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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat
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    Over the years, I have seen a peculiar characteristic of Thais, in that they lack guts, they will do something bad, and its common to run away from the fallout.

    Poisoning is in that Category, they can drop poison and the don't have to face the consequences. It suits their (lack of) character.

    If they have a road accident, they quite often run away from the result.
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  2. #27
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    If somebody goes to the trouble of poisoning dogs here I doubt very much it's done for 'kicks' Either you upset somebody over something and it's revenge or, far more likely the dogs barking has driven people to do it. The suggestion that it's a preview for a thief does not sound likely. Just as people never blame their kids dog owners never blame their dogs for what they get up to. Many people go out leave the dogs in or around the house and have no idea how much they bark when there is nobody at home. If you want to keep dogs safe, keep them in and keep them quiet, don't make them everyone's problem.

  3. #28
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    We live on a road that has many dogs and I hear them barking many times at night. Mine were not the main offenders and anyone living near us would have to poison about 30 dogs to eliminate the noise.

    Personally, I have made a point not to offend anyone and just being from another country can be upsetting to certain Thais. Keeping the dog inside is not an option since one of the reasons for having them is property protection.

    Who knows why it was done, but I do agree that whoever did it is a lowlife.

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear the bad news about your pooches. Loosing them really hurts.

    My guess would be those dogs were barking at people up to no good in the night and they decided to shush them. Yabaa users come to mind. Hope the people in your area who lost their pets have a chat with the headman and the police about what happened.

  5. #30
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    Thanks misskit. I am sure you are more right than wrong. Poison is only used by cowards and I may never learn who actually did it. I told my wife to keep her ears open since they may just be stupid enough to brag about it.

  6. #31

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Sorry to hear about your dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    Keeping the dog inside is not an option since one of the reasons for having them is property protection.
    All of my dogs were always kept in the house and taken for walks twice a day. They guard pretty well from the inside

    Maybe you should get your Missus the lapdog she wants, one that barks when it hears someone close to your property.

    as to your thread title, why would someone poison your dogs ? maybe someone's worried about one of those pit bulls you own getting out and savaging their dogs or children. Maybe they growled or went for someone you're not aware of. Their reputation does precede them.

  7. #32
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    Sorry to hear that Rick, it's one of my biggest fears that someone would poison our dog while we are out. I witnessed a mass poisoning on a beach here once and it wasn't pleasant.

    Can I ask what kind of community you live in? Village, gated Moo Baan, Street etc..

  8. #33
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    We had two dogs died from disease picked up at the vet. So I empathise with your loss. If there were no other dogs involved I would go with the barking of your neighbour's dogs. Your were just collateral or insurance in case they got the wrong ones. Doesn't make it right though or even make sense.
    This maybe harder on your wife as she has to deal with it directly.

    Why did they object to the barking? You could be right? You may not be the target but it could be someone close-by. It had to be premeditated so I don't think it was youths for kicks.

    As you say you probably don't want to know who it was. In your shoes I would be hard pressed to rein myself in if I knew.

    We now have a dog that is related to the first two. We didn't go looking he just sort of arrived. He is sat on my desk now as I type! Small dog not big desk!
    Better to think inside the pub, than outside the box?
    I apologize if any offence was caused. unless it was intended.
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  9. #34
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    Dillinger, thanks for the condolences. You may have a point with having a small lapdog for the wife. You are a little off base with the pit bull comments, since the one I had ignored most people that walked by even though the smaller dog barked. Pit bulls are mean only if they are trained to be mean like any other dog. You may want to read up on them a little more before falling into the false reputation trap.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post

    Maybe you should get your Missus the lapdog she wants, one that barks when it hears someone close to your property.
    Thats what we have, a small Maltese. Outside most of the day, and inside at night. And I know she can bark pretty much non-stop in the day if there is lots of activity outside the gate and no one is home. Fortunately I suppose most people are out and about in the day, so its not too much disturbance, and its not a daily occurrence.

  11. #36
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    Prince, I live in a village about 10km outside Udon Thani.

  12. #37
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    On the pit bull thing they have been bred for violence and aggression and in the main that's why they are owned. I never heard of a poodle, a labrador or a setter ripping somebody, usually a kid to pieces. However, there are plenty of cases of rottweillers, staffs and pit bulls doing just that. If ever these dogs genes get out into soi dogs then the soi dogs will be a very serious problem indeed.

    In the OP case I wonder if jealousy and anti falang feeling might have been it, if not the reasons already mentioned? Just because they smile at you don't mean they like you.

  13. #38
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    Way off base Xanax. Do your homework.

  14. #39
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    Since this wasn't just your dogs but a neighbour's dogs too then I agree it doesn't seem personally directed at you or your dogs.

    In Thailand the greatest motivation for anything is money, which leaves the very distinct possibility that this was motivated by the prospect of a burglary. Don't be surprised, however, if nothing further happens as they chicken out. Any intended burglary would have to be planned for the immediate future, otherwise they know you will simply replace the dogs.

    Personally I would be inclined to leave matters as they are, do not replace the dogs for a while, but stay up late for a few nights with a mobile phone in hand and the phone number of the local cops or a friend with a gun in case they do return. Nobody needs to shoot anyone, but the sight of a weapon to unarmed intruders is likely to work wonders.

    Unarmed? Yes, armed burglars aren't going to mess about poisoning dogs...IMHO.
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  15. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    You may want to read up on them a little more before falling into the false reputation trap.
    I could put up a hundred links on here to pitbull attacks. their reputation is well founded

    My friend has a pitbull/staff cross. he can't take it for a walk off the lead because that dog will rip apart any other dog in the vicinity. that dog is a house dog too. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely dog and he lives with children, but for me, I like a dog I can walk with without it trying to pull my arm off and be free to run about without being a menace.The incessant pinning you to the sofa for a good old Pedigree chum breathed face lickin is something I also don't appreciate

    anyway, I know what it feels like to lose a dog, like losing a part of the family, so you need to think if you want to re-subject yourself, your wife and even more importantly your 3 year old son stumbling upon whatever poisoned those dogs.

  16. #41
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    As with you Rick, I live in a village about 10 k out of Udon, we tolerated the occasional dog poisoning and burglary.
    The head man is a slack cvnt so complaints to him were wasted.
    Then one of the residents organized security, instant result, not had any instances since (2 yrs).

    The organizer and a local shop keeper collect 200 Bt per month, to pay wages.

    I hear that the head man is not about to be reelected.

  17. #42
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    Real sorry for your loss Rick. I sometimes worry our tribe of 9 dogs might be the victim of similar skullduggery, unfortunately a couple of them do harass passing motorcyclists (they don't bite anybody though) and, typical of Isaan, I'm the only one that tries to do something about it, so futility at it's best. Then again, I don't live in the moo bahn, just a small hamlet of 3 houses. Very few strangers around here.

    Both your theories are quite possible. It seemed to be the case in Pattaya that a dog poisoning was often followed by a house break in, same place or very nearby, within the next day or two. Or punks taking some sort of anonymous revenge on the village that 'evicted' them, quite possible too. How is your community in with the local pu yi ban & cops? If possible, I'd just have more heat and harassment brought on them- they are cowards, at the end of the day.

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    I live in a village about 10km outside Udon Thani.
    Sorry to hear of the loss of your dogs. Not likely the case given your location but I had a beautiful gentle Rottie poisoned in Phuket. Found out was done by a Muslim restaurant owner just up the beach from the house.

  19. #44

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    seems to be a common thing with farang owning dogs - happened to one of the posters on TD (CMN) a while back.

    Sorry to hear your loss.

  20. #45
    In Uranus
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    Rick my condolences. Only the lowest scum would to such a thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norton
    Found out was done by a Muslim restaurant owner just up the beach from the house.
    You should have hired some goons to work the muzzie over.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers View Post
    Way off base Xanax. Do your homework.
    Well it's not difficult is it, the dogs were killed because Thais nearby either did not like the dogs or the owner. As for pit bulls being angels, not hard to find out that in fact they are not and were not bred to be. Don't know about here ot the USA but owners of them in the UK are normally chavs with tattoos, on the dole and who say things like 'i'd kill for my kids' while strutting round the council estate with a beast that would do just that. Normally they give the dog a name like Tyson, demon or lucifer, bit of a give-away really.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post
    Sorry to hear about your dogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    Keeping the dog inside is not an option since one of the reasons for having them is property protection.
    That's just the excuse, in practice they bark so much nobody thinks anything of it so they are not really property protection. Like car alarms nobody takes any notice. if you want property protection get cctv.

  23. #48
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    26-08-2017 @ 09:53 PM
    Quite a lot of melodrama here from farang drama queens

    My wife had a few of her dogs and cats die during her moobarn years.

    Its not hells angels hepped-up on speedballs, nor alien extermination.

    Its simply villagers putting down poison - usually to tackle vermin such as rats. The moo barn pets wander round innocently - often into the yards of neighbours and consume it.

  24. #49
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    ^ sensible post at last

  25. #50
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    19-03-2020 @ 02:26 AM
    If there are any vicious dogs or dogs that bark all night in the neighborhood, it may have been intended for them, but your dogs found whatever it was first.

    My dogs got poisoned but survived a while back when a neighbor put out rat poison in his yard. (Warafen) Good neighbor but apparently the rats carried it onto my property, found a dead rat and my 2 very sick dogs in the yard.

    My dogs are in the yard when I'm gone and sleep in my bedroom at night, both are neutered and they're not allowed out of the yard. Maybe you should try fencing them in next time?
    Sorry about your dogs.

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