Golden Belly Barb

Alternative names; Lemon Fin Barb, Diamond Shark, Golden Belly Barb
Barbus daruphani
Very difficult to visually sex.
Origin; Found in Asia in the Maeklong, Mekong and Chao Phraya basins on the Malay Peninsula.

Tank compatibility

This fish is relatively sociable so does best kept in groups of at least 3-4 or more. May eat smaller fish so keep with similar sized robust tank mates only.

Almost anything. Will accept dry, frozen and live foods, and will also appreciate some vegetable matter in the diet. Will occasionally eat plants in the aquarium.
Feeding regime

Once to three times daily. Has a bottomless appetite so feed with caution.
Environment Specifics

Plenty of open swimming space is needed for this fish, which will thrash about if frightened of surprised. Plants may be eaten.

A very active, large shoaling species.
Hypsibarbus wetmorei
There are many similar fish, but these fish aren't common in the aquarium trade. Can be distinguished from the Tinfoil Barb by the orange/yellow fins in the Lemon-Fin, and the Red fins in Tinfoils.