1. #15876
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    Here's yet another MP who "just wanted a better deal..."

    Lied all along, and has now officially joined the Liberal, one policy: Revoke, party; the party who will not accept the result of a second referendum if Leave wins again.

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-15-14-21-a

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-15-14-22-a

    &, now we see his true colours as he joins the Liberals...

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-15-14-18-a

    He seems to have been a failed banker, a failed businessman and a failed MP...

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-15-14-26-a

    Typical new age bullshizerer with no depth, but lots of self importance...

    A few weeks ago this freud was running for Conservative Party leader on a ticket of getting a better deal from the EU - liar. He was trying to work within the system to get Revoke at all costs.
    Cycling should be banned!!!

  2. #15877
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    Hilarious really, these Liberal Democrats will Revoke with their parliamentary majority, but they won't accept a first or second referendum or UK elections or EU elections if they lose; democracy when it suits them, anti-democracy when it suits them... & some people actually support these lunatics???

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-15-14-33-a

  3. #15878
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Typical new age bullshizerer with no depth, but lots of self importance
    While leavers are all as pure as freshly fallen snow.

    And deep, oh so deep.

    Oh wait...

    Johnson is a liar who only backed leave to help his career, says Cameron.

    Boris Johnson is a liar who only backed the Leave campaign to help his career and Michael Gove was a “foam-flecked Faragist” whose “one quality” was disloyalty, David Cameron writes in his memoirs.

    The former prime minister poured vituperation on both his former colleagues Priti Patel, the current home secretary, and Dominic Cummings, the No 10 adviser, in extracts from the book published on Sunday.

    In what may be Cameron’s most explosive allegation yet, he effectively accused Boris Johnson of mounting a racist election campaign by focusing on Turkey and its possible accession to the EU.

    “It didn’t take long to figure out Leave’s obsession,” he writes. “Why focus on a country that wasn’t an EU member?

    “The answer was that it was a Muslim country, which piqued fears about Islamism, mass migration and the transformation of communities. It was blatant.”

    Then Cameron echoes the explicitly racist Conservative campaign slogan used in Smethwick in 1964: “They might as well have said: ‘If you want a Muslim for a neighbour, vote “remain”.

  4. #15879
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    So, let's just detail your "efforts":

    - ignore the point at hand 100%. Check.
    - troll the "discussion" into a different area to blame the other "side". Check.
    - use a ridiculous example to "prove" your point. Check.

    &, here you are using David Cameron's words to discredit others; quite ironic, I'll give you, doubly so since we're talking about Brexit, but rather lacking in credibility.

    Cyrille, you get people becoming aggressive towards you because you endlessly troll and turn potential discussion into the lowest common denominator until nobody will answer you anymore, so you think you've "won". Basically, in this important point of how MPs and Parties have manipulated parliament with various strategies all focused on their long-term goal of revoking the people's choice, you have retorted: "But, somebody said Boris Johnson is a racist."

    You truly are a waste of space in any discussion, and you're bitter attitude to every subject on every thread is just boring; you're going back on ignore... No wonder you are aligned with the Belgian Troll and the Sausage Man with your opinions, that in itself should tell you something (&, you do realize that they are both very much tongue in cheek, don't you?)...

  5. #15880
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    In the EU
    Betty fires a weak serve and can't handle the return.

    Trying to call the ball out...

    The liberals have set out their stall for the GE.

    Stop trying to make it sound undemocratic. Go and vote for Farage.

  6. #15881
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post

    You truly are a waste of space in any discussion, and you're bitter attitude to every subject on every thread is just boring; you're going back on ignore... No wonder you are aligned with the Belgian Troll and the Sausage Man with your opinions, that in itself should tell you something (&, you do realize that they are both very much tongue in cheek, don't you?)...
    hey don't put us in the same bag with Cyrille, we have standards

    and I fully support Brexit, so again another miss, Betty

  7. #15882
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    Lib Dems pledge to cancel Brexit if they win general election

    The Liberal Democrats have pledged to cancel Brexit if they come to power at the next general election.

    Members voted for the new policy at their party conference in Bournemouth by an overwhelming majority.

    Previously, the party has backed another referendum or "People's Vote", saying they would campaign to Remain.

    After the vote, their leader Jo Swinson, said: "We will do all we can to fight for our place in Europe, and to stop Brexit altogether."

    The commitment only comes into force if the party wins the election as a majority government.


  8. #15883
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Lib Dems pledge to cancel Brexit if they win general election

    The Liberal Democrats have pledged to cancel Brexit if they come to power at the next general election.

    Members voted for the new policy at their party conference in Bournemouth by an overwhelming majority.

    Previously, the party has backed another referendum or "People's Vote", saying they would campaign to Remain.

    After the vote, their leader Jo Swinson, said: "We will do all we can to fight for our place in Europe, and to stop Brexit altogether."

    The commitment only comes into force if the party wins the election as a majority government.

    There’s more chance of butters making sense than the lib dems winning anything. lol

  9. #15884
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    12-11-2023 @ 04:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Johnson is a liar who only backed leave to help his career, says Cameron.
    And Cameron is an ex-PM who screwed up; knows that her screwed up; and is now desperate to try to salvage his reputation by blaming others for his failure.

  10. #15885
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    He was an idiot to trust the likes of BoJo and Gove.

    How does that make his judgement that BoJo and Gove are lying scum dubious?

  11. #15886
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    BoJo continues to smirk like a 12 year old. Still absolutely nothing substantive on the table about what he actually wants to change in May's deal. It's clear all BoJo has as a 'plan' is something that will get him thrown in jail. It's like some kind of 'wizard wheeze' from a Jennings book.

    European officials reacted with exasperation on Sunday as Boris Johnson compared himself to the Incredible Hulk throwing off the shackles of the EU the day before he is due to travel to Luxembourg for talks in pursuit of a Brexit deal.

    No 10 struck a combative tone before the scheduled meeting with European commission president Jean-Claude Juncker saying Johnson would tell him that the UK must reject any new Brexit deadline.

    A Downing Street source said that Johnson would “stress to Mr Juncker that, while he wants to secure a deal, if no deal can be agreed by 18 October his policy is to leave without a deal on 31 October – and reject any delay offered by the EU”.

    In turn, Juncker was expected to ask Johnson to spell out his ideas for replacing the Irish backstop, the key issue in any new Brexit deal.

    The robust No 10 line came amid renewed speculation that Johnson could be considering ways to get around the backbench rebel law mandating a Brexit extension in case of a no-deal by potentially seeking loopholes in the legislation, or suspending parliament again, with reports saying his chief aide, Dominic Cummings, had raised the latter idea.

    However, it is understood that Downing Street will not make any decisions before an expected supreme court ruling later this week on legal challenges to the decision to suspend parliament for five weeks.

    The lunch meeting with Juncker comes 26 days after Johnson met Angela Merkel in Berlin and declared he had 30 days to persuade the EU there was a viable alternative to the backstop, but as yet nothing has emerged.

    Johnson insisted “a huge amount of progress” was being made, a view dismissed in Brussels. The PM also used a newspaper interview to liken himself to the Incredible Hulk, poised to break free of the EU’s “manacles”, saying: “The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets.”

    The parallel prompted annoyance in Brussels. Guy Verhofstadt, the chief Brexit representative for the European parliament, tweeted that it was “infantile”.
    Another EU source said: “It all makes it look like it’s a bit of a joke. We are talking about something extremely serious. The consequences of no deal will be extremely serious and it looks like this is being treated as a game in which you are the hero sort of story rather than [dealing] with real lives.”

    Johnson had told the Mail on Sunday there were “real signs of movement” in Berlin, Paris and Dublin on getting rid of the backstop. He used his Monday Telegraph column to repeat that he “passionately believed” a deal was possible. He was supported by senior UK ministers, who talked up the likelihood of an imminent agreement.

    “The entire machinery of government, now, is focused on getting that deal and is planning and preparing to leave on 31 October with a deal,” the home secretary, Priti Patel, told the BBC.
    But EU officials involved in talks with Johnson’s envoy, David Frost, have dismissed such upbeat accounts.

    “No, in fact people are a bit dismayed,” the EU source said, describing the mood after the latest talks. “I am not even going to call them negotiations – the last session on Friday did start touching on content – that’s actually quite a step forward … but we still should have been there a long time ago and [an end result] is still quite far away.”

    Juncker said a no-deal Brexit would be a mess and take years to resolve. Speaking to Deutschlandfunk, he said patriots in the UK “would not wish your country such a fate”.
    “It is important we move forwards with the consent of both sides of the community in Northern Ireland,” said Barclay, who is due to meet the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, this week. “That’s very much part of the thinking and part of the consultations that we’re having.”

    Frost used Friday’s talks with the EU to outline ideas for such an all-Ireland regulatory regime for food and agriculture, which Downing Street thinks would go a long way to replacing the backstop.

    Brussels thinks these ideas fall far short of what is required to protect European markets from dangerous goods, fraud or unfair competition. EU officials say food safety, animal, plant and health measures cannot be separated from customs, because otherwise no one would know what is entering European markets.

    Officials say the UK has put forward unfinished ideas on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, which leave many questions unanswered, such as definitions of SPS goods and the scope of SPS regulations.

    “As the UK starts exploring the question and starts to put ideas forward, they are starting to realise how complex SPS is,” the EU source said.

    However, officials see some positive steps: they think the UK has agreed to “dynamic alignment” on food and agriculture, meaning Northern Ireland would automatically accept updates to the EU rulebook in these areas.

    He said the EU knew what the British did not want, but were still waiting for alternative backstop proposals: “I hope we can get them, but time is running out.”

    Downing Street, which is now bound by a rebel backbench law mandating a Brexit extension to at least 31 January if no deal can be reached by mid-October, something Johnson has insisted it will not do, is pinning its hopes on a replacement for the backstop, a fallback plan for avoiding a hard Irish border.

    The hope would be to find ways to allow Northern Ireland to stay converged on some border issues with the Republic of Ireland, preventing frontier checks while not having a full customs border in the Irish Sea – a compromise acceptable in Brussels but not be seen as a betrayal by Conservative MPs.

    The Brexit secretary, Stephen Barclay, said ministers were starting to “see a landing zone in terms of a future deal”, albeit with more work to be done.

    It was, he told Sky News, vital to both get the consent of all political sides in Northern Ireland, but also to abide by the Good Friday agreement, which could potentially be breached by a hard Irish border.

  12. #15887
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    &, the Lib Dems just keep going - revoke at all cost... No second referendum, just revoke. They really are a democratic party...

    Maybe they've forgotten that even with Conservative/Labour traitors moving across to their party they have 18 MPs. Only another 285 or so needed...

    Brexit - It's Still On!-screenshot-2019-09-16-13-31-a

  13. #15888
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    The Lib Dems have realized that Brexit is impossible, sans deal or with deal

    I hope Boris deliver on Oct 31 and create total cahos

  14. #15889
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Go Boris, go, show the EU how tough you are

    Brexit: UK will reject any delay offer, PM to tell Juncker

    The UK is not prepared to postpone Brexit beyond the current 31 October deadline, Boris Johnson is to tell European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker at talks on Monday.

    The lunchtime meeting in Luxembourg will be the first time the pair have met since the PM took office in July.

    A Downing Street source says Mr Johnson will stress he wants to secure a deal by 18 October, after a key EU summit.

    But if not possible he will "reject any delay offered" and leave with no deal.

    The source said Mr Johnson "would make clear that he would not countenance any more delays".

    They added: "Any further extension would be a huge mistake. It is not just a question of the extra dither and delay - it is also the additional long months of rancour and division, and all at huge expense."

    The EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier will also attend the meeting in Luxembourg, while Mr Johnson will be accompanied by Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay and Downing Street's Brexit representative David Frost.

    Interviewed on Sky News on Sunday, Mr Barclay said a "landing zone" for an agreement was in sight and a "huge amount has been happening behind the scenes". And Home Secretary Priti Patel told the BBC the "entire machinery of government" was focused on getting a deal.

    The prime minister has also said he is "cautiously optimistic" a Brexit deal can be reached - but Mr Barnier said last week there were no "reasons to be optimistic".

    EU officials who have been involved in the Brexit talks say they have not seen the progress around the negotiating table that the UK is talking about, said the BBC's Brussels reporter Adam Fleming.

    Former justice secretary David Gauke told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Monday: "It still remains the case the UK government has not produced detailed proposals as to how it wants to replace the Irish backstop."

    In an interview with German radio on Sunday, Mr Juncker also said he was unsure there was an alternative to the Irish backstop.

    The backstop is the controversial policy in the existing withdrawal agreement aimed at preventing a hard border returning to the island of Ireland.

  15. #15890
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warwick View Post
    And Cameron is an ex-PM who screwed up; knows that her screwed up; and is now desperate to try to salvage his reputation by blaming others for his failure.
    ...and sell his fvcking book!!

    Nice to see the Lib Dems setting out their stall, the Monster Raving Looney party have more chance of getting elected.

  16. #15891
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    Interesting snippet of Info.

    Aldi a German company plans on opening a new supermarket each week in the UK for the next 2 years, Jeez with all those prices going up,surely the Germans can't be that stupid.

    The UK is supposed to be doomed.


  17. #15892
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    An interesting view on the state of our parliament:

  18. #15893
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    3 remoaners decide that playing on their phones is more important than political debate... This sums up perfectly the snowflake bedwetters: they have no idea what democracy is, they don't even want to listen to other viewpoints, they'd rather play on their Facebook...

    - look at 2 minutes 23 seconds:

  19. #15894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    they don't even want to listen to other viewpoints,

  20. #15895
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    right, so when are you guys going to revoke, since it seems to be heading that way, long term

    nothing is going to move until that last week of October,

    typical British MO, do fuck all until the last minute

    speaking of which, Boris has 2 days left to find that "30 days solution to backstop"

  21. #15896
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    as expected, Boris failed to deliver backstop solution

    Brexit: UK offers no solution to replace backstop, says EU

    The UK has yet to come forward with a solution to replace the backstop, says the European Commission.

    Downing Street said a meeting between Boris Johnson and Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker was "constructive".

    But in a statement after the working lunch, the Commission said no proposals had been put forward to replace the controversial Brexit policy.

    Mr Johnson has called it "undemocratic" and said it needs to be removed from any deal he would do with the EU.

    The bloc has said it is willing to look at alternatives, but that an insurance policy like the backstop must be in place.

    The backstop is a part of the existing withdrawal agreement to prevent a hard border returning to Ireland.

    Both Mr Johnson and Mr Juncker - who met for the first time since the PM took office in July - agreed the discussions between the UK and EU "needed to intensify" and meetings "would soon take place on a daily basis".

    But regardless of the outcome, No 10 said the PM "would not request an extension and would take the UK out of the EU on 31 October".

    The pair were joined by the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier and Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay at the meeting in Luxembourg.

    The statement from the European Commission said the purpose of the meeting was to "take stock" of ongoing talks, and look to the "next steps".

    But it added: "President Juncker recalled that it is the UK's responsibility to come forward with legally operational solutions that are compatible with the withdrawal agreement.

    "President Juncker underlined the Commission's continued willingness and openness to examine whether such proposals meet the objectives of the backstop.

    "Such proposals have not yet been made."

    The statement said the Commission would "remain available to work 24/7" and said the upcoming European Council summit in October will be "an important milestone in the process".

    It concluded: "The EU27 remain united."

    The No 10 statement said Mr Johnson confirmed his commitment to the Good Friday Agreement - the peace deal brokered in Northern Ireland - and still had a "determination to reach a deal with the backstop removed, that UK parliamentarians could support".

  22. #15897
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    Clean Brexit or turn Westminster into a Wetherspoons!

    Simples innit

  23. #15898
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    and the shitshow continues

    Boris Johnson says EU has had 'bellyful' of Brexit process

    The EU has had "a bellyful" of the Brexit process and wants to get a deal, Boris Johnson has told the BBC.

    He told Laura Kuenssberg it was "fed up with endless delays" and wanted to move onto the next phase of trade talks.

    Brexit would happen on 31 October, he insisted, despite a new law requiring an extension if there is no deal.

    But Luxembourg leader Xavier Bettel chastised Mr Johnson, who he was hosting on a visit to the country, after he missed a press conference.

    Mr Bettel, who addressed the media on his own after the UK PM pulled out, said his counterpart "holds the future of all UK citizens in his hands" and suggested it was his responsibility to break the deadlock in the process.

    Mr Johnson has also been holding talks with the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier.

    He said he had been encouraged by the EU's willingness to engage with the UK in their shared desire to avoid a no-deal exit but there had not been a "total breakthrough".

  24. #15899
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    Brexit press conference goes on without Johnson

    Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel says the EU needs "more than just words" from the UK government if a Brexit deal is to be agreed by the 31 October deadline.

    Boris Johnson was scheduled to appear alongside Mr Bettel after a meeting in Luxembourg but cancelled after a group of anti-Brexit protesters heckled him nearby.

  25. #15900
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    a bunch of fooking clowns

    let's hope hard Brexit happen and fuck all those fookers

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