Here's the little house that I'm renting in Koh Lanta - close to all amenities. Since moving in, the house seems to have grown several very tall green tree stems - some of my radio and satellite antennas.
Koh Lanta does have a bit of an 'after the apocalypse' look about it - so many deserted and crumbling hotels and restaurants, deserted since Covid times. But the weather is good, my lungs feel fine, so I'll stay here (er until I move again!).
Groping women when you're old is fine - everyone thinks you're senile
I can't imagine I'd survive long but it does look nice.
Are the stepladders outside the bedroom some kind of 'jumping off' point?
lower Kananaskis lake
Very nice!
Paddle boarding?
They were to help me install the antennas without falling off the balcony. I have a bad track record of falling off ladders onto concrete when 'playing radio'. To this end, I invested in a safety harness that I wear when hanging over the abyss... should I slip, then I will be safely hanging over said abyss until the landlord returns home some hours later...
The hazards of social climbing.
Serious Q Simon , while handy on yachts, desert Island or the few places with no tv net or normal radio what is teh pleasure in the hobby, as a yachtsman who has luckily never needed to send an SOS the thought of global hams reassuring.
You seem to have had a lot of time and expense so I assume more rewarding than teaching in Burma or building Motels for ladies?
I have never visited Koh Lanta if you have time post pix or contact for an aircon room/bunglaow , not a resort, for a week or two be nice if walking distance of a Thai restaurant and grocer but not essential, sea view unecessary, over the winter months as I am considering driving the length of the country one last time in feb and friends who went many years ago like Lanta best.Likely arribe end feb til mid March.
Gato a la Plancha
What is my interest in ham radio? Well, it's not all fun, because it can be the most frustrating hobby, building radio antennas that don't work...
It doesn't cost me a lot of money because, apart from my transceiver, I build everything from scraps of wire and plastic. And that is the enjoyment I get >> using my technical skills to build antennas for a few quid that can communicate across the world. Unlike many hams, I have zero interest in chatting with other radio hams - I find them rather boring! (as no doubt they would find me...). Most of my current efforts are in building antennas to receive data and weather image signals from Russian satellites, as well as bouncing my signals off the ISS.
If I were to place my interests in order of priority, I would place teaching in Burma ahead of my radio hobby. That especially applies to teaching the disadvantaged. This stems from a life-changing event many years ago when I was at 'rock-bottom'. I made a promise to 'my god' that if I ever got out of the shit that I was in, then I would help others less fortunate than myself. Shortly afterwards, and out of the blue, I was offered a good job in Burma and my life improved significantly. I am 'old skool', and I never forgot my promise. So I find myself (when my health and the military junta allow), in Burma to help by teaching.
Hotels and women don't form part of my life now because a) I have no money to build hotels and b) The reason that I have no money to build hotels is because of the previous women in my life!
There seem to be many bungalows for rent right now in Lanta, but that is maybe because it's low season and the Scandis haven't arrived en-mass yet. Plenty of Thai restaurants are open, and I'm relaxing for the moment while I wait for my UK state pension to kick in next June. 'Relaxing' still means teaching online every day because I need the money and my students need a teacher...
Thanks for that , a clear joy in tinkering on a budget, O toohave endless list of minor repairs to my pick up, se toothpaste to clean lens , put air in the spare and now replace a bumper and mirror a relative "lost" .
I am sure I could google but might not understand how do you ping teh ISS, how do you know when iy passes and the elavation let alone Russian staelites is this public data or shared bewteen hams?
Rathe rthan teach online I see a major tiktok stream from lonley fans for you squeezed in interesting poses between twin Bandy Sisters , the name writes itself or for your bio
Good luck Simon and much respect for what you gave back to my beloved Burma. Long may you twiddle your knobs , I trust that inflation has not quenched your lust for Candy's clan, I'll try and make it to Koh Lanta if her indoors shares teh drive or fly to Krabi and ferry.
These low Earth orbit satellites indeed pass over one's location, and that can be accurately calculated, thanks to Mr Kepler who worked this all out on a beermat some centuries ago. Most non-military satellites publicise their orbit data, but also NASA keeps an eye on everything in orbit that is bigger than a knat's dongle, and publishes its orbit data. Most of the Russian satellites are listed on the commercial website, identified only as 'object B', object D' etc. But the owners of those Russian birds welcome my reports/recordings of their telemetry data bursts and reply with colourful 'QSL' post cards.
Perhaps after I stop teaching online I can open an Only Fans account, featuring me, Candy Mark II and a host of interesting sex toys...![]()
There is 9 people in this photo. Think u can find them?
Edit : Had to resize and it makes it almost impossible to find all 9
Last edited by Backspin; 15-08-2024 at 12:51 AM.
The 4 you can't see are visible in this one
Is that you top right reliving yourself?
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