Well we are coming up to being married for 5 years now and I can honestly say I have never been happier ( marriage wise ) than the last 5 years .

Now this got me thinking what is so different from my first wife that is making me so happy .

All I can think is the wife I have now is such a happy chatty little thing and is prepared to have a go at most things at least once .

I could go on to list other points but going over it in my head those points above are what keeps me so happy . She also shares my stupid sense of humour and we share many many laughs together .

I,m not here to have a go at the ex , thats just not fair ,, she was a good wife and mother BUT and I,m sure she would agree we just wasnt compatible .

I might add in fairness to the ex she was better at some other things and TBH we had a so so relationship but never so happy as I am now.

Also now we are a bit of an odd looking couple I suppose what with the age gap and size difference BUT I suppose and accept we are both very lucky to be together.

BTW the wife asked me the other day is it really coming up to 5 years ?? I said sure is gal ,, she answered ,, oooooh its all gone so quick .

Needless to say she is very happy to

Mabe other members would say they're ex,s were better wives altogether than the Thais ,, fair enough the grass isnt allways greener on the other side ,, I,m old enough to know that .