Hi now you,ll have to bear with me a bit as this is the first pic thread I have attempted .
Here goes the ingredients I use to make some easy fruit scones .
1. 8oz Self raising flour ( I use Tesco,s blue and white not just because I squeak when I walk , its just as good at 34p a bag IMHO .
2. 4oz Bertolli Olive spread ( no skimping here pang mak ! )
3. 3oz of Caster sugar .
4. 2 large eggs ( I use free range ,, for no reason other than some ol gal over the road from work leaves them outside her home ,, sometimes she is good enough to leave some money in the tin for me aswell ! )
5. 3 ozs of sultana,s ( back in the blue and white label,s here )
Preheat oven to 170 ,, Flour + fat + sugar into bowl , cut up with knife as small as poss , then rub in with fingers lightly untill fine ,, I dont mess about now just eggs + sultana,s in the bowl , stir it all up with a wooden spoon untill nicely together . Plenty of flour on the worktop now ,, spoon out your bowl , roll about lightly in the flour then pat down by hand about a little under 2 inches thick in a rectangular shape ,, cut out with your cutter and place on greaseproof paper on your oven tin . Into the preheated oven now for 15 mins , when come out place on wire rack to coll and lightly dust with caster sugar , ( now at this point there gonna be smelling very edible so try and resist untill cool ) just like me lol . enjoy !!
Preheating oven
Our ingrediants
Flour , sugar and fat at the ready
Cutting the fat into the flour
Nicely rubbed in together
Look at the colour of them little free rangers
All nicely mixed up together , not too wet .
All ready to shape up for the oven
All set patiently waiting to go into the oven
There we are all done ,, ok a little burnt but the wife insisted on showing me her new bikini that had just arrived in the post , so I was a little distracted to say the least . Actually its a wonder I did,nt have a King Alfred moment
Anyway enjoy my first effort ,, more to follow !