1. #3301
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ SiL says US-Japan postal service is not running either.

  2. #3302
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Fuck these trumpanzees...

    Postal workers in Washington State have reinstalled high-speed mail sorting machines—dismantled after controversial orders from the U.S. Postal Service— despite USPS orders not to put machines back in use.
    love it. Hope other states take heed.

  3. #3303
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM

    'Four days to defend the indefensible': Republicans seek to sell Trump to the nation

    Buffeted by America’s most severe public health and economic crises in decades, Donald Trump will this week stand before the Republican party and again seek to persuade the nation that he alone can fix it.

    The celebrity salesman stunned the political establishment four years ago when he won the Republican primary, diagnosed the nation’s ills and told convention goers: “I alone can fix it.”

    At the 2020 Republican national convention, which begins Monday, he will be nominated by the party for a second term as US president and, in a break from tradition, deliver his acceptance speech on Thursday from the south lawn of the White House.

    Organisers of the Republicans’ first virtual national convention face an uphill task, and not only because the Democrats’ technically slick version last week is a tough act to follow. They must pitch Trump to the American public during a pandemic that has ripped 170,000 lives from families and communities. In an era of negative partisanship, they will also seek to whip up fears that Democratic nominee Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris pose an existential threat to the American way of life.

    “The problem is what the Democrats did last week, and I think did very effectively, is confirm that this election is a referendum on Donald Trump’s presidency,” said Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican national committee. “Trump now has to beat that narrative back and then give them a reason why it’s a choice election between what he’s done – tax cuts, et cetera – and what Biden will do, and I just don’t get the sense that the voters are going to buy that.”

    The duelling conventions will leave Americans in no doubt of the stark choice facing them in November’s election. Where Democrats last week embraced the Black Lives Matter marches against racial injustice, Republicans are set to champion slogans such as All Lives Matter and, rallying in defence of police, Blue Lives Matter.

    Where Democrats celebrated women’s rights and highlighted victims of gun violence, Republicans will surely demand restrictions on abortion and loudly proclaim the right to bear arms. Where Democrats vividly presented America as a nation of immigrants, Republicans’ less diverse lineup is likely to emphasise Christian faith and nostalgia for a simpler time.

    Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law and a senior adviser to his campaign, told NBC News’s Weekend Today: “I think what you’re going to see is a very different depiction of America. What we saw last week from the Democrats, really their entire convention was about bashing Donald Trump, and it was a dark, dismal and really depressing vision of America I think that they presented.

    “We are going to have the opposite. Ours will be hopeful and inspirational and patriotic, and you want people at the end of our four days to be reminded that America continues to be the greatest, most exceptional nation in the world. So we’re very excited for it.”

    Trump will appear every day and few would bet against him touting progress on his wall at the US-Mexico border, promising to defend law and order in suburbs or throwing other red meat to this base.

    He is also determined to push back at the charge that his downplaying of the virus cost tens of thousands of lives and millions of jobs. At one event he will honour doctors, nurses and other front line workers in the fight against Covid-19, the Reuters news agency reported. He will claim that he built a great economy once and can do so again.

    Newt Gingrich, a former Republican speaker in the House of Representatives and author of Trump and the American Future, said: “If you had taken the world of February and if that had sustained, Trump right now would be cruising to a Ronald Reagan/Richard Nixon-style reelection. I think that because of the Chinese virus and because of the challenges inherent in closing down the economy and then having the government impose social isolation that it became dramatically more difficult.

    “The amazing thing to me is if you look at the 92% or 93% negative coverage by the propaganda media and then you look at the challenge of the virus and the economy and the social dislocation of having people locked down, it’s astonishing to me that Trump’s as strong as he is.”

    Delegates will hold an in-person roll call on Monday in Charlotte, North Carolina, the originally planned convention venue, to formally nominate Trump. But the main action will be on screens, fittingly for a reality TV president with an eye for camera angles. A four-day carnival of flag-waving patriotism is promised under the theme “Honoring the Great American Story”, with Monday devoted to “Land of Promise,” Tuesday to “Land of Opportunity,” Wednesday to “Land of Heroes” and Thursday to “Land of Greatness”.

    First Lady Melania Trump and two of Trump’s adult children will speak on Tuesday from the White House rose garden. Mike Pence, the vice-president, will be the lead speaker on Wednesday from Baltimore’s Fort McHenry, pivotal in the War of 1812 when it was defended against an attack by the British navy and inspired the poem that became the lyrics for The Star-Spangled Banner.

    Some ethics watchdogs have raised concerns over the use of federal properties as stages for partisan political speeches, but a law barring the use of federal funds for campaign appearances excludes the president and vice-president. In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt accepted the Democratic nomination from the White House via radio.

    Like past incumbents before him, Trump will try to define his challenger as too much of a risk. At campaign rallies, his broadsides against Democrats usually get bigger cheers than his own record. It will be little surprise if he mocks Biden as a cognitively declining pawn of the radical left while pushing baseless conspiracy theories about his son Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine.

    Gingrich, 77, who addressed the 2016 convention in Cleveland, Ohio, added: “I’m reasonably confident that we’re going to beat them and probably beat them very badly. That’ll happen because one, the more you think about the idea of Biden as commander in chief, the more implausible it becomes and two, Harris’s voting record was the most liberal in the Senate, which means she was to the left of both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. And she’s a terrible campaigner.”

    The case will be pressed by Republicans tipped as contenders to succeed Trump in 2024 including Nikki Haley, his former ambassador to the United Nations; Tim Scott, the party’s sole African American senator; Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota; and the president’s son Donald Trump Jr, who relishes assailing the left and “owning the libs”.

    The convention will also feature ordinary citizens testifying that Trump has changed their lives for the better. Among them will be Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a couple from St Louis, Missouri, who brandished guns in front of Black Lives Matter protesters marching through their gated community. They were charged with felony weapons offences, which Trump has branded a “disgrace”.

    Other speakers include police Sergeant Ann Dorn, whose husband, retired police captain David Dorn, was killed during violent protests in June in St Louis; Tanya Weinreis, who will say her Montana coffee shop and employees’ livelihoods were saved by a loan from the federal coronavirus relief programme; the parents of Kayla Mueller, a humanitarian worker murdered by Islamic State; and Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was killed in the Parkland, Florida, school massacre in 2018, and who advocates for enhanced school safety measures including armed guards.

    But critics believe they will struggle to change perceptions of Trump baked in over three and a half years of turmoil – and months of pandemic lockdown.

    Steele, a former lieutenant governor of Maryland, said: “Donald Trump is down for a reason, not because of some bad policy rollout or some misstep here or there but the accumulation of what people have seen since the beginning of Covid-19. When you sit there and your response to 170,000 dead Americans is, ‘It is what it is’, people are going to say, ‘Oh, I get it you really don’t give a rat’s ass about it’.”

    Steele added: “Then you counter that with what you heard from Biden this week where he says, yeah, it’s going to be hard work but I care enough to try, care enough that if we work together, we’ll get it done. Those are two competing views of the future and I think a lot more people are going to respond favourably to Biden coming off of this convention, which makes it harder for Trump going into his to figure out that sweet spot narrative.

    “Trump wants to talk every day. Why? Because that’s all he knows how to do it: it’s got to be about him. He thinks the only way this thing turns around is if he forces everybody to listen to him and agree with him. America is more mature than that and now understands the bullying. Most playgrounds eventually come to understand that the bully is nothing more than someone with a lot of hot air and all you need is one quick hit in the nuts and it’s over. That’s effectively what Biden did this week.”

    Former president Barack Obama used the Democratic convention to warn that American democracy itself is at risk. But Republicans paint the fate of America in no less apocalyptic terms. A big win for Democrats in the presidential and congressional elections, they may warn, would usher in oppressive socialism, high taxes, violent cities, open borders, political correctness and censorship of religious conservatives.

    Trump offered a preview when he told a crowd in Pennsylvania this week: “At stake in this election is the survival of our nation, it’s true. Because we’re dealing with crazy people on the other side. They’ve gone totally stone-cold crazy.” Speaking in Arlington, Virginia, he added: “The future of our country, and indeed our civilisation, is at stake on November 3rd.”

    The fervent crowds who chanted “Lock her up!” about Hillary Clinton at the 2016 convention will not gather this time, at least not on the same scale. But a dark and divisive onslaught is still expected at an hour when – perhaps just as well – most children will have gone to bed.

    Moe Vela, a former senior adviser to Biden at the White House, said of the Republicans: “I feel sorry for them because they have four days to try to defend the indefensible. I don’t know exactly how to try to explain why your candidate is racist.

    “Why is everything that he does and says hateful? Why does he lack every characteristic and trait that Joe Biden possesses: empathy, kindness, grace, humility, responsibility. I call it the Republican bullying convention. That’s what it will be for four days: bullying and name calling and trash and mud. I’m not watching.”

    'Four days to defend the indefensible': Republicans seek to sell Trump to the nation again | US news | The Guardian

  4. #3304
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Yeah, her daughter's taking a break from twitter and starting University.

    From home.
    Seems a rather large sacrifice just to make sure the kids do their homework.

  5. #3305
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM

    'Mind-bogglingly irresponsible': meet the Republican donors helping QAnon reach Congr

    Things are getting crazy. Have Americans lost their fucking minds? Well obviously many have.

    Republican party leaders linked to the White House helped boost the primary campaign of a QAnon supporter with a history of making racist and bigoted statements, campaign finance filings show.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene’s victory in the 11 August primary runoff for Georgia’s 14th Congressional district all but assures that a backer of the baseless and antisemitic QAnon conspiracy theory will be elected to Congress in November. Her primary opponent, John Cowan, ran as a pro-Trump, pro-life, and pro-gun conservative.

    The filings reveal donations from:

    groups connected to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and his wife,
    the chairman of the board of prominent conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation,
    the attorney who represented “Covington Kid” Nicholas Sandmann in defamation suits against the Washington Post and CNN,
    and multiple Republican mega-donors.
    Meadows was given the opportunity to disavow or denounce QAnon in multiple television interviews on Sunday, but he demurred, claiming not to know what it was.

    “Getting involved in a primary on behalf of an absolutely insane, conspiracy-minded, explicitly racist candidate in a seat that is reliably conservative is mind-bogglingly irresponsible,” said Tim Miller, a former spokesman for the Republican National Committee who is now political director for Republican Voters Against Trump.

    “This is how you signal to the Trump base, ‘We are with you. We are going to go along with the most radical, conspiratorial segment of the Trump base to show that you can trust us, that we’re not going to get ‘cucked’ by the media.’”

    Greene has garnered significant media attention for her extraordinary support for QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory rooted in antisemitic tropes whose followers believe that Donald Trump is waging a secret battle against a cabal of Democrats, celebrities and billionaires engaged in pedophilia, child trafficking, and even cannibalism. The movement has repeatedly inspired vigilante violence, and has been identified by the FBI as a potential domestic terrorism threat.

    In videos unearthed by Politico, Greene has argued that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in the US government, compared Black Lives Matter activists to neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, described the election of Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib as “an Islamic invasion”, and promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories about the billionaire financier and Holocaust survivor George Soros.

    The Republican Jewish Coalition cited those videos, as well as her refusal to apologize for posing for a photograph with a “long-time white supremacist leader” in its decision to pick sides in a Republican primary and endorse Cowan.

    As a blogger for a now-defunct website, Greene promoted QAnon as well as other fringe conspiracy theories, according to NBC News. Archives of the website show that she promoted conspiracy theories about a “Clinton Kill List”, about the 2017 gun massacre in Las Vegas, and about the murder of a young Democratic party staffer.

    Madihha Ahussain, Muslim Advocates’ special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry, denounced the “vile, false, violence-inciting rhetoric against Muslims” from Greene in a statement that also addressed anti-Muslim extremist Laura Loomer’s Republican primary victory. “A failure to disavow this anti-Muslim hate is an endorsement of it,” she added.

    Some high-profile Republican leaders spoke out against Greene after Politico unearthed the videos of her making racist statements, and the political action committee (Pac) associated with Koch Industries, KochPac, requested a refund of an earlier donation. But campaign finance filings reveal that her campaign continued to be backed by major Republican donors and influential political leaders.

    The Your Voice Counts Pac affiliated with Meadows first donated $2,000 to Greene’s campaign in March. Greene received further support from the Meadows family when the RightWomen Pac, whose executive director is Debbie Meadows, Mark’s wife, endorsed Greene and spent $17,500 to oppose Cowan in the runoff.

    Greene also received significant backing from the House Freedom Fund, the Pac associated with the House Freedom Caucus, of which Meadows was a member before he was tapped as White House chief of staff. Meadows is still featured on the House Freedom Fund’s website. In addition to spending more than $30,000 on an independent expenditure campaign to support Greene over Cowan, the House Freedom Fund raised nearly $90,000 from its own donors, earmarked for Greene’s campaign.

    These earmarked donations include $5,600 from Barb Van Andel-Gaby, the chairman of the board of the Heritage Foundation, an influential conservative think tank. Van Andel-Gaby is also a director of the parent company of Amway, which was founded by her father with Richard DeVos, who was in turn the father-in-law of US secretary of education Betsy DeVos. Van Andel-Gaby’s husband, Richard Gaby, also donated to Greene’s campaign through the House Freedom Fund. Van Andel-Gaby did not respond to numerous requests for comment on her support for a candidate who supports QAnon.

    Some of Greene’s donors are a touch ironic, given the QAnon movement’s preoccupation with baselessly accusing Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and billionaires of pedophilia and human trafficking.

    Besides Meadows, the House Freedom Fund is also lead by Representative Jim Jordan, who has been dogged for years by allegations that he knew and did nothing to stop sexual abuse of student athletes at Ohio State University when he worked there in the 1980s and 90s. Jordan has denied any knowledge of the abuse.

    Greene received $2,800 from John W Childs, the former chairman of JW Childs Associates who stepped down after being charged with misdemeanor solicitation in an investigation related to the suspected human trafficking sting that led to the arrest of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. Childs denied the charge at the time and said he had retained a lawyer. Kraft pleaded not guilty to two misdemeanor solicitation charges.

    Greene also received $2,800 from L Lin Wood, the attorney who represented British cave explorer Vernon Unsworth in his unsuccessful defamation suit against Elon Musk after Musk baselessly called Unsworth a “pedo guy”. Wood also represented the Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann when he sued numerous media outlets for defamation over coverage of a viral encounter between Covington students and attendees of an Indigenous Peoples March.

    Wood, whose Twitter biography includes a hashtag associated with QAnon, “#WWG1WGA”, declined to comment on his belief in QAnon, his view of other conspiracies Greene has promoted, or her history of bigoted statements. He confirmed the donation as a matter of public record and said he represented Greene, adding: “You would be wise to leave me out of your propaganda piece.”

    Greene also received donations from major Republican donors, including Tatnall Hillman, who was described by Colorado Politics as “a secretive Aspen billionaire who annually makes multi-million contributions to Republican candidates”; Lenore Broughton, who was described by Vermont paper Seven Day as “a Burlington heiress with a history of funding conservative causes”, and Cherna Moskowitz, the head of the Irving Moskowitz Foundation and chair of the Moskowitz Prize for Zionism.

    Almost all of the Guardian’s attempts to contact donors were unsuccessful. Greene received $5,600 from William Pope, chief executive of NCIC Inmate Communications, a private company that provides phone service to prisons. Asked about the donations and Greene’s support for QAnon, Pope responded by email, “Never heard of her!” He did not respond to follow up questions.
    'Mind-bogglingly irresponsible': meet the Republican donors helping QAnon reach Congress | US news | The Guardian

  6. #3306
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    ^^ I smell a Conway tell all in the works. Her husband is dropping off the Lincoln Project also.

  7. #3307
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    Two dozen former Republican lawmakers come out against Trump on first day of GOP convention

    Two dozen former Republican lawmakers on Monday came out to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on the first day of the 2020 Republican National Convention.

    Fox News reports that the list of former GOP lawmakers is headlined by Jeff Flake, the former Arizona senator who frequently clashed with the president before retiring in 2018.

    The other Republicans endorsing Biden are former Sens. John Warner of Virginia, Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire, and former Reps. Steve Bartlett of Texas, Bill Clinger of Pennsylvania, Tom Coleman of Missouri, Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, Charles Djou of Hawaii, Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma, Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland, Jim Greenwood of Pennsylvania, Bob Inglis of South Carolina, Jim Kolbe of Arizona, Steve Kuykendall of California, Ray LaHood of Illinois, Jim Leach of Iowa, Connie Morella of Maryland, Mike Parker of Mississippi, Jack Quinn of New York, Claudine Schneider of Rhode Island, Chris Shays of Connecticut, Peter Smith of Vermont, Alan Steelman of Texas, Bill Whitehurst of Virginia, Dick Zimmer of New Jersey, and Jim Walsh of New York.

    Two dozen former Republican lawmakers come out against Trump on first day of GOP convention – Raw Story

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    Donald Trump's presidential nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention could be in breach of the Hatch Act

    2020 US Presidential Race-12590850-3x2-xlarge-jpg
    Donald Trump is set to accept the Republican presidential nomination in the grounds of the White House.
    (AP: Alex Brandon)

    Here's why Trump's decision on where to accept that nomination may be against the law — and could land White House staff members in legal hot water.

    What's so bad about Trump's choice?

    Because it might be prohibited by an 81-year-old law called the Hatch Act.
    That law bans public servants from participating in activities contributing towards the success or failure of a particular political party — in this case, the Republican Party.

    The reasoning is that if you work for a federal agency, you can't use your taxpayer-funded office to advocate for your political beliefs or influence the result of an election.

    It's supposed to protect federal public servants from risking their job if they're directed to take part in a partisan political activity and they don't want to.

    2020 US Presidential Race-9737474-3x2-xlarge-jpg
    US first lady Melania Trump may be in violation of the Hatch Act if she delivers a speech on White House property.
    (Reuters: Kevin Lamarque)

    Donald Trump'''s presidential nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention could be in breach of the Hatch Act - ABC News
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    “We are going to have the opposite. Ours will be hopeful and inspirational and patriotic, and you want people at the end of our four days to be reminded that America continues to be the greatest, most exceptional nation in the world. So we’re very excited for it.”

    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Two dozen former Republican lawmakers
    Yes, 'former' because 'present' are gutless

  10. #3310
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    ^^ I smell a Conway tell all in the works. Her husband is dropping off the Lincoln Project also.
    Her and all the other rats leaving the rapidly sinking USS Frump.

  11. #3311
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Has trump commented on it yet?

  12. #3312
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    Was anyone inspired by the DNS? I wasn't; did hope it would launch new faces and ideas that are capable of winning the election on merit, but ended up disappointed and frankly not surprised.

    Whose idea was it to roll out Pocahontas to speak for the native American caucus, reminding watchers of her claim that two of her left toes are native American? Why not a native American ffs!

    Next they roll out Powell, former secretary of state to a Republican Potus, just in case anyone forgot who drove America into a disastrous and unwinnable war on false pretences having gone to the UN and lied through his teeth to persuade them that Iraq had WMD. He should be in jail, but instead they showcased him.

    Next and unashamedly, Kerry, another SecState, the US having destabilised and created a vacuum in Libya and handed Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, caught on hot mics telling the world of American determination to further fuel the so-called Arab Spring which to date had been a disaster, this time by bringing down Assad, and that its efforts to arm rebels which they really knew little about could backfire (which it did, so he got that bit right!), while the United States has no legal justification for attacking Assad's gov in Syria, though Russian presence was legitimate since it was invited in by the Syrian gov. Surely not Kerry, one might hope, but there he was!

    And all of the above is trivial next to the audacity of bringing on Bill Clinton to lecture America on values and morality. Were they hoping or expecting their audience to be brain dead? Did anyone see that performance, without throwing up? And his wife of course, still moping 4 years on about Trump stealing the election.

    And then for the grand finale they wheel out El Cid, to tell whoever's still tuned in that he will defeat Covid and restore the economy bringing the US back to its former glory, not because he knows how but because he cares.

    Sorry fellas, not impressed, full of negativity, little positive for the future which is what people want to hear, no plans that can bear scrutiny, just a load of whining. Tbf I didn't watch it all, and something must have happened to energise so many people, so maybe I missed the spectacular bits. They still have 2 months to get their act together, but that won't happen relying on the old guard; new faces and viable ideas, or another 4-year sulk.

    Anything can happen, but whatever the polls say I don't think Trump is losing too much sleep over this election, so far.

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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Anything can happen, but whatever the polls say I don't think Trump is losing too much sleep over this election, so far.
    Not sure I agree with you there . . . he is fuming at every slight . . . real or perceived

  14. #3314
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    Kimberly Guilfoyle's speech was full-blown fucking crazy. She went full 'Dear Leader'.

    That she was screaming to an empty room just made it even more weird.

  15. #3315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Her and all the other rats leaving the rapidly sinking USS Frump.
    I think it's safe to say there are more problems in that family than just the kids not doing their homework.

    2020 US Presidential Race-untitled-jpg

  16. #3316
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    ^ That was truly demented.

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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    ^ That was truly demented.
    Which one? Conway and/or Guilfoyle?

  18. #3318
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    In fairness, maybe they couldn't hear her at the back....


    (For full retard, go to the 5 minute mark).

  19. #3319
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Sorry fellas, not impressed, full of negativity, little positive for the future which is what people want to hear, no plans that can bear scrutiny, just a load of whining. Tbf I didn't watch it all, and something must have happened to energise so many people, so maybe I missed the spectacular bits. They still have 2 months to get their act together, but that won't happen relying on the old guard; new faces and viable ideas, or another 4-year sulk.

    Anything can happen, but whatever the polls say I don't think Trump is losing too much sleep over this election, so far.

    Sounds like you lifted all of that straight from Fox News.

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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    (For full retard, go to the 5 minute mark).
    Jaysus . . . I had to turn it off after a few seconds

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    I like how she tries to portray herself as a first-generation American and daughter of immigrants also.

    Her father was Irish and her mother was from Puerto Rico whose inhabitants are US citizens.

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    29-11-2023 @ 01:10 PM
    2020 US Presidential Race-30b720fc-9b91-42b6-b7cf-30098e301906-jpeg
    And the McFuckwits love the arsehole too.
    And he loves them.
    Is there no end to the obscenity ?
    Last edited by docmartin; 25-08-2020 at 01:43 PM.

  24. #3324
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    I like how she tries to portray herself as a first-generation American and daughter of immigrants also.

    Her father was Irish and her mother was from Puerto Rico whose inhabitants are US citizens.
    I see how they've decided to play this campaign. Short on specifics just a whole lot of the Democrats are out to get you and destroy America and Trump the great savior is the only one who can save you.

  25. #3325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    I see how they've decided to play this campaign. Short on specifics just a whole lot of the Democrats are out to get you and destroy America and Trump the great savior is the only one who can save you.
    Pretty much. After the criticism of the DNC for being bleak and lacking policy they just went all in on the dog-whistling and apocalyptic visions. It's not a party platform it's a cult.

    No irony either in proclaiming Trump as the savior at an event held virtually because a containable virus killed almost 180,000 Americans in six months.

    Here's a word cloud from all the speakers. Funny that after bleating and lying about the DNC omitting "God" from the pledge they quite literally put "Trump" over "God":

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