1. #9351
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Not even Chitty with his head full of rocks would be betting on anything different now
    what ?

    I heard that chitty bets on rock races - last time he backed the asian one

  2. #9352
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Yup...France looking absolutely desperate to keep the UK in, eh jabby?

    Entirely made up, by you, in desperate need of something to post.

    I never mentioned France being desperate to keep UK in. It's the EU that's desperate to keep us in. What France wants is irrelevant while Frau is still at the helm; it is she that holds Juncker's nose ring.

    Anyway what are doing here, shouldn't you be scouring the www for grimatical eras and tipos?

  3. #9353
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    it was on the news a few weeks back, you probably didn't pay attention to the important stuff, as usual
    In that case everyone is wrong and A50 ends in June, not March. I don't see that, clearly you do, though neither it nor you follow through by explaining why May needs to beg for a 3-month extension if that's the actual default built in to A50.

  4. #9354
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Merkel and Macron ... fisticuffs at dawn.
    Macron's main beef with Frau is over NordStream2, not the secondary issues of Brexit and his own wee economic and associated domestic problems. Signed and sealed so NordStream2 will happen, and once it goes live Yermany becomes the energy hub and controls not just the EU economy and politics but also has it's foot on Europe's airline. Guns didn't work, and looks like Plan B, domination through peaceful means does.

    Unfortunately Europhiles are blinded by master worship and refuse to see this.

  5. #9355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Obviously, Merkel will win...

    Now, in the HoP, the wanker Starmer and his supporter, the speaker, are gonna try to block the managed no deal exit - in fact, today, the labour party have just been desperate to find any route to block Brexit despite the fact that it was their manifesto point to support Brexit, and the nation voted for it. Labour are unelectable...
    They been unelectable since 2015.

    Blimey that's when Corbyn took over, but I'm sure there's no connection between the two.

    Over to you Troy, fufu...anyone?

  6. #9356
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    You can't make this shit up, The Guardian the most pro remain and anti Brexit of all papers now saying mps have to vote for Doris deal. The penny finally dropped.
    While I would rather have no deal than the treasonous EU/May Treaty, for the benefit of our resident idiots that simply cannot grasp the concept of fluid situations by nature resulting in movement of posts and therefore ideas, I would also rather revoke A50 and stay on the sinking ship than have UK trapped indefinitely in a CU prison which it cannot leave without EU permission, controlled by a failing bloc and doomed to remain subservient to the whims of unelected bureaucrats needing to show their other slaves that the EU must be divine since the alternative is abject failure.

    A half-billion of the most advanced people on the planet are being taken for a glorious ride by a few very powerful individuals that believe their dysfunctional ideology has consistently failed only because its followers were not devoted enough, and that this time it must succeed.

  7. #9357
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Merkel is irrelevant these days, she is weak, old, angry and nobody listen to her. A bot like chass actually

    The Belgian has made the most powerful and influential person in Europe irrelevant. Whatever will he think of next? - answers on a postcard to the nearest bin.

  8. #9358
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    29-05-2024 @ 11:24 AM
    Actually, May was correct all day yesterday in so much as Brexit must be delivered and the options are her deal or leaving on the 29th (if an extension isn't given). The best option, has always been the case, is a managed exit on the 29th although we've seen how the bedwetters struggle with the unknowns of this scenario...

    All I heard yesterday, and I watched many hours of it, was MPs trying to stop Brexit. The divide between the populous and MPs is huge - when a direct vote is given it must be carried out. &, the sentiment has just hardened as many remain voters want the result to be carried out by parliament (as any mature individual would). People not being happy about a result is one thing, but to whinge none-stop and/or to actively work against it just shows a personality type (such as Soubry and Blair) who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near power because they simple believe their thoughts are above anybody and everybody else's...

    Regarding this referendum turning our politics upside-down, that's not right, in fact it's the opposite: the referendum has put in the spotlight the arrogance, ignorance and corruption of our political system as well as the propaganda fuelled BBC - it was always there, but under the bright lights it looks even uglier than many folks had imagined. The majority of individual MPs have zero respect for their constituents and are heavily funded/swayed by jollies provided for them through Israel, the EU other; the likes of Blair the Traitor is still given airtime and is running around forming partnerships with international leaders as if he still runs the UK. All of these points have been known, but are now naked in front of us, and it's about as attractive as Papillion fluffing and snarfing down on soi 4...

    I can't see the EU not giving us an extension, then another then another, but maybe with so much upset against the EU across European nations then they've decided to keep their insane project alive they need Brexit out of mind while they deal with all the other upcoming fires - so, come on Macron (not that he has any power or say on any issues...) do something good for once.
    Cycling should be banned!!!

  9. #9359
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrB0b View Post
    Even revoking A50 won’t stop the nightmare. This idiotic referendum, based on ignorance and lies, has not only irrevocably split the country but has also broken its legal and political system and turned the United Kingdom into an international laughing stock. A country run by clowns and fantasists on all sides. A country diminished almost beyond belief in three short years. No matter how it turns out the damage has already been done.
    Inescapable facts, but that's where we are now so that's what has to be addressed.

    A referendum under the slogan 'taking back control' has been manoeuvred into a situation not just by May but our entire political classes, of total control being passed to the very object that the people voted to leave.

    Far from fufu's creative though typically absurd accusation that I sing praises to the Tories, this is a disgrace which will split and deservedly ruin the Tory party, leaving the UK rudderless since the only viable opposition is led by an unelectable Socialist.

    But while recriminations are for the inquest that will no doubt run far into the future it's the current situation that must be addressed, and with a complete breakdown of leadership that has repeatedly lied and shown unveiled contempt for what the people wanted. Irreparable damage has been done and all options short of A50 revocation will leave the UK foundering for years to come, while as you say that option itself simply resumes the nightmare of membership to the same suicide pact we tried to escape.

    Interesting times!

  10. #9360
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    I agree Betty, that a managed Brexit on 29 March is now the preferred option, but that managed part is impossible, while Hammond has control of the treasury.
    May cannot sack him. He’s too popular with remainders, and despite project fear, the economy is doing very nicely thank you.
    Once the deadline passes without a deal, Hammond will have no choice but to release the funding. Even Bercow is accidentally on side with this.
    No doubt butterfluffer will have another BBC quote for us soon. lol

  11. #9361
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    Extension until June! What should have been a sprint will turn into a 27 month ultra marathon. This thread still has long run potential. Deserves a "famous" thread rating.

    Come on Admin. Make so.

  12. #9362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    a managed Brexit on 29 March
    And in what way would it be "managed"? What does "managed" actually involve?

  13. #9363
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    In the EU
    The Maybot is trying to offer a choice between two options that have both been rejected by Parliament. That alone, should be enough to secure a vote of no-confidence in her leadership and the Tory Government.

    She should have been sacked long ago...

  14. #9364
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    Bungling in the jungle

  15. #9365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    The Maybot is trying to offer a choice between two options that have both been rejected by Parliament.
    They are the two options available. MPs have eight days to make their choice.

  16. #9366
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    She knows she is going, and that her treasonous Treaty is too horrible for even weak and frightened Brit MPs to accept.

    With her 'only deal' eliminated, the remaining long term outcomes can only be that we leave the EU in line with Brexit expectations, without or with a different deal, or revoke A50 and stay, again either with or likely without Ref2. A disgusting situation, while an extension does no more than delay one of those outcomes, and as it stands either is better than none.

    And for the benefit of squirrel, she has earned her rightful place at the EU trough though you are welcome to increase your pointless post count by dismissing the obvious when she leaves office and ends up there, to join many other failed and easily purchased leaders.

  17. #9367
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    My pointless post count?

    After your now customary '8 posts without reply' morning dump?

    But yes, in suggesting May will be somehow working for the EU when she leaves her job you are, of course, posting utter nonsense.

    There must be a 'y' in the day.

    Last edited by cyrille; 21-03-2019 at 12:28 PM.

  18. #9368
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    The divide between the populous and MPs is huge
    Just now figuring this out? Britain is clearly a demarcated system of social classes. Historical roots of this are unshakable. The class system has become more rather than less entrenched in recent years. Jane Austen would shit her frilly britches if she could see Britain today.

  19. #9369
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    But yes, in suggesting May will be somehow working for the EU when she leaves her job you are, of course, posting utter nonsense.
    I shall try to resist chuckling at your childlike innocence when she moves to Europe wearing a nosebag; can't promise though.

  20. #9370
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    Meh...who cares anyway, but dribble on...

    I see Farage's new party is apparently riddled with racists already.

  21. #9371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texpat View Post
    Britain is clearly a demarcated system of social classes. Historical roots of this are unshakable. The class system has become more rather than less entrenched in recent years. Jane Austen would shit her frilly britches if she could see Britain today.
    You are correct, Texpat.

    We did go through a period, my parents and my early lifetime, when the middle class was booming, opportunity was there for all, many working class folks rose up the ladder, universities and working clubs had open debates across wide-ranging areas, and democracy was looking good. Sadly, Thatcher ushered in a period of extreme greed that Blair turned into a globalist's paradise - between them, they managed to massively grow the gap between rich and poor; of course, the EU is controlled by people fostering the same project. Both the EU nutters and the UK parliament also have worked for decades to close down the public discourse space. I mean, if I say that the Israeli PM is a mass murdering zionist lunatic who is destroying the lives of Israelis as well as Arabs in neighbouring nations, will I be prosecuted for a hate crime? If not now, France is looking to pass a law that would do so, as we speak...

    I've always said, going back to the pre-Brexit vote, that it'll be two stages: 1) getting away from the EU lunatics; 2) sorting out our own HoP and HoL. I didn't see how the latter would happen, but this 1,000 day Brexit process has bought the subject firmly into the attention of the masses, so maybe there's some hope. (Or, people could just become completely apathetic, wet the bed at every sign of change and the masses keep getting poorer in relation to the real wealth.)

  22. #9372
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    No doubt butterfluffer will have another BBC quote for us soon. lol
    since you ask, and to make you happy chass

    I bet you love the BBC leftist propaganda

    Brexit: 'Tired' public needs a decision, says Theresa May

    Theresa May has told the public she is "on their side", laying the blame for the delay to Brexit squarely with MPs.

    Speaking from Downing Street, the prime minister said people were "tired of infighting and political games" and it was "high time" politicians made a decision on the next steps.

    Earlier, Mrs May wrote to EU Council President Donald Tusk requesting to delay Brexit until 30 June.

    Jeremy Corbyn said she was "in complete denial about the scale of the crisis".

    Mrs May was forced to ask for a postponement after MPs twice rejected the withdrawal deal she has negotiated and also voted to reject a no-deal departure.

    She said the delay was a "matter of great personal regret", but insisted she would not be willing to extend Brexit any further than 30 June - despite appeals from some MPs for a longer extension to give time for a change in direction.

  23. #9373
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    Frau Merkel may have to let the granny grabber do a bit more than just finger her to get her way.
    can't imagine why so many people say you have a problem with women.

  24. #9374
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    the funny thing is there was a few easy solutions to resolve all this:

    - Remains in the European Common Market and put it on a vote on the UK parliament to approve it
    - Put the Common Market question to a Referendum
    - Once resolved, put another Referendum to confirm the Brexit decision and let the people decide (it's ok to change your mind)

    Maybot instead monopolized the whole process, but with her history of incompetence, it was bound to fail

    this is what Barnier and EU negotiators had to say about the Brexit team:

    - They came unprepared, had no idea where to start. Basically they didn't know the details of EU/UK relationship
    - After claiming they will come back with solutions, it turns out they were too lazy to learn the existing EU/UK relationship and came up with fairy tales and unrealistic objectives
    - They ask for help to Barnier and his team to draw up an agreement since they had no idea where to start and what to put in it
    - Since Barnier and his team are insiders and well versed in EU regulations, they came up with the best possible plan for a leaving member of the EU without alienating other EU members
    - The frigging loons at Maybot Brexit Team didn't like what they saw and realized their mistakes, tried to tangle the whole thing into some political drama to sabotage the whole agreement, with still no idea what Brexit meant
    - Frozen by their incompetence and neutrality in finding the best solution, they play little mind games with everyone to fill their empty lives and hide their incompetence

    and here we are, let's hope Hard Brexit will solve it after all, and the British sheep will wake up and revolt against their incompetent elite. But again they won't, too coward and too obedient to the Queen to really change things.

    You have the politicians and political system you deserve,

  25. #9375
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    EUROSTAR departure from Paris this morning, expect 6 hours waiting line to go through customs and police frontier

    things to come after hard brexit,

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