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  1. #76
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    It was flogging that was recently abolished in Saudi.
    Saudi Arabia Abolishes Flogging as a Punishment for Crime - The New York Times

  2. #77
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    Teaching as I did for a year in a strict Muslim country was pretty scary.
    Which one?

  3. #78
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    Yep, in your country, they just mow people down with guns. How do you allow that to happen? Pussies?

    You are a fucken loy toy, Snubby. There are good and brave people in all countries, even France. USA USA USA USA
    Speaking of guns , an Orthodox priest has been shot in France

  4. #79
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    actually never heard of the story of the teacher being beheaded in France, although I haven't been watching the World News so closely lately.
    head in the sand or the fairy clouds? It was front page news for 2 or 3 days last week.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Yup, and his political games. He's always been like that, though. Blame shoved on to westerners, Jews, Zionists, Israel and Australians in particular.
    He sure has but he is a politician afterall and as politicians do, he will play to the electorate.

    The good Doctor and I go back a long way. Sold Malaysia a couple communication satellites in 1994. Part of the deal included my company build a small bungalow for Mahathir atop a Langkawi mountian.
    Last edited by Norton; 01-11-2020 at 05:31 AM.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  6. #81
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    ^Can I have a lend of it for a while?

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    ^Can I have a lend of it for a while?
    Believe it is a museum now so sure. Go for it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Part of the deal included my company build a small bungalow for Mahathir atop a Langkawi mountian.
    Under his son's name probably. Oh we could share some stories about business in Asia.

  9. #84
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    Deconstructing France’s Emmanuel Macron

    November 1, 2020 by M. K. BHADRAKUMAR

    "The Modi government has earned the distinction as the “first non-western” voice to come out in support of French President Emmanuel Macron over the recent horrific killings in that country. This distinction apparently presents itself as too good to miss. The Rajya Sabha TV slotted a programme to castigate “Islamist terrorism” in France.

    Religious fundamentalism is repugnant. Indians should know it better than anybody, and what is happening in France is not difficult to understand. The French condition bears striking resemblance to India’s widespread social pathology.

    Islamophobia is on surge in French society, too. The thinly-veiled anti-Muslim statements, barbs and innuendos by senior French ministers are a daily occurrence. If assailants stabbed two Muslim women wearing veil near the Eiffel Tower, it no longer makes news. Patently anti-Muslim attitudes give respectability to Islamophobia and fuel social tensions, as France is also a multi-ethnic society like India.

    The Pew Research Center found in their Global Attitudes Survey in 2017 that 54.2% of the French regarded themselves as Christians, with 47.4% belonging to the Catholic Church. Islam is the second-most widely professed religion in France. Christians number roughly 38 million while Muslims account for close to 5.5 million. [Around 21 million French people do not have affiliation with any religion.]

    However, although Christianity is the most represented religion in France, there is deep disquiet in the Christian mind bordering on paranoia that feeds into Islamophobia. In democracies, it is a special responsibility for trade unions, churches, local newspapers and other public institutions to help foster social cohesion and promote civic participation and incubate the sense of responsibilities of citizenship, but that is not happening in France.

    Social tensions are also exacerbated due to the uneven growth and yawning social inequalities. The Internet significantly contributes to the radicalisation of society. Most important, in the most recent decades, there has been an overall weakening of the national ideology of secularism. France’s political and intellectual traditions have weakened.

    Enter Macron. Just a few days before the current mayhem, on October 2, in a long-awaited national address, Macron unveiled a plan to defend France’s secular values against what he termed “Islamist radicalism.”

    “Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today, we are not just seeing this in our country,” Macron said. His core theme was that his government will make “no concessions” in a new drive to push religion out of education and the public sector in France.

    He announced that the government would present a bill in December to strengthen a 1905 law that officially separated church and state in France. The new measures, Macron said, are aimed at addressing a problem of growing “radicalisation” in France and improving “our ability to live together”.

    This may seem a fine thing to do in the best traditions of separation of the state and religion. But the devil lies in the detail. Thus, while “secularism is the cement of a united France,” and Macron’s new law permits people to belong to any faith of their choosing, the outward displays of religious affiliation would be banned in schools and the public service! (By the way, wearing the hijab is already banned in French schools and for public servants at their workplace.)

    Macron claimed he is seeking to “liberate” Islam in France from foreign influences by improving oversight of mosque financing. There would also be closer scrutiny of schools and associations exclusively serving religious communities. In effect, Macron announced that France is once again evaluating its relationship with its Muslim minority, the largest in Europe.

    Macron’s remarks produced a furious reaction in the Muslim community. A prominent French Muslim activist tweeted: “The repression of Muslims has been a threat, now it is a promise. In a one hour speech Macron emboldened the far right, anti-Muslim leftists and threatened the lives of Muslim students by calling for drastic limits on home schooling despite a global pandemic.”

    Macron was speaking one week after a man attacked two people with a meat cleaver outside the former Paris offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly, an assault condemned by the government as an act of “Islamist terrorism”!

    What is Macron up to? In a nutshell, Macron is a besieged politician today. His electorate is abandoning him and he thinks he can save his political career by taking a page out of the far right’s playbook. Macron has failed to deliver on his promises, especially on the economy. Rampant street protests and major public sector strikes show that disaffection is growing exponentially. The so-called Gilets Jaunes (yellow vests) protests highlighted the depth of alienation. Macron has to order force to quell the protests.

    Major demonstrations erupted through last year against pension reforms, fuel-price hikes, police violence, and unemployment. The year ended with one of the longest public transportation strikes in French history, which paralysed the country.

    The upheaval has halved Macron’s ratings from approximately 60 percent in 2017 when he got elected as president. In the last municipal elections in June, his party suffered a crushing defeat. Macron is getting frantic, as the presidential election in April 2022 draws closer.

    Fanning the flames of Islamophobia is a desperate attempt by Macron at gaining political ground —- specifically, at the expense of the far right. Macron estimates that Islamophobia holds the key to galvanise the supporters of the far right.

    Macron is succeeding. A chorus of media pundits and politicians across the political spectrum has lately united in the conviction that French “values” are under threat and that the general population needs to mobilise for a fight.

    The mood is captured in a tweet by a senior politician Meyer Habib, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the National Assembly — “To arms, citizens”, using an evocative phrase from the French national anthem.

    The air is thick with highly provocative demands — that this “war” should include the rescinding of citizenship for Muslim migrants, obligation to adopt French first names, reinstatement of death penalty, etc.

    Now, the belligerent rhetoric has also put on the defensive Macron’s main political opponent in the presidential election, the socialist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, head of the France Insoumise (Unbowed France) party, against whom a smear campaign has begun for voicing disquiet over the stigmatisation of Muslims in the French society.

    In an attempt to undermine the Left by associating it with “Islamism”, which has a very negative connotation in the minds of the French majority, Mélenchon has been branded as an “Islamo-leftist”. This character assassination campaign may work to Macron’s advantage.

    But to be fair to Macron, he is only riding a popular wave, since for well over two decades, the French state has been moving in a vicious circle in its relationship with its Muslim citizens. Ali Saad, noted French sociologist and media critic focusing on the influence of mass media, wrote recently,

    “The [French] state still does not acknowledge the fact that Islam is a religion of France, that it is not wise to systematically remind or refer to French Muslims by their racial or geographic origins, and that French Muslim issues are inherently French issues.

    “The state does not want to recognise the fact that there is no empirical evidence to suggest that religion is a primary motivator for violent extremism and that radicalisation is a social phenomenon… The state has done little to address job and housing discrimination, police brutality, poverty and everyday racism and yet it accuses the French Muslim community of failing to “integrate” or even of “separatism”. It has relied on a security-centred approach in which Islam has been systematically perceived as an evil that society should confront, and Muslims as a threat to the way of life and to fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression.”

    In a nutshell, the French state has separated itself from the Muslim segment of the population and is insisting on treating them as outsiders. There is refusal to acknowledge that multiculturalism is innate to plural societies and should be embraced as such. (This is where Britain puts France to shame.)

    All in all, the Modi government shouldn’t have popped up as a flag carrier in the barricades where Macron has positioned himself. It draws attention needlessly to India’s deep-rooted malaise. It is sheer naiveté to assume that the crisis in France is over the the “French version of absolute liberty” (whatever that may mean.)

    This is a familiar Indian sight: a discredited politician taking a plausible route to stage a comeback and get re-elected — and that too, in the chaotic times of the pandemic. Inability to see Macron for the cowardly politics he practises makes us apologists for bigotry. "
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman View Post
    Part of their brain has been invested with a religion called Christianity. What I don't excuse are the christian apologists

    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    the complete silence and indifference from the muslim world to these and other terrorist attacks.
    See above for one voice from India who illustrates the illusion of France's alleged freedom of religious worship.

    Religion in France

    "Religion in France is diverse under secular principles. It can attribute its diversity to the country's adherence to freedom of religion and freedom of thought, as guaranteed by the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Major religions practised in France include Christianity about 47% overall of all denomination including (Catholicism, various branches of Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Armenian Orthodoxy), Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism amongst others, making it a multiconfessional country."

    Islam in India

    Girls chase doves in front of the Jama Masjid in Delhi.

    The mosque is one of the largest in India.

    "Islam is the second largest religion in India, with 14.2% of the country's population or roughly 172 million people identifying as adherents of Islam (2011 census).[63][64][65][66][67][68] It makes India the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries. "
    Last edited by OhOh; 02-11-2020 at 05:37 AM.

  11. #86
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    China has built 380 internment camps in Xinjiang, study finds

    China has built nearly 400 internment camps in Xinjiang region, with construction on dozens continuing over the last two years, even as Chinese authorities said their “re-education” system was winding down, an Australian thinktank has found.
    The network of camps in China’s far west, used to detain Uighurs and people from other Muslim minorities, include 14 that are still under construction, according to the latest satellite imaging obtained by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
    In total ASPI identified 380 detention centres established across the region since 2017, ranging from lowest security re-education camps to fortified prisons.
    That is over 100 more than previous investigations have uncovered, and the researchers believe they have now identified most of the detention centres in the region.

    Immigration offices in the Xinjiang/Kazakh border town of Khorgas. Photograph: ASPI
    “The evidence in this database shows that despite Chinese officials’ claims about detainees graduating from the camps, significant investment in the construction of new detention facilities has continued throughout 2019 and 2020,” said ASPI researcher Nathan Ruser.
    The information has been made public, including the coordinates for individual camps, in a database that can be accessed online, the Xinjiang Data Project.
    The camps were identified using survivor accounts, other projects tracking internment centres, and satellite images.
    ASPI said nighttime images were particularly useful, as they looked for areas that were newly illuminated outside towns; often these were the sites of freshly built detention centres, with daytime images giving a clear picture of construction.
    Many are also near industrial parks; there have been widespread reports that inmates at some internment camps have been used as forced labour.
    “Camps are also often co-located with factory complexes, which can suggest the nature of a facility and highlight the direct pipeline between arbitrary detention in Xinjiang and forced labour,” the report said.
    Beijing insists there are no human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities initially denied the existence of internment camps, then later described them as vocational training and re-education programmes that aim to alleviate poverty and counter terrorism threats.
    Last year a senior official claimed that most people held in camps had “returned to society”. However, China has not allowed journalists, human rights groups or diplomats independent access to the camps, and visitors to the region face heavy surveillance.
    Most information about the camps, and a wider government campaign against Muslim minorities in the region, has come from survivors who have fled abroad, leaked Chinese government documents, and satellite images that have confirmed the location and existence of camps.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Beijing insists there are no human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities initially denied the existence of internment camps, then later described them as vocational training and re-education programmes

  13. #88
    Thailand Expat HermantheGerman's Avatar
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    They should be called concentration camps.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    The fight against ameristani backed terrorism is worldwide.

    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman View Post
    hey should be called concentration camps.
    Guantanamo Bay is usually utilised or occasionally the Iraqi jail, where human rights were abused with the full approval of the ameristani administration

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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Guantanamo Bay is usually utilised or occasionally the Iraqi jail, where human rights were abused with the full approval of the ameristani administration
    Yup, and that's acknowledged by all. Not many apologists for it, unlike China and revolting people like you re Uighurs, Tibet etc...

    Try not only condemning western countries, WaahWaah, try condemming what's wrong irrespective of where it's happening - others do. Surely you can free yourself from your brainwashed China-upbringing

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Try not only condemning western countries
    There are many here on TD who already allegedly post what you ask for. Another voice is overkill.

    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Mid 40's before I experience China personally, long after my "upbringing". Initially Hong Kong, but the mainland more thoroughly later. Enjoyed it immensely.

    An immense market, under Central government official/world pressure to improve, who wanted world class solutions. Unfortunately not enough time to help them all. The Chinese typically try out new approaches and confirm they meet the improvement goals. Once proven, the solutions are rolled out where the greatest needs are. My efforts were still in the solution confirmation stage when I was withdrawn.

    C'est la vie.
    Last edited by OhOh; 24-11-2020 at 03:07 PM.

  17. #92
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    Which makes your wholesale swallowing of the CCP propaganda even more perplexing.

  18. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    The Chinese typically try out new approaches and confirm they meet the improvement goals. Once proven, the solutions are rolled out where the greatest needs are. the greatest need for concentration camps was in Xinjiang...looks like this strategy achieved the government goals of silencing dissent and suppressing Muslim culture...maybe the French should try a similar approach in Marseille: camps de concentration pour les etudes professionelles...voila!

  19. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    so the greatest need .... was in Xinjiangfor
    The suppression of foreign funded terrorism, yes.

    Some were initially killed outright, others offered a better long-term option - education, employment, better standard of living and religious tolerance. The majority adopted the long term option. Terrorist raids on law abiding citizens have become very infrequent.

    The rest are still facing the firing squad/local extermination by violent death, similar to most of the worlds terrorists.

    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    suppressing Muslim culture
    Foreign Terrorism, rather than religious culture, go and see for yourself.

    Were Xinjiang mosques demolished? Reporters investigate | Updated: 2020-11-23 10:33

    "In order to improve conditions in the mosques to better serve believers, Aksu and Hotan prefectures in Xinjiang have built, expanded and relocated some dilapidated mosques which were built in the 1980s to 1990s. Recently, some foreign media outlets claimed that the century-old Jami Mosque in Kashgar prefecture and Id Kah Mosque in Hotan prefecture had been demolished.

    To verify the allegations, reporters traveled to the two places and interviewed local religious figures and Muslims"

    Video available here:

    Were Xinjiang mosques demolished? Reporters investigate -
    Last edited by OhOh; 24-11-2020 at 04:23 PM.

  20. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Mid 40's before I
    left China. That explains why you are such a China bot

    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    There are many here on TD who already allegedly post what you ask for. Another voice is overkill.
    So, you don't even believe the shit you post . . . and you'll find everyone criticises the US, logically this means your addition is overkill - surely you're not a hypocrite. Or do you only free up your time to regale others with your vile pedophile-jokes?

    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    The suppression of foreign funded terrorism, yes.
    Oddly enough that's not what China says the concentration camps are for, after they initially denied their existence - so you are an even more pathetical liar than they are.

    A fuckwit in so many ways

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    The suppression of foreign funded terrorism, yes.

    Some were initially killed outright, others offered a better long-term option - education, employment, better standard of living and religious tolerance. The majority adopted the long term option. Terrorist raids on law abiding citizens have become very infrequent.

    The rest are still facing the firing squad/local extermination by violent death, similar to most of the worlds terrorists.

    Foreign Terrorism, rather than religious culture, go and see for yourself.

    Were Xinjiang mosques demolished? Reporters investigate | Updated: 2020-11-23 10:33

    "In order to improve conditions in the mosques to better serve believers, Aksu and Hotan prefectures in Xinjiang have built, expanded and relocated some dilapidated mosques which were built in the 1980s to 1990s. Recently, some foreign media outlets claimed that the century-old Jami Mosque in Kashgar prefecture and Id Kah Mosque in Hotan prefecture had been demolished.

    To verify the allegations, reporters traveled to the two places and interviewed local religious figures and Muslims"

    Video available here:

    Were Xinjiang mosques demolished? Reporters investigate -

    Chinese authorities have demolished thousands of mosques in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.Around 16,000 mosques had been destroyed or damaged, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) report based on satellite imagery documenting hundreds of sacred sites and statistical modelling.

    HooHoo the snivelling chinky sycophant: "But look, here's two that weren't!".

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    HooHoo the snivelling chinky sycophant: "But look, here's two that weren't!".
    But but but . . . they're all terrorists - millions of them, especially the toddlers

  23. #98
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    What I don't get is why the CCP don't do a Hitler and send em to met Alla with a Zyklon B shower. It's not like anyone has the power to stop them even if it was found to be happening.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    It's not like anyone has the power to stop them even if it was found to be happening.
    Stopping it wasn't a priority for Brits, Russians and Americans with Hitler either.

  25. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    What I don't get is why the CCP don't do a Hitler and send em to met Alla with a Zyklon B shower. It's not like anyone has the power to stop them even if it was found to be happening.
    Don't give them ideas.

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