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  1. #2051
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    just saw an interview with sen. john mccain, and he said there are still more "shoes to drop".

    could it be that establishment republicans, the intelligence community, and even democrats on certain committees know they have enough to bring down this white house, but they're drawing it out to inflict the maximum amount of pain on trump?

    let's not forget this...

    payback's a bitch.

  2. #2052
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    When they bring him down, they need to destroy him so thoroughly that even his followers get it. No good if too many see him as a victim.

  3. #2053
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takeovers View Post
    When they bring him down, they need to destroy him so thoroughly that even his followers get it. No good if too many see him as a victim.
    Trumpanzees will always consider him hard done by.

    Much like there were Nixon fans that thought he was treated unfairly.

  4. #2054
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    You guys are counting your chickens before they're hatched.

    Even if an impeachment trial starts in the senate, it'll take a supermajority (two thirds) to get a conviction in an impeachment trial. i.e. not likely to happen.

  5. #2055
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    nor would they care about the lasting geopolitical damage their crazed obsession with russia is costing the usa and other parts of the world.
    You support a guy who undermines and contradicts his own administration by sending out foreign policy statements in the forum of ill-advised Tweets and you think the whole Russia investigation is the thing that's causing "lasting geopolitical damage"??

  6. #2056
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    Jr's full interview with Hannity on Fox

  7. #2057
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    TL : DR

    'I'm sorry, truly deeply sorry... that I was caught lying'

  8. #2058
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    ^^12:12 Maybe it was a scandal of her involvement with the Russian gov' watta dumbass

  9. #2059
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Trump Defends His Son: 'This Is The Greatest Witch Hunt In Political History' | Daily Wire

    So trump is defending his son, so much for the boobs who said he would not.
    Just on that though:

    "My son Donald did a good job last night," Trump tweeted.

    "He was open, transparent and innocent.

    "This is the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!"

    That couldn't possibly be any more Trumpian if he'd tried (and he doesn't actually have to).

    Firstly he touts him as being "open, transparent and innocent", three things that he clearly isn't or he wouldn't be in this pickle to begin with and then he signs off with his now traditional self-pitying snowflake whinge and whine.

  10. #2060
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    "This is the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!"
    He lashes out at his 'enemies' and plays the victim in that one line. Typical Trump

  11. #2061
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Jr's full interview with Hannity on Fox

    Hannity manages to go the whole interview without using Trump’s most damning quote from the email—that is, the response, “I love it”—but when it is alluded to by Hannity, Trump doubles down with another shrug and an “Of course!” He goes on: “Someone sent me an email. I can’t help what someone sends me. I read it, I responded accordingly.” Here “accordingly” does not mean notifying the FBI that a rival nuclear power is attempting to influence the outcome of our election, but instead getting to that meeting at a time that is politically convenient, like, say, late summer.

    Hannity, for his part, leaves this response unchecked, moving on to such hard-hitting queries as “Did you ever think maybe this might not be… ?” and “Let me ask you a hypothetical. Did you ever meet with any other person from Russia that you know?” the latter of which is not a hypothetical, but to which Trump nevertheless responds, “I don’t even know.” At this point you may begin to feel weightless, floating into the meaningless ether of pure Trumpian post-fact abstraction.

    Anyway, it’s fun to watch Fredo do his tough-guy thing while clearly in some hot shit—he’s smart, Mikey, he’s not dumb—and even if nothing comes of this scandal it’s good to know that even when they get caught dick-out and mid-treason the Trump administration will continue acting like they’re just innocent, feckless billionaires angrily fumbling into this whole politics thing. The video is also worth watching to see Hannity attempt—and fail—to pronounce the phrase “Magnitsky Act.”
    Watch Donald Trump Jr. still manage to whiff on some softballs from Hannity · Great Job, Internet! · The A.V. Club

  12. #2062
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    just saw an interview with sen. john mccain, and he said there are still more "shoes to drop".

    could it be that establishment republicans, the intelligence community, and even democrats on certain committees know they have enough to bring down this white house, but they're drawing it out to inflict the maximum amount of pain on trump?

    let's not forget this...

    payback's a bitch.

    If you mean bring down by impeachment, there are nowhere near enough votes at this time.

    And I'm speaking objectively.

  13. #2063
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    ^^The part that's sure to win the Oscar for Best Comedy is where Drumpf Jnr complains that the whole 'Russian thing' wasn't even a thing at the time he attempted to collude...

    ...with the Russians.

  14. #2064
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    The saga of dim Don Jr.

    Mini-Donald’s Major Fail

    Frank Bruni
    New York Times

    Sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Sometimes the apple is also considerably dimmer than the tree. And sometimes the apple must be thrown under the bus so that the tree and a few of its most crucial limbs don’t tumble to the forest floor, where they’ll be chopped up and used as firewood by Democrats.

    Is that the fruity fate of Donald Trump Jr.?

    On Tuesday morning, he released a chain of emails from June of last year that prove that he was eager to get dirt on Hillary Clinton from a representative of Russia, that the information was indeed characterized as “part of Russia and its government’s support” for his father’s presidential bid and that he held a meeting in the hopes of learning more.

    It was, for my money, the most jaw-dropping development yet in an already-surreal presidency, and making sense of it requires some conjecture.

    But evaluating the damage doesn’t. This erodes whatever credibility President Trump and those in his inner circle had left (which wasn’t much). Adamantly and incessantly, they have characterized questions about the Trump campaign’s possible cooperation with Russia as ludicrous — a “witch hunt,” in their preferred parlance.

    And yet here is a document showing that the notion of such a concerted effort was dangled before the eyes of Trump’s eldest son, who responded with glee — “I love it,” he wrote — and hauled his brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, who was then the campaign’s chairman, into a meeting about it.

    Baby Dump is dumber than Papa Dump? In what way is Papa Dump "smart?" Lying, cheating, bilking workers, investors, customers and even...

    The latest chapter in this saga is truly cringe-worthy. Seeing a son so desperately want his father's love that, like a lap dog, he stands...
    After characterizing all Russia stories as @witch hunts," Donald Jr tweets out the secret meeting of the coven!!
    With the walls now closing in around Donald Jr., I wouldn’t be surprised if he says that he didn’t really believe the written claim that this was “very high level and sensitive information” from the Russian government itself.

    But evaluate any and all spin from him through the lens of his evasions and empty grandstanding to date. When The New York Times first disclosed the meeting in an article on Saturday, he released a statement implying that the meeting’s purpose was to discuss Russian adoptions.

    A day later, he significantly changed his story, admitting in a new statement that he had been led to expect material “helpful to the campaign” and that he cut the meeting off when the Russian lawyer who came to Trump Tower diverted the discussion toward adoptions. Read the statement: Bizarrely and hilariously, it’s so focused on the lawyer’s bait-and-switch and Donald Jr.’s disappointment that it boldly confirms how badly he’d craved dirt and how misleading his initial response to The Times was. Like I said: dim.

    The emails released on Tuesday make clear how incomplete both of those versions were, and they appear to contradict his insistence in the second statement that Kushner and Manafort knew nothing about the meeting’s intent.

    The release of the emails, at least, is no head scratcher: Donald Jr. apparently believed that The Times was about to publish them anyway and figured that if he beat us to the punch, he’d make it look as if he had nothing to hide. He tweeted that he wanted “to be totally transparent.”

    Right. “Transparent” has as much to do with his last four days as “modest” does with his father’s entire 71 years.

    And flash back to July 24 of last summer, which was just a month and a half after the meeting with the Russian lawyer, and Donald Jr.’s response when the CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked him about the Clinton campaign’s assertion that Russians could be engaged in “a plot to help Donald Trump.”

    “It just goes to show you their exact moral compass,” Donald Jr. said, in what will go down as one of the most priceless instances ever of the psychological phenomenon of projection.

    He railed to Tapper about “lie after lie” from the Clinton camp, said they’d “do anything to win,” and — my favorite part — claimed that if a Republican were making the kinds of wild allegations of Russian meddling that they were, there’d be a call “to bring out the electric chair” for that person. The electric chair, no less!

    Well, he’s on the hot seat now, and the days — by which I mean 48 hours ago — when we were all worked up about Ivanka Trump’s presumptuous place at the G-20 table suddenly seem quaint. That actually is a nothingburger in the context of this whopper.

    Of course Papa pooh-poohed it, releasing a statement Tuesday afternoon that vouched, “My son is a high-quality person.” I can buy that Donald Jr. is too low-wattage a political operative to have understood that his Russia hugging was extraordinary and possibly treasonous, but not that he considered it virtuous.

    I wonder whether Ivanka actually factors into this. Among the Trump children, she always sopped up the most lavish praise from Dad and drew the most media fascination. She was cast as his secret weapon. Such a designation eluded Donald Jr. When he met with the Russian lawyer, was he clumsily trying to maneuver his way to greater utility, favor and relevance?

    Instead, in the grand tradition of ne’er-do-well namesakes, he brought his sire grief.

    There’s no proof that Donald Trump Sr. knew of the meeting with the Russian lawyer, though there’s this: In the week between its scheduling and its occurrence back in June 2016, he made public remarks in which he said he’d be delivering a special speech about Clinton’s wrongdoing that was set — oh so interestingly, in retrospect — for a few days after the meeting. But that meeting, we’re now told, was a bust, with no great trove of Clinton-wounding revelations, and the speech didn’t happen as promised.

    It will be interesting to watch the president’s next moves. Enamored of loyalty and deaf to charges of nepotism and conflict of interest, he has kept his kids in a tight circle around him. But to survive, he may have to push this bad apple away.
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  15. #2065
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    There is some excellent reporting that is colouring in the background of the headlines.

    For example, the dodgy lawyer that met greaseball jr. was also defending a Russian mobster who was laundering $230 million of stolen money through New York real estate.

    That case was being prosecuted by Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District.

    Orange cunto sacked him in March. The case was settled without any serious investigation in May.

    I'm sure Mr. Mueller's team have all the necessary documentation.

  16. #2066
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    When's the GOP gonna grow a pair and take back their party?

  17. #2067
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Probably never.

    They didn't call Trump on his shit during the campaign so they're not likely to start now.

  18. #2068
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred flintstone
    When's the GOP gonna grow a pair and take back their party?
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Probably never.
    i think li'l donny shrugging off his collusion with russia as "normal" changed things for establishment republicans in congress---particularly in the senate.

    not only do they hate him on principle, but they now have evidence that he's a national security risk.

    if they can somehow pass tax reform, trump will be most vulnerable the minute afterwards.

    i'm sticking with my prediction that trump walks away from office in mid- late summer 2018.

  19. #2069
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    and the Eagle has landed,

    roads closed, traffic diverted, it's going to be a fucking nightmare for us locals

    hopefully I can see Melania and Ivanka in the flesh

  20. #2070
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    I fucking dare you to grab one or both by the pussy!

  21. #2071
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Jr's full interview with Hannity on Fox
    Small penis dimwitted moron you is.

  22. #2072
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    If you've not seen this.....

    Andy Serkis reading trump's tweets as Gollum...

  23. #2073
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    did pence meet with representatives of the russian govt?

    his spokesman won't say.

  24. #2074
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    as many of you are aware, trump was caught putting up fake, time magazine covers in his country clubs.

    well, li'l donny got his own genuine time magazine cover this week...

  25. #2075
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    Donald Trump Jr. invited to testify before Congress

    President Donald Trump’s eldest son has been invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee — and the panel’s chairman says he’s willing to subpoena him if necessary.

    Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told reporters Thursday he was sending Donald Trump Jr. a letter asking him to testify and hoped he would come "pretty soon," perhaps as early as next week.

    Grassley added that he was willing to wield his subpoena pen to compel Trump Jr.'s attendance.

    The invitation comes as Trump Jr. is engulfed in a growing controversy over a meeting he attended last year with a Russian lawyer.
    Donald Trump Jr. invited to testify before Congress - POLITICO

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