19th Feb:

Formula 1 is definitely heading to Vietnam in April with the country’s tourism deputy director adamant the race will “not be postponed or delayed”.
20th Feb:

With the Coronavirus wreaking havoc in China, the F1 Grand Prix in Shanghai is off the table. However, for neighbours Vietnam, there is still plenty of discussion. Although the authorities and the FIA are all for it, other parties are starting to have second thoughts.

In spite of F1 giving the country the green light, German broadcaster RTL will be abstaining from attending. Race organisers assured that the coronavirus crisis would not affect the April 5 event, but RTL is not taking any chances.

RTL boss Manfred Loppe admitted that the organisation is responsible for the health and safety of their employees. As an alternative, the F1 reporting team will operate from a studio in Cologne.
“We came to this decision after querying numerous information points, and the bottom line is that we did not receive what we considered to be a reliable assessment of the situation on site,” he said.
Having done my own reliable assessment, I've cancelled my hotel booking. Fuck that shit, it's only six weeks away, no way the problem will be solved by then.