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  1. #101
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    24-11-2023 @ 10:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    True, but in my experience, with the right food and poison, 5 minutes to death and no whimpering or barking
    Never thought I'd ever say this about a TD member...

    You are a wanker of the first order.

  2. #102
    splendid and tremendous
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    Down on the farm
    ^ It's his nick that does it for me.

    What a knob!

  3. #103
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    ^^ I'll second that

    Rick could there be someone who has taken a dislike to you for one reason or another but went for revenge in this cowardly way?

    Could simply be that there are some horrible bastards in this world and there is no actual reason apart from being sick twisted fuckers.
    Well, luckily I didn't have any tortoises on me at the time...

  4. #104

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    09-09-2013 @ 09:19 PM
    naKHON saWAN
    You got something against wanking, charleyboy?

    Dogs that are allowed to roam wild are just as much vermin as rats when they become pests. Never poisoned rats? Never sprayed insecticide? Ever witnessed how ants curl up in what appears to be, and may well be, agony?

    I wonder what your attitude is to human execution by lethal injection.

  5. #105

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    naKHON saWAN
    Somtamslap, if you had sufficient intelligence you might have noticed that I live in naKHONsaWAN, and that Khonwan is known shorthand for that location (just like Korat). No, never been sweet – I don’t recommend it.

  6. #106
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    24-11-2023 @ 10:30 AM
    ^ You are one, sad,nasty coont, I'd never like to meet.

  7. #107
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    Never sprayed insecticide? Ever witnessed how ants curl up in what appears to be, and may well be, agony?

    I wonder what your attitude is to human execution by lethal injection.
    You should stop trying to make analogies.

  8. #108

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    09-09-2013 @ 09:19 PM
    naKHON saWAN
    ^ I could say you should stop writing, but I'll just ask, "Why?"

  9. #109
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    18-11-2023 @ 08:27 PM
    You and Xanax are horrible nasty cvnts and personally I have no problem with people dying because a lot of them make their own decisions, animals don't and I truly hope karma pays you a visit

  10. #110
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    I could say you should stop writing, but I'll just ask, "Why?"
    Because you are headed into absurd reductionism.

    Have you ever taken or administered an antibiotic?

  11. #111
    bankao dreamer's Avatar
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    Gutted for you Rick we flew with our 2 dogs to Thailand in May, Im back in the UK sorting some stuff out before I go back for good middle of October and I worry about my 2 all the time. I know how I would feel if anything like that happened to mine. Hope you find the gits.

  12. #112
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by November Rain View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    but how long does it take, based on your experiences? Serious question – I’ll reply with my experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by charleyboy
    That would depend on ...How big the dog was, how much poison it had digested etc... I got to one of our dogs as it was going into spasms, frothing at the mouth. Got her to the vet's and she was saved. No such thing as a timescale!
    True, Charleyboy. I have seen it go as long as 24 hours. That is my personal experience. I have also managed (with vets help) to save one who was sick with poison, but the 2 dogs with her had died. Obviously, the amount they ingest and their general health have a lot to do with it. Poisoning is a cruel, shit, cowardly way to kill. IMO.
    You said you'd give your experience, Khonwan. And I'd like a truer more average than 5 mins. please.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by jizzybloke View Post
    ^^ I'll second that

    Could simply be that there are some horrible bastards in this world and there is no actual reason apart from being sick twisted fuckers.
    That's the big mystery of life Jizz, innit? why do some people grow up to be a Stalin or Pol Pot and others angels like Mother Teresa or my own mother.

    Just decent compassionate people. Sadly in Thailand there seem to be a dearth of the later, compassion and charity seem to be in short supply here. It certainly exists, an example is Khun Boo. the guy who provided a service taking my kids, and others to school.
    A lovely avuncular gentleman.
    Patience of a saint and always looking for those he can help.

    Cynics would say its a business, so what? but one just knows he a genuine and caring Individual.

    Why do some people get pleasure out of causing pain and suffering and others get the same from helping.
    A rhetorical question well beyond my meager intellect to answer.
    There can’t be good living where there is not good drinking

  14. #114
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    "I believe I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it. THE PAIN WHICH IT INFLICTS UPON NON-CONSENTING ANIMALS is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further."
    --Mark Twain

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    Dogs that are allowed to roam wild are just as much vermin as rats when they become pests. Never poisoned rats? Never sprayed insecticide? Ever witnessed how ants curl up in what appears to be, and may well be, agony? I wonder what your attitude is to human execution by lethal injection.
    Do you feel the same about the neighborhood kids?

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by jizzybloke View Post
    ^^ I'll second that

    Rick could there be someone who has taken a dislike to you for one reason or another but went for revenge in this cowardly way?

    Could simply be that there are some horrible bastards in this world and there is no actual reason apart from being sick twisted fuckers.
    I don't think so, but you never know how people take even you just being from another country. My BIL has pissed off a few people, but I do not know to what degree. Since our dogs were not the only ones poisoned, I am not so sure it was directed at us.

    It still may be that there is a burglary soon to follow. We are more secure than the neighbors since we have a block wall/barbed wire fence and the steel gate is locked every night or when nobody is at home. There are now 5 family members living in the house to keep an eye on things, so if there in a burglary, it may happen to someone else. Only time will tell.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by peterpan View Post
    Why do some people get pleasure out of causing pain and suffering and others get the same from helping.
    A rhetorical question well beyond my meager intellect to answer.
    very interesting question, indeed...

    its caused by the "sensation" of their own life, i think...
    they dont feel happy or can be really satisified by something...

    particularly disturbing is the length, and the effort / time they "invest" in plotting and causing harm...
    as most people do have other things, that please them...

    what they all have in common is a huge jealousy, an envy of others...
    of really every tiny thing...

    very most of their life circles only about other people...
    because they dont really have an own one...

    just a guess

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark131v View Post
    You and Xanax are horrible nasty cvnts and personally I have no problem with people dying because a lot of them make their own decisions, animals don't and I truly hope karma pays you a visit
    So how long have you not eaten animals for then? if you still do you are a hypocrite of the highest order. if you are a carnivore you are responsible for the (often unpleasant) deaths of scores of animals a year, what about that 'karma' The nasty people are the ones who are quite happy to see some animals killed but then sob into their hankies when its another species, cuddly woodley one normally, fvcking idiots. If you love animals don't eat the buggers if you don't then stop moaning about some pests being killed while you tuck into another one.
    Last edited by xanax; 29-08-2013 at 10:36 AM.

  19. #119

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    naKHON saWAN
    Ok, I’ve enjoyed a good night’s sleep, a hearty breakfast, and more stimulating conversation elsewhere on the Internet, so now I’m ready for the usual crap here.

    Mark131v, humans are animals also. I find attitudes on this forum consistently indicating greater compassion to dogs than to human beings. BTW, I don’t believe in karma.

    Quimbiam, to your first point, I don’t share your conclusion; to your second, what are you trying to say??? Are you trying to tell me that by taking antibiotics I’m killing life? Of course I do, and of course I know I do. Where is the inconsistency in my view of vermin in this regard?

    November Rain, I was being honest! I give a massive amount that works immediately. It colours the food blue, but that doesn’t put the vermin off. I’d be happy to reduce that 5 minutes to instantaneous if you could advise on an alternative, and relatively easy, means to killing vermin that doesn’t rely on guns. Do you poison those other 4-legged intelligent mammals, rats?

    Pickel, no - I don’t consider any human as vermin.

    Xanax, these guys are unfortunately blinded by their double standards.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by peterpan View Post

    Why do some people get pleasure out of causing pain and suffering and others get the same from helping.
    A rhetorical question well beyond my meager intellect to answer.
    I have not seen anyone saying they take pleasure in poisoning pest dogs. Humans cause enormous pain to animals all the time, they do eat them after all. As well as that they shoot them, hunt them, spear them and trap them. Getting sentimental over fluffy getting shut up, while ignoring the enormous amount of suffering caused to other species, and taking part in that process yourself is a mystery.

  21. #121

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Interesting debate this one, what with the amount of stray dogs in Thailand and the Governments lack of control, I can understand fully why farmers would need to take matters into their own hands.

    Quote Originally Posted by November Rain
    I have seen it go as long as 24 hours
    So why not do the humane act of putting a bullet through it's skull yourself ?

  22. #122
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    30-09-2013 @ 04:39 PM
    If you are looking for dogs there are plenty of them roaming the streets up in Esarn. Buying a dog just adds more dogs to Thailand. The street dogs running rampant in a lot of places in Thailand will eventually meet some sort of cruelty so taking them in instead of buying or searching for certain breeds will save a dog's life. If you love dogs then it shouldn't matter which one you take in. The dog population is out of control now due to the crackdown on the picking them up and taking them over the Lao border to be made into food. I know the real problem is Thai thinking and leadership but the dogs are there. Dog lovers really aren't dog lovers if only some breeds are loved.

    Do a good thing, take in an unwanted dog.

  23. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by youneverknow View Post
    Do a good thing, take in an unwanted dog.
    Or eat one of course.

  24. #124
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khonwan
    Do you poison those other 4-legged intelligent mammals, rats?
    Nope. Never have. In fact I own rats. I had 2 hairless dumbo rexes who unfortunately died recently from old age. I presently have a gorgeous champagne coloured albino and will be getting another in a couple of weeks, when I'll be here long enough to introduce them & make sure they don't fight. You're absolutely right, they are intelligent. And very sociable. But this is about dogs, not my ratties...

  25. #125
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger
    So why not do the humane act of putting a bullet through it's skull yourself ?
    Because I was trying to do the other humane thing of trying to save its life

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