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    Thailand Expat
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    Should the British Government be responsible for ex-pats returning from Thailand?

    Should the British Government be responsible for ex-pats returning from Thailand?

    Like many other brits who arrive in Thailand Mark had enjoyed the beaches, bars and the freedom Thailand offers those looking for a way out of the rat race in the UK.After exploring the country, enjoying beach parties and the exotic lifestyle Mark invested in a bar, fell in love with a local girl he later married and started a family. Mark was living the dream, however, like many others the dream later turned into a nightmare.

    As the tourism on the island took a downturn, thanks to the world economy and the exchange rate, business in the bar dried up and Mark found himself looking for alternative methods of earning a living.
    After inheriting some money he invested in land in the north of Thailand, close to his wife’s family, and planted rubber trees.

    Life in the north was very different for Mark, who had become used to the excesses of island life and as he continued to enjoy a boozy lifestyle cracks started to appear in his marriage that eventually ended in divorce.
    Unable to find work back on the islands Mark called on friends back home for loans to pay for his visas and work permit and keep the company he relied on for his visa alive.
    With generosity from friends back home drying up and little work about for British men, Mark fell on hard times and eventually found himself sofa surfing before being homeless sustaining himself on free food offered at local bars on special occasions and later from the bins outside MacDonald’s.
    Struggling with alcoholism Mark turned to social media and friends back home for a solution that came when a friend found him a job on a building site in the UK that included free accommodation and paid for his ticket back home.

    However, what seemed like the perfect solution was not as easy as it seemed to Mark who lost his job within a week due to his alcoholism, he once again found himself homeless, this time in the UK.
    Like many other Brits who return to the UK when things go wrong in Thailand, Mark turned to the British Government for help and was horrified to discover that he was not eligible to receive benefits until he had been back in the country for 3 months.
    Mark asked for help with housing, but, as a single man with no dependants he was low on the list of priorities and was only offered a sleeping bag and given a list of charity organisations who feed the homeless.
    Mark felt very resentful at the way he was treated by the authorities in the UK and felt it was disgusting that he was not being taken care of, despite having not paid into the system for 15 years.

    Again Mark turned to social media to help and found sofas to sleep on. Sadly, Mark, who was still suffering from alcoholism, found he often outstayed his welcome and ended up back on the streets.
    After being forced to steal meat from local stores to feed his addiction Mark managed to survive the first three months and ended up in a homeless shelter who offered counselling for his addictions and very low rent he was able to pay from his benefits.
    Upset by his new surroundings and having to share accommodation with drug and alcohol addicts Mark was happy to receive the opportunity of help from a friend who had also recently returned from Thailand and was willing to help him rebuild his life.
    With support from his friend, a warm bed, a roof over his head and three meals a day Mark managed to control his alcoholism and found a job on a local building site.

    Mark did so well at his new job he was given a company truck to drive and looked forward to his first monthly pay check. Sadly when that pay check came, missing Thailand and his child, his need for alcohol overtook him and he found himself upside down in a ditch, three times over the legal drink drive limit in the UK and after being taken to hospital spent the night in the police cells before facing the courts and the sack after writing off the company truck.
    A few weeks later in court Mark explained that drink driving was a way of life in Thailand and he had not understood the restrictions in the UK. Having never been in trouble in the UK before he was let off a custodial sentence and community service and landed himself a nominal fine and a 2 year drink drive ban. However, finding work now was going to be very difficult.

    With only £70 pounds a week coming in from the Government Mark found he was unable to contribute to his friend’s household bills and food budget as he only had enough money for cigarettes and alcohol. Once again he was homeless.
    After a few weeks sleeping rough Mark managed to get a place back in the homeless shelter and is now very bitter at the way he has been treated. Mark feels that returning Brits are largely ignored by the British Government, who he feels favour assisting migrant families to the UK.
    He said “the accommodation I have been given is meant to be bed and breakfast, but all I get is a slice of toast and some stale cereal for breakfast. I am not allowed to have alcohol in my room and I am charged for the room and even for doing my laundry”
    Mark finds the other residents difficult to dealt with too he said “this place is full of alcoholics and druggies, they lie and cheat and have stolen my tobacco, I can’t believe the UK government treat me like this, I am British, it’s disgusting”.

    Mark’s case is not unique. Many ex-pats who find themselves in trouble in Thailand are surprised to find little help available when they return to the UK and many choose to remain and eke out a meagre living in Thailand as they know re-establishing themselves in the UK can seem impossible.
    With private landlords wanting large deposits and credit references before letting their properties, those who have spent many years abroad are often turned down when submitting rental applications.
    Many ex-pats have fallen prey to alcoholism overseas and find, on returning to the UK, little help is available.
    Should the UK be doing more to help returning ex-pats establish themselves back in the UK? One of Mark’s friends, Jane told us “while I am sorry that Mark is in this situation I am not sure what he expected on his return.
    He has arrived in the country with nothing and basically lived of the goodwill of his friends.

    He has received free health care from the National Health who have given him free blood tests, anti-depressants and organised counselling to help him with his addiction but he turned it down, despite having been told his health has been damaged by his drinking.
    He has not paid into the already overburdened system, refuses to deal with his alcoholism, and has already lost a good job that could have got him back on his feet to the demon drink.
    I think its Mark’s responsibility to sort his life out and not the UK Government. His friend gave him a roof over his head and food for two months and he didn’t pay a penny towards it, I think he needs to take responsibility for his own life and not expect others to do it for him. It was his choice to leave the UK and go and live on a beach.”
    Another friend, Barry, told us “I think Mark has been badly treated, it’s not fair that asylum seekers get all the help but the British are forgotten. As a British man I think Mark should have been offered a council house and benefits, he has paid into the system, he had a job 20 years ago in the UK and he paid tax then.

    So he likes a drink and a cigarette, it’s not right he should stop the things he enjoys because he is forced to choose between alcohol and food trying to live on seventy quid a week, this country needs to wake up and take care of its own”
    Mark told us that he feels his situation his hopeless, “I don’t know why I came back” he said, “I would have been better off being homeless in Thailand, there may be no benefits but at least it’s warm and I could sit on the beach all day.
    At least there I can always find something to eat and drink, people are not generous in the UK, they just treat you like s**t, I have had to resort to picking cigarette butts up off the street, if I had the money I would go back without a second thought”
    If you are facing being homeless in the UK click here for emergency housing with Gov.UK
    If you are struggling with addiction click here for help and advice.
    The names in this article have been changed – Samui Times

  2. #2
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    Entitlement culture. But he played the game badly.

    Self centred and yet totally lacking in self awareness.

    "I think its Mark’s responsibility to sort his life out and not the UK Government. His friend gave him a roof over his head and food for two months and he didn’t pay a penny towards it, I think he needs to take responsibility for his own life and not expect others to do it for him"

  3. #3
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Oxygen thief should have taken the balcony jumping option.

  4. #4
    I'm in Jail

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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    ^ A bit harsh.

    Alcohol is an ugly drug, and alcoholism is a serious disease. It is to a certain extent inherited. I have two friends struggling with it right now.

    Having said that, it is their responsibility to endure the withdrawals and get off it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakeeyes View Post
    Mark found he was unable to contribute to his friend’s household bills and food budget as he only had enough money for cigarettes and alcohol.
    Loser, bludger, wanker. Priorities all wrong. I'm a drinker and smoker, but I would forego those vices to pay my way with a friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by snakeeyes View Post
    is now very bitter at the way he has been treated.
    Yep, as Chas says...entitled.
    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui View Post
    Entitlement culture. But he played the game badly.
    He played the game very badly. He should have seen the financial woes coming and done something sooner.
    Sponger. I have little pity.

    I bet he's got nasty teeth, too.

  6. #6
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    30-09-2023 @ 02:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    Oxygen thief should have taken the balcony jumping option.
    i was about to say some thing similar.. had to stop reading it. too fucking boring. he should top iselv. plus wots the kunt done for the kid he missed. fucking bullshit.

  7. #7
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    30-09-2023 @ 02:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    Loser, bludger, wanker. Priorities all wrong. I'm a drinker and smoker, but I would forego those vices to pay my way with a friend.

    Yep, as Chas says...entitled.

    He played the game very badly. He should have seen the financial woes coming and done something sooner.
    Sponger. I have little pity.

    I bet he's got nasty teeth, too.
    and breath lol

  8. #8
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    ^ A bit harsh.
    It's buriramboy. He makes the grimmest Dickensian characters seem like Santa.

    I wouldn't be surprised if 'Mark' were completely fictional. Some of those 'quotes' are ridiculous.
    Last edited by cyrille; 04-10-2017 at 09:58 AM.

  9. #9
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    30-09-2023 @ 02:09 PM
    ive come to the conclusion , over a number of years, plus alky friends,,, its not the booze parse its a self indulgent personality... plain an simple.

  10. #10
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    I guess the samuitimes reporter must have spent quite a while in the UK interviewing 'mark', 'jane', 'barry' and co.

    Seems quite a long way to go for such a banal story.

  11. #11
    I am not a cat
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    Loser in Thailand, Loser in UK.

    Reading through that, he was given a real helping hand many, many times. And he pissed them all away.

    Just another alcoholic loser. No story here - move along.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    If the guy was to go back to the UK he'd be a registered alcoholic. Meaning he'd get extra benefits every week. Good old UK.

    Unemployed 'alcoholic' is offered extra benefits cash by council to help finance his drinking habit
    Unemployed alcoholic from Doncaster is offered extra benefits by council | Daily Mail Online
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  13. #13
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    Abandoned his wife and child in the North of Thailand


    Sounds familiar.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    It is to a certain extent inherited.
    No it isn’t. You just made that shit up. Absolute nonsense.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Begbie View Post

    Abandoned his wife and child in the North of Thailand


    Sounds familiar.

    Your life just gets shittier every day doesn’t it? I didn’t know you were a brickie porridge wog.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    If the guy was to go back to the UK he'd be a registered alcoholic. Meaning he'd get extra benefits every week. Good old UK.

    Unemployed alcoholic from Doncaster is offered extra benefits by council | Daily Mail Online
    Read more
    Might be worth you actually reading the article.

  17. #17
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    That'll be a first for that publication.

  18. #18
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    Might be worth you actually reading the article.
    Did that and re-read it in case I missed something. Obviously, in your opinion, I did.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    Did that and re-read it in case I missed something. Obviously, in your opinion, I did.
    Well, the fact that he is, actually, IN UK seems pretty germane....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    Well, the fact that he is, actually, IN UK seems pretty germane....
    The original article I didn't read as I have snakepies on ignore. I assumed from others posts we were talking about a gentleman who was in Ting Tong Land. My mistake. Sorry .

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    The original article I didn't read as I have snakepies on ignore. I assumed from others posts we were talking about a gentleman who was in Ting Tong Land. My mistake. Sorry .
    No worries.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    The original article I didn't read as I have snakepies on ignore. I assumed from others posts we were talking about a gentleman who was in Ting Tong Land. My mistake. Sorry .
    Pretty please take me off ignore for I miss you NOT ,

  23. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by snakeeyes View Post
    Should the British Government be responsible for ex-pats returning from Thailand?

    I feel a need to weigh in on this one because I've been homeless in Thailand and the UK albeit several years ago, but I've been through the system and like to share my opinion with you.

    In answer to the original question - should the British Government be responsible for ex-pats returning from Thailand ? - OF COURSE THEY SHOULD. Because in many cases the British people do not care.

    I know that last sentence is going to irk some people because the Brits like to perceive themselves as self righteous, morally superior people. The proof is in our actions though.

    Being homeless in Thailand was one the best, heart warming experiences of my life. I was given food, shelter and clothes by some lovely Thai ladies. Some of them even took me away on holiday, in fact I was offered several free holidays but turned some of them down out of embarrassment. I was given help by complete strangers. That's the system in Thailand though there was, at that time, no support available from the Thai government but it didn't matter because the people were prepared to help. I got to see the very best of Thai culture during the time I was homeless there and still cherish that memory to this day.

    Now, contrast that with the homeless experience I had in Britain. I was offered little or no support from my family or friends aside from advice to go to the government. After sleeping rough for a while I discovered an emergency night shelter which offered a bed, food and a laundry service. It was a place to rest my head but not a heart warming experience sharing a dormitory with drug addicts and alcoholics, but I was grateful for the food ad shelter given it was winter time.

    Later on the government placed me in a Salvation Army hostel. Whilst there I took the opportunities that came my way, I did a teacher training course and found work myself whilst wandering the streets - came across an internet cafe that needed my expertise. I went on from there and developed my own business tutoring people, making websites, writing and work with helping the homeless and people who've fallen on hard times.

    I'm not an alcoholic or drug addict but met many that are during my time spent in the Salvation Army Hostel. A lot of the residents there had just come out of prison, some had been seriously institutionalised yet there were a few, not many though, who made it out of there. As for the rest I still see some who are unable to cope with life in society and they hostel hop around the country whilst trapped in the world of drugs or alcohol. Its a harsh system.

    The British government recently attempted to role out a system known as Universal Credit and in the areas its been trialled the amount of homelessness has shot up dramatically. Vulnerable people have been forced onto the streets. Thankfully some politicians are now aware of this and are stopping it.

    The British people have built a system to deal with homelessness and, in my opinion, its taken away their humanity. Just flick through the channels on British TV and you'll most likely see a program condemning the poor.

    I'll always remember my old Thai father inlaw. Two of his sons were troublesome, one was in and out of prison and the other a hard core alcoholic. The father always forgave them though, would visit his son in prison and did his best to help his other son. That always impressed be about the strength of family in Thailand and their warm heartedness.

    Life is a lot different in the UK and yes we do need the government to help the homeless because most other people won't. Its that simple. If the government ever did stop helping them, God help us because the streets would be flooded with them, as has already started to happen in some cities.

    There is definitely room for improvement.

  24. #24
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    in a country where most people, having been suckled on the teats of a nannying welfare state, abrogate all responsibility in the belief that it is the governments duty to look after those whom, for whatever reason, are unable to fend for themselves, it is obvious that most will look the other way, and assuage their guilt by comforting themselves that the government, through the local councils, will help.

    it is a given that any government help offered will be lacking, due to economic realities, over regulation with little flexibility and the sheer bloody-mindedness of those operating the system.

    however, if the help was all encompassing, perfect, warming and beautiful, then there would be little incentive to assume responsibility for ones life.

    socialism tends to push everyone into serfdom, eventually totally dependent on the political class, and thanks to the vast amount of money needed to operate such a system, it will keep the people poor.

    in thailand it is very different, there are no safety nets as such, and those who fall through have to rely on the generosity of the public, not the government.

    and in such a society, there tends to be no shortage of charitable people available to help those who really have nowhere else to turn.

    those who succumb to drugs and alcohol, as hard as it sounds, have only themselves to blame. they are weak. and as we know, nature tends to favour the strong and do away with the weak in order to strengthen the genepool so that the species does not slowly die out.

    hard socialism with an excess of nannying by "we know best authorities" leads to weak failing societies.

    ...... and no the government should not fall over itself to help returnees who have failed abroad. thats the job of families. best that one thinks ahead and does the right thing by families and friends throughout ones life, helping where possible so that should one hit hard times, family and friends will be more than willing to offer help to get you back on your feet again.

  25. #25
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    The government will help people return, if you have no friends or family to send you money the embassy will buy you a ticket back to the UK although you do have to pay the money back and I believe your passport is held until such time as the money has been paid back. Also there is a poor box in the embassy where people can donate and if you go and give them a decent sob story they will chuck a few thousand baht at you. But lets be honest here the down and out Brits in Thailand are there because they couldn't face the prospect of returning to the UK and decided to stay at any cost even if it means being homeless and skint, fucks given that would be none as they made the choice to remain in Thailand and not get the available help if needed to return to the UK.

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