Britain's first small penis party to encourage positive body image for men.

Organiser Ant Smith wants to encourage a positive attitude towards smaller members.

A man has organised Britain's first "small penis party" in an effort to make people celebrate, in his own words: "tiny todgers, compact cocks, wee willies, mini members, and dinky dicks."

Ant Smith, 48, who has been married for 17 years, told that he struggled for a long time to come to terms with the size of his penis, which, at four inches when erect, is smaller than average.

Smith began talking about his penis size two years ago, and has since released a poem, 'Shorty', performing around the country to widespread media attention.

He has organised his cabaret evening, the "Big Small Penis" party, which he said aims to create a “balanced sense of fun”.

Male guests at the event on 7 March will pay an entrance fee equal to 50p per claimed inch of their erect penis size. Later in the evening, Ant will announce the average phallic length in the room, based on door takings, to see how it matches up against the national average."

The Big Small Penis Party will be held on March 7 at The Rhythm Factory in Whitechapel.

Britain's first small penis party to encourage positive body image for men - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Small Penis User Group

Damn! A shame DD isn't around any more as he was always going on about how big an Englishman is!