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  1. #101
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  2. #102

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM

    Did one of those Nigerian scammers mail you that Dug ?

  3. #103
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    Just chuck him a bone ffs

    Top Gear 'will not be scrapped' if Clarkson is sacked - Telegraph

    In other news this twat is targeted with a hate campaign but secretly admits it's all much ado about nothing..

  4. #104
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    ^ the twat on the right

  5. #105
    Thailand Expat KEVIN2008's Avatar
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  7. #107
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    Noel Edmonds how i despise that sanctimonious twat.

    His Legacy will be that latex nonsensical ....

  8. #108
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    03-10-2022 @ 11:24 AM
    ^Yeah. Out of all the fucking nonces that got done for sex with kids, I have to admit wanting Operation Yewtree to be knocking on this smug bastard's door first.

  9. #109
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    seems the producer ended up at the hospital after being ko'd by Clarkson.

  10. #110
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    I understand from several reports that Clarkson actually struck Tymon, splitting his lip, and abused him in obscene terms by calling him a " lazy, Irish cvunt ". He apparently attended an A & E (for our septic chums this is the ER of a hospital) where he received treatment and was detained temporarily because of suspected mild concussion.

    If true, Clarkson is deservedly toast and Tymon is in line for a rather tasty settlement.

    Clarkson was clearly pissed and is 6' 4" tall, Tymon is much shorter and has elfin ears.

  11. #111
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Apparently Clarkson had just spent 2 hours in the pub. The other staff had gone to bed but Tymon waited up for him, only to be abused and attacked by Clarkson. Clarkson is an ape and should be caged.

  12. #112
    Lord of Swine
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Apparently Clarkson had just spent 2 hours in the pub. The other staff had gone to bed but Tymon waited up for him, only to be abused and attacked by Clarkson. Clarkson is an ape and should be caged.

    But he is an ape that heads the most popular TV show in the world.

  13. #113
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Apparently Clarkson had just spent 2 hours in the pub. The other staff had gone to bed but Tymon waited up for him, only to be abused and attacked by Clarkson. Clarkson is an ape and should be caged.

    But he is an ape that heads the most popular TV show in the world.
    Amazing that. I don't watch him on the BBC and I wouldn't watch the boring old overgrown schoolboy on any channel to be honest.

    I just think if he assaulted someone he should be up in front of the break like anyone else would be.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Apparently Clarkson had just spent 2 hours in the pub. The other staff had gone to bed but Tymon waited up for him, only to be abused and attacked by Clarkson. Clarkson is an ape and should be caged.

    But he is an ape that heads the most popular TV show in the world.
    Amazing that. I don't watch him on the BBC and I wouldn't watch the boring old overgrown schoolboy on any channel to be honest.

    I just think if he assaulted someone he should be up in front of the break like anyone else would be.

    Oh c'mon, how may Hollywood stars have done far worse. Polanski raped a 13 year old and is still making movies. He didn't murder anyone, he had a drunken tiff and gave the guy a clip. The guy, please note isn't complaining that I have seen, Clarkson was the one who reported it.

    He took a dead concept and turned a small niche regional show into a mega franchise based largely on his irreverent personality.
    It has a worldwide audience of 350 MILLION
    It make BBC 150 MILLION quid a year
    24 Million facebook followers.

    Thy should just call it fiction, stick one of those sexist/racist/occasional violence dislamers on the cover and let him get on with it.

  15. #115
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    ^Agreed 100%

  16. #116
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    Clarkson earns shitloads- but the bloke he asaulted derives his living from the show too. Perhaps there is a synergy there- rather than harm the gravy train, as Clarkson's dismissal would inevitably do, let him pay this fellow Tymon a substantial wedge of reperation from his own bloated pocket. If the law also decides to pursue criminal charges for assault, so be it.

  17. #117
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    I just think if he assaulted someone he should be up in front of the break like anyone else would be.
    public figures can get away with this kind of nonsense.
    a few years ago john prescott, deputy pm at the time, overeacted and punched someone in the mouth, this was out on the street, it was filmed and widely shown on tv. the media made light of it. he didnt lose his job.

    footballers regularly lose control and punch each other, and they dont lose their jobs either.

    the split lipped mick will get some compensation and the arrogant clarkson, who like most overpaid celebrities has become overly self important, insufferable and immune to criticism after years of being surrounded by fawning underlings will continue with his career, probably on another channel with a substantial pay rise. i believe his contract with the bbc ends next month.

    his fall will come at a later date i'm sure and his naysayers will get to enjoy their delayed schadenfreude.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Clarkson earns shitloads- but the bloke he asaulted derives his living from the show too. Perhaps there is a synergy there- rather than harm the gravy train, as Clarkson's dismissal would inevitably do, let him pay this fellow Tymon a substantial wedge of reperation from his own bloated pocket. If the law also decides to pursue criminal charges for assault, so be it.
    No Clarkson=No Money

    He should have cooked the steak...

    How do you define "bloated" ?

  19. #119
    Lord of Swine
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    Here's what I don't understand about how the BBC handles this show.
    It's a scripted show, fiction. No different to a drama or sitcom or movie.
    Those 3 genres get away with blatant racism, sexism, violence, depictions glorifying drugs and alcohol abuse etc all the time, often they are based on it. 50 shades of sado-masochism.

    What are his warnings for to date?
    Saying there is a slope on a crooked bridge and saying "nigger" in the context of a well known and published nursery rhyme which was never meant to air. I'm sure you could go through any used bookstore or library and find that rhyme repeated numerous times. How much money has Chris Rock made from saying "Nigger"?
    It's all hopelessly pathetic pandering to the PC nannies..

  20. #120
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Jeremy Clarkson, the star presenter of the BBC’s madly popular car-bore programme Top Gear is the biggest name on television. He can have anything he wants. What Jeremy wanted after a hard day in north Yorkshire was a hot, juicy steak.

    Instead, he was offered a cheese platter.

    There are few excuses for violence, but depriving a chap of his dinner is one of them. It is possible to argue that Jeremy picked on the wrong target. That he should have sought out and duffed over the hotel manager or the chef, but someone deserved to pay.

    Not for the first time, while earning the nation’s opprobrium, Clarkson, 55, has actually done it a service. How many times a night in what is laughingly called the British hospitality industry are the word’s “Sorry, the kitchen’s closed” spoken? In The US, France or anywhere else that takes its food seriously, you can get a meal when you want it. In Britain the ill-lit restaurant threshold will be barred by a scowling crone who points to the fact that it gone 9pm and tells you the staff have gone home.

    The real shocker in the latest Clarkson scandal is that the BBC apparently now expects producers to double as catering managers. That the chaps we think of as bringing the excellent new series of Poldark to our screens are also serving up the Cornish pasties.

    Poor Oisin Tymon, who doubtless thought he had been hired as a key man in Top Gear’s worldwide success story, discovered too late that he was also there to manage Jeremy’s meat cravings. An inquiry is underway, but it is already clear that we must consider several culprits.

    Prominent among them is BBC’s designer-stubbled director of TV, Danny Cohen, the man with the itchiest trigger finger in television, whose big ambition in life is to have Clarkson’s head mounted on the wall of his library. A leading light in the PC-crazed clique of metro-liberal zealots who infest the Beeb’s high offices, it was Cohen who took the absurd decision to pull Top Gear from the schedules.

    The motoring show earned the BBC more than £50 million in overseas sales alone last year, far more than any other program. Couldn’t Cohen have earmarked a bit of that money for a catering unit to follow the team on location? At any other network, Clarkson would get a personal chef and a team of liveried servants.

    Only the BBC could treat its most popular show as a guilt burden and its most valuable presenter as an embarrassment. Given the Beeb’s fawning and slobbering over the truly revolting Russell Brand, its attitude to Clarkson seems strangely-skewed.

    Until you think of how Jeremy behaves. And the degree to which the behaviour has been egged on by his belief that he has the Corporation over a barrel. Yesterday he hinted that he may be on his way in an elegiac - by JC standards - piece comparing himself to a dinosaur, “with no place in a world which has moved on”.

    The question of whether he is a genuinely oafish, paleo-right wing monster or a clever act remains.

    Ian Hislop, the TV personality and editor of Private Eye, told last week how Clarkson threw a biro in his face, drawing blood, during the filming of Have I got News For You.
    “We had to stop recording,” said Hislop. “He refused to believe it was blood. He said it was red ink.

    Then he apologised to me afterwards.”

    Clarkson has called Mexicans “lazy, feckless and flatulent”, made fun of the Third Reich’s invasion of Poland and suggested that the designer of a Korean car “had probably eaten a spaniel for lunch.”

    Clarkson provides a useful reminder of how much we now can’t say, and the extent to which the right to cause offence has been curtailed, the expression of indelicate opinion sanitised, and actually criminalised. If all this is the upshot of an act, it is one we should perhaps be grateful for.

    The real Clarkson is a slightly more complicated phenomenon. Born in Doncaster, where his parents, Edward and Shirley, ran a family business selling tea cosies and, later, Paddington Bears, Jeremy was sent as a boarder to Repton, although – in a foretaste of what lay ahead – he repaid the investment by being expelled, and took a job as a reporter at the Rotherham Advertiser.

    The money wasn’t much, but it allowed Clarkson – having passed his driving test in his grandfather’s Rolls Royce - to buy his first car; a Mk2 Ford Cortina 1600E with lowered suspension and extra spotlights. In 1984 he left mainstream journalism to co-found his own motoring agency providing road tests and snippets of interest to petrolheads, and in 1988 was signed by the BBC for its new car show Top Gear. Today, with a world-wide fan base, Clarkson earns a reported £14 million a year, and lives between a large estate in Chipping Norton, and his London flat.

    Only nominally about cars, Top Gear is more a forum for endangered blokedom, in which middle-aged, middle-class white men – the last minority in society that can be insulted without risk – get together and pine for the things it is no longer possible to do. Such as driving too fast, saying what you think and exacting vengeance on the man who has lost your dinner.

    Perhaps, as he tends to, Jeremy just went about the right thing in the wrong way.

    Is Clarkson - a 'dinosaur' - nearly extinct? - Telegraph

    which middle-aged, middle-class white men – the last minority in society that can be insulted without risk – get together and pine for the things it is no longer possible to do. Such as driving too fast, saying what you think and exacting vengeance on the man who has lost your dinner.
    sounds a lot like teak door in fact.

  21. #121
    Member Baas Babelaas's Avatar
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    25-09-2017 @ 08:32 PM
    I worked in production. And a producer told me I was too slow.

    I told her to fuck off and lucky I didn't crack her about a bit.

    Best part of the job: foreign crew and cast.

  22. #122
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    28-10-2019 @ 03:54 AM
    Clarkson is not as quintessentially English as My Isaan gentleman Farang Friends.

  23. #123
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    Savile-Clarkson comparisons slammed
    PUBLISHED: 23:57 GMT, 15 March 2015 | UPDATED: 23:57 GMT, 15 March 2015

    The newspaper quoted the unnamed figure as saying, "The pressure this guy (Tymon) is under is so Savilesque in a way", adding: "If you look at what David Cameron says or what (former culture secretary Maria Miller) says and you swap Clarkson for Savile, you get this: David Cameron is effectively saying that Savile's a real talent, Maria Miller saying Savile will be Savile."
    The reported comments drew a furious response from victims of the former Radio 1 DJ.

    Liz Dux, a lawyer from Slater and Gordon, which is representing 169 of Savile's victims, said such comparisons of the issues had upset victims.
    She said: "Many of Savile's victims find a direct parallel between these issues to be upsetting and highly inappropriate.
    "One victim said that while both have celebrity status, to suggest other similarities is totally offensive.
    "Nevertheless, they want the lessons from Savile learned, whereby fame and celebrity must never be an excuse to overlook wrongdoing."

    The BBC boss was also reported to have scotched suggestions that the spat was part of a wider disagreement between Clarkson and Danny Cohen, the corporation's director of television.
    The person apparently told the MoS: "People keep saying that this is a case of Danny Cohen v Jeremy Clarkson. It is not. This is Jeremy Clarkson v Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy is self-destructing. Danny is not the person who is driving this, it is Jeremy."
    They added that it was "common knowledge" that Clarkson has "personal issues", saying they would advise him to take one of two courses of action - "to try to play it down - or I would go into rehab and show the world I am trying to change".
    A BBC spokesman said: "The BBC's position is the one we set out in a statement last week. We have an investigation led by Ken MacQuarrie to establish the facts and people should wait for the outcome of that."
    A friend of Clarkson today said the presenter had called BBC bosses to apologise over the fracas in an attempt to draw a line under the matter.
    Writing in the Sunday Times, AA Gill said the investigation into the row was "preposterous and ponderous", and praised him as hard-working.
    Clarkson yesterday likened himself to a dinosaur, hinting in his column for The Sun that the time may have come for him to leave Top Gear.
    The row between Clarkson and Mr Tymon is said to have occurred because no hot food was laid on at Simonstone Hall Hotel near Hawes, North Yorkshire, where the crew were staying after filming.

    An investigation will be carried out by a BBC panel led by Mr MacQuarrie, the head of BBC Scotland who examined Newsnight's false expose of Lord McAlpine.
    A lawyer for Mr Tymon said his client "intends to await the outcome of the BBC investigation and will make no comment until that investigation is complete".

    Read more: Savile-clarkson comparisons slammed | Daily Mail Online
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  24. #124
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Talk about a mountain out of a fucking molehill.
    Why didn't someone just make him some food.

  25. #125
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    The "planted" comments made anonymously by " a BBC source" that Clarkson has become unravelled through personal issues and needs to enter "rehab", and the comments likening him to Savile, are so obviously the work of arse lickers of Danny Cohen doing his bidding and quite disgraceful.

    Danny Cohen is an avaricious, chameleon-like urbanite with no integrity other than that which is en vogue and utterly riven by an all consuming ambition. He has no substance and is a dreadful poseur. I think he also hangs around Hampstead Heath at night but I could be wrong.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 16-03-2015 at 12:39 PM.

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