After a hearty tea (1st plate from a new batch of curry) a fellas mind turns to thoughts of pudding.

Merkins and others will know this course as dessert but really it is correctly called pudding.

Anyway for pudding tonight I had a silver foiled Chinese egg custard bun.


They are radically different from the golden egg bun I tried yesterday since they have a kind of charcoal toasted powdery flaky pastry on the outside with the same confected egg in the centre.


Really quite unique and a memorable experience if not quite as delicious as a Mr Kiplings rainbow Unicorn fancy or a cherry bakewell.

I am in 2 minds whether to text the Minx and gush about how delicious it was (being polite as it was more interesting than delicious) since she may bring more and I think I would rather go back to my western comfort food for my next pudding.

But she did say that they are expensive so I feel I should say something effusively grateful and complimentary.

What did you have for pudding tonight?