four Americans died” on her watch & she was at the heart of the cover-up. Said she submitted all documents & four months after request, still more documents are uncovered. During testimony, famously said, “What DifferenceDoes it Make!”

    2. Travelgate: fired all white house travel staff that had worked for 7 presidents, claiming financial misdeeds. & replaced with herfriends, a travel business worth $31M annually. All employees were exonerated by the FBI, GAO, DOJ and others & reinstated.
    3. Vince Foster’s Death: longtime friend involved in several Clinton scandals, strange circumstances surrounded his death in 1993;investigation ensued & before police could arrive, Clinton staffers removed boxes on Whitewater & Travelgate; she claimedinnocence.
    4. Hillary Care: National outrage on a self-admitted unqualified person in developing Hillary Care; delivered a 1342 page disastrousproduct. Fed judge threatened to hold them in contempt. It costs taxpayers $32M for the fiasco. Hillary fined $450K for dishonesty,court cost to taxpayers $750K. Voters later put Republicans in charge of house & senate, first time in 40 years due to this fiasco.
    5. As a Senator: she accomplished nothing, not a single piece of landmark legislation to her name, only 3 small insignificant bills.
    6. Chronic Habitual Liar: Every scandal surrounding her, she has lied about even under oath. She didn’t land under sniper fire in Iraqas she said, nor was she named after Sir Edmond Hillary. He climbed Mt Everest after she was born—too many lies to even mention.
    7. Whitewater Investigation: Hillary was the central figure in this fraudulent venture. Only 1st Lady to be subpoenaed by a grand jury.Investigation found pervasive conflicts between her law firm & others. Following their acquittal, the documents magical reappearedin the Clinton’s residence. She denied any knowledge but her fingerprints were all over the documents, cost to taxpayers: $145M.
    8. Clinton Legal Defense Fund: established to individuals or companies hoping to gain favor with the president could help payClinton’s endless legal bills. Also noteworthy: Saudi Arabia is funding 20% of her campaign. Reports, credit card #, passwords of900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
    9. Filegate: Clinton administration improperly requested & received personal information for her “Enemies List” including backgroundreports, credit card #, & passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
    10.IRS Abuses: She used the IRS to harass her enemies including Republicans, White House Travel Office, NRA, Judicial Watch, & otherconservative groups, also Pres Clinton’s female accusers—Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broadrick & Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
    11.Chinagate: In 1996 Justice Dept investigates campaign fundraising abuses & cover ups regarding: efforts by China to influence U.S.policies, government & military—funneled millions into the Clinton re-election campaign.
    12.Pardongate: As Pres Clinton left office in 2001—he pardoned 450 people for crimes from cocaine trafficking to kidnapping & terrorism.Several pardons benefitted Hillary & were investigated for direct ties to her NY senate bid, such as Marc Rich, billionaire felon & fugitiveon FBI’s 10 most wanted list, his wife funneled millions into her senate campaign and $600K to the Clinton Library. Hillary denied herrole in any pardons—list of pardons too long to mention here, but most benefited in some way for the Clintons.
    13.Cattlegate: her first trade investment of $5K for cattle futures returned $490K. She refused to release her tax info. She insisted she madeall investments herself, however it was James Blair with Refco Investments who was outside counsel for Tyson Foods in Arkansas. Shereceived preferential treatment & huge financial returns to influence her husband, then the Governor of Arkansas,
    14.Clinton Secrets: Presidential Records Act allow unrestricted access to documents after 12 years, 14 years later they still refuse to releasethem, in spite of 300 Freedom of Information Acts, completely ignored.
    15.State Dept Scandals: Sexual assaults by security officials in Beirut, endemic engagement of prostitutes by her security detail, solicitationof child male prostitutes by Belgium US Ambassador. She called off internal investigation into her State Dept claiming she had noknowledge of any scandals in her state dept.
    16.Clinton Foundation Conflicts of Interest: NY Times exposed the “moral & fiscal chaos & shameless fundraising” mired in conflict.Hillary traveled to Moscow to urge the Russian gov’t to purchase planes from Boeing. Two months later, contracts in hand, Boeingdonated $900K to the Clinton (Crime) Foundation, now tied to her campaign. Foreign donations increased by 70% in 2008.
    17.Trashed the White House: During 2001 transition, the US GAO found that Clinton staffers not only left rude messages to the incomingBush team, but caused THOUSANDS of dollars’ worth of damage to the White House—all done intentionally
    18.Lootergate: When the Clintons were “dead broke” after leaving the White House, allegations were the dynamic duo sent White Housefurniture to their personal home in NY. George Bush disregarded the “childish actions.”
    19.Women’s Rights: Self-declared commitment to human rights for women is a critical lie as she accepts large donations from Algeria,Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, & Saudi Arabia—those countries with the worst human rights for women.
    20.Military & Law Enforcement: She has been cited in numerous books for her hatred and disdain for the military, law enforcement, & herown secret service protection. Is that who you want for our Commander-in-Chief?For more in-depth information go to. Filegate: Clinton administration improperly requested & received personal information for her “Enemies List” including backgroundreports, credit card #, & passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NYTimes.
    Last edited by Pragmatic; 18-10-2020 at 07:15 AM.

  4. #129
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    US spies say the Hunter Biden email controversy shows how 'exploitable' and 'grotesquely vulnerable' Trump and Giuliani are to Russian intelligence

    President Donald Trump smirked when supporters at his campaign rally on Friday revived a familiar chant.

    "Lock him up!" they shouted as the president laughed. "Lock him up!"

    The chants were referring to the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, whom Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, have long accused of being in bed with corrupt Ukrainian interests.

    Specifically, they allege that Biden inappropriately leveraged his role as vice president to shut down a criminal investigation into the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings to protect Hunter, who was serving on Burisma's board at the time.

    As Business Insider has previously reported, there is no evidence that these claims hold merit, and they've been debunked by intelligence assessments, media reports, congressional investigations, and witness testimony.

    Regardless, the Biden-Ukraine conspiracy theory was turbocharged this week, after The New York Post published a widely discredited story purporting to show "smoking-gun" emails between Hunter Biden and a senior Burisma executive about setting up a meeting with Joe Biden when he was vice president in 2015.

    The story was written by a former producer for the Fox News show "Hannity," and Giuliani was one of its primary sources. Shortly after, it was reported that federal authorities are investigating if the emails were part of a foreign influence operation.

    At a rally in Iowa on Wednesday, Trump touted the "explosive documents published by a very fine newspaper, The New York Post," which he said showed "that Joe Biden has been blatantly lying about his involvement in his son's corrupt business dealings."

    To the conservative political sphere, the story was incontrovertible proof that Trump was right about the Bidens. But to former intelligence operatives, Giuliani's involvement in the Post's story and Trump's willingness to seize on it showed just how susceptible they are to being duped by foreign intelligence services.

    'Any foreign intelligence service would be derelict if they did not try to exploit this'

    Former officials said that Giuliani's proximity to Trump, both men's personality traits, their eagerness to dig up dirt on political opponents, and unwillingness to acknowledge Russian influence make them a goldmine for foreign operatives to exploit.

    "This is the most recent edition of what we've seen over four years now with the Trump administration," Steve Hall, the former chief of Russia operations at the CIA, told Business Insider. He compared Giuliani to former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was one of Trump's most active surrogates during the 2016 campaign.

    "Flynn considered himself the smartest guy in the room and believed the rules didn't apply to him because he was close to the president," Hall said. "Giuliani has the same general profile because he's also someone who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, politically. And he has protection from the Trump administration. That's exactly the kind of personality that Russian intelligence services would look to take advantage of."

    Glenn Carle, a former CIA covert operative who specialized in turning Russian spies, told Business Insider that in addition to Giuliani's access to Trump, his motivations also make him an attractive target for Russian intelligence.

    "No matter what the motivation is, a foreign intelligence service can usually exploit it," Carle said. "In this case, it's very straightforward: Giuliani is hunting for information that he thinks will help Trump and harm Biden. And then you look at the person's psychological makeup. Are they gullible? Can they be duped? Are they motivated to take chances? In Giuliani's case, the answer to all those questions is a glaring 'yes.'"

    Giuliani, Carle added, has "been stumbling around in Ukraine, which is Russian turf from an intelligence perspective. In every way, Trump and Giuliani are grotesquely vulnerable, exploitable targets for Russian intelligence. And any foreign intelligence service would be derelict if they did not try to exploit this."

    Indeed, US intelligence agencies cautioned the White House last year that Russian operatives were using Giuliani to funnel disinformation to Trump. The warning came after intercepted communications showed that Giuliani interacted with multiple people who had ties to Russian intelligence when he traveled to Ukraine in December to look for dirt on the Bidens.

    Among the people Giuliani met with was a Ukrainian national named Andrii Derkach, a man who has since been sanctioned by the Treasury Department for acting as a Russian agent and spreading disinformation about the Bidens and the 2020 election. Giuliani has been reluctant to acknowledge Derkach is a Russian agent and told The Daily Beast in an interview Saturday, "The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50."

    The former New York mayor is currently under federal criminal investigation over whether he violated foreign lobbying laws. And two of Giuliani's Ukrainian associates who helped him in his quest to dig up dirt on the Bidens, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were indicted last year for campaign-finance violations.

    On Thursday, NBC News reported that federal investigators are examining whether the purported Hunter Biden-Burisma emails featured in the New York Post's story were part of a foreign intelligence operation ahead of the November election. According to CNN, "the probe is part of a larger investigation into Russian disinformation that dates back to before the impeachment inquiry last fall."

    In January, hackers associated with Russia's military intelligence agency successfully breached Burisma's servers, The New York Times reported. And in September, US intelligence analysts learned the Russians were planning to dump hacked and forged Burisma emails as part of an "October surprise" targeting Biden before the election. Later that month, the former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told the New York Post about the existence of emails between Hunter Biden and the Burisma executive. Giuliani gave the conservative tabloid a copy of a hard drive containing the emails on Sunday.

    He is said to have obtained the hard drive last December from a computer repair shop owner who discovered the emails and other compromising information about Hunter Biden on a water-damaged laptop that someone dropped off but never picked up. When The Daily Beast asked Giuliani if he was concerned the emails may have come from Russia's hack of Burisma, he replied that it "wouldn't matter" and asked "what's the difference?"

    Trump, meanwhile, knew for weeks that the New York Post's story about Hunter Biden was coming, according to The Daily Beast. "The president knew [in recent weeks] that Rudy had something big coming on the Biden family," one source told the outlet. "I remember hearing…something about files, and corruption, and something about sex and drugs…It was evident that the president was interested and wanted it done before the election."

    'They want to protect their boy in the White House'

    Robert Deitz, a former senior lawyer at the CIA who also served as the general counsel at the National Security Agency, told Business Insider that Trump's refusal to condemn Russian election interference and his tendency to fly into a rage when the topic is raised, show that he's "not going to ask any questions" if the Russians try to help his campaign.

    Giuliani, he said, "is a lot smarter than Trump but misses being in the limelight and wants to be a power player in Washington. He's an old guy who loves attention. So the Russians can easily get an agent to talk to him, butter him up, and take him out to swishy restaurants. You know, why not?"

    Hall echoed that view and described Giuliani as a "useful idiot" for Russian operatives.

    "The Russians can make Giuliani feel like he's important," he said. "They can appeal to his ego and basically get the same type of control over him that they can with a traditional recruited asset."

    Trump, for his part, has dismissed warnings that the Russians were targeting Giuliani. According to the Washington Post, when national security adviser Robert O'Brien and other officials cautioned him about the matter, the president shrugged and said, "That's Rudy."

    "At the very least, Giuliani has been directly manipulated and fed information for a substantial period of time," Carle said. "And when confronted with these concerns, both he and Trump aggressively challenge it and denounce those who raised the points. From a counterintelligence perspective, all of that is very alarming and suspicious."

    In all, the polarized political landscape is ripe for foreign intelligence services to conduct influence operations in the midst of a US election. And the US intelligence community concluded this year that Russia is once again interfering in the election to help the president and hurt his opponent. But this time, Moscow may not have to work as hard to get results.

    In 2016, according to an indictment from the special counsel Robert Mueller, the Russians took time to establish fake social media accounts, build up a following, and use that to sow discord within the American public. The GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency, also created the fake entities Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks to dump thousands of emails via WikiLeaks that Russian hackers had stolen when they breached the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 campaign.

    But in the last four years, the Russians "have learned they don't have to put that much time and effort into this because we're doing a lot of their work for them," Hall said. "Whether it's the New York Post or Fox News or whatever, they know all they have to do is get a bit of weird information out there and it'll just go viral and end up in the right-wing media and on the president's Twitter feed."

    "They want to protect their boy in the White House because Trump's policies have been strategically fantastic for Russia," Carle said. "He alienated the United States from NATO and turned a blind eye to Russian influence in Crimea. His actions in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Libya, helped Russia gain a significant presence in the region for the first time in 48 years."

    Most of all, Russia has a strategic objective to "make America dysfunctional because what's bad for America is good for Russia," Carle added. "So if they can sow dissension in our political practices that discredits our institutions and disaffects Americans from participating in the democratic process, then America crumbles."

    "And that's how Russia wins," he said.

  5. #130
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    They're both liars. That's enough. Just because they've never been prosecuted doesn't mean they're innocent. Hang on. She was fined, with others, $450,000 so in fact she has been prosecuted
    You realize she's not running for president, right?
    That's all history, old news.

  6. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    That's all history, old news.
    It has to be factual to be history. What he posted is a bunch of fake right wing propaganda.

  7. #132
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    15-06-2024 @ 11:38 PM
    I noticed fox isn't running the email story any more....wonder why?

  8. #133
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    It has to be factual to be history. What he posted is a bunch of fake right wing propaganda.
    OLD fake right wing propoganda. Historical. If THAT upsets them so much you'd think they'd be outraged by what's going on now.

  9. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    They're both liars. That's enough. Just because they've never been prosecuted doesn't mean they're innocent. Hang on. She was fined, with others, $450,000 so in fact she has been prosecuted
    What a witless load of bullshit. What whackjob website did you get that from?

  10. #135
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    1. Benghazi: “Clinton lied, four Americans died” on her watch & she was at the heart of the cover-up. Said she submitted all documents & four months after request, still more documents are uncovered. During testimony, famously said, “What DifferenceDoes it Make!”

    2. Travelgate: fired all white house travel staff that had worked for 7 presidents, claiming financial misdeeds. & replaced with herfriends, a travel business worth $31M annually. All employees were exonerated by the FBI, GAO, DOJ and others & reinstated.
    3. Vince Foster’s Death: longtime friend involved in several Clinton scandals, strange circumstances surrounded his death in 1993;investigation ensued & before police could arrive, Clinton staffers removed boxes on Whitewater & Travelgate; she claimedinnocence.
    4. Hillary Care: National outrage on a self-admitted unqualified person in developing Hillary Care; delivered a 1342 page disastrousproduct. Fed judge threatened to hold them in contempt. It costs taxpayers $32M for the fiasco. Hillary fined $450K for dishonesty,court cost to taxpayers $750K. Voters later put Republicans in charge of house & senate, first time in 40 years due to this fiasco.
    5. As a Senator: she accomplished nothing, not a single piece of landmark legislation to her name, only 3 small insignificant bills.
    6. Chronic Habitual Liar: Every scandal surrounding her, she has lied about even under oath. She didn’t land under sniper fire in Iraqas she said, nor was she named after Sir Edmond Hillary. He climbed Mt Everest after she was born—too many lies to even mention.
    7. Whitewater Investigation: Hillary was the central figure in this fraudulent venture. Only 1st Lady to be subpoenaed by a grand jury.Investigation found pervasive conflicts between her law firm & others. Following their acquittal, the documents magical reappearedin the Clinton’s residence. She denied any knowledge but her fingerprints were all over the documents, cost to taxpayers: $145M.
    8. Clinton Legal Defense Fund: established to individuals or companies hoping to gain favor with the president could help payClinton’s endless legal bills. Also noteworthy: Saudi Arabia is funding 20% of her campaign. Reports, credit card #, passwords of900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
    9. Filegate: Clinton administration improperly requested & received personal information for her “Enemies List” including backgroundreports, credit card #, & passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
    10.IRS Abuses: She used the IRS to harass her enemies including Republicans, White House Travel Office, NRA, Judicial Watch, & otherconservative groups, also Pres Clinton’s female accusers—Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broadrick & Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
    11.Chinagate: In 1996 Justice Dept investigates campaign fundraising abuses & cover ups regarding: efforts by China to influence U.S.policies, government & military—funneled millions into the Clinton re-election campaign.
    12.Pardongate: As Pres Clinton left office in 2001—he pardoned 450 people for crimes from cocaine trafficking to kidnapping & terrorism.Several pardons benefitted Hillary & were investigated for direct ties to her NY senate bid, such as Marc Rich, billionaire felon & fugitiveon FBI’s 10 most wanted list, his wife funneled millions into her senate campaign and $600K to the Clinton Library. Hillary denied herrole in any pardons—list of pardons too long to mention here, but most benefited in some way for the Clintons.
    13.Cattlegate: her first trade investment of $5K for cattle futures returned $490K. She refused to release her tax info. She insisted she madeall investments herself, however it was James Blair with Refco Investments who was outside counsel for Tyson Foods in Arkansas. Shereceived preferential treatment & huge financial returns to influence her husband, then the Governor of Arkansas,
    14.Clinton Secrets: Presidential Records Act allow unrestricted access to documents after 12 years, 14 years later they still refuse to releasethem, in spite of 300 Freedom of Information Acts, completely ignored.
    15.State Dept Scandals: Sexual assaults by security officials in Beirut, endemic engagement of prostitutes by her security detail, solicitationof child male prostitutes by Belgium US Ambassador. She called off internal investigation into her State Dept claiming she had noknowledge of any scandals in her state dept.
    16.Clinton Foundation Conflicts of Interest: NY Times exposed the “moral & fiscal chaos & shameless fundraising” mired in conflict.Hillary traveled to Moscow to urge the Russian gov’t to purchase planes from Boeing. Two months later, contracts in hand, Boeingdonated $900K to the Clinton (Crime) Foundation, now tied to her campaign. Foreign donations increased by 70% in 2008.
    17.Trashed the White House: During 2001 transition, the US GAO found that Clinton staffers not only left rude messages to the incomingBush team, but caused THOUSANDS of dollars’ worth of damage to the White House—all done intentionally
    18.Lootergate: When the Clintons were “dead broke” after leaving the White House, allegations were the dynamic duo sent White Housefurniture to their personal home in NY. George Bush disregarded the “childish actions.”
    19.Women’s Rights: Self-declared commitment to human rights for women is a critical lie as she accepts large donations from Algeria,Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, & Saudi Arabia—those countries with the worst human rights for women.
    20.Military & Law Enforcement: She has been cited in numerous books for her hatred and disdain for the military, law enforcement, & herown secret service protection. Is that who you want for our Commander-in-Chief?For more in-depth information go to. Filegate: Clinton administration improperly requested & received personal information for her “Enemies List” including backgroundreports, credit card #, & passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NYTimes.
    what a load of shit this is.

    so many half-truths and complete lies.

    do you really believe this crap? did you even read it?

    get a grip.

    btw, it's 2020 not 2016.

  11. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    do you really believe this crap?

    did you even read it?
    Probably not.

    btw, it's 2020 not 2016.
    Not in baldyorangecuntoland it isn't.

  12. #137
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    what a load of shit this is.
    Difficult to believe it all, isn't it? The bad things and the lies are always only at the other side...

    But it has to be admitted the hard-working mission of Bill's at Haiti after the huge earthquake. And the big money collected. Pity that most of it did not get to Haiti's people. However, it was properly investigated. I remember years ago one Hiati's doctor just died the day before court hearing... Obviously it was a lie like many here above, my post about that had disappeared...

  13. #138
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    15-06-2024 @ 04:06 PM
    ^ How long before this terrible Putin troll gets stuck in the sin bin?

    He brings nothing to these threads.

  14. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    Obviously it was a lie like many here above, my post about that had disappeared...
    More of your drivel will continue to disappear..

  15. #140
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    OK then. From now on I will speak about the Trump's lies only.... Will it be OK?

  16. #141
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    Be much better if you simply went fishing with no phone.

  17. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    ^ How long before this terrible Putin troll gets stuck in the sin bin?

    He brings nothing to these threads.
    Try this:

    This message is hidden because Klondyke is on your ignore list.

  18. #143
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    OK then. From now on I will speak about the Trump's lies only.... Will it be OK?

  19. #144
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    Strippers used sex toy on Hunter Biden at NYC's Hustler Club: sources

    That same night, a worker had to be sent out to purchase a dildo so the gals could use it on Hunter, sources said.
    Seems that it's all the same on both sides

    BIDEN - Molests All Girls Again
    Last edited by pseudolus; 18-10-2020 at 07:55 PM.

  20. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Seems that it's all the same on both sides
    BB's post was a joke. Your's was not. What the heck happened to you?

  21. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    BB's post was a joke. Your's was not. What the heck happened to you?
    Get over yourself. You and your fellow limp wristed mods have removed any point in discussing anything on here. All legitimate posts now binned? Get to fuck you daftie.

  22. #147
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    Jaysus that’s poor even for you.

  23. #148
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    Ever met a non sequitur you didn’t like?


  24. #149
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    “William Barr’s son-in-law “works” at the WH and his daughter is in the Treasury.

    Rudy Giuliani’s son is given nearly $100K to be WH sports liaison with no experience.

    Crimestress Ivanka and Kushner have used the WH as a $350M money grab.

    It was never been about Hunter Biden.”

  25. #150
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    Ever found a thread on which you would felt compelled to post on topic on?


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