1. #25151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Thanks for the cut and paste then.
    Sound like Trump there mate.... Be a little more blunt next time..


    MARCH 14, 2020 12:00PM (UTC)

    Thousands of people are going to die, he knows he will be blamed and he can already see his campaign circling the toilet. Those realizations were all over Donald Trump's face on Wednesday night as he addressed the nation from the Oval Office. His speech was monotonal, his face so frozen with failure and fear that he looked like the product of taxidermy. He knows he is staring into the maw of a beast he can't control. It's going to be impossible to tweet away all the deaths that are coming, and he is terrified.
    The question that sprang to mind as I watched him epically fuck up the most important moment of his presidency was this: What's going to happen when the numbers of coronavirus deaths begin to climb, and his numbers begin to tank? They will. He's not going to be able to stop the pandemic from killing thousands of Americans, and this lawless maniac is capable of anything. With the NBA and Major League Baseball suspending their seasons, with "March Madness" canceled, with concerts and festivals and parades canceled, Broadway theaters closed, schools shuttered from coast to coast, and the fact that we have no idea how long the coronavirus epidemic will last, Donald Trump is fully capable of making plans to cancel the election in November to save himself.

    Trump tried to keep the whole thing secret at first, ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to hold its meetings about the coronavirus in secret — in a goddamned SCIF, for crying out loud! Because those initial meetings were top secret, important experts on epidemiology who lacked security clearances were banned from attending. Testing for the virus was held up by the CDC, which repeatedly refused to release hospitals and independent research facilities from regulations that prevented them from developing and fielding their own test kits. The idea throughout the initial weeks of the virus was to follow Trump's lead, keep the numbers of coronavirus cases as low as possible, and hope for the best.
    Trump appointed himself as the man in charge of the message and started lying.
    On Jan. 22, he said: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China. It's going to be just fine!"

    On Feb. 2, he doubled down and started laying blame: "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
    On Feb. 10, he puked one of his "a lot of people" lies out of his cakehole: "A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in."
    Later that day, he marched out his acting budget director, Russell Vought, to reassure the nation with this jewel: "Coronavirus is not something that is going to have ripple effects."

    On Feb. 24, he tweeted: "The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA … Stock Market is looking very good to me." (The Dow Jones was at 27,900 that day. On Thursday, it closed at 21,200.)
    On Feb. 26, Trump said: "[The number of people infected is] going very substantially down, not up." "The 15 [cases] within a couple of days, is going to be down to zero." (On Friday, the number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. passed 1,800. The total number of cases probably exceeds 10,000, according to the Los Angeles Times, and could be much higher than that.)

    On Feb. 27, he said: "It's going to disappear one day. It's like a miracle."
    On March 6, during his visit to the Centers for Disease Control, Trump bragged: "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. . . . Every one of these doctors said, 'How do you know so much about this?' Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president." Later that day, he marched out his chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, to say: "We stopped it, it was a very early shutdown. I would still argue to you that this thing is contained." Then he reassured the market: "Investors should think about buying these dips." (The market closed more than 2,300 points lower than the previous time Kudlow had advised "buying these dips.")
    On March 10, the day before Trump's disastrous address from the Oval Office, Trump said: "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."

    By Thursday, as the number of coronavirus cases passed 1,000, the market plunged 2,352 points, the largest drop since "Black Monday" in 1987, into"bear market" territory. Wall Street has spent three years holding its collective breath, praying that nothing would happen to cause the exact "correction" we're seeing now. The entire time they inflated the market and lined their own pockets, they knew Trump was a criminal and an ignoramus. He's from New York. They have watched him blow through billions in bad investments and suffer multiple bankruptcies. They got what they wanted from him in the big tax cut that went to players in the financial and real estate markets, leaving pretty much everyone else behind.
    Now the proverbial chickens have come home to the proverbial roost. A pandemic Katrina is in the works. Millions of Americans will be infected. Perhaps hundreds of thousands may die. Congress is about to lash together a stimulus that will make what they did after the 2008 recession crash look like a payday loan. We don't have a clue how low the market will go, how many Americans will lose their jobs or how large the ripple effect of the pandemic will be in sectors like housing, manufacturing, even farming and the food supply. We are on the verge of a recession and could be looking into the black hole of a depression — and the man at the helm of the economic ship is drunk on the four years of lies and thievery that got him into the White House and has kept him there.
    On Friday, Trump held a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House that was a coronavirus petri dish: A large gathering of people sitting and standing close to one another. Trump shook hands with random corporate executives and administration officials as everyone used the same microphone, adjusting it with their hands, speaking directly into it and then passing it to the next fool. Reporters passed around a second microphone from hand to hand, using it to ask questions. If one person at that press conference, they were all exposed. That's Trump, leading by example.We don't have a president. We don't even have a cheerleader-in-chief. What we've got is a deranged fool who has spent his entire life doing whatever he felt like doing and has never faced a single consequence for his actions.

    Now he's in charge of a government for which he has nothing but contempt and which he doesn't understand even at a kindergarten level. He's appointed industry lobbyists who behave like uneducated teenagers to run its various departments, and he has done whatever he could do to damage the ability of government to act in any meaningful way. The biggest chicken of all that's now roosting atop the White House, and atop the entire Republican Party for that matter, is the Reagan shibboleth that "government isn't the solution, it's the problem." We're about to learn what the coronavirus thinks of that little jewel of wisdom.
    Trump is sitting there in the White House and, as dense as he is, even he can see that every day that passes, indeed every hour that ticks by, is another marker in his long downhill slide. His poll numbers are destined for the tank. He's going to look into the unblinking eye of the camera day after day during this crisis, and it will be right there on his face that he is clueless and afraid. His ability to "drive the narrative" is over. "Fake news" caught up with him. There is nothing he can do with his tweets and lies to stop what's about to happen to him, and to us.
    The tragedy is that it didn't have to be this way. Republicans in the Senate had a chance to rid us of Trump, but they were too afraid of him to act. Now we're stuck with this monster. Their craven cowardice and disregard of the truth is going to cost us dearly. Companies will go bankrupt. People will lose their life savings, their houses and, sadly, their lives because this man is in the White House.
    His re-election campaign is in the emergency room waiting to see a doctor, but they're all busy treating the people who are sick or dying from his criminal negligence, cruelty, ignorance and shame. It's only March, and Trump already needs a respirator. He's finished. He's a dead man stumbling toward a certain political grave — and the brutal judgment of history that he is the worst president this nation has ever had.

  2. #25152
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    there's a tweet for everything....

    Attachment 46641
    If he's right, why's he denying responsibility?

  3. #25153
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie Booth View Post
    Donald Trump tests negative for COVID-1
    Never mind, maybe we'll have better luck next time.
    Last edited by Cujo; 15-03-2020 at 11:21 AM.

  4. #25154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie Booth View Post
    Donald Trump tests negative for COVID-1
    so he did the test 48 hours ago ?


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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by beachbound View Post
    I knew he’d find a way to fuck even that up!
    told you, ridiculous snowflakes

    Trump is gold, he doesn't get infected by snowflakes virus !!!

  6. #25156
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    Donald Trump 'strongly considering full pardon' for Michael Flynn

    Donald Trump is “strongly considering a full pardon” for Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

    Flynn cut a deal as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian election interference and links between Trump and Moscow.

    He initially cooperated with the investigation, which concluded last year without establishing criminal conspiracy but did lay out extensive evidence of contact between Trump aides and Russia and possible obstruction of justice by the president himself.

    Flynn, who was fired as national security adviser after only 24 days in the role, has not yet been sentenced but a number of Trump aides and associates have been convicted and jailed in cases arising from Mueller’s work.

    Flynn faces possible prison time.

    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  7. #25157
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    What a cretin.
    Although this may not be true.
    German ministers have reacted angrily following reports US president Donald Trump offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive rights to a Covid-19 vaccine.
    “Germany is not for sale,” economy minister Peter Altmaier told broadcaster ARD, reacting to a front page report in Welt am Sonntag newspaper headlined “Trump vs Berlin”.
    The newspaper reported Trump offered $1bn to Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac to secure the vaccine “only for the United States”.
    The German government was reportedly offering its own financial incentives for the vaccine to stay in the country.
    The report prompted fury in Berlin. “International co-operation is important now, not national self-interest,” said Erwin Rueddel, a conservative lawmaker on the German parliament’s health committee.
    Christian Lindner, leader of the liberal FDP party, accused Trump of electioneering, saying: “Obviously Trump will use any means available in an election campaign.”
    The German health minister, Jens Spahn, said a takeover of CureVac by the Trump administration was “off the table”. CureVac would only develop vaccine “for the whole world”, Spahn said, “not for individual countries”.
    'Not for sale': anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive coronavirus vaccine deal | World news | The Guardian

  8. #25158
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    Certainly wouldn't be surprising if it were true.

    Would be just like him too and then he and all the Trumptards would crow about how 'he cured coronavirus'.

  9. #25159
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    “Germany is not for sale,”
    How dare they... Are they a sovereign country?

  10. #25160
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    More on Trumps response.
    Wasn't sure whether to post it here or the Trump thread.
    Any opinions on where these types of post should go?
    Almost two decades ago, during George W. Bush’s presidency, the federal government developed guidelines for communicating during a public-health crisis. Among the core principles are “be first,” “be right,” “be credible,” “show respect” and “promote action.”

    But the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus, as a Washington Post news story put it, is “breaking almost every rule in the book.”

    The inconsistent and sometimes outright incorrect information coming from the White House has left Americans unsure of what, if anything, to do. By early March, experts already were arguing for aggressive measures to slow the virus’s spread and avoid overwhelming the medical system. The presidential bully pulpit could have focused people on the need to change their behavior in a way that no private citizen could have. Trump could have specifically encouraged older people — at most risk from the virus — to be careful. Once again, he chose not to take action.

    Instead, he suggested on multiple occasions that the virus was less serious than the flu. “We’re talking about a much smaller range” of deaths than from the flu, he said on March 2. “It’s very mild,” he told Hannity on March 4. On March 7, he said, “I’m not concerned at all.” On March 10, he promised: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

    The first part of March was also when more people began to understand that the United States had fallen behind on testing, and Trump administration officials responded with untruths.

    Alex Azar, the secretary of health and human services, told ABC, “There is no testing kit shortage, nor has there ever been.” Trump, while touring the C.D.C. on March 6, said, “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

    That C.D.C. tour was a microcosm of Trump’s entire approach to the crisis. While speaking on camera, he made statements that were outright wrong, like the testing claim. He brought up issues that had nothing to do with the virus, like his impeachment. He made clear that he cared more about his image than about people’s well-being, by explaining that he favored leaving infected passengers on a cruise ship so they wouldn’t increase the official number of American cases. He also suggested that he knew as much as any scientist:

    I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.

    On March 10, the World Health Organization reported 113,702 cases of the virus in more than 100 countries.
    Opinion | A Complete List of Trump’s Attempts to Play Down Coronavirus - The New York Times

  11. #25161
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    ^ It’s an opinion piece, so it’s good here.

    So much bullshit coming from the White House. It’s hard to tell if Trump is lying or if he is stupid. At this point, considering his Mar-A-Lago coronavirus Petri dish fiasco, I’d say he is just plain stupid. Not surprised if he, his family, and friends get sick.

  12. #25162
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    It’s hard to tell if Trump is lying or if he is stupid.
    Oh, I can answer that one for you: It's both.

  13. #25163
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Oh, I can answer that one for you: It's both.
    With out a doubt it's both.

  14. #25164
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    With out a doubt it's both.
    He is a liar.
    He is beyond stupid.
    And, for a man of wealth, he lacks any class whatsoever.
    Utterly classless.

  15. #25165
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    It’s hard to tell if Trump is lying or if he is stupid.
    his default is to lie...his stupidity comes second.

  16. #25166
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    I have to question the wisdom of the Trumpster's tweet.

    'The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!'

    Trump angers Beijing with 'Chinese virus' tweet


    All of the dangerous pandemic viruses always originate in China so calling it the 'Chinese Virus' does not really distinguish it from all the previous viruses.

  17. #25167
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    The president of the United States is more concerned with his own image than the coronavirus pandemic:

    As if the lies and misinformation he has already spread wasn't enough.

    He's a fucking disgrace.

  18. #25168
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    people obviously wanted something different.

    when the inevitable crisis or catastrophe comes, we'll see if the people "obviously want something different".

  19. #25169
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    he is doing not so bad considering the crisis,

    and yes PR and public perception is key in such a crisis,

  20. #25170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    he is doing not so bad
    way too little, way too late.

  21. #25171
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    btw, you can bet that there are scores of bloomberg employees working on ads that highlight his disastrous response to this pandemic.

  22. #25172
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    Somewhere else with friendly mods
    Its like that boy who called wolf story.
    The media etc might be right this time but no ones listening.😁. Trump is triumphant again.

  23. #25173
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    That doesn't work as an analogy because it's Trumps' constant lies that are coming home to roost.

    This is the first crisis of his administration that isn't a self-inflicted foot shot and he has handled it exactly as an incompetent conman can be expected to.

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    Republicans Adopt Andrew Yangs Cause. He Isn't Celebrating.

    Andrew Yang takes no pleasure in looking prophetical.

    The tech entrepreneur and former candidate for president, who last month suspended his campaign after poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, built his candidacy around the idea of universal basic income — that Americans should receive $1,000 each month from the government. The proposal was not so much panned as it was ignored, with many in the political class refusing to entertain such a radical notion during the Democratic presidential primary. All the while, Yang built a cult following with his case that a “Freedom Dividend,” as he called it, was the only way to protect millions of individuals, as well as the broader economy, from fiscal ruin in the face of spiraling unemployment due to advances in automated technology.

    That particular day of reckoning has yet to arrive. But an equally dire set of circumstances — playing out in a more compressed time frame — is set to vindicate Yang’s argument for putting cash straight into the pockets of millions of Americans.

    In response to the economic threat posed by the spread of COVID-19, the highly contagious virus that has emptied out hundreds of thousands of schools and businesses virtually overnight, the Trump administration on Tuesday announced its intention to mail checks to Americans as quickly as possible. Consensus has formed at warp speed that this is the most effective way to help suddenly cash-strapped people pay their bills and keep the economy afloat. The specifics remain unclear, but Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he was conferring with members of Congress, and that the amount of money could exceed the $1,000 being floated on Capitol Hill.

    All of which put Yang at the center of attention. “My phone is blowing up,” he tweeted shortly after the White House briefing, an observation that has won 56,000 likes and counting. For all the congratulatory notes, however, Yang is deeply unsettled about the current crisis, no matter the role it might play in advancing his signature issue. “This whole thing is so fucked up,” he said.

    I spoke with Yang on Tuesday afternoon about the administration’s response to COVID-19, his sudden re-emergence into the spotlight, and why he now expects a debate about universal basic income this November. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

    Read the rest here...

    Republicans Adopt Andrew Yang’s Cause. He Isn’t Celebrating. - POLITICO

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    #YangWasRight Trends As Trump Eyes Giving Americans Checks to Mitigate Coronavirus Economic Impact


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