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Friday 17th March 2006
Englishman Arrested for Alleged Child Abuse

Pattaya Tourist Police, acting on information, raided a house in Soi Kao Talo and discovered a 43-year-old Englishman with five young boys in his home. The man was taken into custody and the boys interviewed by the police in an attempt to discover what was actually happening behind the closed doors of the residence.
According to the boys, the man met them and asked if they would like to come to his house and play video games. The five accepted this innocent sounding proposition and had a great time twiddling knobs and playing with the toggles of the video machines. However, they were somewhat taken aback when the man allegedly offered them 500 baht each if they would engage in activities of a sexual nature with him.
The boys told police they didn’t really want to do the things he asked but they were poor and 500 baht can go a long way in video game arcades and the like. The man warned the boys not to tell anybody about the little extras they were doing. All five boys are under the age of 15 and as such are deemed by the laws of Thailand to be minors. The Englishman remains in custody and will appear in court at a later date.