Grey Feather Back

Notopterus notopterus

The Featherfin Knifefish gets its name from the small dorsal fin on its back. It sways back and forth just like a feather in the wind!

Although not particularly colorful, the Featherfin Knifefish is still very interesting and is well worth keeping as a pet. The Featherfin Knifefish, also known as the Bronze Featherback or Asiatic Knifefish, are generally peaceful. They will do well with other fish that are not particularly aggressive and that are too large to fit into the knives mouth.
The Featherfin Knifefish can grow to be relatively large in the wild, but tank raised fish over 12 inches are rare so you shouldn’t have to worry about eventually dealing with a 2 foot long fish. However, there can be exceptions so you will want to keep their potential size in mind.
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