Saraburi Wats & Temples

Saraburi Province

Wat Phra Buddha Badh

This temple is located in Tambon Khun Khlon, 28 kilometres north of the town, turn left 1 km. before arriving in Phra Phutthabat district. The important historical site here is Lord Buddha's Footprint that was found on a stone panel near Suwan Banpot Hill or Satchaphanthakhiri Hill.

Wat Khao Kaeo Worawihan

When King Rama IV visited Sao Hai District, he ordered the renovation of this temple and promoted it as a royal temple. There has been a rumor that there used to be a bright crystal ball over the Wihan of Wat Khao Khaeo on some nights.

Wat Phayao

The image originally resided at a deserted temple in Uthai District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. Later, King Rama I the Great ordered to take it to reside as the principal Buddha image of Saraburi. The golden Buddha image is the most revered by the people of Saraburi.

Wat Samuha Pradittharam

Its Ubosot was completely constructed in 1897. Inside are very beautiful mural paintings depicting the Khawi folk tale, the main Buddha image taken from Sukhothai’s Ancient City and cast of bronze covering with gold leaves in the posture of subduing Mara, as well as, the images of the Lord’s 2 major disciples: Moggallana and Sariputta residing on both sides. In September every year, a traditional long boat race is organised at this temple.

Wat Phra Phutthachai

Wat Phra Phutthachai is situated on the foot of Khao Pathawi, Nong Pla Lai Sub-district, the same entrance as Phra Phutthachai National Park, where Phra Phutthachai or Roi Phra Phuttharup - a shadow of the Buddha is located on the cliff. A mondop - a square building with a crown-like spire - was built to cover it.

Wat Chanthaburi

The admirable points are the Ubosot, constructed in 1893 during the reign of King Rama III in brick and cement with a gable roof, Cho Fa - gable finial - and Bai Raka - crockets - on the roof. The gable is decorated with stucco relief and crockery.

Samnak Song Tham Krabok

It is a well-known rehabilitation centre for drug addicts. This monastic residence was established by a Buddhist nun, Mian Panchan in 1957. After her death, Luangpho Chamrun Panchan, her nephew, has continued the mission. He was awarded the “Magsaysay Award” on 10 September, 1975.

Sao Ronghai

Sao Ronghai is in Chao Mae Takhian Tong Shrine at Wat Sung, Tambon Sao Hai. It is located 500 meters from Sao Hai District Office. It is a large pillar, which is believed to be a female spirit because offerings people give to this pillar are all female items.

The Golden Buddha Image

The Golden Buddha Image resides at Wat Phra Yao. It is a Buddha image in the meditation posture measuring 110 centimetres wide at its lap, 170 centimetres high, round face, smiling lips and a flame-like spire on the head. It was constructed during the late Ayutthaya period.

Phra Phuttha Nirarokhantarai Chaiwat Chaturathit

It is the Buddha image of the East and one of the four images made by the Territorial Defense Department to express loyalty to King Rama VI and King Rama IX.