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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Absinthe Without Leave

    Can you recall what you were doing 61 years ago today?

    I was on my paper round depositing papers when meanwhile at the TEXAS Book depository shots were heard.

    I realize for those unborn it is Like Julius Caesar, Napoleon or the Titanic just history, but the televised death of the leader of the free world was shocking.

    For those who lived through it I can think of only a few events as memorable, a bar bill at the Ritz Paris for a few sherberts, perhaps the Fall of the Wall, The Tsunami, 9/11 and the disappearances of Lord Lucan, Ant and SA?

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia
    When in doubt, look intelligent. Garrison Keillor

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    61 years ago? Gosh it doesn’t seem that long.

  3. #3
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Walking upright at 4 years.

    Fuck the Kennedys and their phony mystic.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Rob Reiner Names Four Shooters in the JFK Assassination

    Isn’t it kind of interesting — and newsworthy — when a team of investigators names four individuals who probably fired the shots at Dealey Plaza that killed President John F. Kennedy?
    Did any of you see any coverage of these findings?
    Thanks for reading Randall’s Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    media did pay at least a little attention back in November, the 60th anniversary of the assassination, when Rob Reiner announced that his 10-part podcast “Who Killed JFK?” would name the shooters in the 10th and final episode on Jan. 10.
    News of the iHeart podcast certainly caught my eye, as I have been studying and thinking about the JFK assassination for many years. I’ve been to Dealey Plaza more than once. I’ve read about 10 books on the subject, presenting a variety of conspiracy theories. I viewed “the Zapruder film” recording Kennedy’s murder, in the mid-1970s when investigator Mark Lane (“Rush to Judgment”) unveiled it at the Yale Law School.
    And so I listened to all 10 parts of Reiner’s podcast as he released a new episode each week. Yes, I took copious notes! Of course!
    Some of you, I hope, remember my substack piece of Nov. 24 — “JFK’s Death: Are We Finally Getting Closer to the Truth?” I noted Reiner’s tantalizing claim at that time: “We’ll tell you what we think happened. We’ll name the shooters.”
    “I think we will be making news,” he added in an understatement.
    “Stay tuned,” I wrote.
    As a reporter and columnist for a daily newspaper for decades, I learned early on the importance of following up on a story. Don’t leave the reader hanging!
    And I won’t. But what about the mainstream media? Did they think everybody would just forget what Reiner promised? Did they fail to write down on their calendars that on Jan. 10 Reiner would spill the beans on the biggest unsolved murder in American history?
    Sure, it’s Rob Reiner spearheading this show. “Meathead” from “All in the Family.” The filmmaker behind the satiric “This is Spinal Tap.” He’s not Woodward-Bernstein. But he worked with Dick Russell, author of “On the Trail of the JFK Assassins,” an investigative journalist who spent decades researching the crime.
    The podcast showcased a Lee Harvey Oswald entirely different from the “lone wolf/lone assassin” portrayed in the Warren Commission’s report on the assassination. We learned about all the evidence pointing to Oswald as being a double agent for the CIA, about his global travels and adventures in espionage. We came to understand that when Oswald told reporters “I’m just a patsy,” he was probably telling the truth. Of course he never got to say anything more because he was silenced by Jack Ruby, who had run guns for the Mafia and spent time in Cuba before Fidel Castro took over and spoiled all the fun for “the mob.” Ruby was pals with Mafia kingpins Sam Giancana and Carlos Marcello.
    Here’s a Ruby nugget from the podcast: he pleaded with Warren Commission investigators to “get me out of Dallas and I’ll tell you everything; get me to Washington.” It never happened. He died in prison
    More nuggets: Oswald’s fingerprints were not on the gun found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. There was no gun residue on his cheek.
    Reiner’s team concluded there were at least four shooters waiting as JFK rode into Dealey Plaza and into a crossfire that was impossible to come out of alive. The podcast named five sites for the killers: One of them was on the sixth floor of the Depository; one was behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll; one was in the Dal-Tex Building across the street from the Depository; one was in the County Records Building; another was stationed at the overpass adjacent to the grassy knoll.
    “The fatal headshot came from the overpass,” Reiner said. This of course would explain why in the Zapruder home movie we see Kennedy’s head thrown violently backward as his brain explodes.
    Reiner and Russell said the names of the four assassins are a “highly educated guess.”
    Here they are:
    — Herminio Diaz Garcia, a Cuban exile, mob figure and skilled marksman. He had felt betrayed by JFK’s inaction against Castro, especially his lack of military support during the Bay of Pigs invasion.
    — John Souetre, a French assassin who had tried to kill French President Charles de Gaulle.
    — Charles Nicoletti, a Chicago mob associate and hit man for Giancana. He was murdered in 1977 before he could testify in front of the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations.
    — Jack Cannon, a CIA operative.
    Reiner and Russell said these four were “rogue individuals” who were working separately for different operatives.
    Who orchestrated this? Reiner and Russell believe one of the two strategists was Bill Harvey, a CIA official who had piloted Operation Mongoose, going after Castro with guerrilla strikes and propaganda; there also was a plot to assassinate Castro. After Harvey made a profane outburst at Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, RFK fired him. The second master tactician of the assassination, according to the podcast, was Charles Willoughby, a former major general in the U.S. Army who got involved with ultra-right and anti-communist groups.
    At the conclusion of his podcast Reiner was careful to say: “We can’t say for a certainty who killed JFK. It’s impossible. We’ll never know for sure.” He noted the U.S. government has kept many documents of the assassination sealed for decades.

    Reiner should be commended for doing a public service. He said he hopes “the next generation” will demand the truth from their government. But I don’t hold out much hope for this. I think the JFK assassination has become old news, for baby boomers only, because they were alive then and, like Reiner and like me, vividly remember that day in Dallas. Reiner is right — we’ll never really know who killed JFK.

  5. #5
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Watching the treeline , waiting for a break

  6. #6
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    Jesus. 61 years ago I was three years old. First significant memory of a world event was the moon landing, think that was around 1969...

  7. #7
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    ^ I wasn't even a sperm.

  8. #8
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    19-01-2025 @ 09:29 AM
    58 years ago I was driving one of these.

  9. #9
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    I have zero recollection of where I was when the news came out that JFK was shot.
    However, I can remember in vivid detail where I was when it was announced that RFK had been shot

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuangLao View Post
    Walking upright at 4 years.
    Apparently you were also there at age 15. You must be quite fluent in Vietnamese.

    Phuc Off Jeff.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy As Larry View Post
    I have zero recollection of where I was when the news came out that JFK was shot.
    I can remember where I was at for 9-11, if that's any use to anybody.

  12. #12
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    I had been back in America for about 5 months when the shooting happened. I was in 6th grade in San Anselmo California when about 10:30 am the principal came on the intercom and announced the shooting. About a half hour later that Kennedy had died. I was not used to living in the states so could not really understand why school was cancelled, and parents were coming to pick up kids. Lots of crying especially the teachers.

    Two days later on the 24th I got up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. Cancelled and I started watching assassination coverage from Dallas. Within an hour I had seen Jack Ruby shoot Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas jail. Literally blew my mind. I remember running upstairs to tell my folks. "The guy who shot the president got shot". My dad came running downstairs in his underwear, something I had never seen.

  13. #13
    hangin' around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Literally blew my mind.
    That doesn't sound good.

    I was three months old.

    Mind still intact, as far as I know.

  14. #14
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    Watched it on B&W tv. A bewildered 9 year old. Quickly returned to thinking about football.

  15. #15
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    One heartbeat away from eternity
    I was at home in suburbia, like most boys my age. We had a tv by this time and I remember seeing it on the news in black and white. It didn't seem any more or less important than any other story.

    About 30 years later I was in Dallas and visited the scene. I had a look at the grassy knoll, which didn't take long. I couldn't imagine a sniper trying to use that position. There were a few people there who made their living by relating the various theories, adding some juicy 'insights'. I remember them talking a lot about a damaged kerbstone, presumably not the one the FBI took away for the initial investigation. Evidence of another shot, allegedly. I never got why the FBI took one kerbstone but not another, if it was in any way relevant.
    I've never spent time reading all the hypotheses, so much written, all for profit, mostly without evidence. One thing I was never clear about - please tell me if you know - whilst witness statements inevitably varied there were many who reported three shots, with the second and third shots coming close together a few seconds after the first. As I recall the rifle used took a couple of seconds to reload, so the first gap is easy, the second very short gap not so easy to explain.
    In true Cluedo style: Oswald did it, with the rifle, in the Book Depository. Were others involved? Dunno.

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Oswald’s fingerprints were not on the gun found on the sixth floor
    There was a partial palmprint. He had bought the gun himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    another was stationed at the overpass adjacent to the grassy knoll.
    Where he would have been in plain sight. With a rifle. Bollox.

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    He noted the U.S. government has kept many documents of the assassination sealed for decades.
    Biden was going to release them. Did that not yet happen?

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Shutree we may agree to differ the above quotes were Reiners opinion Bob son of Carl

    Some say no one knows or Oswald is the complete picture.

    I am no expert nor been to the site m but seen JFK novie and Zapruder film.

    My queries are twofold

    1 Was it a Conspiracy?

    Many seem to think there were multiple shots form multiple locations, which suggests a conspiracy even of the masterminds ensured they were unknown to each other.

    Once you have an organised conspiracy we need to ask "Cui Bono" Some say the mob, the fed, one obvious winner was Lyndon Johnson.

    2 If there was no goverment agency or cover up why hide evidence?

    The very wierd biography of Oswald and the pro/anti Cuban links in New Orleans raise more questions than they answer.

    It was so long ago most alive have little interest , I doubt old hands will surprised that people lie and cover ups happen.

    Trump has promised again to release the last JFK files. Experts say don’t expect big revelations | AP News.

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    Ubon Ratchathani
    i remember I was with my mother, and presumably my younger sister, at the house of a friend of my mum. they were watching tv, I was playing with lego on the floor when the 2 women started crying at something on tv. Then I went back to building something or other. ....that's all I remember of the actual event. i also remember the endless repeats on tv, I was blissfully ignorant of the importance.

  18. #18
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    19-01-2025 @ 09:29 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Happy As Larry View Post
    I have zero recollection of where I was when the news came out that JFK was shot.
    I was at home in San Diego and, yes it was a shocker.

  19. #19
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    28-01-2025 @ 06:09 PM
    I would have been eight years old. Remember it happening (we had a TV) but wasn't aware of the significance.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Many seem to think
    It's all just opinions. No tangible evidence, no smoking guns, no brass, no bullets. I still wonder about the very short gap between the second and third shots though.

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    why hide evidence?
    We don't know what was not disclosed or if it had any evidential value. With the lapse of time I'd like to see it all published. I'd go for concealing cock-up over concealing conspiracy.

    If you want a good conspiracy theory with lots of cover up then I'd offer you the Skripal poisonings. There are many dots there that don't add up.

  21. #21
    Thailand Expat david44's Avatar
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    Agree Khvn Shutree

    At present with mrs on tour my biggest mystery is finding the potato peeler, I have at least 20 sharp knives but prefer to use a safer method after my sundowner. Most of hazards here have no legs snakes, sme many legged insects, 2 legged minxes and 4 legged soi dogs who fancy a nibble when they sense sausages.

    Of all of these my LYNX minx deterrent after shave seems to have the opposite effect as I am stll asked, admittedly by older ladies these days when I venture into a new restaurant alone those classic ONLY IN SLYAM questions.

    1 Do you have lady hansum man?
    2 How big is your....................


  22. #22
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    I was 4 years old. The only recollection of that era was finding a dead, rotting mouse in the garden. My mum was ill in bed with something serious - couldn't really walk, maybe heavy flu, who knows.

    I wanted to cheer her up. So I picked up the dead mouse and took it to show my mum. She was lying in bed with her eyes closed. I dangled the mouse over he face and shouted "mum, look what I've found!". She opened her eyes, saw a decaying mouse a few inches from her face, screamed loudly and I dropped the rotting mouse onto her face out of shock.

    For someone who had been bed-bound for several days, my mom didn't half move quickly to the other side of the room!

    Funny how memories like this stick in your mind. JFK?? Nope, not important for a 4 year old.....
    Groping women when you're old is fine - everyone thinks you're senile

  23. #23
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    I remember being sent home from school and my mom was a bit upset watching the fuzzy tv picture at home on the farm. It was a rainy day with sleet coming down.

  24. #24
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    I barely remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday let alone something happening in another country 60 odd years ago.

  25. #25
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    I barely remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday let alone something happening in another country 60 odd years ago.

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