1. #2651
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza
    So far, I just see hot air
    Someone needs to tell Mueller to call off the whole investigation. A serial mutlinicker on a forum whose opinion on anything is apparently respected by precisely nobody says it's all a waste of time.

  2. #2652
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza
    So far, I just see hot air
    Someone needs to tell Mueller to call off the whole investigation.
    I never implied nor stated that.

    I think there should be an investigation.

    But so far, it's media hype.

  3. #2653
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza
    I never implied nor stated that.
    You very clearly did.

  4. #2654
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza
    I never implied nor stated that.
    You very clearly did.
    This is my quote:
    this is politics and campaigning as usual. If T was involved illegally then so be it. So far, I just see hot air.

  5. #2655
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    That's not your full quote. You're lying and obfuscating - which is both ironic given the subject matter and typifies why you're a dyed-in-the-wool Drumpftard supporter.

  6. #2656
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    That's not your full quote. You're lying and obfuscating - which is both ironic given the subject matter and typifies why you're a dyed-in-the-wool Drumpftard supporter.
    Here is my full quote:

    Ray, this is politics and campaigning as usual. If T was involved illegally then so be it. So far, I just see hot air.

    Here is the investigation team:

  7. #2657
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    with hurricane harvey, n. korea, DACA, his hair and make up....trump's time is spread pretty thin.

    mueller, on the other hand, has only thing on his plate...

    "Lobbyist in Trump Tower meeting spoke to grand jury," by AP's Chad Day and Eric Tucker: "A grand jury used by Special Counsel Robert Mueller has heard secret testimony from a Russian-American lobbyist [Rinat Akhmetshin] who attended a June 2016 meeting with ... Trump's eldest son," plus Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort.

    "The revelation is the clearest indication yet that Mueller and his team of investigators view the meeting, which came weeks after Trump had secured the Republican presidential nomination, as a relevant inquiry point in their broader probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election."

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    Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns anymore. We got 'em!

    Mueller teams up with IRS in Russia probe: report | TheHill

  10. #2660
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    wake me up when it's over

  11. #2661
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    wake me up when it's over

  12. #2662
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    more on this ^^^

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with agents from the IRS's Criminal Investigations unit to help aide in his Russia probe, reports The Daily Beast's Betsy Woodruff.

    The unit, which Woodruff describes as "one of the federal government's most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities" focuses solely on financial crimes, such as tax evasion and money laundering.

    The agency also has access to the president's tax returns, which Trump has repeatedly refused to submit to the public.

    Timing: Reports surfaced on Wednesday that Mueller is now working with NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has investigated Trump's business dealings, in his probe of Paul Manafort. Mueller and Schneiderman's teams have reportedly already collected evidence on financial crimes, including potential money laundering.

    Why it matters: Muller teaming up with the IRS is just another sign that his Russia investigation is intensifying, and reveals that financial crimes have become a central part of his probe.

  13. #2663
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    Mueller Has Early Draft of Trump Letter Giving Reasons for Firing Comey

    WASHINGTON — The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has obtained a letter drafted by President Trump and a top political aide that offered an unvarnished view of Mr. Trump’s thinking in the days before the president fired the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey.

    The circumstances and reasons for the firing are believed to be a significant element of Mr. Mueller’s investigation, which includes whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice by firing Mr. Comey.

    The letter, drafted in May, was met with opposition from Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, who believed that its angry, meandering tone was problematic, according to interviews with a dozen administration officials and others briefed on the matter. Among Mr. McGahn’s concerns were references to private conversations the president had with Mr. Comey, including times when the F.B.I. director told Mr. Trump he was not under investigation in the F.B.I.’s continuing Russia inquiry.

    Mr. McGahn successfully blocked the president from sending the letter — which Mr. Trump had composed with Stephen Miller, one of the president’s top political advisers — to Mr. Comey. But a copy was given to the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, who then drafted his own letter. Mr. Rosenstein’s letter was ultimately used as the Trump administration’s public rationale for Mr. Comey’s firing, which was that Mr. Comey had mishandled the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

    More. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/01/u...T.nav=top-news

  14. #2664
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    Fake news hypocrites...

  15. #2665
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    Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says Trump Jr. will also be subpoenaed, if necessary, to compel him to appear at a public hearing

  16. #2666
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    Hanging your hats on Mueller's "probe?" Give it up guys, the whole operation was run by the "chosen ones"...the untouchables. Putin and Trump aren't the ones running this shew.

    Mueller's whitewash will be wide and deep...with maybe some goy scapegoats thrown under the bus.

    The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin - POLITICO Magazine

    Chabad** of Port Washington, a Jewish community center on Long Island’s Manhasset Bay, sits in a squat brick edifice across from a Shell gas station and a strip mall. The center is an unexceptional building on an unexceptional street, save for one thing: Some of the shortest routes between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin run straight through it.

    Two decades ago, as the Russian president set about consolidating power on one side of the world, he embarked on a project to supplant his country’s existing Jewish civil society and replace it with a parallel structure loyal to him. On the other side of the world, the brash Manhattan developer was working to get a piece of the massive flows of capital that were fleeing the former Soviet Union in search of stable assets in the West, especially real estate, and seeking partners in New York with ties to the region.

    Their respective ambitions led the two men—along with Trump’s future son-in-law, Jared Kushner—to build a set of close, overlapping relationships in a small world that intersects on Chabad, an international Hasidic movement most people have never heard of.

    Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as “Putin’s rabbi.”

    A few years later, Trump would seek out Russian projects and capital by joining forces with a partnership called Bayrock-Sapir, led by Soviet emigres Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir—who maintain close ties to Chabad. The company’s ventures would lead to multiple lawsuits alleging fraud and a criminal investigation of a condo project in Manhattan.

    Meanwhile, the links between Trump and Chabad kept piling up. In 2007, Trump hosted the wedding of Sapir’s daughter and Leviev’s right-hand man at Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach resort. A few months after the ceremony, Leviev met Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow and then hosted a bris for the new couple’s first son at the holiest site in Chabad Judaism. Trump attended the bris along with Kushner, who would go on to buy a $300 million building from Leviev and marry Ivanka Trump, who would form a close relationship with Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova. Zhukova would host the power couple in Russia in 2014 and reportedly attend Trump’s inauguration as their guest.

    With the help of this trans-Atlantic diaspora and some globetrotting real estate moguls, Trump Tower and Moscow’s Red Square can feel at times like part of the same tight-knit neighborhood. Now, with Trump in the Oval Office having proclaimed his desire to reorient the global order around improved U.S. relations with Putin’s government—and as the FBI probes the possibility of improper coordination between Trump associates and the Kremlin—that small world has suddenly taken on outsize importance.
    article continued at link

    This is a Chabad-Lubavitcher seen with both Trump and Putin at the Western Wall in the following photos.

    **Btw I mentioned on another thread awhile back about the US Education and Sharing Day (and the associated "Noa(c)hide Laws") that has been proclaimed by every US President and Congress since 1978. This day/proclamation honors the Chabad-Lubavitcher's "Rebbe" Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

    Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?

    Separation of 'church' and state...? Depends on which 'church' I guess.

  17. #2667
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    ^OMG! Evil Jews!

    Facebook sold more than $100,000 in political ads to a Russian company during the 2016 election

    Following its April post-mortem on its platform’s role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Facebook is out with some juicy new details. Most noteworthy given the public’s intense interest in all things Russian is the fact that potential pro-Kremlin entities apparently purchased as much as $150,000 in political ads on the platform between 2015 and 2017.

    As Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos explained in a blog post:

    “There have been a lot of questions since the 2016 US election about Russian interference in the electoral process. In April we published a white paper that outlined our understanding of organized attempts to misuse our platform. One question that has emerged is whether there’s a connection between the Russian efforts and ads purchased on Facebook. These are serious claims and we’ve been reviewing a range of activity on our platform to help understand what happened.

    “In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies. Our analysis suggests these accounts and Pages were affiliated with one another and likely operated out of Russia.”

    In addition to that $100,000, another $50,000 in political ad spending is thought to have loose connections to Russia that suggest Russian origins, including “ads bought from accounts with US IP addresses but with the language set to Russian.”

    According to Stamos, the “vast majority” of the ads in question did not explicitly mention candidate names or the presidential race itself. Instead, they focused on a spectrum of wedge issues that were particularly hot leading into the election, including gun rights, immigration, LGBT rights and race. Roughly one quarter of these ads were targeted to particular geographic regions, particularly the ads that ran in 2015. Facebook’s more recent findings mesh with the insights around political misinformation campaigns that it published in April of this year. Perhaps most interesting is the revelation that bots aren’t actually responsible for most of this stuff — the bulk of it appears to be non-automated, coordinated campaigns by human actors.

    Given the deep knowledge of state-level American politics necessary to successfully geo-target ads like these, the whole thing raises further questions about the possibility that entities linked to the Russian government might have coordinated with individuals in the U.S., though it doesn’t begin to answer those questions.

    On Wednesday, Facebook spoke to Congress about the findings as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. In a follow-up story by The Washington Post, Facebook admitted that “there is evidence that some of the accounts are linked to a troll farm in St. Petersburg, referred to as the Internet Research Agency, though we have no way to independently confirm.” The Internet Research Agency is a group known for its pro-Kremlin online propaganda campaigns, which U.S. intelligence agencies believe is funded by a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin with connections to the Russian intelligence community.

    For its part, Facebook has been acting on the results of its internal audit examining the ways its platform may have been exploited in the 2016 U.S. election. Based on these reviews, the company was able to boot off its platform 30,000 suspect accounts engaging in what it calls “false amplification” around the time of the French election earlier this year. The company has also begun blocking ads from pages and accounts that repeatedly share fake news and misinformation. Still, if these kind of influence campaigns are truly linked to Russian intelligence efforts, Facebook is going to have a hell of a time trying to stay a few steps ahead.


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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Trump associate claimed Putin buy-in on tower deal could 'get Donald elected'

    Felix Sater, a business associate of President Trump, reportedly promised in 2015 to build a Trump Tower in Moscow with the aid of Vladimir Putin, and said the real estate deal would help Trump win the 2016 election, reports The New York Times.

    Sater, a Russian immigrant who was a broker for the Trump organization at the time, reportedly sent a series of emails to Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, "boasting" about his close ties Putin.

    In one email, Sater wrote, "Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process."

    In another email Sater wrote, "I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected."

    Why it matters: The emails provide tangible evidence that "from the earliest months of Mr. Trump's campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage," writes the NYT. Those ties are now being closely investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

    Was the original email in scarlet letters too?

    The organ grinders monkey thinks he the organ grinder. Priceless.

  19. #2669
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    There is nothing new on this thread, save the usual drip drip drip of nothing burger garbage pellets to keep the lab rats excited. Are you sure this isn't all just Russian propaganda to make you believe that Russia influenced your election?

  20. #2670
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    ...^another bulletin from the rusbot universe...

  21. #2671
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    There is nothing new on this thread, save the usual drip drip drip of nothing burger garbage pellets to keep the lab rats excited. Are you sure this isn't all just Russian propaganda to make you believe that Russia influenced your election?
    I reckon you have absorbed and repeated enough Russian propaganda that you don't believe anything from the MSM. And, isn't that exactly what Russian propaganda is supposed to do? Dirty the information with so much bullshit that people are confused don't know what to believe?

  22. #2672
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    Dirty the information with so much bullshit that slower and less perceptive people are confused don't know what to believe?

  23. #2673
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    ^ Like that.

  24. #2674
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    There is nothing new on this thread, save the usual drip drip drip of nothing burger garbage pellets to keep the lab rats excited. Are you sure this isn't all just Russian propaganda to make you believe that Russia influenced your election?
    I reckon you have absorbed and repeated enough Russian propaganda that you don't believe anything from the MSM. And, isn't that exactly what Russian propaganda is supposed to do? Dirty the information with so much bullshit that people are confused don't know what to believe?
    You are the idiot who believes trump colluded with the russians and he is a nazi. wake up.

    you are lost in some pretty weird hallucinations there.

    for you now everything is 'russian propaganda' its all powerful and everywhere. you are besieged; i bet the msm told you that and you know you can trust them right.

    you guys are so fcuked up.

    it just makes my day to come here and listen to this crazed bs.

    dont forget the 'alt-right' everything not libtard is 'alt-right'. holy crap, what a loon.
    Last edited by longway; 07-09-2017 at 09:20 PM.

  25. #2675
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    Dirty the information with so much bullshit that slower and less perceptive people are confused don't know what to believe?
    her fellow idiot joins in.

    you guys are hilarious.

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