1. #8776
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    they should focus on what matters, not reporting noises and farts made by Trump
    When Trump tweets that Obama is bad guy who had his phones tapped, that's news and deserves attention. His lies deserve being exposed.

  2. #8777
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    they should focus on what matters, not reporting noises and farts made by Trump
    When Trump tweets that Obama is bad guy who had his phones tapped, that's news and deserves attention. His lies deserve being exposed.
    and that's exactly where you are wrong,

    you are smelling his farts and make a big story about it, while instead it should be ignored

  3. #8778
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    you are smelling his farts and make a big story about it, while instead it should be ignored
    No, that's where you're wrong. He is the president and does not conduct himself like one and he will continue to be judged for sullying the office and the people he represents with his disgusting behavior. I'm sure you would like it to all go away so he can just do any fuking thing he wants but it ain't going to happen.
    This post has not been authorized by the TeakDoor censorship committee.

  4. #8779
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    He is the president and does not conduct himself like one and he will continue to be judged for sullying the office and the people he represents with his disgusting behavior.
    the people wanted a pig in the WH, and they got one. It's hardly newsworthy. At least he is transparent. How many US presidents were bigger pigs but were hiding it ? quite a few, if you read history books on US presidency by academics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    I'm sure you would like it to all go away so he can just do any fuking thing he wants but it ain't going to happen.
    he will do as he wants anyhow, so how will that change if he stops twitting ? but there is a system, and the state run by itself, so at the end, he can make noises but hardly do anything worthwhile. A bit like Obama, but more vulgar.

  5. #8780
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    No, that's where you're wrong.
    and the more attention you give to his farts, the more farts he will make. Ignore his twitting noises and eventually he will grow tired of it when nobody pay attention to it.

    His greatest weakness, his attention span, so that should be used instead.

  6. #8781
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    19-06-2024 @ 09:25 PM
    I wonder if Trump is smart enough to regret calling the NY Times, the Washington Post and CNN fake news sources, repeatedly.

  7. #8782
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    No, that's where you're wrong.
    and the more attention you give to his farts, the more farts he will make. Ignore his twitting noises and eventually he will grow tired of it when nobody pay attention to it.

    His greatest weakness, his attention span, so that should be used instead.

    old farts' farts inspired by attention to farts - political scene becoming fartsical

    think you're right - leave him "alone" for a while and the farts frequency may go down

  8. #8783
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    This is going to be really interesting.
    Idiot in chief takes a tour.
    Reluctant traveler Trump takes off on trip fraught with diplomatic dangers
    No presidential overseas trip in modern history has been such a high-wire act with such a threadbare safety net as Donald Trump’s tour of the Middle East and Europe.

    The president is capable of causing chaos on home territory with an early morning tweet. Abroad, the potential for unforeseen consequences from offhand remarks increases exponentially. There are so many more people to alienate, so many more conflicts to inflame.

    Trump arrived in Riyadh weighed down with the baggage of a special counsel investigation that threatens the legitimacy, maybe the survival, of his presidency. There has been no let-up in daily press revelations, amid alleged links between his campaign aides and Russia and their cover-up, since he left Washington. Thousands of miles away, the president will be all the more powerless to intervene. Comparisons are being made of a trip to Saudi Arabia that Richard Nixon made in 1974, when the Watergate vice was tightening in Washington.

    “He is going at a time when everyone is focused on the investigation,” said Charles Kupchan, a senior official in the Obama National Security Council. “There is a clear risk it will be hard for the policy relevance of the trip to get through. I can imagine that many of the press conferences will focus on domestic issues.”

    A former official who has been acting as a go-between for the White House and some Arab capitals said: “In Riyadh they think they are going to have these meetings and the US will come with all these worked-out positions. I told them they’re crazy.

    “There is no one home to make foreign policy. There is no foreign policy. They are obsessed with the ‘deep state’ they think is out to get them.”

    Even before Trump left Washington, controversies erupted over the trip. The Sudanese leader, Omar al-Bashir, wanted for war crimes by the international criminal court, whose government is listed by the US as a state sponsor of terrorism, is threatening to turn up at a summit of Islamic leaders in Riyadh on Sunday, contrary to Saudi assurances. An encounter could put Trump and the administration, which has called for Bashir to be barred from travel, in an awkward position.

    Trump may do the same to himself with his ambitious plan to deliver a speech about Islam to a room full of Muslim leaders, clerics and scholars, having spent much of the first months of his presidency trying to stop people from Muslim countries coming to the US. Stephen Miller, one of the architects and promoters of the travel ban, is reported to have written the Riyadh address.

    The president is also expected to promote the idea of an “Arab Nato”, a coalition of Sunni states to stand up to Iran and Isis, that has long been a notion on paper. However, there is nothing theoretical about the $100bn in US arms sales to Saudi Arabia the president is due to announce on the visit, regardless of mass civilian casualties caused by Saudi-led bombing in Yemen.

    The next stop is Jerusalem on Monday, after what is billed as the first direct flight from Saudi Arabia to Israel. This leg of the journey is also mired in embarrassment before Trump touches down. Trump is said to have given away a top-secret intelligence tip about Isis bomb plots to Russian officials when the visited the White House last week. The intelligence is said to have come from Mossad (though some observers believe the real origin was Jordanian intelligence), much to the chagrin of the Israeli security establishment.

    There is no foreign policy. They are obsessed with the ‘deep state’ they think is out to get them
    Anonymous former official
    A planned spectacle of a presidential speech atop the ancient Jewish fort at Masada has been cancelled at short notice, reportedly because Trump was not allowed to land his helicopter on the ruins and refused to take the cable-car up like everyone else. Also there is unease in Israel at reports the president will only spend 15 minutes at Yad Vashem, an undignified, whistlestop drive-by at the Holocaust memorial.

    A radical and potentially explosive plan to announce the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has been shelved, out of concern it could be the catalyst for unrest. But Trump could change his mind on a whim. The US diplomatic corps and the region is braced.

    There is also apprehension in Brussels, where the entourage arrives on Wednesday after a few hours in the Vatican to complete the tour of major religions. Nato officials there are reported in Foreign Policy to be scrambling to “Trump proof” meetings with allies, telling heads of state to limit remarks to less than four minutes and to avoid a concluding statement, for fear the US president might not agree.

    While in Brussels, Trump will have his first meeting with the new French president, Emmanuel Macron, on Thursday – having openly advertised his preference for Macron’s defeated far-right rival, Marine Le Pen.

    Before he can return to the US, Trump will make a final stop for a G7 summit in Sicily. None of the stops on his tour has a Trump Hotel. For someone who does not like spending nights away from home, in beds he does not own, that is a gruelling nine-day itinerary.
    Poor baby Trump He really is a fucking 'tard.

    Trump is reported to be dreading the trip and to have inquired unsuccessfully if it could be shortened. He is a reluctant globe-trotter. Given the experience so far of the National Security Council and the state department, he is unlikely to read briefing notes longer than a page.

    That would require a drastically concise version of the 100-page briefing binders that NSC staffers normally bring around. Distracted by the Russia investigation, Trump is said to be merely skimming his advance reading.

    There were even some reports over the course of the week that senior NSC directors had not been invited along. That was denied by the White House but as of Wednesday at least the newly appointed senior director for Europe and Russia and deputy assistant to the president, Fiona Hill, was not due to accompany Trump.

    “If they don’t take NSC directors and senior directors they will live to regret,” said Julianne Smith, who was deputy national security adviser to Vice-president Joe Biden. “When you are dealing with multiple countries, and multiple egos, it’s like three-dimension chess.

    “What seems straightforward at the outset can throw up unexpected complications. There is always a crisis.”

    I'm quite looking forward to seeing what a fuckup he makes of the whole thing.
    Last edited by Cujo; 20-05-2017 at 11:17 PM.
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  9. #8784
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    Brillaint stuff,

    Donald Trump lands in Saudi Arabia for 'big foreign trip' | Daily Mail Online

    The Donald and Melania blow away the Saudis...


  10. #8785
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ...and bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.

  11. #8786
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    ...and bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.

    And he also criticised Michelle for not wearing a head scarf. Melania and Ivanka not wearing one is OK though.

  12. #8787
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    Palace Far from Worries

    Trump exits the plane @ 4 min
    The Saudi King actually come to the plane
    Hands shakes all round ... no bowing that I could see.

    He does bow later, but to just receive a gold medal,
    the country's highest civilian honour, by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

    He doesn't appear till just after the one minute mark.
    Shuffling along at 2.45
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  13. #8788
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    The Donald is prepared to put himself through this, when he could be playing golf , in order to get trade deals and jobs for Americans,

  14. #8789
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.
    Bowing is still better than holding hands like little girls...IMO

  15. #8790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    ...and bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.

    Show the vid, then.

  16. #8791
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Pizza View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    ...and bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.

    Show the vid, then.
    Moot. He SHOULD bow his head to a king, like Obama did.
    Classless trailer trash from Queens.

  17. #8792
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    Hope they didn't break his hair when they put the medal on.

  18. #8793
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    DEC. 13, 2016:
    The United States Just Canceled an Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia
    The Obama administration has canceled an arms deal with Saudi Arabia amid growing concerns about the high civilian death toll from the kingdom's air campaign in Yemen. "We continue to have concerns about the conflict in Yemen and how it has been waged, most especially the air campaign," a State Department official told Mother Jones in an email. The blocked sale reportedly involves precision-guided munitions built by the American defense contractor Raytheon.

    Saudi Arabia has been repeatedly criticized for committing potential war crimes in its war against the Houthi rebels who ousted the Saudi-backed government of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi in January 2015. Throughout the nearly two-year-long conflict, the Saudis have used American and British weapons, including banned cluster bombs. The United States has also provided refueling missions and intelligence. Saudi airstrikes have hit weddings, funerals, hospitals, schools, markets, and places of worship, killing hundreds of civilians.

    Updated: May 20, 2017
    US Strikes Arms Deals Worth 110 Billion Dollars With Saudi Arabia

    RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA: Washington has agreed arms deals with Saudi Arabia worth almost $110 billion, a White House official said Saturday, the first day of President Donald Trump's visit to the traditional US ally.

    "This package of defence equipment and services support the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of Iranian threats," the official said.

    It will also bolster the kingdom's "ability to contribute to counter-terrorism operations across the region, reducing the burden on the US military to conduct those operations," the official added.

    (It's wonderful - marvelous - how the politics can be flexible, Surely for the wellbeing of the people)

  19. #8794
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Hope they didn't break his hair when they put the medal on.
    He probably has a spare.

  20. #8795
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    ^^ Obama cancelled that arms deal because he was smart enough not to want to further destabilize the region with what now will be an inevitable arms race between SA and Iran.

  21. #8796
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Hope they didn't break his hair when they put the medal on.
    The king probably said "Fuck me, you're as bald as a coot, you should dye that orange as well you fat c u n t".

    Or words to that effect.

    Last edited by harrybarracuda; 21-05-2017 at 11:53 AM.

  22. #8797
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    Trump: The Cult and Cover-Up

    "These are, it seems to me, the two unstoppable narratives grinding our politics to a halt. The status quo in Washington — an unhinged, unfit, mentally disturbed narcissist as POTUS fast losing any faint credibility with even his own staffers — is utterly unsustainable. In a serious crisis, more than half the country won’t believe a word the president says. The White House is barely functioning; legislation is completely stalled; next week’s trip abroad will have everyone watching from behind a couch; the FBI and CIA are reeling; there’s almost no one in the State Department; no presidential due diligence is applied to military actions; the president only reads memos when his name is mentioned in them; a not-too-smart and apparently mute 35-year-old son-in-law is supposed to solve every problem in the country and world; and the press secretary is hiding in the bushes. No one has any confidence that the president couldn’t throw us into a war or a constitutional crisis at a moment’s notice. Nothing this scary has happened in my lifetime.

    And yet around 35 percent of the country still somehow views every single catastrophe Trump perpetrates on America and the world as either a roaring triumph or a huge middle finger to the elites, and therefore fine. For them, everything is sustainable. When Republicans can shrug off giving top-secret Israeli intelligence to the Russians, there is nothing they cannot shrug off. We are not talking about support for various policies here. We are talking about the kind of following a cult leader has. In poll after poll, around 80 percent of Republicans still approve of the job Trump is doing. Still. That’s why the GOP leadership, even as their agenda evaporates, are leery of taking Trump on. His hold on their own voters is tighter than theirs is. It’s tighter than Nixon’s because Trump has built a reactionary movement from the ground up and taken over an entire party. He can communicate with them in ways no other Republican can. And there is no way on earth he is ever going to go quietly, if he agrees to go at all".

    Open link to read entire article.

  23. #8798
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    bowed to King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The same gesture that he mocked Obama for.
    Bowing is still better than holding hands like little girls...IMO

    or giving a big wet kiss

    bush kiss saudi prince - Recherche Google

  24. #8799
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    The Donald and Melania smoked them Riyahd..

    Trump in Saudi Arabia - POLITICO

  25. #8800
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    I see Kushner and Rinse Penis were there plotting behind the scenes...

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