This is a serious thread.

I was recently told by a friend about her using a Psychic Medium (psychics and medium) can the similar and also be separate. But for the sake of definition let's be correct and call him a 'psychic medium.'

I decided to get a reading for the next 12 months.

This was done online and I only gave my first name.

I asked one specific question, but I gave absolutely no information about myself whatsover.

Many things he noted happened during this year previously and he noted decisions I'm confronting now (I did not tell him) and he noted a relative that had passed noting his gender, got it very close to his relationship/kinship and a date is nearing that was significant for him, me and my family.

He noted some other things as well that I specifically did and planned out in recent weeks.

Now maybe he got lucky with guesses, but these were not "generalizations" IMO.

Has anyone ever used a psychic, medium, or psychic medium?

Difference between a psychic and medium: Mediums vs. Psychics: Is there a Difference? | Long Island Medium | TLC

Definition of a medium: