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  1. #39
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    Looks like it’ll be a long 4 years for the apologists

    A 100 day ,....


    73,648,797 voters didn’t vote for trump. They might have seen something in him they didn’t like,……

    But 62,979,616 (46.1%) voters fell for it

    So what has trump accomplished during the first 100 days?

    Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act? (nope)

    End the Offshoring Act? (nope)

    American Energy and Infrastructure Act? (nope)

    School Choice and Education Opportunity Act? (nope)

    Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act? (nope)

    Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act? (nope)

    End Illegal Immigration Act? (nope)

    Restoring Community Safety Act? (nope)

    Restoring National Security Act? (nope)

    Clean Up Corruption in Washington Act? (nope)

    Nada. trump is off to a wonderful start with a republican house and senate.

    Because of the above (lack of any accomplishments) Trump has signed some executive orders which should help our children’s future (clean air/water - greenhouse gas emissions - fuel standards – etc.). Something to look forward to?

    On jobs,.trump said he would create 25 million jobs in 10 years (208,333 jobs per month). Some might say these employment numbers should be credited to Obama, but trump is claiming that he is behind the good reports. Let’s go with that and see where trump stands on what he told his supporters (chumps) and reality.

    Reality: He's off track

    , trump promised? No. Mexico will not be paying for it. Trump wants Americans to foot the bill.

    However, Trump did get his supreme court nominee in through the back door. A bit of an embarrassing way to get it done, but he/his supporters can say they have a win.

    The majority of American voters were correct. They/we did not want trump.

    Trump will be the biggest popular vote loser in raw numbers ever to reach the White House.

    Final numbers:

    Voted for Trump – 62,979,616 (46.1%)
    Didn’t vote for Trump – 73,648,797

    What the majority of American voters wanted. Not Donald Trump


    Voted for Obama – 65,915,795 (51.19%)
    Didn’t vote for Obama – 62,852,299

    Voted for Obama – 69,498,516 (52.93%)
    Didn’t vote for Obama – 61,815,304

    Electoral College count:

    Donald Trump, 304 | Hillary Clinton, 227 | Other, 7 (Three voted for Colin Powell and one vote each for Faith Spotted Eagle, Ron Paul, John Kasich and Bernie Sanders.)

    Trump's Victory Ranks 46 of 58 in Electoral College Share

    1792 George Washington 100%
    1789 George Washington 100%
    1820 James Monroe 99.57%
    1936 Franklin D. Roosevelt 98.49%
    1984 Ronald Reagan 97.58%
    1972 Richard Nixon 96.65%
    1804 Thomas Jefferson 92.05%
    1864 Abraham Lincoln 90.99%
    1980 Ronald Reagan 90.89%
    1964 Lyndon B. Johnson 90.33%
    1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 88.89%
    1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower 86.06%
    1852 Franklin Pierce 85.81%
    1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt 84.56%
    1816 James Monroe 84.33%
    1928 Herbert Hoover 83.62%
    1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower 83.24%
    1872 Ulysses S. Grant 81.95%
    1912 Woodrow Wilson 81.92%
    1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt 81.36%
    1840 William Henry Harrison 79.59%
    1988 George H. W. Bush 79.18%
    1832 Andrew Jackson 76.57%
    1920 Warren G. Harding 76.08%
    1868 Ulysses S. Grant 72.79%
    1924 Calvin Coolidge 71.94%
    1904 Theodore Roosevelt 70.59%
    1996 Bill Clinton 70.45%
    1808 James Madison 69.71%
    1992 Bill Clinton 68.77%
    1828 Andrew Jackson 68.20%
    2008 Barack Obama 67.84%
    1908 William Howard Taft 66.46%
    1900 William McKinley 65.32%
    1892 Grover Cleveland 62.39%
    1844 James K. Polk 61.82%
    2012 Barack Obama 61.71%
    1896 William McKinley 60.63%
    1860 Abraham Lincoln 59.41%
    1812 James Madison 58.99%
    1856 James Buchanan 58.78%
    1888 Benjamin Harrison 58.10%
    1880 James A. Garfield 57.99%
    1836 Martin Van Buren 57.82%
    1948 Harry S. Truman 57.06%
    2016 Donald Trump 56.51%
    1960 John F. Kennedy 56.42%
    1848 Zachary Taylor 56.21%
    1968 Richard Nixon 55.95%
    1976 Jimmy Carter 55.20%
    1884 Grover Cleveland 54.61%
    2004 George W. Bush 53.16%
    1800 Thomas Jefferson 52.90% (tie with Burr, went to House)
    1916 Woodrow Wilson 52.17%
    1796 John Adams 51.45%
    2000 George W. Bush 50.37%
    1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 50.14%
    1824 John Quincy Adams 32.18% (draw, went to House)

    How many times was a president elected who did not win the popular vote?

    John Quincy Adams - Jackson received 38,000 more popular votes
    Rutherford B. Hayes - Samuel J. Tilden received 250,000 more popular votes
    Benjamin Harrison - Grover Cleveland received 90,000 more popular votes
    George W. Bush - Al Gore received 540,000 more popular votes
    Donald Trump - Hillary Clinton received 2,864,978 more popular votes

    Donald J. Trump - In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote,…..

    Last edited by S Landreth; 30-04-2017 at 03:21 AM.
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