Christmas is the time for good will and fine whisky.

There is nothing that fills you with festive spirit like the tickle of a single malt on your tongue.

The only problem with malt whisky, as all fellas everywhere know but are scared to admit, is that in reality it tastes a bit shit.

Fear not for the solution to this problem is documented in pictorial format here!

First take a bottle of fine single malt (any single malt will do, this one is Balvenie) and another empty bottle and a bottle of organic agave syrup.

Decant some of the fine whisky into the empty bottle so that you will have (1) enough space to add some syrup (2) enough air to allow some slooshing of the mixture to mix the syrup.

Now add 20-25% syrup to the original bottle. It will sit at the bottom of the bottle and not mix so sloosh it up.

Now add 20-25% syrup to the second bottle and sloosh it up too.

Sloosh both bottles many more times until the syrup dissolves into the fine whisky.

You have basically turned your whisky into a liqueur like Drambuie.

Now serve in 90 year-old vintage crystal liqueur glasses!


I do not recommend using honey as the honey flavours will overpower the complexities of the single malt.

Honey is OK as a liqueur mixer in grain whisky.

And as if the gods had spoken their approval what should arrive by express post delivery Christmas present from my sister within 30 minutes of my fine photographic work but a bottle of Lagavulin 16 year-old....