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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Mystery New Jersey Drones 'Go Dark' When Spotted: Governor

    New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said the recent drones which have been sighted in the state are "very sophisticated," saying, "the minute you get your eyes on them, they go dark."

    In a Monday press conference, Murphy acknowledged public frustration about the recent surge of mysterious drone sightings but emphasized that authorities have found no evidence of a threat to public safety.

    "The most important point to say is we don't see any concern for public safety," he said, adding that local, state, and federal authorities, including the FBI and Homeland Security, are working together to uncover the drones' origins.

    Murphy disclosed that there were 49 reported sightings on Sunday, predominantly in Hunterdon County, though he noted some reports might overlap. "These are apparently very, as I understand it, very sophisticated. The minute you get eyes on them, they go dark," he said.

    "We're obviously most concerned about sensitive targets and sensitive critical infrastructure," he said. "See, we've got military assets. We've got utility assets. We've got the president-elect, one of his homes here. This is something we're taking deadly seriously."

    Murphy urged residents to report drone sightings to local law enforcement or the FBI, promising transparency: "If we have news, I'll let you know the minute we know something."

    Newsweek has contacted the governor's office via email for comment.

    The sightings, which began last month, have alarmed residents and led to an ongoing FBI investigation.

    Drones have reportedly been spotted near the Picatinny Arsenal, a U.S. military facility, and President-elect Donald Trump's Bedminster golf course. In response, the Federal Aviation Administration temporarily restricted drone flights over these locations.

    The drones, often described as large, brightly lit, and loud, have also been reported over reservoirs, electric transmission lines, and police stations. Some eyewitnesses have said they are the size of small cars.

    A viral video claiming to show a drone crash circulated online, though no official confirmation has emerged.

    Joseph Orlando, Florham Park Police chief, called the drones' presence "nefarious in nature," though authorities maintain there is no imminent threat.

    Unusual phenomena have been linked to the sightings, including a family's report of their car clock changing while a drone hovered overhead.

    Last week, Murphy met with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and other officials, later posting on social media, "we are actively monitoring the situation and in close coordination with our federal and law enforcement partners on this matter. There is no known threat to the public at this time."

    Residents have been asked to report any sightings and to share any videos or photos they may have of the flights by calling the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or submitting it online at [email protected].

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  2. #2
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    a family's report of their car clock changing while a drone hovered overhead
    As time goes by, I can never forget the scene from the movie Close Encounters when the grating unscrews at the child's home in Muncie

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Someone's having a laugh.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    NewsNation Journalist Reports on Seeing Mysterious Drones Over New Jersey Firsthand

    A reporter with NewsNation admits he was sceptical when he first heard reports of mysterious UAVs flying over New Jersey, but says seeing the aircraft up close has “changed the way I feel about this story completely.”

    Local residents have reported dozens of sightings of the strange drones since earlier in November, with some reportedly even observed flying over Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf course.

    At first a little unconvinced by the buzz, NewsNation investigative correspondent Rich McHugh headed down to Red Bank on Friday night to check out some of the reports.

    “I gotta be honest here,” he said in a dispatch from the ground. “When this story first came out a few weeks ago, as a resident of New Jersey, as a journalist, I didn’t pay it much credence.”

    “I thought it would turn out to be a bunch of pranksters and this would all be over by now,” he went on, adding what he in fact witnessed on the night was “more sophisticated than I ever imagined.”

    The channel then played footage, captured by McHugh and his team earlier in the evening, which appeared to show the outline of a large unmanned aircraft with blinking lights attached to its frame.

    McHugh claimed that within just the space of an hour, they’d seen between “40-50 drones” passing overhead, with one of the UAVs buzzing through the night sky in the background as he spoke.

    Speaking with local law enforcement, the reporter was told a police drone had been launched to try and intercept some of the aircrafts, but those efforts had been complicated by the fact that the identified drones don’t appear to give off any heat signature.

    “It’s not something we’ve had our hands on, it’s not something we’ve experienced,” one official said.

    While both Homeland Security and the FBI have released statements assuring the public the bizarre nightly activity does not pose a threat to public safety, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has nevertheless written directly to President Biden asking for a federal investigation into the unexplained phenomenon.

    VIDEO NewsNation’s Rich McHugh Reports After Seeing Mysterious Drones Over New Jersey Firsthand

  5. #5
    Member Molle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    a large unmanned aircraft with blinking lights
    Someone is asking for attention

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    They’ve navigational lights on them, so wouldn’t think the operator would be doing something stealthy. If up to no good, you’d think they would be completely dark.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said the recent drones which have been sighted in the state are "very sophisticated," saying, "the minute you get your eyes on them, they go dark."

    yeah, right.

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