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  1. #76
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    22-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
    Agreed with Panda.

    My father never hit me once, yet his voice was enough and when he said no i knew he meant it. My mother on the other hand used to hit out quite alot. and when i think of it now it was a beating rather than a hit, i wasn't scared of her and i often chatted back.

    If i child is going to stick their finger in a socket a slap to the hand and a shout is enough, and excluding them from the group by making them sit alone or in their room is enough. If to control your child by fear is what is needed, then i think you need to look at yourself.
    You bullied, you laughed, you lied, you lost!

  2. #77
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    17-12-2010 @ 12:06 PM
    You are aware of course, that excluding them from the group by making them sit alone or in their room is also regarded as child abuse if not criminal and inhumane treatment, by some, and a good smack is proper and appropriate, to others.

    Btw an adolescent is not a child, and should be mature enough to avoid the need to be treated as one.

  3. #78
    Fast Eddie's Avatar
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    I'm also of the opinion that giving him a beating is going too far. I'm guessing that if he's at college he must be around 16 years old, and really it is up to him now how seriously he takes his studies and what he makes of himself, he's almost an adult. You can have stern words with him, you can try and encourage him, but i don't feel you can attack him in a fit of rage about this and feel justified in doing so.

    I think sitting him down and apologising at the same time as trying to convey that it was just the deep feeling of frustration that you feel at seeing him wasting his life is probably in order. He'll probably be able to understand it and accept the apology if he sees it was just an unfortunate and innapropriate response based on how much you care. The problem with not straightening this out with him, is that if he also feels that you are unjustified in doing this he won't forget it, and it may well affect your relationship with him in the future.

  4. #79
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by DrivingForce
    really poor example..that ain't discipline it's murder.. far cry... I've seen how hard my boys have to bash themselves or each other just to get a bruise so it goes without saying, this is way OTT.. And he looks the part too...
    You failed to address every one of the three questions asked at the start of my post.

    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles
    So at what age is it acceptable to beat your children up - what is the maximum acceptable injury you feel justified to inflict - where is the line drawn?
    the context of your questions disqualifies them from a response from me as I do not "beat up my children"..and that's where the line is drawn to a sensible, responsible parent...

    I should think that would go without saying or clarification, but i guess you require otherwise, so maybe you should give serious consideration before becoming a parent if that line is in any way not distinct to you..

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by keda View Post
    You are aware of course, that excluding them from the group by making them sit alone or in their room is also regarded as child abuse if not criminal and inhumane treatment, by some, and a good smack is proper and appropriate, to others.

    Btw an adolescent is not a child, and should be mature enough to avoid the need to be treated as one.
    Hey Keda, I know what you are saying and I am no advocate of mental punishment for young kids. My point was that if gets to a point where there is a battle of wills, and a smack on the bottom only escalates the confrontation, its no point taking it further with more serious physical punishment. When it gets to that point (and some kids are just will-full by nature), its time to separate the combatants for every bodies sake.

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog View Post
    I feel like a real piece of shite, you don't punch kids.....
    You're right, you shouldn't have done that. It sounds like you didn't inflict much in the way of physical injury, but in the end unless the physical hurt is grievous it's the humiliation that does the damage. Once tempers have cooled taking him for a man-to-man, heart-to-heart might help you get his respect back. Dishing out a beatdown won't gain his respect for you, and it will contribute to his losing self-respect.

    Parents who beat their kids do it for different reasons; the stepfather who resents his adopted son's existence is not the same as a frustrated father who genuinely loves his kid, fears the path he sees the kid is on, and lashes out having reached the end of his rope. A kid will probably know when his parent is a twisted sadist as opposed to a frustrated dad. At the risk of getting all mushy, as long as he knows you love him it should still be possible to make things right.

    Being a parent is just fucking impossible, I'm finding out myself that the best you can do is try not to fuck them up too much.

    Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse

    They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
    They may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had
    And add some extra, just for you.

    But they were fucked up in their turn
    By fools in old-style hats and coats,
    Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another's throats.

    Man hands on misery to man.
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
    Get out as early as you can,
    And don't have any kids yourself

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie
    I'm guessing that if he's at college he must be around 16 years old
    15 as already stated.

  8. #83
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    17-12-2010 @ 12:06 PM
    Sure a time out doesn't hurt and gives both sides a chance to think, or at least settle down, but few elements of a parent/child relationship can be pigeonholed as black or white, and ultimately discipline is just one of many things that should be left for the parents to decide.

    Shouldn't need to be mentioned but of course within reason, assuming reasonable parents wanting the best for the kids, and imho it starts to go wrong as soon as gov and courts are prodded by the pc brigade into meddling with the life defining relationship of parent and child.

  9. #84
    I am in Jail

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    09-07-2011 @ 12:54 AM
    i am totally against humiliating one's children for punishment that just undermines their self esteem and self confidence and I also try at all costs to avoid ever hitting them in the face. I think it is more disrespectful than it is it teaches same.. usually a finger thump on the 'noggin' as my dad used to call it does the trick just fine and bending over that low to whack their tail is often not an option..I like to call it an attention getter...

    Where is DD? he reported having difficulty with his ankle last night, like it going numb or something when he stood up which didn't sound to good, hope he didn't have a stroke over that much exertion or stressing or something??

  10. #85
    MUSTY's Avatar
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    Not a perfect world, no perfect parents or perfect kids.
    You have already learned your lesson, your kid probably hates you, the
    sought of deep male hate that goes deep down and one day it may errupt
    violently and generally in full force in your direction. I know I had
    to let my expectations of my kids go, because they were mine, not there's.
    Still only two ways, these days it's the hard way for the 'y' generation.

    Take this on board because you can see it now, take your kid and go see an independant person. Drop your whole load in front of your boy, apologise, shake hands (because he understands this). Hand the reins over to him, because he knows best anyway (they all do). Tell him your there if he needs you, because you can fed the unemployed. No handouts at all.

    Join the local gym or buy the gear and vent any of your frustrations.
    I don't know jack shit about you or your kid. Let the school of hard knocks drive him, be a back seat driver. Hug him heaps, he thinks your crazy anyway.

  11. #86
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie
    I'm guessing that if he's at college he must be around 16 years old
    15 as already stated.
    in college at 15 WTF? should be in like 10th or 11th grade..

    maybe it's me but DD said "second time in 15 years" that doesn't necessarily mean that he's only 15? but you know DD better than me, bladdy hell if he's 15 and already in college no wonder he's having problems he's already missed 2 or 3 years of additional school and maturing he should have had before this.. and Thai education is already lacking so that puts him several years behind his counterparts around the globe.. poor lad..

  12. #87
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    The thing with DD's kid is that compared with most Thai kids of his age he's a few years ahead, hence his early commencement of college. This, as you pointed out, is quite possibly the main factor in his truancy; immaturity. I'm sure the lad knows exactly why he got a beating and will hopefully realise that Dad isn't going to put up with it and will diligently attend school and make something of himself.

  13. #88
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    In the hearts of cats.
    All people need kind attention, an open forum, and constructive and intelligent guidance----especially children. Fighting or corporal punishment is for situations that have gone beyond diplomatic means and are acts of desperation. Try to remain calm and be honest with yourself. Discuss the infractions directly and encourage a hard debate of the issue, whether it be manners, responsibility, consequences, etc. There's absolutely no reason to physically harm anyone, unless of course they're trying to harm you or your kin.

  14. #89
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    Well put Bugin.
    I very rarely spank my girls but in extreme cases its needed. On the backside only and I explain later why I had to do it.
    Its not something I regard as part of normal discipline.

  15. #90
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    • Physical punishment, when administered regularly, increases antisocial behavior such as lying, stealing, cheating, bullying, assaulting a sibling or peers, and lack of remorse for wrongdoing.
    • Physical punishment increases the risk of child abuse.
    • Physical punishment serves as a model for aggressive behavior and for inappropriate ways of dealing with conflict.
    • Physical punishment erodes trust between a parent and child.
    • Physical punishment adversely affects cognitive development.
    • Adults who were hit frequently as children are likely to suffer from depression and other negative social and mental health outcomes.
    Effects of Corporal Punishment

    NB. I don't post this as criticism or as offering an opinion. Just information. My view is that there is far to little authoritative information on the subject available in user friendly form for the modern parent.

    The effects of corporal punishment stretch far and wide. The oft stated response of "Well, it didn't do me any harm" needs close scrutiny. IMHO.

  16. #91
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Can't say I agree with the corporal punishment sentiment - especially bashing a 15-year old . . . and now DD feels like crap for it . . . doesn't help anyone or anything.

    Most I've done is slapped the eldest one's hand . . . and the littlest one - she's a real hard case.

    My girls just hate it when I sit them down and talk/bore them to death - punishment enough

  17. #92
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    CORPORAL PUNISHMENT - philosophical study

    This is good. Worthy reading for all parents.

  18. #93
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles
    So at what age is it acceptable to beat your children up - what is the maximum acceptable injury you feel justified to inflict - where is the line drawn?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rural Surin
    Never expect these apologist to respond. They don't understand their character. It's a very rare occasion that Thais beat on their children, though you'll find these cretons throughout this forum scramble to bring examples to attention of those whom need comparatives. This is rare. It's not in their nature. However, it is the nature and instinct of Westerners, as such. I wonder if the Dog would go back and read what he writes.....doesn't want his son to be around stupid Thais. Doesn't want him to be a stupid Thai. That's great - be like me instead.
    never expect those who dump their spoiled undisciplined children on the rest of society to understand why it is a rude and inconsiderate imposition (putting it mildly and politely) we should not have to deal with..
    Last edited by DrivingForce; 27-10-2008 at 08:12 PM. Reason: content

  19. #94


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    I wasn't going to bother replying to this thread as i am pretty ashamed of what I did, I did hurt him a lot as you don't slap people if your fighting and i tend to black out when fighting, I never remember any of my fights even when I done a bit of boxing at school, I had been working in bang saen for a week day and night so was pretty stressed.

    I still don't think I was wrong as he needed something to sort his life out, trouble is I don't stop till I go down and that was way over the top, he was crying all night I have finished the job and am back now so will apologise to him tomorrow.

  20. #95
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  21. #96


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    I am now gonna start wife beating I think, I just had a big arguement with the girlfriend, how foking dumb can Thai people be? I think I have found new lows, I asked her how much she will earn this month, seems like its a bad one and she is gonna earn 3k baht, so i mentioned to her about why even bother working and why not rent out the ground floor for like 12k baht per month, good location and all that, would have people queing up for it at that price, fok me she done her nut, she was going to glass me, shame the Thais are so foking stoopid, they could make good money otherwise.

  22. #97
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    With the greatest of respect, are the levels of violence, potential or otherwise, always so high in your house?

  23. #98
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    hang in there DD ,

    these ARE troubled times for all

  24. #99


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    ^^ no they are not, but if I black out then they probably go way over the top, with fights before bar owners have said I go way over the top, they are probably talking shite though, at least I hop[e so

  25. #100
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Yup, take the family away for the weekend and chill out DD.

    Away from Pattaya, work, the apartment and Teak Door and spend a bit of quality time with your son.

    Actions speak louder than words (and apologies)

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