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  1. #26
    Goodwill's Avatar
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    24-05-2013 @ 02:22 PM
    It's kind of pathetic posting about the collapse of the UK and all these 'The muzzies are taking over the UK. Londonistan.' stuff when you don't actually live there. I'm guilty of this,too. Just saying.

  2. #27
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    Unbelievable. London accent and talking about what's happening in "our land". "Women have to see this in our land every day".

  3. #28
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    31-08-2023 @ 11:38 PM
    Where are all the muslim apologists ?

    Ban Islam. Its the only logical thing to do.

  4. #29
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    He's just another insane jumped up black/muzzie wannabe hero asylum seeking, rip off merchant, protected by the pink tights wearing human rights brigade.

    The islamapologists will of course say that he's a victim of political abuse, even though he's reportedly confessed to previously murdering up to 400 people in Africa.

    What was he and his pal reportedly yelling? Allah u akbar!

    So much for multicultural integration in the Uk!
    Some highly placed grafting Brits and Migrants need sorting out!

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    some sarf landan style tweets from a witness.

    Boya Dee@BOYADEE

    Ohhhhh myyyy God!!!! I just see a man with his head chopped off right in front of my eyes!
    9:09 PM - 22 May 2013

    Woolwich #se18 whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Fuck!!!! Right next to a primary school!
    9:15 PM - 22 May 2013

    Oh my God!!!! The way Feds took them out!!! It was a female police officer she come out the whip and just started bussssin shots!!
    9:17 PM - 22 May 2013

    Mate ive seen alot of shit im my time but that has to rank sumwhere in the top 3. I couldnt believe my eyes. That was some movie shit
    9:18 PM - 22 May 2013

    The two black bredas run this white guy over over then hop out the car and start chopping mans head off with machete!!
    9:19 PM - 22 May 2013

    People were asking whyyy whyyy they were just saying we've had enough! They looked like they were on sutn! Then they start waving a revolver
    9:21 PM - 22 May 2013

    Then boydem turn up!! Woolwich feds didnt want it... They had to wait for armed response.. Helicopters everyting...
    9:22 PM - 22 May 2013

    Then thats how u know they were on sutn cos they actually went for armed feds with just two machete and an old rusty lookin revolver
    9:23 PM - 22 May 2013

    The first guy goes for the female fed with the machete and she not even ramping she took man out like robocop never seen nutn like it
    9:24 PM - 22 May 2013

    Then the next breda try buss off the rusty 45 and it just backfires and blows mans finger clean off... Feds didnt pet to just take him out!!
    9:26 PM - 22 May 2013

  6. #31
    Thailand Expat
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    ^ what language is this? Seems like they need to teach some English over there.

  7. #32
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    poorfalang's Avatar
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    in the sticks
    i just cannot believe this,
    Islam? really? surely not. what is it then? religion? when will the Catholics come out and clean the foking place?

  8. #33
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Video of the scum talking after the murder. What will it take to make the British wake up?

    Wake up?, oh yeah by that you mean Become a racist bigot, which is what the UK citizens are called when they protest about the total failure of Multiculturalism .

  9. #34
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    the country has, thanks to the last governments disgraceful immigration policy, filled up with the most appalling mix of hopeless and degenerate african scum and uneducated lazy pakistani trash with a religious agenda to push. not satisfied with killing each other back home with their bombs, rapes and tribal nonsense they bring their foul baggage with them. these people have been killing each other for centuries, this has very little to do with the wars in afghanistan or iraq.

    hate filled imams brainwash this toxic mix in the untouchable mosques and the results are all too plain to see.

    instead of encouraging the immigration of educated professionals who can offer the country something, the government chose to open the doors to a mass influx of dumb peasant inbreds and their families who offer nothing but take all, and dont even have the manners to say thank you.

    multiculturalism can never work so long as islam is part of the equation. they dont want us even if we do make out we want them, which after seeing the disharmony their culture brings with them, most certainly dont want them now.

    the backlash from the repulsive far right cant be far off now and it will, sadly, surely end in tears.

  10. #35
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Dreadful state of affairs. Two black lads doing this kind of stuff in the name of a religion.

    “Being a cub leader I have my first aid so when I saw this guy on the floor I thought it was an accident then I saw the guy was dead and I could not feel any pulse.

    Not exactly a beheading then if the lady, as photoed many times with the murderers and over the body had to check the victims pulse to see if he was alive. In a beheading, it is usually fairly clear that the person is dead.

    MPs praised the “extraordinary bravery” of the women and raised concerns about why it took armed police 20 minutes to arrive at the scene while people’s lives were at risk.

    According to a security source the delay in the armed police response is “particularly surprising” because there is a heavily armed police presence at Woolwich Crown Court, which is just two and a half miles away.

    Curiouser and curiouser. Gave the attackers lots of time to get photographed and spread their message.

    “He was not high, he was not on drugs, he was not an alcoholic or drunk, he was just distressed, upset. He was in full control of his decisions and ready to everything he wanted to do.
    I said 'right now it is only you versus many people, you are going to lose, what would you like to do?’ and he said I would like to stay and fight.”

    Lucky he didn't fight then and continue his crazy batshit nutcase rampage against the other infidels there. All he did it appears was run towards a hail of bullets in a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kids type of ending. With knives and pistols, very lucky indeed for all concerned.

  11. #36
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    03-10-2022 @ 11:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by khmen View Post's that tiny minority of the peaceful guys again. Related story from yesterday:

    Machete killer granted asylum and living in Coventry - Coventry Telegraph

    Machete killer granted asylum and living in Coventry

    John Thuo starts a new life in city after admiting to immigration tribunal to killing between 100 and 400 people for Kenya criminal mob

    A murderer who has admitted killing up to 400 people – many in horrific machete attacks – is living in Coventry after being granted asylum.

    John Thuo, aged 27, came to the UK illegally in 2003 and despite attempts to kick him out a court has ruled that deportation is against his human rights.

    For seven years he worked for the Mungiki in Kenya, a criminal mob behind some of the continent’s worst atrocities.

    At an immigration tribunal he admitted killing between 100 and 400 people.
    After he was tracked down, Thuo said: “It’s true, I killed a lot of people. I don’t like talking about my past.

    “I feel guilty for what I’ve done. I feel remorse.

    “I’ve started a new life here and I’m looking for regular work. If I go back they’ll kill me. They’ll behead me.”

    Asked if he is monitored by the Home Office, he said: “No, I don’t have to meet anyone. I’m free.

    “My life in Kenya is in the past. It’s a different world out there. Out there, all you can do is hope to survive. This is a better place to live.”

    He lives rent-free in accommodation provided by the National Asylum Support Service and used to work as a removal man.

    The Home Office has tried to deport Thuo in a series of hearings but it has been unsuccessful. Thuo claims that if he is sent back to Kenya he will be executed.

    He told an immigration court in London that he was a senior member of the Mungiki in a Nairobi slum after being recruited when he was just 10-years-old.
    In 2000 he was promoted to leader, training members and taking control of the slum where he ran a security racket.

    In evidence he admitted his gang “torched people’s houses” and carried out female circumcision and public intimidation.

    In 2002 he took part in a revenge attack on villagers who had killed two members of the Mungiki. He butchered two [at]civilians with a machete.

    In another incident he said he killed two police officers after members of the gang were arrested, one with a machete and another with a “big stone”.

    The Mungiki – part gang, part religious sect – were outlawed in Kenya in 2002 following widespread outrage at their horrific crimes, in which victims were left as mutilated corpses.

    Initially they were a peaceful protest [at]movement in which followers wore dreadlocks, but the group transformed into one of the most feared organised crime organisations in the capital, Nairobi.
    This country is beyond a joke, an utter farce of a nation.

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    All he did it appears was run towards a hail of bullets
    i dont think it was a hail of bullets, both the murderers are in hospital and expected to recover.

    no option but to shoot them, in view of their political/religious rantings the police quite rightly will have assumed they had bomb vests.

  13. #38
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Thing is those bad boys are only two of thousands that believe this is fair crack.

    Game on innt.
    Last edited by terry57; 23-05-2013 at 08:56 AM.

  14. #39
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    Tax, perhaps you ought to pop down to Pak Thai to check out the mayhem there. Puts it all into proportion I think.

    The homogenisation of the developed world is inevitable and nothing, but nothing, can defeat the economic imperative. In the case of Britain the demography of immigration has been shaped by our own cultural colonisation with its attendant osmosis and the asylum phenomenon whereby immigration rules have been undermined. The latter has affected all European countries.

    There will always be crime, however motivated, but to attribute savagery, such as this murder, to world forces and ethnicity is quite crude and very silly. Just because two idiots act in the name of some cause or other doesn't necessarily mean the cause is either relevant or, indeed, even involved.

    Vis a vis this butchery in particular, frankly, it is no more disgusting and obscene than the ghastly attack on two soldiers who were set upon by Catholics in Belfast during the funeral of some of their community when they were torn apart and eventually shot to death.

    The human condition is quite dreadful in extremity but as demonstrated by that white woman who accosted one of the killers it can rise above it all.

    Personally, the only solution to avoid the unattractive elements of modern Britain is to seek refuge in areas where immigration and the lower end are poorly represented. One should either live in rural communities or small towns known for exclusivity. Living among Pakis, coons and white trailer trash benefit scum is fine if one is a wog or a guttersnipe but for decent white folk with real values etc, inner city ghettoes and shitty Northern towns should be eschewed at all costs.

    Quite simple really.

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwill View Post
    It's kind of pathetic posting about the collapse of the UK and all these 'The muzzies are taking over the UK. Londonistan.' stuff when you don't actually live there. I'm guilty of this,too. Just saying.
    Why? Are you saying that because we have been fortunate enough to leave, we are no longer entitled to an opinion regarding the plight of our (once?) beloved homeland?

    I'm reminded of a controversial speech made in 1968 that, had it been given a few decades later, would've been met with a completely different mind-set.

    Powell recounted a conversation with one of his constituents, a middle-aged working man, a few weeks earlier. Powell said that the man told him: "If I had the money to go, I wouldn't stay in this country… I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan't be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas."

    Powell continued "Here is a decent, ordinary fellow-Englishman who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history."

    Growing Old Disgracefully!

  16. #41
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile
    no option but to shoot them, in view of their political/religious rantings the police quite rightly will have assumed they had bomb vests.
    Absolutely - The cops did a good job in keeping them alive to be fair. Non lethal shots take some nerve when they are running towards you and might have bomb belts on. Point is though, they did not fight, just ran at the cops which considering the MO for terrorist attacks is to kill civilians, this is quite surprising.

  17. #42
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by palexxxx View Post
    ^ what language is this? Seems like they need to teach some English over there.
    How Do you know that they WAS English?

  18. #43
    Morden's Avatar
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    02-07-2014 @ 11:10 AM
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    These guys look more like drugged up brain deficient West Indians than Muslim terrorists. The armed police response was unusually slow, especially considering that there would be plenty of them up the road in the barracks. And Cameron makes a terrorist drama out of it when few facts were known.

    The story so far stinks but we ought to wait and see what else emerges later.

  19. #44
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by thegent View Post

    Personally, the only solution to avoid the unattractive elements of modern Britain is to seek refuge in areas where immigration and the lower end are poorly represented. One should either live in rural communities or small towns known for exclusivity. Living among Pakis, coons and white trailer trash benefit scum is fine if one is a wog or a guttersnipe but for decent white folk with real values etc, inner city ghetto's and shitty Northern towns should be eschewed at all costs.

    Quite simple really.

    This is so true but I must add it applies to every country on this Earth, if one wants to avoid having contact with the scum of this world ones needs to live in a decent suburb.

    Unfortunately many decent people are financially challenged and do not have this luxury.

    Be foking horrible to live amongst dysfunctional fuk ups hence why one needs money in this world to rise above the shit that is out there.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by palexxxx View Post
    ^ what language is this? Seems like they need to teach some English over there.
    How Do you know that they WAS English?

    LOL someone needs an English lesson as well.

    Watch the video piwi...that lad is English.

  21. #46
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    22-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
    More military intervention is needed in the Middle East, Iraq and Afgan. That will cure problems such as this!!!!!!!!

  22. #47
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    the country has, thanks to the last governments disgraceful immigration policy, filled up with the most appalling mix of hopeless and degenerate african scum and uneducated lazy pakistani trash with a religious agenda to push. not satisfied with killing each other back home with their bombs, rapes and tribal nonsense they bring their foul baggage with them. these people have been killing each other for centuries, this has very little to do with the wars in afghanistan or iraq.

    hate filled imams brainwash this toxic mix in the untouchable mosques and the results are all too plain to see.

    instead of encouraging the immigration of educated professionals who can offer the country something, the government chose to open the doors to a mass influx of dumb peasant inbreds and their families who offer nothing but take all, and dont even have the manners to say thank you.

    multiculturalism can never work so long as islam is part of the equation. they dont want us even if we do make out we want them, which after seeing the disharmony their culture brings with them, most certainly dont want them now.

    the backlash from the repulsive far right cant be far off now and it will, sadly, surely end in tears.
    No Doubt that "extremist" party the BNP will be banging the drums about the complete and utter failure of Multiculturalism ,not just back there IN THE UK other European Countrys ,and really who is going to come out with it and say they are talking is complete Bollocks , Up the UKIP PARTY.

  23. #48
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    09-01-2017 @ 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by piwanoi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by palexxxx View Post
    ^ what language is this? Seems like they need to teach some English over there.
    How Do you know that they WAS English?

    LOL someone needs an English lesson as well.

    Watch the video piwi...that lad is English.
    I never said he was'nt

  24. #49
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    Indeed, to attribute this murder to an act of " Terrorism " as if it shares the same connotation with 9/11 or 7/7 is quite stupid. The men who committed this savagery are no more than fucking idiots in much the same way those moronic Paki twats who fantasise about recognition in between doing what their mums tell them and trying to fuck some white meat are simply gormless dross lending their otherwise futile lives some imaginary glamour.

    Aggrandising them with the sobriquet of " Terrorists " is ill judged and panders to their notion of "greatness" which in most circumstances is fatuous nonsense. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and put them away for their natural lives, not as would be jihadist martyrs but as gormless fuckwits.

  25. #50
    loob lor geezer
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    The land of silk and money.

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