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  1. #26

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    21-06-2013 @ 08:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Shagnastier
    Ok guys, just my own interpretations, but for me racism has a negative conatation. If you're a racist you look down on other races for no logical reason. Stereotyping for me is saying "French people love stinky cheese" "Germans make exceptional cars" "Italians make exceptional guns" "Indians tend to be above average at computer programming and mathematics" "Thai's are very laid back people"
    Thanks Albert, that's better, and very well put. Up to a point.

    You talk logic. OK, here's my first visit to Nigeria.

    Landed in Lagos and got taken to the oil companies guest house. Was supposed to go straight to a national airport to catch a Dash 7 to Escravos but instead we were locked in the guest house and told not to go near the balconies as Lagos was rioting. We could hear shooting during the 3 days lockdown and the smell of fire was in the air. Still never found out why they rioted.

    On the first night, one of the Nigerian room boys let in 2 of his friends through the backdoor. Us 'whites' were in the living room having a drink and playing cards whilst these lads ransacked our rooms and they and the room boy disappeared before we noticed. The maid told us what happened but was too scared of reprisals to have warned us.

    We finally get to Escravos to find chopper flights delayed. The tribe across the river in Warri had attacked some of the Escravos tribe the night before. Young Escravos guys had woke up the French pilots to take them in the air so they could shoot down at the attackers. This was refused and one of the French pilots was beaten so badly he went to hospital.

    Offshore finally to be told the rig would have to move immediatley as an overzealous tool pusher had fired two Nigerians for smoking Kif (similar to weed). Now if you fire a Nigerian you still have to pay a huge sum to him and the toolpusher and rig manager said no. they were given the heads up that next day there would be canoes coming out to board the rig (God knows what would have happened then).

    So, when i meet Nigerians, would it not be logical for me (in self preservation if nothing else) to think "Fucking black Nigerian, theiving, viscous cVnt!" and be very wary of him and all the rest of them?

    Dave B

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    Absolutely valid opinion in my mind, another desperate shit hole where corruption is rife a law and order does not Apply.

  3. #28
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    06-06-2017 @ 03:52 PM
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    Broadly agree with both Davis and Looper, but I'm not sure that experience is the only factor. I think we probably have an evolutionary pre-disposition to be more trusting of people who resemble ourselves physically, because we evolved in small groups when there was a high probability of most of the people around us being relatives who could be more-or-less trusted to be on our side. We probably distrusted 'outsiders' from other clans and villages, because we were unlikely to be related. I think that this probably still plays a part in feelings that we don't quite trust people who are different from us, because of skin tone, dress, language, food preferences, manners, etc.

    I'm not suggesting that these feelings trump everything else, or that we can't overcome these prejudices if we want. But I still think they're part of our evolutionary background, and probably always will be.
    The sleep of reason brings forth monsters.

  4. #29
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    12-11-2017 @ 11:33 AM
    You could say I was raised to be anti-racist. My dad took busloads of his union "brothers" to Washington DC from Hamilton Ontario to take part in civil rights marches when I was just a kid. He was always explaining the problems with American racism to me, along with the differences between Republicans and Democrats, as well as getting me to listen to bits of speeches by Tommy Douglas, the then-leader of the NDP.

    He told me about segregated water fountains and restaurants and buses and hotels. He more or less taught me that racism was a great and destructive social evil. I always assumed that these institutions were expressions of many individuals' personal racist feelings, and not vice versa. I don't blame society as something separate from the people who make it up.

    As a "workin' man', and a liberal trade union socialist, my dad put a lot of stress on the notion that whether rich or poor, smart or dumb, educated or not, all men were of equal worth and should have equal rights. A few times when he was well into the beer he would end a particular peroration with "and don't you ever forget, Mao, you're as good as any man, and never let anyone tell you different." I've tended to take that as a fundamental principle applying to all humans... even assholes.

    Besides the strong ethical/political element in this anti-racist upbringing, there was the "asshole factor", more of an aesthetic category.

    My dad had a lot of ways of dividing the world up into groups, but the one that has stayed with me is the essential division of humanity into people who are assholes and people who are not. Racists, of course, are almost always assholes.

    My mom was one of those sniffy bitches who'd come home after a day out on the trolly buses shopping and start in on the Eye-talians and the Dee Pees and garlic-reeky rude-ass foreigners in general she'd had to put up with on the bus or in the store. Occasionally my dad would point out that Mr Spoladore down the street had helped her when ______ and that the Hungarian couple who hardly spoke English were always giving us things out of their garden; occasionally he'd get pissed off and tell her just to shut up about her problems with foreigners; mostly he just ignored her. As I did. But by the time I was 12 or 13 I knew who the asshole was in our family, regardless of who the angry drunk was.

    I had Chinese friends in public school and Japanese friends in high school. About the only time I ever deliberately chased someone and kicked the shit out of them it was Dave Lupal after yet another one of his stupid jokes about chinks that included stretching his eyes and sticking his teeth out.

    Dave was not a smart fellow. He was also, I realized a couple years after I issued the beating, a small person, physically as well as every other way. Sort of the epitome of an asshole.

    I have prejudices. I don't much care for the dumb when they are loud with it and have no idea that they are stupid. Short people have often revealed insecurities and resentments that make them boring to be around. And the fat have no excuse. Bad taste in clothes, bad breath, body odor: people like this can really annoy me. Socks and sandals. People who say "Good for you" when you get back from a long backpack in the Rockies or the Himalaya. What the fuck do they mean?

    But when it comes right down to it, I judge individuals. There really are a lot of assholes in the world, but they definitely come in all shades and cultures.

    I have no problem recognizing that in many ways I believe that liberal-individualism and secular free thinking scepticism are the best features of any culture I have ever come in contact with and that most of the world's cultures do not subscribe. But strangely enough, I've found that there are other things, things I can't really name (though I do think a certain degree of interpersonal distance and respect are the main elements in other cultures that can easily make up for the lack of the other things), that have allowed me to like and respect and befriend people from many very different cultures. I've also found that many members of my culture may think they share those characteristics but then a lot of people call themselves middle-class cuz they have a flat-screen TV and a laptop.

    Do some cultures tend to produce assholes at higher rates than others? It would appear so, but I've met so many from my own culture that I never assume the culture or the "race" is at fault.

    I always just blame the asshole.

  5. #30
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    29-06-2020 @ 09:33 PM
    Bunthrik Ubon
    Are people really racist or are they tribal. Think it was was posted, may be not.
    They did a controlled test in that most racist city of Sydney Australia. They got people to attempt to board a bus, saying the had lost their ticket, some where white, some where of Indian or Pakistan appearance, some where of oriental appearance, some black .
    Now here's the rub, they all wore different cloths, some where dressed as street hoods, some dressed as business man and others wore military type uniforms.
    From memory no one wearing a military type uniform was not allowed to get on the bus for free. It made no difference as to the color of the driver or the color of the alleged soldier. It then went down to people in business suits, then the hoody set. The most lenient drives were white. The study I believe found that the racism part was minimal. The part that counted most to the bus drivers was are we of the same tribe, IE working, defending the right etc not the color of their skin. Jim

  6. #31
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    03-08-2015 @ 10:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    I'm racist , I see race and think different races have different qualities , myself I like the European race as it's the most intelligent , beautiful, creative, artistic etc.
    But while I think this race has the right to defend it's self from other races invading our land and lowering us to thier level.
    I disagree with the OP that being better gives us a right to invade others, that's fascism, called social darwinism - and to be avoided ,even if it means the conquered peoples are better off eg Africans under the British Empire.

    I like your post very much.
    However, i do believe in 'Social Darwinism'. I believe it's humanities best way forward.

    Dave B
    You are pretty confused, mate. In today's context, racism and Social Darwinism are almost diametrically opposed. In short, a rich Nigerian has a greater right to live and reproduce than you. I suggest you give it some serious thoughts where your priorities are.

  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Although I am not certain I would term it 'racist' in all cases, I think that we are all prejudiced to one degree or another, mostly based on our life experiences. .... If I am walking down a city street in the US, my reaction to a group of blacks in military uniforms, and to a group of blacks in gang-banger garb will be quite different. I think it is so for most people; you learn from experience. ....
    I dont think thats racism - I am white, and when I see some white skinheads I cross the street to avoid them.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    If I find the black person is from Ghana, Gabon, republic of Congo then I’m more inclined to chat to the fella or lady and maybe even get on with them. However if they are from Nigeria or Angola then not a chance.

    I've never bothered to sort out Negroes. I walk away from them all. As we often say in Europe, "You can put a suit on a nigger, but you'll still have a nigger in that suit."

    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    Funnily enough, the only really nice middle east people I met and never ever had a problem with (well except for the idiot police but that was expected) were the Iranians.

    This is a point I will never tire to bring across as well: Iranians are actually very decent people! (at least compared to other brands of ragheads). Anyone who has met some of them in Thailand can acknowledge this fact.

    BTW Iranians are Persians, heirs of a millenia-old civilization, they're not Arabs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    I generally like Thais, Cambodians, Lao and Filipinos. I generally find the females to be much more useful than the males.
    Yeah, me too.
    Last edited by MongersSyndicate; 27-05-2013 at 05:08 AM.
    “The subject of Thailand is an anathema to Western womanhood. Mention of the T-word evokes almost violent reactions amongst most Western women, who understandably hate the thought of Thailand as it represents an alternative to their control."

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  9. #34
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi
    a member of a religious group walks into a crowed market and detonates 10kgs of semtex strapped to his chest ,killing not only himself but 57 innocent people and wounding 97 others ,would you say that the perpetrator was a white Jehovah,s witness from Cambridge? , A white Mormon from salt lake city in Utah? , a White Co Of E from Hull in Yorkshire? or an Afghan muslim from Kabul in Afghanistan ?
    That would depend on when you asked the question, to whom, and where. If you had asked a while fellow in late world war two, he would have likely answered a Jap. Now, he would likely answer a Moslem. If you had asked an Indian on the late 1980's, he would likely answer a Tamil.

    To counter the superior numbers of the Chola empire's army in the 11th century AD, suicide squads were raised by the Indian Chera rulers. This helped the Cheras to resist Chola invasion and maintain the independence of their kingdom from the time of Kulothunga Chola I. These warriors were known as the "chavers".[7] Later, these suicide squads rendered service as police, volunteer troop and fighting squads in the region. Now their primary duty was to assist local rulers in battles and skirmishes. The rulers of the state of Valluvanad are known to have deployed a number of suicide squads against the ruler of Calicut.
    In the late 17th century Qing official Yu Yonghe recorded that injured Dutch soldiers fighting against Koxinga's forces for control of Taiwan in 1661 would use gunpowder to blow up both themselves and their opponents rather than be taken prisoner.[8] However, the Chinese observer may have confused such suicidal tactics with the standard Dutch military practice of undermining and blowing up positions recently overrun by the enemy which almost cost Koxinga his life during the siege.[9]
    During the Belgian Revolution, on February 5, 1831, Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent its capture by the Belgians.
    Another example was the Prussian soldier Karl Klinke on 18 April 1864 at the Battle of Dybbøl, who died blowing a hole in a Danish fortification.
    In the 18th century, John Paul Jones wrote about Ottoman sailors setting their own ships on fire and ramming the ships of their enemies, while refusing to leave their vessels, although they knew this meant certain death for them.
    Modern suicide bombing as a political tool can be traced back to the assassination of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881. Alexander fell victim to a Nihilist plot. While driving on one of the central streets of Saint Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of hand-made grenades and died a few hours afterwards. The Tsar was killed by a member of Narodnaya Volya, Ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died while intentionally exploding the bomb during the attack.
    Andrew Kehoe detonated explosives in his car to end the Bath School disaster.
    Rudolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff intended to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb in 1943, but was unable to complete the attack.[10]
    During the Battle for Berlin the Luftwaffe flew Selbstopfereinsatz against Soviet bridges over the Oder River. These missions were flown by pilots of the Leonidas Squadron under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Heiner Lange. From 17 April until 20 April 1945, using any aircraft that were available, the Luftwaffe claimed that the squadron destroyed 17 bridges. However the military historian Antony Beevor when writing about the incident thinks that this was exaggerated and that only the railway bridge at Küstrin was definitely destroyed. He comments that "thirty-five pilots and aircraft was a high price to pay for such a limited and temporary success". The missions were called off when the Soviet ground forces reached the vicinity of the squadron's airbase at Jüterbog.[11]
    Following World War II, Viet Minh "death volunteers" fought against the French Colonial Forces by using a long stick-like explosive to destroy French tanks.
    An Arab Christian military officer from Syria, Jules Jammal, used a suicide bomb attack to bring down a French ship during the Suez Crisis in 1956.[12][dubious – discuss]
    The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) used proxy suicide bombers in a series of attacks in 1990s. These consisted of civilian employees of the British army or other government organisations being captured and forced to drive explosive-laden vehicles into army checkpoints or government establishments. In the most lethal incident, five British soldiers and a civilian employee of the British military were killed when the employee (a cook) was forced to drive a 1,000lb bomb into a checkpoint in Derry. The IRA quickly ceased using the practice as many of their supporters were outraged over the use of such tactics.

    Suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I'm a bit bemused really at the inordinate amount of attention paid to suicide bombing- I mean, if that 10kg of semtex where in a bag loaded with shrapnel, it would cause a lot more death & destruction than strapped to a torso, which absorbs a good deal of the blast. I suppose it is the sheer fanaticism involved- but the victims of suicide bombings are a fraction of those killed by IED's in general. Not to mention military bombing, mining etc. I cannot think of any examples of suicide bombings carried out on behalf of superior military forces- it is generally the preserve of those fighting much greater conventional military strength.
    You only had 4 choices and you had to pick one of them, remember?

  10. #35

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    03-06-2014 @ 09:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    I'm racist , I see race and think different races have different qualities , myself I like the European race as it's the most intelligent , beautiful, creative, artistic etc.
    But while I think this race has the right to defend it's self from other races invading our land and lowering us to thier level.
    I disagree with the OP that being better gives us a right to invade others, that's fascism, called social darwinism - and to be avoided ,even if it means the conquered peoples are better off eg Africans under the British Empire.

    I like your post very much.
    However, i do believe in 'Social Darwinism'. I believe it's humanities best way forward.

    Dave B
    In a parallel world, what if Darwin was of an Asian or African ethnicity?
    His ingrained theories and thought being contradictory to the expected European model of evolving and invented inferior/superior factors.

    Might we find things different?

  11. #36
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    My inclinations are strongly anti- racist and sympathetic to minorities, but i believe that political correctness on the subject is gone completely overboard to the level of madness. Here's two examples from the UK:

    ( 1 ) In 2001, the Gloucestershire police set up "Operation Napkin ". Senior police officers were sent to ethnic restaurants to eat four course dinners and listen out for "racist hate speech " As a result of this "important" use of Police time and financial resources one arrest was made, but no charges brought.

    BBC News | UK | Police diners catch out racists

    (2 ) After an unblemished career of over 40 years Nurse Pat Botrill, was dismissed just because she referred ( merely in passing conversation ) to Agatha Christie's play by its original title , Ten Little Niggers The newly arrived black American general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, Beverly Malone, described her removal as a "personal sacrifice" for the good of the RCN.

    Innocent remark that cost top nurse her job | Mail Online
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  12. #37
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Not gonna believe this but it appears everything these days is RACIST!

    Check out the latest evil racist - Dr. Who.

    Through all his incarnations, Doctor Who has fought selflessly to ensure the survival of all manner of life forms across the Universe.
    But now an international group of academics has branded the heroic Time Lord ‘thunderingly racist’.

    The Doctor’s new foes claim that his dismissive attitude towards black companions, his contempt for ‘primitive’ people, and even his passion for cricket are all proof of a reactionary ‘whiteness’ pervading his adventures.
    Their concerns are published in a new book, Doctor Who And Race, which says the BBC programme is based in attitudes ‘that continue to subjugate people of colour’.

    But fans dismiss such criticisms as ‘groundless’ and ‘ridiculous’.
    One of the more bizarre theories is offered by Amit Gupta, an American professor, who argues that Peter Davison’s cricket-loving incarnation of the character in the Eighties was thinly disguised nostalgia for the British Empire. He wrote: ‘[He] portrayed the amateur English cricketer of the late 19th Century when the game was characterised by both racial and class distinctions.

    ‘Cricket also had a role in maintaining the status of British imperialism through the exercise of soft power as it was successfully inculcated by the colonial elites. Davison’s cricketing Doctor once again saw the BBC using Who to promote a racial and class nostalgia that had already outlived its validity."

    If Everything Is Racist, Then Nothing Is

    The word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  13. #38

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    21-06-2013 @ 08:42 AM
    Well, good morning all.

    We seem to have drifted somewhat off the theme with 2 chaps slugging it ut over (i think) immigration. Never mind.

    On Social Darwinism, i may be wrong in calling my beliefs of the way forward by that name. I shall try and look into it's purer meaning a little later and will adjust what i call it if i have to.

    The chap who quite rightly pointed out that Iranians are Persians and NOT arabs hit the nail on the head. Arabs are just 1 or 2 generations away from shitting in the desert and now some have a bit of money and are now feeling morally and religeously superior to civilisations that have been going for millenia.

    It's the same with those bastard Egyptians. It was pointed out to me that there really are NO Egyptians left (a fair amount of them were black and from Ethiopia and North African countries. These Egyptians, another advanced race, were pushed out and replaced over the centuries by Arabs coming in from the desert.

    I challenge anyone to spend a few years in the middle east and not quickly learn to absolutely detest these people. Again, i'd wipe the slate clean of them and start again. The world would be a better place.

    OK, i'm off to work for the next 12 hours. I'll check in at lunchtime and see where we are at. I liked Mau Say Dung's post, he explained himself and his views a little in them. I can see where he is coming from. However, to simply lable a racist an 'asshole' is just to simplistic i think.

    Take care,

    Dave B

  14. #39

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    03-06-2014 @ 09:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Not gonna believe this but it appears everything these days is RACIST!

    Check out the latest evil racist - Dr. Who.

    Through all his incarnations, Doctor Who has fought selflessly to ensure the survival of all manner of life forms across the Universe.
    But now an international group of academics has branded the heroic Time Lord ‘thunderingly racist’.

    The Doctor’s new foes claim that his dismissive attitude towards black companions, his contempt for ‘primitive’ people, and even his passion for cricket are all proof of a reactionary ‘whiteness’ pervading his adventures.
    Their concerns are published in a new book, Doctor Who And Race, which says the BBC programme is based in attitudes ‘that continue to subjugate people of colour’.

    But fans dismiss such criticisms as ‘groundless’ and ‘ridiculous’.
    One of the more bizarre theories is offered by Amit Gupta, an American professor, who argues that Peter Davison’s cricket-loving incarnation of the character in the Eighties was thinly disguised nostalgia for the British Empire. He wrote: ‘[He] portrayed the amateur English cricketer of the late 19th Century when the game was characterised by both racial and class distinctions.

    ‘Cricket also had a role in maintaining the status of British imperialism through the exercise of soft power as it was successfully inculcated by the colonial elites. Davison’s cricketing Doctor once again saw the BBC using Who to promote a racial and class nostalgia that had already outlived its validity."

    If Everything Is Racist, Then Nothing Is

    The word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
    Interesting find, Booners....

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    I am racist. I form pre-conceived thoughts and ideas whenever I meet or see someone else of colour rather than white before they even open their mouths.

    If I see or meet a black person, then I am instantly on my guard. But mines isn’t a racism about colour it’s about people. If I find the black person is from Ghana, Gabon, republic of Congo then I’m more inclined to chat to the fella or lady and maybe even get on with them. However if they are from Nigeria or Angola then not a chance.
    Bit contradictory there dave. A racist would hate people of a particular colour regardless of other factors - (someones "suit" comment in this thread shows this perfectly).

    Perhaps you should define yourself as an "experience-ist" or a "anti-particular nations-ist", but not a racist.

    As has been noted, we live largely based upon our past experiences - our brain works on automatic most of the time. If we had to sit and process everything, we would be completely immobile - try and think through the actions for any simple activity and you will see how much we run on automatic.

    I remember reading a study once that showed quite elegantly that we actually "see" very little of what goes on around us -our brain fills it in for us - and we operate on that basis - presumably an evolutionary necessity given that by the time we had processed all the information we would be dead:

    - this shape - I am standing here - that thing has four legs - sharp teeth - eats meat - looks like a tige...........

    as opposed to "tiger - run".

    Racism might be our brain filling in the blanks - except that it can be overcome - we CAN re-program ourselves - Nigerians bad, ghanians good or whatever.

    Still, some interesting stuff.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave
    And as for 'whites' taking their land, well, succession by stronger people and races is as old as mankind itself and is perfectly acceptable. Look at the British Empire, the Roman Empire, Ghengis and Khubla Khan, they dominated inferior people. That's how mankind has always worked.
    So in that case, you have no problem with English rule for Scotland ?

    What with the English being stronger, better and smarter than the Celts?

  17. #42
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Anyone used to consider Mother Jones a Racist publication?

    Mother Jones: African Americans are more likely to be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.

    Mother Jones: African Americans are more likely to be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles | Twitchy

    Maybe they're just calling it like it is?

    As said, the word Racist has lost its meaning...

  18. #43

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    21-06-2013 @ 08:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by kingwilly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave
    And as for 'whites' taking their land, well, succession by stronger people and races is as old as mankind itself and is perfectly acceptable. Look at the British Empire, the Roman Empire, Ghengis and Khubla Khan, they dominated inferior people. That's how mankind has always worked.
    So in that case, you have no problem with English rule for Scotland ?

    What with the English being stronger, better and smarter than the Celts?
    Hi kingwilly. I am completely ambivalent about who rules what in the UK. I'm British and I'm European, but i was born in Scotland which is the northern part of the UK. I carry no chip on my shoulder about the English and neither do I get drunk and then stand and sing 'Oh flower of Scotland neither.

    I believe many things in the past between the two countries could have been handled better, but look at the final outcome. Scotland became a nation of inventors, industrialists and world travellers. If the English had let my ancestors alone to just wander the hills and valleys we might still be backward today. But we are not. A stronger nation overtook us and gave Scotland a right good shaking up. There were plenty of terrible events along the way, but we have to look at the outcome.

    I'm not sure where you were going with your comments regarding racism though kingwilly. Perhaps you thought i may have hated the English? No. The actions taken then bettered a nation in the long run. I have no bad feeling about it.

    Dave B

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rural Surin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Not gonna believe this but it appears everything these days is RACIST!

    Check out the latest evil racist - Dr. Who.

    Through all his incarnations, Doctor Who has fought selflessly to ensure the survival of all manner of life forms across the Universe.
    But now an international group of academics has branded the heroic Time Lord ‘thunderingly racist’.

    The Doctor’s new foes claim that his dismissive attitude towards black companions, his contempt for ‘primitive’ people, and even his passion for cricket are all proof of a reactionary ‘whiteness’ pervading his adventures.
    Their concerns are published in a new book, Doctor Who And Race, which says the BBC programme is based in attitudes ‘that continue to subjugate people of colour’.

    But fans dismiss such criticisms as ‘groundless’ and ‘ridiculous’.
    One of the more bizarre theories is offered by Amit Gupta, an American professor, who argues that Peter Davison’s cricket-loving incarnation of the character in the Eighties was thinly disguised nostalgia for the British Empire. He wrote: ‘[He] portrayed the amateur English cricketer of the late 19th Century when the game was characterised by both racial and class distinctions.

    ‘Cricket also had a role in maintaining the status of British imperialism through the exercise of soft power as it was successfully inculcated by the colonial elites. Davison’s cricketing Doctor once again saw the BBC using Who to promote a racial and class nostalgia that had already outlived its validity."

    If Everything Is Racist, Then Nothing Is

    The word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
    Interesting find, Booners....
    The same claim has been made numerous times about Star Trek.
    That's why it went all touchy feely with Capt. Jean Luc Faggot.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Anyone used to consider Mother Jones a Racist publication?

    Mother Jones: African Americans are more likely to be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.

    Mother Jones: African Americans are more likely to be murderers, rapists, and pedophiles | Twitchy

    Maybe they're just calling it like it is?

    As said, the word Racist has lost its meaning...
    This is another one of your trash spam posts. The real mother jones article was titled;

    "GOP Food Stamps Proposal Would Discriminate Against African-Americans"

    You link goes to a far right wing blog that is full of shite. More lies from Booners. You have proven that you are capable of sinking to the lowest of the low to sell your false alternate reality of the world. Pathetic.

  21. #46
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Quote Originally Posted by KEVIN2008
    Senior police officers were sent to ethnic restaurants to eat four course dinners and listen out for "racist hate speech"
    Hats off to thin blue line. It's a tough job!

  22. #47
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rural Surin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Not gonna believe this but it appears everything these days is RACIST!

    Check out the latest evil racist - Dr. Who.

    Through all his incarnations, Doctor Who has fought selflessly to ensure the survival of all manner of life forms across the Universe.
    But now an international group of academics has branded the heroic Time Lord ‘thunderingly racist’.

    The Doctor’s new foes claim that his dismissive attitude towards black companions, his contempt for ‘primitive’ people, and even his passion for cricket are all proof of a reactionary ‘whiteness’ pervading his adventures.
    Their concerns are published in a new book, Doctor Who And Race, which says the BBC programme is based in attitudes ‘that continue to subjugate people of colour’.

    But fans dismiss such criticisms as ‘groundless’ and ‘ridiculous’.
    One of the more bizarre theories is offered by Amit Gupta, an American professor, who argues that Peter Davison’s cricket-loving incarnation of the character in the Eighties was thinly disguised nostalgia for the British Empire. He wrote: ‘[He] portrayed the amateur English cricketer of the late 19th Century when the game was characterised by both racial and class distinctions.

    ‘Cricket also had a role in maintaining the status of British imperialism through the exercise of soft power as it was successfully inculcated by the colonial elites. Davison’s cricketing Doctor once again saw the BBC using Who to promote a racial and class nostalgia that had already outlived its validity."

    If Everything Is Racist, Then Nothing Is

    The word doesn't really mean anything anymore...
    Interesting find, Booners....
    The same claim has been made numerous times about Star Trek.
    That's why it went all touchy feely with Capt. Jean Luc Faggot.
    It's been postulated that the down fall of Western Civilization (at least in the States) came about with the advent of T-Ball. You know, where every kid can hit the ball w/out being made to look like a pussy or lose face. Now, some grade schools around the country have banned "Tag" because it could be interpreted as too 'mean' to ...someone!

    G_D forbid anyone use the word niggardly any longer!

    I blame the litigious and PC environment we live in...

  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by rovingdave View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Shagnastier
    Ok guys, just my own interpretations, but for me racism has a negative conatation. If you're a racist you look down on other races for no logical reason. Stereotyping for me is saying "French people love stinky cheese" "Germans make exceptional cars" "Italians make exceptional guns" "Indians tend to be above average at computer programming and mathematics" "Thai's are very laid back people"
    Thanks Albert, that's better, and very well put. Up to a point.

    You talk logic. OK, here's my first visit to Nigeria.

    Landed in Lagos and got taken to the oil companies guest house. Was supposed to go straight to a national airport to catch a Dash 7 to Escravos but instead we were locked in the guest house and told not to go near the balconies as Lagos was rioting. We could hear shooting during the 3 days lockdown and the smell of fire was in the air. Still never found out why they rioted.

    On the first night, one of the Nigerian room boys let in 2 of his friends through the backdoor. Us 'whites' were in the living room having a drink and playing cards whilst these lads ransacked our rooms and they and the room boy disappeared before we noticed. The maid told us what happened but was too scared of reprisals to have warned us.

    We finally get to Escravos to find chopper flights delayed. The tribe across the river in Warri had attacked some of the Escravos tribe the night before. Young Escravos guys had woke up the French pilots to take them in the air so they could shoot down at the attackers. This was refused and one of the French pilots was beaten so badly he went to hospital.

    Offshore finally to be told the rig would have to move immediatley as an overzealous tool pusher had fired two Nigerians for smoking Kif (similar to weed). Now if you fire a Nigerian you still have to pay a huge sum to him and the toolpusher and rig manager said no. they were given the heads up that next day there would be canoes coming out to board the rig (God knows what would have happened then).

    So, when i meet Nigerians, would it not be logical for me (in self preservation if nothing else) to think "Fucking black Nigerian, theiving, viscous cVnt!" and be very wary of him and all the rest of them?

    Dave B

    I would say that your point of view stems from your experience.

    Personally when I was a kid I used to knock about with a lot of Nigerians in London. While many were on the take via fraud, many of them weren't. One of my best mates is Nigerian and while I haven't seen him for a long time, in the UK he saved my life once and also pulled me out of some of the dark holes I fell into. He, an immigrant like my father is a good bloke. Works for his money, pays his taxes, loves his family, helps the community and is a general all round top bloke.

    Therefore I see Nigerians no differently to my white English mates some of who were honorable and honest chaps and some which were more sneeky and dishonest then gollum.

    I'm not a racist but I do stereotype cultures and people, the PC idea to essentially strip cultural identity and foibles is a load of bollocks.

    In this day and age there is really only good people and bad people and they all come in different shapes and sizes from all over the planet.

    The only fuckers I can't stomach are the likes of hate preachers like Anjem Choudary. I said this (as did many others no doubt - of every creed and colour in the UK) a long time ago. His special messge of hatred, murder and bloody war has only one destination if it is allowed to run it's course.

    The UK needs to stop giving out benefits to scroungers/workshy/lazy people - which it's currently doing and get it's financial train back on the tracks.

    The other thing it needs to do is outlaw hate preaching. full stop.

  24. #49

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    What would be the case of white prejudice towards white?

  25. #50
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Shagnastier
    the PC idea to essentially strip cultural identity and foibles is a load of bollocks.
    There really is no "PC" idea to strip cultural identity. PC is all about reinforcing cultural identity and relabeling "foibles" as "culture" so that things like wife-beating are a terrible crime if a white Englishman does it and culturally acceptable if a black Muslim does it.

    As a liberal, I think "culture" and "law" should have nothing to do with each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Shagnastier
    outlaw hate preaching
    "Hate speech", which many would identify as nothing more than a "PC" nostrum, is already illegal. Quite PC of you, no?

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