1. #15026
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    A deal rejected by parliament three times. Made by a PM who was forced to resign over her failure and incompetence.

    Why does the EU refuse to acknowledge that I wonder? Are they stupid, or just feigning indifference.
    How many times does the EU needs to be back on the table with the Brits after a vote before the Brits agree to a deal? can't have it both ways, can we?

    it's you guys who are stupid, not our fault if you sent a donkey to negotiate a deal, your responsibilities, and anyway she didn't come to negotiate anything as she had no clue on anything, so Barnier had to write it up for her. She came to the table with nothing. And so will Boris if there was a new deal.

    Now it's too late, you missed the boat, and as usual you don't play by the rules. That is soooooo British

    REMAIN or REVOKE is the default,

  2. #15027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ No, it is not known. No they wouldn't necessarily vote the same way. No referendums are not working democracies.

    ...and stop being so pompous
    Betty is a pompous fool, so no surprise here

    and let's not forget that REF1 was not binding, simply consultative. What is amazing is how the Tories jumped on that one to shoot themselves in the foot. Sooooo fucking ridiculously British

    and of course they are all afraid of REF2 now, because the results will be overly reverse like 70/30 against Brexit

  3. #15028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post

    If Brexit does not occur on the 31st then things will get very bad in the UK - Boris (unlikely as this seems) really is the best solution.

    I cannot see how the remoaners can predict any positive solution from their behaviour.
    things will get very bad in the UK? what does that mean? there will be a massive demonstration of 100 Brexiteers in the streets blocking traffic again?

    nothing will happen on Oct 31, it will be another Extension, no hard Brexit, and you Brexiteers will take it like good little lapdogs

  4. #15029
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    if BoJo can become PM, so can Corbyn

    Be ready for a Labour landslide,

    Brexit: Corbyn plans to call no-confidence vote to defeat no-deal

    Jeremy Corbyn has urged the leaders of the other opposition parties and Tory rebels to install him as caretaker PM in order to stop a no-deal Brexit.

    If he wins a no-confidence vote in the government, the Labour leader plans to delay Brexit, call a snap election and campaign for another referendum.

    Mr Corbyn outlined his plan in a letter, saying the caretaker government would be "strictly time-limited".

    Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson dismissed the plans as "nonsense".

    Downing Street said Mr Corbyn would "overrule the referendum and wreck the economy" if he became prime minister.

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he wants a deal with the European Union, but insists the UK must leave the bloc by 31 October "do or die".

    Mr Corbyn said he would seek to call a no-confidence vote at the "earliest opportunity when we can be confident of success".

    To defeat the government he would have to secure the backing of a majority of MPs.

  5. #15030
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    ^ all the other parties, Liberals, green, etc, have said they won't support Corbyn. The Liberal leader is a right difficult $&^%, and she isn't building many bridges with the Labour party - this might prove a big error down the line.

  6. #15031
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    The remoaners cannot win without devastating the nation; and even then it's unlikely they can win, but they can frustrate Brexit which has been their policy from the start.
    What are you on about? Brexit without a deal will devastate the nation. Anything else will just make people like Buriramboy upset and get Farage back on his soap box.

    An agreed withdrawal is fair enough considering the referendum, but revoke or leaving without a deal is unacceptable to the majority in the UK.

    A withdrawal with no agreements in place, that brings about the full wrath of the EU, could be devastating. Imagine the EU refusing to accept any UK qualifications and requesting all UK citizens to leave the EU.

  7. #15032
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    A withdrawal with no agreements in place, that brings about the full wrath of the EU, could be devastating. Imagine the EU refusing to accept any UK qualifications and requesting all UK citizens to leave the EU.
    hence why it will never happen, Boris or not

  8. #15033
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    ^ all the other parties, Liberals, green, etc, have said they won't support Corbyn. The Liberal leader is a right difficult $&^%, and she isn't building many bridges with the Labour party - this might prove a big error down the line.
    All the other parties have said they won't support the Tories and their plan for Brexit. The difference is there are a lot of Tories that won't support the current Tory plan either. The question is will their party loyalty be strong enough in a vote of no confidence.

  9. #15034
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    If any Tory votes for no confidence in the gov then they wont be a Tory candidate in the GE, so guess depends on whether they want to remain an mp or not.

  10. #15035
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    Ok, Troy, please offer one solution where a second referendum or revoke ends well.

    We are where we are, now find a revoke or second referendum solution that doesn't put us in a worse position.

    Looking forward to the reply...

  11. #15036
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Ok, Troy, please offer one solution where a second referendum or revoke ends well.
    The UK has been paralysed since the referendum, so it is clear the current direction of leaving "because of the referendum" is not the best course of action.

    Some sort of reaffirmation needs to take place to restore faith in the direction Brexit is taking. I don't believe in referendums as these lead to populist politics and I don't think revoke is a solution without clear guidance from the people.

    The problem is that the referendum did not offer clear guidance to leave the EU nor did it offer any real information on how it could be achieved. It is my view that no decisions that involve national budget should be made by referendum, and this applies especially to the question of the EU which is of huge financial significance to the UK.

    The last GE was held with both major parties offering Brexit so it was not possible to gauge the mood of the people. A GE, with the major parties offering opposing views on Brexit, would be good and provide a better representation of the people in the Commons. In any event, I would like to see a clear rationale for whichever decision is made following a GE.

    On the question of the EU, it had clearly taken a direction that its citizens felt unhappy with. Citizen's opinion has been voiced and a new parliament put in place that needs to heed this wish for a change in direction. This is the normal evolution of a civilised democracy and things will no doubt change for the betterment of the EU, hopefully bringing it back to a more trade based union.

    In good times others can be ignored but those good times are not forever. To snub Europe is a very dangerous move.

  12. #15037
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    There's no solution there, Troy, just some musings.

    It looks like, especially from your first sentence, that you are not willing to accept the result of the first referendum. If a second referendum was offered with two questions: 1) no deal leave; 2) stay. Would you be willing to accept that result, whatever it may be?

    You do realize, and this is regarding your penultimate paragraph, the new leaders of the EU are proposing more EU, more executive power and less EU parliament say; that isn't change, it's doubling down. At no stage in the last 5 years have the EU powermongers done anything other than more of the same; this has been well documented, so no it's not the normal evolution of a civilized democracy...
    Cycling should be banned!!!

  13. #15038
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    Ok, Troy, please offer one solution where a second referendum or revoke ends well.

    We are where we are, now find a revoke or second referendum solution that doesn't put us in a worse position.

    Looking forward to the reply...
    When Boris is going to pitch REVOKE, he is going to explain that the current Brexit condition are not achievable, period.

    Nothing bad will come out of it, Brexiteers will take in the ass like they always do with their elite leaders, so really not a problem for them at the end
    Last edited by Dragonfly; 15-08-2019 at 10:54 PM.

  14. #15039
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    An awful woman, from a family of wealth due to life-long civil servant careers, clearly cut and pasted during her studies, and wants a United States of Europe as per Germany...

    Is this your evolution of a civilized democracy, Troy???

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  15. #15040
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    ^ In truth, she was narrowly elected by 383 votes to 327 and gave the promise that the EU parliament will be given the "right of initiative" rather than it being wholly the responsibility of the Commission.

    I'm sure we can all find dirt to throw at any politician.

  16. #15041
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    the good news is that she support an automatic extension on Oct 31, and that's all that matters for now

  17. #15042
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    another fine example of a Brexiteer

    Greta Thunberg: Caroline Lucas reports Arron Banks to Twitter

    Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has complained to Twitter over a tweet by Brexit campaigner Arron Banks aimed at climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

    On Wednesday, Mr Banks referred to Ms Thunberg's sea voyage across the Atlantic and tweeted: "Freak yachting accidents do happen in August..."

    Ms Thunberg, who chooses not to fly, is sailing from the UK to attend UN climate summits in New York and Chile.

    Ms Lucas said she reported his comment, while Mr Banks said it was a joke.

    "Arron Banks' vile tweet about @GretaThunberg makes me sick to the stomach," Ms Lucas wrote on Twitter on Thursday morning.

    "I have made a formal complaint to Twitter."

  18. #15043
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ In truth, she was narrowly elected by 383 votes to 327 and gave the promise that the EU parliament will be given the "right of initiative" rather than it being wholly the responsibility of the Commission.

    I'm sure we can all find dirt to throw at any politician.
    No matter how bad the EU behave, how corrupt they are, whatever they do, you are so one-eyed, you simply refuse to analyze and move your position. She has promised a lot to keep the socialists onside, I'm surprised you would support all of the stuff she said... More federal Europe. A single federal healthcare program. A single federal army. Everyone in the monetary system. A centralized minimum wage and worker rules. Reeks of communism. &, the super wealthy just keep on getting wealthier at the expense of the middle classes and working classes who get poorer year upon year... So dumb to support this feudal version of communism.

  19. #15044
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    ^ On the contrary, I have some major issues with the EU and the way some countries interpret the guidelines. That doesn't mean I will up sticks and find employment elsewhere because I'm unhappy. That would be a very irresponsible thing to do. Instead, I continue to analyse my options and make alternative plans. If an alternative arises that improves my situation then I will take it. Until such time, I have made my objections clear and people are trying hard to accommodate my wishes. I expect to leave in the near future on good terms and with a fully costed alternative arrangement.

  20. #15045
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    ^Always good to have a funded, investigated and "family" agreed plan and alternatives

    If only the the UK highly paid/expensed politicians and civil servants could be so professionally competent

    Any news on the ex PM new appointments to arms manufacturers/comms companies corporate boards yet?

  21. #15046
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    Regarding the no confidence vote, an interesting piece (written by a bloke who seems to be a remoaner...):


    So, basically, Corbyn has put himself as the only option in a no confidence vote, but Corbyn is disliked by so many that he may be no option at all. Any Tory MP that voted no-confidence in Borris would not be in the next election as a Tory MP; this works well for the Leave side. Probably no Tory MP, even if they voted no-confidence in Boris, would actually vote for Corbyn, hence Corbyn doesn't have the numbers = a general election where the Tories would have a lot more Leave MPs running, probably winning seats, and perhaps being able to get a larger majority in government for a quick leave under Boris.

    Who else is there? The Liberal leader could not be put up for house leader after a no-confidence vote because she is too disliked by many Labour MPs. Any Tory MPs voting for her would be committing political suicide too. Somebody like Clarke or Hammond could put themselves up, but too many Labour MPs would refuse to vote for them. That kinda leaves somebody like Margaret Beckett, but again that'd be political suicide for any Tory MPs to vote for her, and apparently there are some smaller factions such as that looney little independent group who say they won't vote for a Labour option (although that group sways with the wind...).

    I could see a vote of no-confidence maybe getting enough remoaner Tories to vote for it to get Boris out, but not enough votes to get anybody else in as temporary PM, thus it'd be a general election which would have the Tories under Boris as the Leave party, and I suspect they'd get the majority of votes - probably not enough to form a government by themselves although Boris is by far the best leader of any party going into a general election; he has run successful campaigns before as Major of London and is looking increasingly confident.

    I wonder how many Labour MPs, Leave MPs, would abstain in a no confidence vote? Certainly a few...

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    Actually, it's pretty simple: if the EU get rid of the backstop then the deal goes through with these 30 Labour votes...
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  22. #15047
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    so nothing to see, same same indian wobble by the usual British MPs

    what a bunch of incompetent idiots,

    soft cocks, cowards, and fools

  23. #15048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    so nothing to see, same same indian wobble by Butterfly

    what an incompetent idiot,

    soft cock, coward, and fool
    You forgot the smiley.

  24. #15049
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    so nothing to see, same same indian wobble by the usual British MPs

    what a bunch of incompetent idiots,

    soft cocks, cowards, and fools
    You are too kind, they dont deserve such flattery.

  25. #15050
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    You forgot the smiley.
    very very good old man, you discovered the edited quote function

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