So, a comment by Mendy caught my eye:

"Lunch for me was larb moo. If I was told I could only eat two meals for the rest of my life, I would pick larb moo for lunch and steak and kidney pie with mashed potato, carrots and peas for tea."

Which got me thinking, what would be my three (breakfast is a thing) meals a day for life. For some spice, where did you first experience it.

here are mine:

Breakfast: Buckwheat chapatis, curry sauce and teh tarik. Hole in the wall restaurant corner of Serangoon and Desker, Singapore. Had this as my Sunday breakfast for a few years (before video shopping in the Desker back lanes - cough)

Lunch: Seafood hor fun. National University Hospital Singapore - Work lunch for a few years. Cooked to order - amazing each time.

Dinner: Dhal bhat. Kathmandu, Nepal. Holiday. Cooked myself many times as a comfort food.

Have had better dishes than each - but for the long haul....