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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo
    Sensitive, eh
    If that's your interpretation you're seeing things that aren't there. Maybe due to an insufficient diet, not enough carbs or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo
    Do you blurt out such defensive withering criticism to your GP when he explains the precise mechanisms involved with what's wrong with you?
    Eh? My GP said who/what/where/why/now??

    Are you just making up oddly specific fantasy scenarios because you're defensive.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo
    Which bit was a blanket statement?
    This part:
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo
    You can eat more good fat (not sat fat or trans fat) in the forms of nuts, seeds and olive oil and oily fish, and cut out carbs in the forms of rice, potatoes, pasta, and crisps, and get good results - as long as you are getting the vitamins.

    Cutting salt and sugar right down helps - and of course salty snacks make you drink booze more... it's a long slow road, but it's good to do... I can remember when I couldn't have tea without three sugars in it - long, long, ago.
    There's no valid reason for cutting out carbs. And 'eat more good fat', that's essentially meaningless.

  2. #27
    splendid and tremendous
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    27-11-2023 @ 11:59 PM
    Down on the farm
    Well, I ran two lots of four miles yesterday - the first, in the morning, with a pounding bonce sponsored by the good people at the Kronenbourg 1664 brewery. The second, in the evening, was to the public house where I met with smug farang bore and we proceeded to get splendidly shit-faced.

    Rinse and repeat - I'm just about to board the bicycle for a 50 mile trundle through woods with an audio book for company.

  3. #28
    Member Geezy's Avatar
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    Neither here nor there
    Good article CaptainNemo. I concur with the author.

    When I was in my teens, 20s and early-30s, I could smash as much alcohol as I wanted, with no weight gain. Approaching 40 and that is not the case anymore.

    In addition to a good diet I need to up the exercise. Swimming pool got filled up today, start swimming tomorrow.

  4. #29
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    Apparently there are ways to reduce or even cure Aspergillosis....
    My Aspergillosis generally doesn't interfere with my health, so long as I exercise my lungs. So jogging and cycling is a great way to achieve that goal.

    I also play the Lao khaen musical instrument. I bought this bamboo wind instrument about 5 years ago because you play it by breathing in and out - you don't need to stop to take a breath. So I can play it nonstop for hours, (the droning noise does send everyone within earshot totally crazy, but I like it).

    The only time I get problems with my lungs is if I visit a cold country, or if I pick up a chill in the monsoon season. I do ride in the rain, but always wear a rain-jacket and warm/dry myself up well after my ride.

    I occasionally take medication (itraconozole) if my Aspergillosis is bad, but I've been OK for months now.

    However, if I am very old and unable to exercise, that's when I could have serious lung problems. Hence the reason for my wish to keep in good shape until my dotage.
    Groping women when you're old is fine - everyone thinks you're senile

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Here's the thing…

    If your maintenance (i.e. the level at which you neither gain nor lose weight) is 2,000 calories per day and you actually eat 2,100 then you'll gain weight (or lose it if under that total). It doesn't matter if that 2,100 consists of arbitrary and non-defined 'healthy fats' or McD's because in the hierarchy of importance calories are king.

    Macros - the type of calories, protein, carbs or fats - comes in second after that and then micro-nutrients etc. but your body neither knows nor cares where and what those calories come from. Calories are measured as a factor of amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius and thermogenesis in the human body isn't any different if those calories are from celery or cake - they all 'burn' the same way.

    Of course for general health you're going to want to eat a balanced diet to ensure you get sufficient amounts of all macro and micro nutrients but there's no reason that you couldn't lose weight on a diet that consisted of nothing but ice-cream and chocolate. On the flip-side, eat nothing but so-called 'healthy' foods over maintenance and you'll get fat. It's that non-rocket surgery simple.

    Further, manipulation of macros for certain different goals and purposes isn't even a relevant factor for the majority of the population outside of dedicated athletes training for specific goals or outcomes in certain sports. I'd say that it applies even less to those on this forum.

    So all this 'cut carbs'-type bollocks is just that, complete bollocks. Carbs are a main energy source, cut them and all you're going to achieve is running out of energy and crashing. The problem is you get these cyclical fad diets like Paleo, Atkins etc. etc. and whilst some do actually work (and some are downright dangerous) they only do work because at the end of the day the same principle applies: eat at less than maintenance and you’ll lose weight.

    Obscure that with scientific-sounding terms and other irrelevant bollocks and you'll make a fortune selling it to overweight middle-aged men and women who desperately want to believe the reason they're fat isn't because they're simply eating too much and that the solution is some unsustainable deprivation diet that they'll invariably fail to stick to, end up bingeing, and winding up worse than they were to start.

    Friday night I went to an Italian restaurant. I can't recall exactly what I had because I got quite rat-arsed on red wine but it was a lot. Heaps of pasta and cheese type stuff. Saturday night I had a massive marinade steak, and tonight I ate the fuck out of a large pepperoni pizza and chicken-wings and ad two lovely and refreshing beer shandies ()

    All that and I measured my body-fat this morning at 7% - adjusted to 10 for margin of error – my FFMI is 22.9 and my weight is completely stable, usual fluctuations aside it hasn’t changed in the last six months because I've intentionally kept it so. Further, last week I hit a PB of 130kg / 286lbs deadlift for 13 reps which means that despite a significant long-term injury issue I’m still getting stronger.

    And not by cutting out carbs or 'eating more healthy fats' or other wank. By simply maintaining my calories at overall maintenance and exercising.

  6. #31
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    ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ
    As stated, I'm currently trying to gain weight- just wondering how long I should take that weight gainer powder for. I only ask cos the taste is f-ing vile

  7. #32
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Personally I don't think you should be taking it at all. Waste of time/money.

    You're in an enviable position where you can eat practically what you want. Work-out what your maintenance is, add 500 or so calories and go nuts.

  8. #33
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    ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ
    Makes sense but here in Mandalay the availability of quality meat can be an issue. The meat 'fridge' at the supermarket is now at a balmy 18 degrees. I think I'll stick to tuna and other canned fish

  9. #34
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Ah ok, yeah that's an issue.

    What about just a normal protein powder? They generally taste better and you can add stuff or use it in recipes (I make blueberry or banana pancakes with mine and that shit is delicious!).

  10. #35
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    Ran 10 Km in 54 minutes 56 seconds today. (I run 5.5 minutes at speed, then walk for 30 seconds, then repeat). But I was rather tired at the end. (My heart was fine - I just felt knackered). Reckon I'm close to what I can achieve, unless I make a significant change to my running.

    That change is to increase my stride. I'm not very tall, so tend to run in short steps. If I can lengthen my stride, then I'll cover more distance in the same time.

    How to increase my stride? No idea - there must be a proven way to do this.

    I shall consult Dr Google...

  11. #36
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    Last edited by Neverna; 17-07-2017 at 08:50 PM.

  12. #37
    splendid and tremendous
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    Down on the farm
    Yes, interval training is the way forward if you want to get quicker - but these feature sprinting as fast as you possibly can, so I wouldn't really want to try that on a treadmill — lest you projectile off the back of the fucker and fell half a dozen locals en route to the back wall.

    For general health and fitness I'd say what you're currently doing is pretty much perfect.

  13. #38
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    Last edited by Neverna; 17-07-2017 at 08:51 PM.

  14. #39
    Thailand Expat
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    For general health and fitness I'd say what you're currently doing is pretty much perfect.
    Yes, I am extremely happy at what I've achieved - no question about that.

    lest you projectile off the back of the fucker and fell half a dozen locals en route to the back wall.
    If I hit the locals in that gym, then I'm more likely to either seriously injure myself, or bounce back at high speed. My gym seems to be only popular with local ladies of the ... er .... rotund kind, who oggle my slim buttocks and bulging manhood as I run on the treadmill, sometimes I see them slip a hand under their bras to massage their hardening nipples, as they watch me lift up my skin-tight running shirt to wipe some glistening sweat away from my rippling six-pack.

    Well, you get the idea. I often hallucinate when I'm jogging fast.

    @Neverna, what I mean is to increase the length of my stride, not just to increase my stamina or strength of my legs. If I take longer steps, rather then running frantically like a dwarf with stumpy legs, then it stands to reason that I will cover a greater distance in the same time.

    I need to consult John Cleese about this.

  15. #40
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    Last edited by Neverna; 17-07-2017 at 08:52 PM.

  16. #41
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    Why not? You're not fit enough
    Not fit enough?! Are you sure about that? Running 10Km in under 55 minutes is pretty damn fit when you're 58 years old.....

    In any case, I don't follow your comments that if I run 100 metres in 50 strides, then I can't run 200 metres in 100 strides etc. When I run 10Km, I run at the same pace throughout, (meaning 5.5 minutes at a specific fast pace and then 30 seconds at 6.0 kph), except for an increase in pace for the final Km.

    Whilst I run, I listen to some 'motivational' dub reggae music with a heavy and regular beat. My stride is in time to that beat. So I know that my current stride remains constant over the whole distance for that speed.

    For each run, I increase the pace slightly and I still maintain the same synchronisation with the music. That suggests to me that since I'm still in time with the music beat, I must have increased the length of my stride slightly as I also slightly increased the pace since my previous run.

  17. #42
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    Last edited by Neverna; 17-07-2017 at 08:52 PM.

  18. #43
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    Anyway, the solution for you is simple Listen to some faster music
    No it's not. If I listen to some faster music, then all I will do is to move my little legs faster, and then exhaust myself.

    I'm talking about increasing the length of my stride.

    Don't worry - I've Googled and there are some strategies for increasing the length of your stride. None of them are exclusive for super-fit athletes - everyone can follow the suggested strategy to increase the length of their stride, regardless of their level of fitness.

  19. #44
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ Is it just me who can't see Nev's posts?

    BTW, I need to get back to the Gym

  20. #45
    I Amn't In Jail PlanK's Avatar
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    He seems to have edited them.


    What's the secret to stride lengthanisation?


    Where dem tits go?

  21. #46
    Newbie Manging In China's Avatar
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    There are gyms in Myanmar?

  22. #47
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    There are gyms in Myanmar?
    I use one at a nearby hotel. It's not busy, very well equipped, personal trainer speaks English (I don't use him), nice swimming pool etc. cost me about $80 for 3 months.

  23. #48
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    Simon, have you tried a steady pace for the 10km run? I think this would get you better times than the fast - slow technique you are using.

    I am not talking about training for improvement but merely doing the 10km run in the fastest time you can achieve.

    Start at 11.5kph and if you have to slow down before completion you should still beat 54mins

  24. #49
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    I've been doing more and more threadmill lately, and it definitely tones you up nicely.

  25. #50
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    The problem I found with treadmill was that I made steady improvement and managed to get down to X number of kms in Y amount of time but that it was impossible to replicate off it. In fact once wind resistance, variation in terrain etc., was added in I was utterly fucked. And then I said fuck it to all running anyway. Now I only do it if/when being chased by someone with a knife.

    A surprisingly common occurrence.

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