I called my wife yesterday to receive the news that both of our dogs were dead in the drive from an apparent poisoning. The neighbor across from the house also had two dogs poisoned, so it was not just pointed at us and it was not something the dogs found to eat only on our property. It was obvious that they were poisoned by someone.

Here is Tuk-Tik. A very loving and fun dog that never bit anyone. We had him for 7 years and was my wife's favorite. She was pretty upset that anyone would poison our dogs.

Here is my 15 month old Pit Bull. Alpha was a very mellow dog and didn't bother to bark at most people and was a good mannered Pit Bull. We got two as puppies and the female died about 2 months ago from "something she ate?"

Why would somebody do this? I have two theories and they may both be wrong. First, in the village there are a number of young men on motorbikes that used to play pool across the street and get drunk. They were busted for drugs on several occasions and finally shut down. We would see large groups of young men congregating at the street corner late at night and probably up to no good. I left it alone, being the outsider, but knew they just wanted to get into trouble. The first theory is that one of these or a group of young men did this for "kicks."

My second theory is more bothersome. It involves older men poisoning any dogs in the area of a future theft. Getting rid of the alarm is the first step of any theft. Luckily, I have build a block wall with a locking steel gate around the front of the house and it would be more difficult to steal anything from us than from the neighbors.

If anyone has any other theories, I would be interested in hearing them. I used to think our village was a good place to live, but now I am having second thoughts. I am both angry and upset and hope I never hear who it was that did this terrible act. I just don't understand people sometimes.

I know these poisonings happen fairly often in Thailand and it is something I struggle with.