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Thread: OK, Boomer

  1. #176
    Thailand Expat
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    I'm pretty sure the added CO2 emission caused by climate activists clogging up CBD's with their sit in's considerably exceeds any reduction their weeny efforts at eating vego or whatever have caused. Nice one Greta.
    I know for a fact that indigenous stoats and weasels are facing extinction in the UK, thanks to animal activists releasing farmed mink into the wild- an environmental catastrophe. Nice one, Peta.
    For years, indigenous Australians and farmers have warned that the added fuel load caused by greenies refusing to allow back-burning etc (land management) is a disaster in the waiting. Now we are seeing it burn, at catastrophic cost to the environment, CO2 emission, personal property & loss of life, and native animal habitat destruction.
    We even brought back the whale from the brink of extinction, ain't that nice. And the Atlantic cod- an important food fish.

    Meanwhile, significant progress has been and is being made at reducing fuel emissions from cars, electric car technology & cleaner methods of power generation (but the cleanest of all- nuclear, makes you shit your nappies). This in an environment where the earth would be in a global warming phase regardless if humankind had never walked the face of it.
    All of this while the most pampered generations in the history of mankind piss and whinge, and their misguided efforts all too often only make the problems worse.

    In the impotent chorus of finger pointing and destructive protest action by these know nothing metrosexuals, important and actionable matters of sustainability are being drowned out- such as the plundering of the earth's marine resources by mainly 2nd and 3rd world fishing fleets. Some 90% of pelagic fish stocks have been wiped out in the last two decades, it is estimated. (Take a bow, Thailand.) When Scott Morrison recently raised the issue of the massive amount of plastic waste going into, and floating in the earths oceans he was drowned out- and told Australia is not doing enough to combat climate change. This from tinpot Sth Pacific nations that get most of their power from filthy diesel generators. Meanwhile, Australia has invested extensively in wind farms & solar, and observes sustainable fishing practises- we don't even use slave labor! And when we buy a Big Mac, it comes in a biodegradable, recyclable paper container- not styrofoam.

    By all means, eat less beef, go vego, whatever. And turn off your damn aircon- it's healthier anyway. Better still, get rid of your car and cycle to work, or catch public transport (tellingly, most idiotic protesters clogging our CBD's with their impotent climate change bleat got there by- private car). Alter your spending habits to not buy Thai seafood- I have, have any of you? And I too dislike excess packaging- sure, more should be done here. But we hardly use plastic bags in Australia now. Can a TEFLer in Thailand say the same thing?

    Which is why this Boomer is treating your impotent bleating, and this thread, as a joke (in case you hadn't noticed). You are just parroting stale old mantras, whilst knowing nothing of effective action to actually take. At the margins, your ridiculous efforts and protests are counterproductive and destructive. The most pampered generation ever, who consumed more carbon than any generations before or (hopefully) since. Oh, but that's your parents fault, right? Ok Boomer. Meanwhile, the deforestation of Brazil and Indonesia continues apace- but you would rather point the finger at the generations that preceded you, who developed electric transport, solar & wind generation, and the carbon tax amongst other things.

    Climate change is real- but if mankind were to cease all carbon emissions forthwith (impossible), the level of greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere would still rise for the next 30 years or so. Can I take it on trust GenXer that you refuse to fly anywhere for your holidays? That you refused your parents generous offer of buying your first car, in fact eschew private transport altogether? didn't think so. And would you deny the developing world (ie most of the world) any opportunity to gain some of the creature comforts and conveniences that you take for granted, because you have never known otherwise? It won't work, anyway.

    Tax and trade policy can be effective ways of addressing unsustainable imbalances- such as the appalling level of wealth inequality, wholesale deforestation, and the plundering of the earth's fisheries. I must admit, Boomers have proven hopelessly ineffectual at that- can you do better? You are most of the political leaders and bosses now, or soon will be. And the march of technology, which is happening apace. Quit tilting at windmills- the earth is in a global warming phase regardless, and many of the most destructive and unsustainable practises are coming from the 2nd and 3rd world now.
    Last edited by sabang; 02-01-2020 at 06:11 AM.

  2. #177
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    ^ Sabang, nice write - green owed

  3. #178
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    I'm pretty sure the added CO2 emission caused by climate activists clogging up CBD's with their sit in's considerably exceeds any reduction their weeny efforts at eating vego or whatever have caused. Nice one Greta.
    I’m certain that’s not even close to being correct and it’s also a bit silly so given the length of that post I’ve extrapolated that forward and saved myself the time bothering. Bowie’s appraisal — being the caricature of an angry old right wing man that he is — merely reinforces that feeling.

    So... OK Boomer.

  4. #179
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Bowie’s appraisal — being the caricature of an angry old right wing man that he is — merely reinforces that feeling.
    OK, Boomer-gmdq4lw9pa-10-png
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails OK, Boomer-gmdq4lw9pa-10-png  

  5. #180
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Yeah... right on cue and that’s not how that works Boomer. Best leave the memes to those that know.

  6. #181
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    OK, Boomer-th-jpeg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails OK, Boomer-th-jpeg  

  7. #182
    last farang standing
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    hrough it all, you still have sheer audacity ... the temerity, to complain that my generation is too sensitive or too fragile, while you kick up a stink about being called "Boomer"? Oh, puh-lease. Photo / Getty Images

    Does anyone really say Puh-lease?

    You, Boomers, had a free university education while many of us still start our adult life tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Boomers, you oversaw rampant speculation in the housing market.

    Of course it does ignore the fact that a small percentage of boomers actually went to University compared to later generations.

    You rejected housing intensification plans and saw housing inflation not as a problem, but as an unrivaled opportunity to enrich yourselves without paying tax. With all of that wealth, Boomers, presumably you'd be okay with a few changes to superannuation?

    Funny. I bought a house that is now worth a gazillion dollars and if I sell it to buy another one I will pay a gazillion dollars. Profit= zero

    Oh nope ... Boomers, you expect us to cover that as well without significantly changing eligibility conditions. Because hey – you're not the ones paying!

    In Australia the government increased the tax rate by 7% to go into a pension fund for boomers. They then removed it and put it into general revenue. If they had not done so the self funding income for pensioners would now be over $1,000 per week but instead it was moved out of the fund into general revenue, wasted on roads universities and other infrastructure used by todays generations at the cost of near poverty for many boomers.

    Oh, and here's the real doozy: You, Boomers, cooked our planet. You, the Flower Power generation, the Jimi at Woodstock '69, the all-we-are-saying-is-give-peace-a-chance generation, forgot all of that peace-and-love-and-at-one-with-the-World stuff, and you ignored scientific evidence for decades because it moderately inconvenienced you.

    In the meantime we have avoided a major world war, Advanced medicine invented computers the internet and furthered equality.

    After two World Wars and half a century in which the generations before you sacrificed millions of lives for the sake of their children and their grandchildren and a safer world, yours is the generation that repaid that incredible gift with absolute self-interest. The world faced a potential existential threat, and you didn't give a toss.

    The greatest existential threat that has faced the world is pandemic diseases and Nuclear war. Both of which were avoided due to peace movements and major advances in Vaccines drugs and technology for HIV and other diseases.

    And through it all, Boomers, through it all, you still have sheer audacity ... the temerity, to complain that my generation is too sensitive or too fragile, while you kick up a stink about being called "Boomer"? Oh, puh-lease. Thoughts and prayers Boomers. Thoughts and prayers.

    Puh-lease again? Well one would have to be rather sensitive, fragile and (as is your right) just a little effeminate to use that term.

    Look: I'm only kind of joking. I know I shouldn't be baited but you've caught me at a moment of weakness and I can't resist.

    Do I think we should discriminate on the basis of age? No.

    But of course you do nearly every day. The ageist employment policies of most companies that is ignored by the younger generations, many of which are in charge of current employment policies. I've yet to see a protest in favour of retaining older workers.

    Do I think sometimes my Millennial generation and Gen Z can be a bit too sensitive? Yes.

    That's a no brainer.

    Do I also think it's rich for those of us in public positions, whether we be members of parliament or Saturday morning radio broadcasters, who get annoyed when we are dismissed for our relative youth, to then also use age as an insult? Albeit a gentle insult?

    "Gentle" insults such as Such as: Silly old C%#T. Old man yelling at clouds. Angry old white man. Get off the road you silly old fool. Go and change your nappy/diaper. What would you know you silly old prick?

    Yes, okay, it's maybe a little rich.

    Maybe a little.

    But do I think the term Boomer is offensive? No.


    Objectively, the world we've inherited is a hell of a lot more complicated than the one the Boomers grew up in. There are far more important issues facing us all than a debate over whether or not being called a "boomer" is really worth losing sleep.

    True the world is a lot more complicated in part due to many technological innovations by Boomers.

    So, dry your eyes. Drive your 3-Litre SUV to your fifth house or use those untaxed capital gains to supplement your Super and buy yourself a box of tissues.'ll stop calling you a boomer. But maybe... you know... toughen up.

    Please don't be so patronising. We are proud to be the baby boomers and through the mistakes we have undoubtedly made and the problems sadly we have not fixed, have many things to be proud of.
    We have presided over some of the greatest technological achievements in history. Whilst some of things are a work in progress and we will leave for future generations to finish, we have made some great inroads.
    My mother's friend got pregnant to an American soldier in WW2 and took rat poison because she couldn't bare the shame of being an unwed Mother. Thankfully we have made great inroads into the equality of women since then. We are not there yet but we have made a start and will not be there until all men value women as true equals.
    That and true equality of all is now your challenge as well as not throwing out the baby with the bath water on the way.
    That is what I fear most from future generations. While it's true you cant make a cake without breaking eggs, the hard question will be is the cake worth breaking the eggs for.

  8. #183
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    OK, Boomer-th-jpeg
    ...must need to be an angry and addled Boomer for that to make any sense whatsoever.

  9. #184
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    ^^Equality and peace movements....two things right up your street, eh Hugh?

    ^ant...think it might just be you.

  10. #185
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Well the only context I can see in relation to this thread is bowie has a preternatural interest in Greta?

    Because surely he’s not dumb and self-absorbed enough to think I stalk him and post a ridiculous off-topic meme... oh!

  11. #186
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Have we digressed a little away from the concept of OK ... Boomer?

  12. #187
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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  13. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    FKn selfish generation of hypocritical snowflakes some of them (including those that post on here, no names though cnuts are too sensitive... )
    Sorry but I must be a pretty bad judge of age.

    Based on your posts I've read, I'd have guessed you were well into your 70's. Sorry if I missed that. I won't address your copy and paste post but suffice it to say, I agree and do feel fortunate in many ways.

    A former Brit friend once said to me "you guys had it lucky. No major wars, no severe economic depression, no pandemics and so on" He's right. I'm lucky.

    I guess it's just the roll of the dice. Lucky me and the tens of millions of my fellow Boomers

    I apologize if I hurt your feelings with my perceived age estimate of you

  14. #189
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cisco999
    I apologize if I hurt your feelings with my perceived age estimate of you
    Not at all, I actually find it quite amusing.

    And I have incorrectly guessed ages based on posts often enough myself.

  15. #190
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Is your 80th birthday party still on next month, Ant?

  16. #191
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    I'm STILL fucking 48

    That ain't EVER going to change

  17. #192
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Is your 80th birthday party still on next month, Ant?

    Yep and the bran and Horlicks is on me!

  18. #193
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    I'm STILL fucking 48

    That ain't EVER going to change
    It will this year, sorry to break it to you.

  19. #194
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    ^^ Boomers are mostly pissheads. Have a nice quiet party though.

  20. #195

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    Quote Originally Posted by cisco999 View Post
    Sorry but I must be a pretty bad judge of age.

    Based on your posts I've read, I'd have guessed you were well into your 70's. Sorry if I missed that. I won't address your copy and paste post but suffice it to say, I agree and do feel fortunate in many ways.

    A former Brit friend once said to me "you guys had it lucky. No major wars, no severe economic depression, no pandemics and so on" He's right. I'm lucky.

    I guess it's just the roll of the dice. Lucky me and the tens of millions of my fellow Boomers

    I apologize if I hurt your feelings with my perceived age estimate of you
    The Ok boomer thing is a war of wills between the millenials and the baby boomers with a big dose of ageism thrown in.

    Then there are the Gen Xs jumping on the coattails of the millennials because they feel left out and want to join in the argument. Approaching their 50s and very likely living even less environmentally friendly lives than the boomers, they nevertheless grab at the opportunity to distance themselves from the boomers, which is more to do with a fear of their own approaching old age than anything to do with the true cause.

  21. #196
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    ^^ Boomers are mostly pissheads.
    That would explain some of the posts in this thread.

  22. #197
    last farang standing
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    [QUOTE=cyrille;4041875]^^Equality and peace movements....two things right up your street, eh Hugh?

    Gender equality yes. Peace movements not so much. But I forgot you work in the land of peace to all religions and the shining light of Gender equality, just so you dont have to compromise your high minded morals on those issues. Well done.

  23. #198
    I Amn't In Jail PlanK's Avatar
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    Tezza's Balcony
    The C-virus may be renamed BoomerRemover.

    OK, Boomer-boomerremover-jpg

  24. #199
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    The dirty little secret about Trump and his rallies is that they were actually Boomer rallies.

    Who brought trump into the fold ? Boomers.

    Who almost got Trump a second term ? Boomers.

    So now that we are closing the book on Trump- at least for 4 years- we should remember who to blame for the whole thing. Once again, its Boomers.

    Last edited by Backspin; 09-11-2020 at 01:56 AM.

  25. #200
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    Seems to be a hell of a lot of 20-30 something faces in that crowd.
    Last edited by Cujo; 09-11-2020 at 11:23 AM.

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