Hmmm.....gliding the Sugar Glider. Sounds almost as much fun as Hamster head-butts.

Hamster head-butts (you will never tire of this).

Equipment needed:-

1 x Hamster.
1 x Pillow.
1 x Wall.


Stand next to a wall, pick up pillow and put Hamster on pillow so that it is facing the wall.
Hold out pillow with Hamster at arms length and then let go.


As the pillow suddenly drops, the Hamster seperates from the pillow and it's little legs are going sixteen to the dozen.
The pillow lands on the ground, the Hamster lands on the pillow and then slams it's head into the wall due to it's little legs still going sixteen to the dozen.

Repeat until:-

You can't breath anymore due to laughing.
Hamster is too stunned to move.

Great fun for the entire family!